Faith (My Misery Muse) (19 page)

Read Faith (My Misery Muse) Online

Authors: B. Betzold

Tags: #romance, #contemporary romance, #tattoos, #rockstars, #rockstar romance, #my misery muse

BOOK: Faith (My Misery Muse)
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Luckily before that could go much further,
Ash walked in with Quinn and Jaks behind her; I reached out for

“She hasn’t been fed yet,” Ash said, “thought
you might want to handle that.”

I nodded and went to work getting Quinn
latched on, X staring at my boobs the entire time, I rolled my eyes
at him and he shrugged.

X plopped a plate in front of me and glared.
“Eat,” he barked.

I just looked at him. “Uhm, okay.”

“I got yelled at yesterday by Drake because
you’re losing weight, so eat.”

“Okay.” I replied fighting the urge to laugh
at him.

Devi cleared her throat and I looked up. I
didn’t like the look on her face, and I knew it whatever she was
about to say was not going to be a good thing for me.


“Well we’ve been talking, and we want you to
tell Drake that when he gets out of the hospital he’s coming here
for a little while.”

I shook my head at her. “Nope, not doing

“But it has to be you,” she whined.

“Why me?”

“Cause you’re the one fucking him,” X

I glared at him and he just shrugged.

“He won’t yell at you as much,” he added.

“He won’t throw anything at you,” added

“He might actually listen to you,” said Seth
from the doorway.

I glared at all of them, but I knew I wasn’t
going to get out of it, I finally sighed. “Fine,” I grumbled then
attacked my breakfast.


I just stared at the speech therapist like
she was an alien. I finally sputtered out, “You want me to do

She smiled at me. “Sing, things like nursery
rhymes, also some tongue twisters, read out loud, you could even
sing your favorite songs.”

I continued to stare at her. “I can’t

She giggled. “You’re not doing it to sound
great, you’re doing it to stretch a muscle in essence. It will help
the language center of your brain and body work together and help
with the aphasia.”

I nodded. “Okay, I guess I can give it a

“Good, this is something you can do by
yourself, and we will work on more extensive therapies during our
sessions. We will also try and figure out what triggers the


She smiled kindly at me. “You have a very
mild case, Drake. You will be back to normal with only a few lapses
a week soon, as long as you work with me.”

“I can do that.”

“Good,” she said. “I will get you on the
calendar, and then when you’re about to be released we can get a
schedule made for out therapy.”

“Sounds good.”

“Okay, then I will talk to you soon.” She
waved and then left.

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed, this
was just the icing on the fucking cake today. I had already spoken
with the physical therapist. He said we could get to work as soon
at the casts came off and the doctor gave his okay. Not sure how
long that was going to be at this point, but they all had high
hopes that I would be able to walk eventually, but with the amount
of damage to bone and muscle they weren’t sure to what extent my
range of motion would be. Also the rod, pins, and plates would be
there indefinitely, there were concerns with the bone not being
strong enough without them. I would be use some sort of crutch for
a while, but they were pretty positive that I would eventually be
able to walk on my own with the possible occasional use of a cane.
The pain meds were making it difficult to remember all they’d said,
all I had been told, but I’m sure Mags and Devi were keeping track
of all this for me. I fucking hated the pain meds, half the time it
felt like I was living in a fog, the other half I hurt. But, from
the little pain I had while the meds were beginning to wear off I
appreciated them, just wish they didn’t make me feel like a

Every time I moved, my ribs screamed at me,
my wrist and leg throbbed, and my chest ached when I took a deep
breath. The doctors said that I was healing quickly but it sure as
hell didn’t feel like it. I was just so ready to get out of the
hospital and stop being a burden on everyone. I sighed and ran my
good hand through my hair, maybe I shouldn’t get involved with Mags
right now. She didn’t need all my added shit to her already growing
list. She had so much going on with trying to run her business,
taking care of Quinn, the douche, adding to it all just didn’t seem
like the right thing to do. On top of that, I was broken now. I
won’t be able to help her like I should, I won’t be able to protect
her and Quinn. What was I doing thinking that we could be something
more when I have nothing to give her now? I should just end it now
before anyone gets hurt, before she can realize that I’m not the
same person I was before this happened.


I looked towards the door and found Mags
standing there with her hands on her hips glaring at me.

“Stop what?”

“Stop looking for ways to get out of this,”
she demanded.

“I’m not doing anything.”

“Yes you are. You’re sitting there wondering
if we should be doing this, but Drake you are not broken. Yes, your
body may be a bit more battered than normal, but you are still the
caring, overprotective, sarcastic asshole I fell for to begin with,
nothing’s changed that.”

“A bit more battered?” I asked raising my

“All right a lot more battered, happy?” she
asked and stuck her tongue out at me.

“Honey, are you sure about this? It’s not
going to be easy.”

I know, nothing with you is
ever easy.”

I shook my head. “I really don’t think you
know what you’re getting yourself into, all the therapies, doctors’

“Ah yes, because I wouldn’t of thought of any
of that,” she said interrupting me.

I glared at her and she glared right

She finally sighed. “I love you Drake, and we
will make it work.”

I nodded but I wasn’t as sure as she

She bent down and that’s when I noticed Quinn
sitting in her car seat, she unclipped her and pulled her out.
“Let’s go make Daddy feel better, huh Quinny,” she murmured and
rubbed her face against her head. I just stared; she just called me
Daddy. Mags glanced back up at me. “What’s wrong, Drake?” I just
continued to stare; I don’t think she even realized what she

“You just referred to me as Daddy,” I finally

She looked shocked and then started chewing
on her bottom lip. “I’m sorry, Drake. I didn’t…I didn’t even
realize I said that, I—”

“Mags, shut up.”

She continued to just stare at me.

“Bring me my princess.”

She nodded and I reached my good arm out,
pulled her down and kissed her. “That is one of the best things I
have ever heard in my life,” I murmured against her lips, “a close
second to when you told me you loved me.”

She smiled against my mouth. “Now give me my
daughter,” I ordered breaking away from the kiss smiling.

Chapter 34


We’ve gotten into a routine the past few
days. Quinn and I would come up to the hospital and I would work
while Drake and Quinn would nap and play. It was relaxed and easy
and Drake was doing better, they had been lowering his pain meds,
and we were all hoping that he would be released soon.

I still hadn’t talked to him about staying
with Devi once he was released. I knew we could go back to his
place, and it would be easier on him since there were no stairs,
but I was told not in under any circumstances was that going to
happen. They were still worried about my and Quinn’s safety, since
no one had heard anything about Brent in a while. And the cops
never figured out who had broken into my house even though we all
knew, there was no proof. Though I had been getting a lot of hang
ups on my cell lately, we were never able to trace the phone number
back to anyone, but the guys had hired someone to look into it.
Drake and I had been putting off a lot of serious conversations,
neither of us wanting to change the mood that’s taken over lately.
It was kinda nice spending time with him without fighting, but I
knew it wouldn’t last, especially with my latest news and that we
were keeping the hang ups from him.

I walked into his hospital room and saw his
speech therapist was still there, so I quietly made my way to the
small couch and plopped a sleeping Quinn down then sat down beside
her. I wasn’t too fond of his speech therapist; she kept batting
her eyes at him, which just pissed me off. Then I would get even
more pissed that I was pissed to begin with, it was turning into a
confusing circle. I sat there and watched as she batted her eyes
and touched his arm whenever she could get away with it, while I
was glaring daggers at this girl, and yes, she was a girl in my
opinion. Drake looked over at me and winked, the asshole knew she
pissed me off and thought it was hilarious. All I wanted to do is
punch both of them in the throat.

She finally finished and gave him a little
wave and wiggled her ass out of the room, but not before touching
his arm and reminding him about tomorrow. I really wanted to slap
that smirk off her face when she glanced my direction. I took a few
deep breaths before looking over at Drake, who was now silently
laughing at me—nice.

“We are finding you a new therapist when you
get out,” I muttered.

He laughed outright at that, and I glared at

“Drake, I am not kidding,” I growled.

“I know you’re not, which is why it’s so
funny,” he choked out between laughs.

I threw my hands up. “Do you not see how she
looks at you, and what the hell is up with always touching

He finally stopped laughing and looked at me
with a smile on his face. “You have nothing to be jealous over,

“I’m not jealous,” I mumbled, although we
both knew it was a lie. He quirked an eyebrow at me. “Fine, but she
still shouldn’t be touching you; I mean, that just so

“Already talked to my doctor about a closer
therapist to home.”

Ah shit, now I would have to tell him about
not going home, this day was sucking big time.

I stared at him. I really, really didn’t want
to be the one to tell him, and definitely not when I already had to
tell him about the call from the lawyer.

“Something you need to tell me, Mags?”

“I…I…” Then I really looked at him. “You
already know,” I accused.

He smirked at me. “How?”

“You mean about me not going home? How you
all decided for me that I should go to Devi’s instead of my own
home, which I pay for? Oh I don’t know, just kind of figured it

“You suck.”

He chuckled. “I was wondering who got the job
of telling me.”

I raised my hand. “That would be me, you know
since I am the one fucking you, as X put it.”

“They chose well.”

“All right, so let’s hear it.”

“Hear what, Mags?” He tried to give me an
innocent face.

“Why you should be able to go home instead of

He shrugged. “I actually agree with it, more
people to help me, and you and Quinn are safer.”

I nodded, “But?”

“No, buts, baby.”


“You expected me to fight you on this?”

I nodded.

“Why? It makes the most sense; I can be

I just looked at him. “All right, I can be
rational sometimes.”

“Uh huh.”

“Oh, shut up like you’re one to talk.”

I shrugged.

“So what else is going on?”

I started chewing on my bottom lip, I didn’t
know how this was going to go over with the new rational Drake.

“What is it, Mags?” he growled.

Okay, now this Drake I knew. “Got a call from
the lawyer’s office today.”

“Which one?”

I giggled. “That’s sad.”

Kinda is.”

“The guy’s lawyer is handling all of that
other stuff, other than our depositions if it comes to that point
we don’t have anything to do.”

So that leaves…” and he
trailed off.

“That leaves the family law attorney,” I

“Okay, what did he want?”

“I have to take Quinn in for a DNA test



“Yea, the sooner this is all over with, the
sooner I can marry you and adopt Quinn.”

I laughed, “Yea, I don’t think so.”

He raised that damn eyebrow at me again. “Why

“Cause I am not getting married.”

“Sure you are, it will make the adoption
easier and you love me.”

“Uhm, who said anything about adoption, and
just because I love you doesn’t mean we need to get married.”

He sighed. “It would be easier on you if you
just agreed.”

“Uhm no.”

“Fine, we’ll do it the hard way.”

“I have no idea what the hell that means, and
I’m not sure if I like the idea behind it or not.”

He laughed, the asshole just laughed.

A few hours later, it was time to get Quinn
to her pediatrician for the test. I looked over at Drake and Quinn,
she was snuggled into the crook of his good arm and they were both
napping; I really didn’t want to wake them up. I closed my laptop
and stuck it into the bag and got all of Quinn’s stuff packed back
up, giving them a few more minutes. When I finally couldn’t delay
anymore I walked over and ran a finger down Drake's face, his eyes
fluttered open and he smiled. I couldn’t resist and leant down and
brushed a kiss against his lips.

“We gotta go,” I whispered.

He nodded and looked down at Quinn. “Is it
going to hurt her?”

I shook my head. “No, they are just going to
take a swab from inside her mouth.”

“All right, call me when it’s done.”

“I will, and Sam should be here soon,” I said
then carefully picked up Quinn trying not to wake her.

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