Fair Catch (15 page)

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Authors: Cindy Roland Anderson

BOOK: Fair Catch
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He studied her for a few more seconds and part of her wished he’d rush back, pull her into his arms and kiss her until she couldn’t breathe.

He backed up slowly. “Good night.”

“’Night.” She watched him walk across the street and then softly closed the door. Turning around, she leaned against the door and put her hand over her heart. What was happening to her?

* * *

Ellie soaked up the sun, sitting in her parents’ backyard. She watched Cade play with the bubbles he’d picked out of the surprise basket this morning. Her head was in the clouds and she didn’t hear Betsy approaching.

“So, did you have fun last night?” Betsy’s question made Ellie jump.

She yelped and placed a hand over her pounding heart. “You scared me to death.”

Betsy giggled. “Sorry. I thought you heard me opening the gate.” Betsy wore her apron and Ellie was tempted to find out what she’d been baking. “So, you didn’t answer my question.” Betsy took a seat beside her. “Did you have fun last night?”

Ellie sighed. “Yeah, it was nice.” It was so nice that she hadn’t been able to think about anything else.

“Just nice?” Betsy scooted closer. “Ellie, are you holding out on me?”

Not really. Even Ellie couldn’t identify her feelings, although she thought it felt a little like falling in love.

She reached out her hand and absently picked at a blade of grass. “Betsy, he came over for smoothies and then stayed for a movie.”

“Hmm. You’re no fun.”

Maybe, but Nick hadn’t called her today and she knew he had her number. Her stomach churned with anxiety just thinking about the possibility that he regretted holding her hand. After Thomas had cheated and then walked out on her, she made a promise to never marry again. She had Cade and that would have to be enough. But after Nick left her house last night, she knew she wanted more.

“He’s a really nice guy, though—you were right about that.” She tipped her head to give Betsy a smile.

Her concession eased the frown puckering Betsy’s face. “I told you so.”

Ellie brought her knees to her chest, resting her chin on top. “I know…I should’ve listened to you in the first place.”

“Has he said anything more about the trip to California?” Betsy’s tone softened.

“Yeah. Last night he said everything was all set up.” She leaned back, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “He even has arranged for us to fly. I guess all of those frequent flyer miles add up.”

She still couldn’t believe he would accompany them to Disneyland. Ellie was excited, but still had reservations. Nick Coulter could destroy her as easily as Cade popped the fragile bubbles he was blowing.

Betsy stood up and brushed the grass from her backside. “I’m glad he’s helping you.” She glanced at her watch. “Gracious. I’m going to be late for my meeting.” She pulled off her apron and started for home. “I’ll see you later. Maybe by then you’ll want to talk.”

Ellie waved and then stood up herself. She had been waiting around all morning for Nick to call her. It was afternoon and she still hadn’t accomplished anything. Her laundry was still piled up and her fridge was empty.

“Cade, let’s go to the grocery store.”

He hopped up and down with excitement. “Can I get a donut?”

Ellie tousled his hair. “We’ll see.”

She slipped on a pair of flip-flops and grabbed her purse. Once in the car, she opened the garage door and backed out. While waiting for the garage door to shut, she pulled her visor down to check her appearance. She hadn’t even put any makeup on this morning. Except for the remnants of mascara, her face was bare. Cade was already buckled in and wouldn’t be very happy if she made him come back inside the house while she put on some makeup.

She picked up her purse and rummaged around inside, looking for some tinted lip-gloss. Someone knocked on her car window, making her drop her purse and scream. What was with Betsy today? She turned to glare at her and almost swallowed her tongue. Nick Coulter and his blue eyes were grinning at her.








Chapter Twelve



not to laugh, Nick motioned for Ellie to roll down her window. He hadn’t meant to scare her. It was cute catching her looking at herself in the mirror. Her face had turned pink, but other than that, she wasn’t wearing much makeup.

The window lowered and she looked up at him, a small smile played at her lips. “You scared me.”

“Sorry.” He placed his hands on the roof of her car and leaned down, peering through the open window. “I saw you were leaving and wanted to say hi.”

Her lips curved. “Hi.”

He heard rustling from the back, and then Cade called out his name. “Nick. Nick, I’m back here.”

Moving his hands from the top of the car, he lowered them to the ledge of the window and stuck his head partially inside. Ellie moved her head slightly away, but he could still feel her breath on his cheek. “Hey, Cade. How are you doing?”

“Good. Wanna come with us to the store? My mom might buy me a donut.”

He really loved this kid. “I wish I could, buddy, but I have to go to a dumb meeting today.” Nick pulled back, enabling him to peer into Ellie’s eyes. “Is it okay to use the word dumb?”

She laughed. “As long as you’re not calling anyone names then it’s okay.”

Nick’s eyes skimmed over her face, the skin flawless and smooth. Her lips were soft and full and if he didn’t move away…

He edged back, his hands still on the car. “I’ve been on the phone all morning, and I have several meetings which will go on into the evening. Can I call you tomorrow?”

“I’d like that.” Her voice was soft and low.

Nick wished he didn’t have to leave, but these next few weeks were his busiest time of the year. Soliciting money pretty much happened year round, but right now, he needed to prepare for the opening of his summer camps. He had camps in California and wanted to start one in Colorado. Those preparations had him leaving to Winter Park for more meetings and appearances.

His first meeting there was with Miss Colorado. Funny, a few weeks ago, Nick had been looking forward to meeting her. He tried not to mix business with pleasure, but admitted to himself at the time the appointment had been made that he was interested in her as a woman. Now, gazing into Ellie’s blue eyes, that appeal was no longer there.

Reaching in with his hand, he wound his finger around one of her curls. “Have a good day.”

“I will.” She swallowed, keeping her aqua-blue eyes centered on him. “You…too.”

“Mom, can we go now?” Cade hollered out.

He unwound his finger and slid it down her cheek. “I’ll see you later.”

Stepping away from the car, he put his hands in pockets. They looked at each other for another second and then she shifted her car into reverse. “Bye.”

He stood in her driveway and watched her car disappear. He had been around enough women to know what he was feeling wasn’t just mere attraction. There was something much deeper—an almost spiritual connection—going on here.

* * *

The next day, Ellie held the library door open for Cade and fought back the little niggling of fear that Nick had forgotten about her. She reached for Cade’s hand as they crossed the parking lot to their car.

Cade yanked on her hand, trying to make her go faster. “Come on, Mom. I wanna watch my movie.”

Ellie increased her pace, wishing she could outrun her anxiety. Today was the second day she’d waited for the phone to ring and she sure hoped she wouldn’t be disappointed.

After helping Cade into his booster seat, Ellie slid in behind the wheel. The cell phone in her front pocket dug into her thigh. She reached in and wiggled it out, placing it on the passenger seat.

Cade kept a running commentary all the way home about space shuttles and rockets. It kept her mind off of other things…like falling for a celebrity football player and getting her heart broken.

As she pulled into her driveway, she couldn’t help noticing Nick’s house still looked vacant. He could’ve parked in the garage, but since he’d moved in, his SUV always sat in the driveway. To be honest, she wasn’t sure if he had even made it home last night.

Cade raced into the house. By the time she got inside, he was sitting in front of the television watching his space shuttle movie. Ellie went into the kitchen and set her phone and purse on the counter. She had started a load of wash before they went to the library. Since she had very few clean clothes left, doing laundry was a high priority.

As she loaded the wet clothes into the dryer, she chastised herself for being so gullible. The first guy to pay attention to her and she was acting like a love-sick teenager. She started the dryer and then loaded more dirty laundry into the washer. Just as she closed the lid, she heard her cell phone ringing.

Wiping her hands across her jeans, she quickly walked to the counter and picked up her phone. A flock of butterflies launched in her stomach when she saw Nick’s name on the little screen.

“Hello.” She hated how nervous she sounded.

His voice was so smooth and deep. “Hey, I’m glad I caught you.”

Yeah, hook, line and sinker
. She was most definitely caught. “Me too.”

“Hey, I’m still up in Winter Park and this is the first second I’ve had to call you. I’m so sorry.”

“Is everything okay?” She tried not to think about all the possibilities staying overnight would entail.

“Yeah.” He let out a long breath. “Sometimes I have to work really hard at getting people to open up their checkbooks.”

Ellie immediately thought about Miranda and her obsession with
. “I’m sure that can be hard.”

He laughed dryly. “You have no idea. But to make a long story short, I think after I lose this round of golf it will have been worth my time.”

Jealousy flared at the thought of who he might be playing with. “Will losing be difficult?”

Nick let out a loud guffaw. “Lucky for me, Charles Baxter is a fantastic golfer. Losing is pretty much a given.”

She clasped a hand to her stomach, relief washing over her. “Well, good luck losing then.”

“Thanks.” He laughed again and she could almost see the way his blue eyes would look. “Oh man, I’ve gotta go, but will you have dinner with me tonight?”

Nick Coulter had just asked her out on a date! She grabbed a chair and sat down before her knees gave out on her. To think all her fears had been for nothing. Then another fear hit her: If they were seen in public, there would be a lot of speculation. Were they both ready for that?

“We can eat at my house,” he said, almost as if he could read her mind.

“I’d love to.” She had to force herself not to giggle out loud. “Do you want me to bring anything?”

“Maybe some of that apple-cinnamon bread you baked for me before.”

“Ha ha. If you want that, you’re asking the wrong neighbor out.”

He chuckled. “I don’t think Pastor Owen would go for that, do you?”

“He might not, but Betsy would probably be willing.”

She heard voices in the background. Nick let out another big breath. “It’s tee time. I’ll come get you around six. By the way, Betsy said she’d watch Cade.”

The phone went silent. Ellie sat staring at it, her excitement dampened. So was Betsy behind this date? She quickly made a call to Betsy. When she hung up five minutes later, she was floating on air. Nick had called Betsy this morning, asking her if she would watch Cade so he could take Ellie out on a date.

She started upstairs, wanting to pick out what she would wear, but her phone stopped her once again. Maybe Nick was calling back.

Her stomach sank when she looked at the caller-ID.

Thomas. Did she have to answer it?

She moved into the laundry room so Cade wouldn’t hear the conversation. Usually her discussions with Thomas were heated. “Hello.” She kept her voice dull and flat.

“Hi, Ellie.” He sounded way too cheerful.

“Yes.” Her reply was tight with irritation.

He sighed heavily. “Don’t you think it’s time to quit being so bitter? Come on, El, it’s been nearly five years.”

How dare he tell her how long it had been. She was fully aware of every second since he’d walked out, leaving her with a three-week-old baby.

She gripped the edge of the washer for support. “Why are you calling, Thomas?”

There was a long pause. She braced herself for curse words and criticism. He never liked to be questioned. “Look, I’ll get right to the point.” The straightforward and calm tone surprised her. “I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be able to come take Cade after all.”

She didn’t want Thomas to come. Not when she had plans to go with Nick. “I’ve already made other arrangements.”

He cleared his throat. “You’re kidding?”


“Ellie, I’ve rearranged my whole schedule to be with Cade.” His voice sounded oddly patient. “In fact, I have a little more time to spend with him so I thought it would be nice to come out a little early.”

What was going on? His calm polite manner was almost a little creepy. “How early?” One week without Cade was already going to kill her.

“Well, actually, I’m in New York and I’m taking the red-eye to Denver. I’ll be there in the morning.”

Panic gripped her stomach. “Why didn’t you call me sooner?”

He laughed ruefully. “Come on, El…I’m sorry I didn’t call. It all came together so quickly that I didn’t have time.” He sighed. “Hey, I thought you’d be happy that I’m coming to see you and Cade.”

In what universe?
The man was completely demented if he thought she’d be happy about him coming to take her little boy away. And why would she want to see him? “Cade will be thrilled.”

She wouldn’t, but when did what she want matter to Thomas?

When he ended the call, she sat motionless, leaning against the rotating washer, her thoughts as agitated as the clothes being cleaned.

Thomas was coming. Tomorrow. How was she going to handle it? And what about the arrangements Nick had made?

Worse, she would be separated from Cade. If Thomas insisted on making Cade stay with him in the hotel this weekend, it would kill her. She couldn’t imagine her ex-husband would want a little boy with him—it would cut into his hunt for female companionship while visiting Colorado. But he might do it just to spite her.

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