Faith (My Misery Muse) (11 page)

Read Faith (My Misery Muse) Online

Authors: B. Betzold

Tags: #romance, #contemporary romance, #tattoos, #rockstars, #rockstar romance, #my misery muse

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“You’re welcome, baby,” he whispered then
turned around and walked towards the front door.

I followed behind wondering what I could do
to fix the tension that was now between us.

He walked in and I followed behind heading
towards the living area and looked around. Drake opened his mouth
but I shushed him. “What the hell?” I muttered. “Devi, where are
you?” I yelled.

“In the kitchen,” she yelled back.

We headed that direction, but I still
couldn’t get over how quiet it was, her house was never this

“Hey, where is everyone?”

“Hmm, what do you mean?” she said while going
straight for Quinn who was still strapped in her car seat.

“Uhm, your house is quiet.”

“Oh, Seth took the kids to run an

Okay, something was not right.

“Hey Sweetie, come see your Aunt Devi,” she
said taking the car seat from Drake and setting it on the table.
Next thing I know, she’s spun around, grabbed my wrist and I heard
a snap then a startled “What are” from Drake and another snap.

I looked down and saw what had made the
clicking noise. My best friend had just handcuffed me to her

“Devlin, I swear to god if you don’t take
these off I am going to…” but Drake stopped when he saw the look on
Devi’s face.

“Sorry, can’t take them off.”

“Why not?” I asked quietly thinking of the
best place to hide her body.

“Don’t have the key.”

“What do you mean you don’t have the key?”
Drake seethed.

“I.Don’t.Have.The.Key,” she enunciated.
“Geesh and to think the parental units said you were the smart

“Where is the key?” I asked trying to remain

She shrugged and tilted her head to the side.
“Not really sure.”

“What the fuck Devi?” Drake yelled.

“I warned you, fix it or I would handcuff you
together, you didn’t fix it so handcuffs it is. Now me and this
sweet girl are going; talk to you later.” Then she ran out the door
with my daughter and all I could do is watch in stunned belief.

“I swear I am going to strangle her this
time,” Drake muttered.

I was still watching the door waiting for her
to come back laughing and unlocking the cuffs, but she didn’t.

“Aw fuck,” I finally yelled.

“Glad you finally rejoined me, darling.”


“Unlock the fucking cuffs, Seth,” I bit

He was laughing. “I can’t.”

“What do you mean you can’t?”

“Because,” he pointed at the chest in their
bedroom he was currently digging through and pulled out four sets
of handcuffs, “all of ours are here.”

“So see if their key will work.”

He shook his head. “Don’t think it will.”

“Why not?”

“Uhm these are custom made,” he

“Fucking try it anyway.”

“Okay, but they won’t work,” he muttered.

He attempted to unlock the handcuffs with the
key he had. “Try the other keys.”

“What other keys?”

“You held up four sets of cuffs, right?”

He nodded. “Yeah, but the same key works on
each of them.”

“Fuck, I am going to kill her.”

“Seth, why do you have custom made
handcuffs?” Mags asked.

“Wedding present from X.”

She nodded like this made complete sense.
After she finally realized that Devi wasn’t coming back, she
started ranting about where to bury the body, but for a few minute
she had been calm, eerily calm.

I sighed. “Fine, guess we will find some bolt
cutters or something and get out of these.” Seth started shaking
his head.

“What?” I asked.

“Bolt cutters won’t work; these are made by
the same place that made ours.”

“Okay and that means what?”

“Custom made, titanium handcuffs with only
one key to unlock them is what they specialize in.”

I sighed. Okay then. “So how do we get out of

Seth looked at me. “Work out your shit?”

“We are.”

“Apparently not or my wife wouldn’t of done
this,” he stated.

“Your wife is a lunatic.”

“No, my wife is watching two people she loves
hurting and she can’t stand it. So she’s doing what she can think
of to keep them from hurting each other.”

“At least I know Quinn is okay,” Mags

“How can you be so calm?” I asked.

She shrugged. “Cause Devi will let us out
when she’s ready and not a second before, not any real point in
arguing about it.”

“Fine,” I bit out. “What do we do now?”

“Try not to kill each other,” she chirped
then yanked my arm hard as she walked out of the bedroom dragging
me with her.

Oh this was going to be a terrific fucking

Chapter 20


Getting into Drake's truck handcuffed
together was an interesting event. He ended up wrapping an arm
around my waist and picking me up, sliding us both into the driver
seat with me sitting in his lap, and I couldn’t resist giving a
little wiggle that caused him to growl. He slid me over the console
and into the passenger seat where we attempted to fasten our
seatbelts one handed—not an easy task.

“So where are we headed?” I asked.

“I have no idea, what did you have planned

“Uhm, hang out with Quinn and get some work
done, but I can’t exactly do that now.”

Drake nodded. “Okay then, I was going to hang
out at my place maybe play some pool with Sam if he’s there.”

“Why would Sam be at your place?”

“He’s staying there for a while.”


“Someone’s staying at his place.”


“I don’t know.”

“You didn’t ask?”

He gave me a look like I was crazy. “No, why
would I?”

I shook my head; guys were strange.

“Uhm, because he’s staying with you and
someone is staying at his place. Why not just stay there as

“Don’t know, don’t care.”

Okay then, I don’t think I will ever
understand the male race.

“So then your place?” I asked.

“That’s fine with me,” he said. “I want to
call X and see if he has the keys to these things.”

I sighed. “Fine, let’s go then.”

We walked into his house and I heard the most
haunting piano music playing through the house. What the hell? I
looked over at Drake and he shrugged.

We made it into the game room where Sam was
sitting on the couch on the phone.

“I don’t give a shit,” I heard him say before
glancing up and seeing us. “Hey I got to go, we’ll talk about this

“Hey Sam,” I said.

“Hi Mags.”

“What are you listening to?”

“Our new single.”

“Really, who’s playing the piano?”


“Can I hear all of it?”

“Yeah.” He did something with a remote and
the song that was just fading out restarted.

I sat down beside Sam and he quirked an
eyebrow at the handcuffs but didn’t ask.

“So you guys finished it?” asked Drake.

“This morning.”

It was beautiful and sad. “One of

Sam shook his head. “No this one is mine”

Huh, it was usually Seth who wrote the
depressing songs. When it was over I looked over at a very morose
looking Sam. “What’s it called?”

“Faith,” he answered then looked over at
Drake, “so she did it, huh?”

“Who did what?”

He pointed at us. “The handcuffs, I heard her
threaten him the other day.”

“Yeah, she did it all right,” he grumbled. “I
gotta call X.”

I shrugged, whatever there was no reason to
be get pissy.


While I waited for X to answer his phone I
looked over at Sam, I knew something was going on with him but he
would talk when he wanted.

“Whatcha need, Drake,” X said when he

“Did Devi borrow any handcuffs from you?”


“Did she steal any?”

“Uhm, nope.”

“Are you sure; can you check, this is Devi
were talking about?”

“I can honestly say she did not take any of
my handcuffs,” he huffed. “Damn Cin, use your teeth a little.”

“What the hell?” I barked out.

“No suck harder,” he murmured. “I can say she
does not have any of my handcuffs since they are currently being
put to use.”

“You answered the god damn phone while my
cousin is giving you head?” I asked incredulously.

“Well technically I’m fucking her—” I hung
up—god damn Xavier.

I tossed the phone on the table beside the
couch and looked over at a slacked jawed Mags and Sam who then
started laughing their asses off. I didn’t find it amusing in the

“That’s twice this week,” I muttered.

“Twice what?” asked Mags.

“Twice that I’ve heard more than I wanted to
about my family's sex lives.”

They both looked at me confused. “Devi

“Enough said,” interrupted Mags, “though she
and Seth do seem to have an interesting sex life.”

“I don’t wanna hear it, Mags,” I growled.

“Sam, did you know Seth drilled holes into
their bed and put D rings in it?”

“No I didn’t know that, and not sure if I
wanted to, to begin with.”

This caused Mags to start giggling. “Yeah
there are like six on the headboard and six on the footboard; you
can’t see them because the mattress blocks them.”

Both Sam and I groaned. “Enough Mags!”

“Oh come on, you have to admit the things you

She stopped talking when I slammed my mouth
against hers and shoved my tongue in. I continued to kiss her
roughly and when she started to get into the kiss, I broke it off.
“Enough,” I growled against her lips which caused her to

I dragged Mags to her feet, entwined her
fingers with mine and pulled her back to my room.

“Now Mags,” I murmured against her neck.

“Uh huh.”

“We need to get a few things clear,

“Uh huh,” she whimpered when I hit a
particular spot I had learned she loved.

“You are mine, honey.” She began to shake her
head no. “Oh yes, baby, you are, you just don’t realize it yet.”
With that, I grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her hard and
quick. “On your knees, Mags.” She gave me a stunned look. “Now

She dropped to her knees and looked up at me
under her lashes. Damn, she was gorgeous. I unbuttoned my pants and
pulled the zipper down. “Take me out nice and easy, baby,” I
murmured and brought my hand to the side of her face rubbing my
thumb against her lips. She did as I told her; when I was out for
her to see, she licked her lips causing me to groan. Damn, this was
going to be fun.

I tapped her cheek. “Open, baby.” She did as
she was told and I grabbed a handful of her hair grasping it
tightly and pulled her to my cock. “Now lick me.” She whimpered as
her tongue swept across the head of my cock. Damn, that felt good.
“Now suck me.” She opened her mouth wide and sucked me as far as
she could go. “Oh that feels good, baby.” I let her bob her head up
and down a few times then gripped her hair harder and started to
move her the way I wanted. “Now baby, who do you belong to?” She
shook her head as much as she could with my cock shoved in her

“Oh no, darling,” I told her, “it’s my cock
in your mouth right now; my cock that’s going to be filling that
pussy that’s aching for me right now. Who the fuck do you belong
to, Mags?”

She whimpered around my dick and I pulled her
head back popping her sweet mouth off me. “Who do you belong to,
Mags?” I asked again.

“You, Drake, I belong to you.”

“You sure about that, darling?”

She nodded.

“No, you need to say it, baby.”

“I’m sure,” she whimpered.

“You want me to fuck you, baby?” I asked

“Please Drake.”

“Strip and get on the bed.”

“Uhm the cuffs,” she reminded me.

“Shit, okay let’s get those pants off then.”
I helped her remove her pants and panties and turned her around so
she was facing the bed. “On the bed baby, on your knees, your ass
in the air,” I told her, then slapped her ass. She climbed on the
bed and I followed. I bent her hands behind her back holding them
in place with the hand that was handcuffed to hers and grabbed a
condom from the drawer, ripped it open and put it on. I reached
between her legs and slid my finger between her folds. “You ready,

“Yes, Drake, please.”

I continued to rub against her lower lips
until she whimpered. “You sure, honey?”

She nodded. “Please, Drake, fuck me now.”

“All right, honey,” I told her, then entered
her fast and hard. “Is that what you need, darling, you need my
cock stretching your pretty pussy?”

“God, Drake, just fuck me already.”

“No, I don’t think I will; I think I will
stay just like this,” I told her. “You see I don’t think you
actually meant it when you said you belonged to me, so I am
thinking if I stay right here, and you can feel every inch of me
filling you like no one else ever has or will, you’ll start to get
what I am telling you.”

She wiggled her hips trying to get me to
move, but I wasn’t going to until she admitted that she was

“Drake, please move.”

“Who do you belong to, Mags?” I asked. “And
you better fucking mean it or I will pull out and we can leave this
room right now. Since we are handcuffed together you can’t do a god
damn thing about the empty feeling you’ll have when I leave your

“I swear to god, Drake—”

“What?” I interrupted,” you’ll what

She huffed out a breath. “I am fucking yours,
Drake, okay, I am yours,” she screamed out.

“Finally you’re getting it, honey,” I told
her and dragged my aching cock slowly out of her. I wrapped my
other hand in her hair and pulled her head back and then I thrust
in to her hard. I nuzzled into her neck. “Mine,” I told her.

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