Fair Catch (27 page)

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Authors: Cindy Roland Anderson

BOOK: Fair Catch
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Grasping his hand firmly, Nick smiled. “Thank you. How have you been?”

Rob chuckled and leaned back in his chair. “I can’t complain.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Nick placed his hand on Ellie’s arm. “This is Ellie Garrett. Ellie, meet Rob Edwards.”

“Ah, so this is the lovely woman everyone is buzzing about.” He winked at Ellie. “I’m happy to meet you.”

Ellie settled a cloth napkin on her lap, her cheeks turning a becoming shade of pink. “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you.”

Rob slung his arm around his wife. “Ellie, this is my beautiful wife Meredith. Last week we celebrated our twenty-third anniversary.”

“Congratulations,” Ellie said, picking up her fork.

“Thank you.” Meredith’s eyes widened when she saw Ellie’s plateful of food. She moistened her lips and watched Ellie eat a bite of crab salad. “And what is it you do, Ellie? Are you an actress or a model?”

A startled breath escaped from Ellie’s mouth, and she nearly choked on her food. “No,” she said after taking a quick sip of water. “I’m a mother.”

“Oh,” the woman sitting next to Meredith said. “That explains why you’re eating so much. When’s your baby due?”

The fork fell from Ellie’s fingers and clattered on the table. “I-I’m not pregnant.” She cast a frantic look toward Nick. “I’m here with Nick. As his date. We’re not…I already have a little boy.” Her eyes flickered down to her plate. “I haven’t eaten since this morning.”

Nick opened his mouth to intervene on her behalf when another woman sitting a few seats down said in a loud voice, “Honey, you know you can get help for your bulimia.” It was clear she had been drinking as her words slurred together. “I used to binge all the time.”

Ellie’s chin went up as she reclaimed her fork. “I can’t throw-up when I’m sick. Why would I do it on purpose?”

Rob guffawed loudly. “That’s the best line I’ve heard all night.”

Meredith snickered and stood up from the table. “Ellie, you’ve inspired me.” She picked up her plate that consisted of a few pieces of lettuce and a tomato. “I’m dying for lobster tail and some cheesecake.”

The other women at the table watched Meredith leave. After a few seconds, several chairs grated against the floor as every woman, except the drunk, got up and rushed to the buffet table.

Rob’s eyes were filled with amusement. “Ellie, I think you just started a new Hollywood fad.”

The drunken woman stood up and pointed an unsteady finger at them. “I was pregnant once. I gained seventy pounds.” She started mumbling something about twenty hours of labor and a no-good son as she stumbled away.

Ellie picked up a juicy baby back rib with her fingers and looked back and forth between Nick and Rob. “I don’t really look pregnant, do I?”

Nick and Rob both burst out laughing. “No,” Nick finally said. “You do not look pregnant.”

Grinning, Rob leaned forward, handing Nick a business card with his personal cell phone number. “I wouldn’t let this woman go if I were you,” he whispered conspiratorially.

Nick pocketed the business card and placed his hand on Ellie’s back, rubbing it lightly. “I don’t plan on it.”

Leaning back, Rob chuckled softly. “Nick, give me a call and let’s see what I can do to help you out this year.”

“Thanks, Rob. I appreciate the offer.”

* * *

“Mom, can I go over to play at Betsy’s now?” Cade said, coming to the bathroom doorway. He had his backpack on and was holding his Toy Story sleeping bag.

Betsy had invited Cade to have a sleepover with a couple of her grandchildren tonight and all day the poor little boy had been chomping at the bit to get over there. “Well,” Ellie said, glancing at her watch. “I think it’s finally time to go.”

It was also nearly time for Nick to pick her up for her surprise date. He’d been gone all week long and had returned home a couple of hours ago. All she knew about tonight’s date was to wear something dressy.

She reached out and took his sleeping bag from him. “Come on, sweetie. You’ve been very patient today.”

He practically bounced down the stairs. “I hope you won’t miss me.”

Ellie tousled his hair. “I will miss you, but if I get lonely, I’ll sneak over and have a sleepover with you.”

“Okay.” He raced out the back door and Ellie followed after him.

Cade left the Stewarts’ door wide open. When Ellie made it to the house, Betsy stepped out on the porch. She wore an apron over a bright yellow shirt. Ellie could smell the heavenly scents wafting from the kitchen. “Mmm. Maybe I’ll skip dinner and stick around here.”

Betsy’s eyes crinkled. “Yes, but then you wouldn’t get to spend quality alone time with the man you’re in love with.”

Ellie handed over Cade’s sleeping bag. “Why do I get the feeling you know what Nick is up to, but I don’t?”

Betsy rolled her eyes. “I told you I don’t know anything. Just because Nick is being a little evasive about where he’s taking you to dinner, doesn’t mean I have any information.”

“I guess,” Ellie said on a sigh. “It’s just Nick is being so vague about everything and when I ask him about it, he acts like he’s hiding something.” She crossed her arms in front of her. “I swear if it’s another party Alec just happened to get invited to—I’m not going—no matter how persuasive Nick is.”

Betsy chortled. “We both know you’d do anything for that man.”

Ellie thought about the party last week and groaned. Betsy was right. She would do anything for Nick. “He wouldn’t do that to me, would he?”

“Ellie,” Betsy said, gently pushing her out the door. “Go home and finish getting ready. You and Nick will have a wonderful time, so stop worrying.”

“Call if Cade needs me.”

Betsy waved her off. “We’ll be just fine. I have a fun night all planned out. Owen will be home soon, and he’s bringing ice cream.”

Cade would have fun. Truthfully, so would Ellie. “Okay. Thanks, Bets.”

She returned home and marched straight to the bathroom. Gazing at her reflection, she debated about pulling her hair up. But Nick loved her hair down, so she left her ringlets to continue drying and proceeded to touch up her makeup.

Once she was satisfied, she padded bare foot into her bedroom and pulled open the closet doors. She reached in and removed the chic black dress Nick’s mother had bought her last week. Carolyn insisted every woman needed the classic “little black dress” and refused to take no for an answer. Ellie peeled away the thin plastic covering and stepped into the dress. The straight skirt came just above her knees, the bodice nipped at the waist with a square neck and short sleeves. She had to admit she looked pretty good in the dress.

As Ellie slipped on a pair of black pumps, she wondered if there would be any pictures taken of her and Nick tonight. She hated the fact that at any given moment, someone might snap a picture of them whether she was ready or not. She also hated that the pictures showed up on the Internet or in any one of the tabloids.

Just thinking about the pictures circulating right now made her stomach twist with anxiety. Thomas had called a couple of nights before, verbalizing his unhappiness in his usual demeaning manner. She recalled the conversation for the hundredth time.

“Nice picture of you and your boyfriend.”

“What picture?”

Thomas laughed derisively. “The one at some Hollywood shindig. What I’d like to know is where our son was while you were out partying?”

Ellie detected jealousy in his voice. With his thinly veiled threat from before, she didn’t want to make him angrier by telling him it was none of his business. “Cade stayed with Nick’s parents. He was perfectly safe.”

“How convenient.” His mocking tone made her want to hang up. The next question left her sputtering. “Are you sleeping with him?”

Why did people always accuse others of something they would do? “Of course not!”

He chuckled darkly. “I think it’s time I made another visit to see my son.”

Her stomach dropped. “Thomas, I’m not doing anything immoral. I’ve never been that way, and I haven’t changed.”

“Right. I’m supposed to believe that Coulter likes you for you?”

He was getting mean again. Ellie knew he wanted to fight with her. “Is there anything else you needed?” She tried keeping her voice devoid of any emotion.

“Not from you!”

She took a deep breath. “Okay.”

“I’m coming to Colorado. The fourth of July is my holiday with Cade, so don’t make any plans.”

Before she could even take another breath, Thomas ended the call.

Closing her eyes, she forced herself to stop worrying. Nick had helped calm her down and had even gone as far as having his attorney call and talk to Ellie, reassuring her of her rights.

But later that night, Thomas had emailed her a segment of the custody agreement with the holidays highlighted in yellow. Technically, Thomas did have the summer holidays with Cade. Ellie had been the one to make this stipulation. At the time, she’d been thinking if Thomas spent time with their son, maybe he would want her back as well.

She hadn’t told Nick about the threatening email, especially the part where Thomas told her that he was making arrangements to relocate back to Colorado so he could spend more time with Cade. The joint custody Ellie had insisted on had a clause that if Thomas lived within the vicinity of Ellie’s home, he could have Cade every other weekend. He’d never once exercised those rights, but now it looked like he would just to spite her. She knew all he wanted to do was cause trouble for her.

Oh how she wished she could go back and sign the first document Thomas had sent where he had agreed to pay child support but did not want custody or any visitation rights. In her wounded state of mind, she had thought she was doing what was best for Cade. Now she knew differently.

Determined to push Thomas out of her mind, she spritzed on the Ralph perfume Nick had given her in California, and then made her way down the stairs. She grabbed her purse and glanced at the wall clock as the knot of anxiety unraveled, turning into anticipation.

In approximately five minutes she would be with Nick again.








Chapter Twenty-One



had worked diligently for the past week, trying to get everything ready for tonight. He hoped Ellie could put Thomas’s call aside and enjoy their evening together. Pictures from the party in L.A. had appeared on the cover of a few tabloids and on the Internet. From what Ellie had said, Thomas sounded more like a child throwing a temper tantrum. The guy had yet to follow through with any of his threats—Nick hoped that would always be the case.

Looping the aqua-blue and silver striped tie around his neck, he mechanically knotted it in a half Windsor. His hands shook slightly as he completed the task. His nervous energy felt more like getting ready to play in the Super Bowl. But the stakes were much higher with this game plan.

Nick slipped on his suit coat and made his way downstairs, reading the last text message on his phone. He replied with his estimated arrival time and then tucked the phone in his pocket as he crossed the street to get Ellie.

She answered the door and gave him a smile that took his breath away. As usual, she looked beautiful, even in a simple black dress; the sexy black heels she wore reminded Nick that Ellie had a nice pair of legs.

Taking a quick look around the neighborhood, Nick pulled Ellie to him and gave her a lingering kiss. Five days was way too long to be apart. He edged back so he could look into her eyes. “I missed you.”

A soft sigh escaped through her lips. “I missed you too.”

He stepped back and laced his fingers through hers. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” As they started to cross the street, she asked, “So, where are you taking me all dressed up?”

Ellie had already asked him this question when he’d called her this morning. Opening the car door, Nick helped her into the seat. Placing his hands on the frame of the SUV, he leaned down and gave her the same answer as this morning. “It’s a surprise.”

Before Ellie could ask any more questions, Nick closed the door and went around to the driver’s side. Once he sat behind the wheel, he looked at her sidelong. “You really do look beautiful.”

Ellie clicked on her seatbelt. “Thank you. So, you never did say where you’re taking me.”

He laughed. “Nice try. It’s a surprise, remember?”

She clasped her hands tightly. “Please don’t tell me it’s another party that Alec got you into.”

“Hey, I thought you liked that party.”

She looked at him incredulously. “I liked being with you. Besides, I’ve only had a week to recover—I can’t handle another one this close.”

He reached across the seat, winding his finger in one of her curls. “It’s not another party.” Dropping his hand, he started the car.

“Let’s see. Do I have to wear a blind fold?” she asked as he pulled out of the cul-de-sac.


“Will I like where you’re taking me?”

“I hope so.”

“How far away is it?”

He gave her a low chuckle. “You’re full of questions tonight.”

“Sorry. I guess I’ll just have to wait and be surprised.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You don’t like surprises?”

She heaved a sigh. “No. I’m terrible at waiting. My parents had to lock up my Christmas presents until Christmas Day to limit the temptation for me to snoop.”

“Hmm. That’s good to know.” He pointed to the glove box. “There’s something in there I think you’ll like. Hopefully it will ease your pain.”

“Is it chocolate?”

“No,” he said with a laugh.

She popped open the door and squealed in delight. “This is Phillip Jacobs’ new CD. It’s not even available until next week.” She gasped when she saw the personal inscription. “How did you do this?”

Ellie was fun to give gifts to. He grinned and merged onto the freeway. “I have connections.”

“Thank you, Nick.” She slipped the disk in the CD player. The first number was a love song. After a few moments, Nick stole a glance only to find Ellie watching him with soft eyes, her lips tilted up in a thoughtful smile.

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