Faith Revisited (25 page)

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Authors: Madelyn Ford

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Vampires, #Paranormal

BOOK: Faith Revisited
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“You know Bale is going to eventually have all of your sister's things moved to the abbey.”

She glanced over her shoulder, surprised to find Kash leaning in the doorway. “I know.”

“What are you going to do then?”

She shrugged. “I guess I'll find a roommate. I knew this day would come eventually. I just expected a century or two first.”

“You could join her. Move to the abbey permanently.”

Hope frowned as she imagined just what her life would be like surrounded by Bale and his brothers. She would slowly suffocate. “I think not.” She shuddered visibly. “No offense, but some of your brothers are dicks.”

Kash laughed, pushing away from the door frame and joining her. “You refer to Zeke.”

Hope rolled her eyes. “He's not the only one. Jet isn't exactly a prince. And I'm not certain I'd enjoy spending any time with Levi. But yeah, Zeke is an ass.”

“Want to tell me what is going on between you and him?”

“Nothing. There is nothing between Zeke and me.”

Kash lifted a brow at her statement. “Really, 'cause I could have sworn—”

“Nothing,” Hope repeated, interrupting him.

“You can trust me, Hope.”

His quiet tone caused her to nod as a sense of ease filled her. “I know. And if I ever have an answer for that question, you'll be the first to know.” She turned her attention back to the suitcase and snapped it shut.

Kash gently grasped her chin. “Zeke can be difficult in the best of times. If you need any help…”

He left the offer hanging, and Hope smiled, affectionately rubbing her cheek against his palm before she pulled back from him. She followed him out to the SUV and climbed into the passenger seat. Glancing into the back, she saw that her white drafting table stood out against the The Watchers: Faith Revisited


black interior of the vehicle. Her entire life had been taken over by her sister's mate, and it really just sucked. With a pout she settled into the leather seat, ignoring Kash's chuckle as he climbed in beside her. She could at least be thankful for his friendship. Something good had come out of all this.

* * * *

Before Bale had dragged his mate from sight, Zeke had watched the entire encounter with a large dose of relief. He'd never been unfortunate enough to require possession of a female. In his mind, it was like a pestilence that spread through the body, affecting judgment and reason to the point where a male could find himself in the bowels of Hell before he'd even realized he was walking that path.

Zeke had taken on the role of Grigori for one reason and one reason only: his friendship with Arak. From his very first memory, Arak had been his constant companion. When Saraknyal had stepped into their lives, it had only been natural to love her for no other reason than that she was Arak's mate.

As for the Grigori, they had become a tight-knit group, brothers and sisters in arms. He'd had no qualms about following Remy into battle. Everything his brothers had held dear had been threatened. And he had grown fond of the mortals—the husbands, wives, and children of his brothers and sisters. Their loss had left a hole in his soul. But it was Saraknyal he still mourned.

So while he was willing to acknowledge, if only to himself, that Hope piqued his interest, he was not about to pursue it. He'd watched Arak suffer through the loss of a mate, and he had worried he would lose his best friend also. It was a situation he would never willingly place his brothers in. Not even for a petite blonde vampire who sent his pulse racing.

Glancing around the club, he carefully examined everything and everyone within its perimeter. While Zeke had no desire for a female of his own, he was willing to protect Bale's with his life. Better his death than Bale's. And like the rest of the Grigori, he wouldn't let another mate die on his watch.

His narrowed gaze settled on the demon that was slowly making his way toward him. Ray was the product of a human raped by a low-ranking archdemon. And while appearing to align himself with the demon world, he supplied Zeke with whatever knowledge he gained for the sheer pleasure of seeing Zeke and his brothers destroy those plans to hell. Ray could be a vindictive bastard when provoked, and Zeke had trusted any information Ray tossed his way.

But that was before Zeke had been jumped outside the Mercury and Caym had been terminated. Now he wasn't so sure about Ray and wondered if that vindictiveness he had so highly admired had been turned on him. While he didn't want to believe Ray could have been involved, he wasn't going to take the risk. Not with Faith so close. With a hand on the hilt of his dagger, he watched Ray take a seat across from him.

“Where the hell have you been?” the demon asked before popping a handful of peanuts from a basket in the center of the table into his mouth. “Some serious shit has been going down, and you've apparently been on vacation.”

Zeke slowly raised the bottle of Kilkenny to his lips and shrugged nonchalantly. Grimacing as the piss water Bale was so fond of burst across his taste buds, he signaled for the waitress.

While he waited for his bottle of Cabo Wabo, he arched an eyebrow at Ray, skeptically demanding an explanation.


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Ray glanced around nervously before leaning forward. “Word has it there is a new asshole in town who has a serious hard-on for you and your brothers.” He glanced longingly at the bottle of beer, then grabbed another handful of peanuts.

Zeke slid the bottle across the table as the waitress set the tequila and a glass in front of him. He wasn't going to drink the crap anyway. “Does this asshole have a name?”

Grinning, Ray took a large gulp from the beer bottle, humming softly in appreciation. Zeke rolled his eyes. There was no accounting for good taste. But what could he expect from a demon?

Ray set the bottle on the table. “I haven't heard his name, but he's an ambitious son of a bitch. He's already terminated Beelzebub's lieutenant general and taken over the position.”

Zeke leaned back, studying Ray. As he watched the play of colors weave throughout the demon's aura, he knew everything Ray had said so far was the truth. It helped ease the disquiet his presence caused Zeke.

“Are you missing one of your own?” Ray asked nonchalantly as he fiddled with the label on the beer bottle, and his question hit Zeke right in the gut.

“Why? Are you saying this new player was a Watcher?”

“This dude pops out of nowhere and suddenly has Beelzebub's ear. Yeah, that's what I think. And Zeke, it's being said he has promised the head of a top Grigori as tribute.”

“Anyone in particular?”

“Not that I've heard. But if he succeeds, it's a big promotion.”

Zeke watched Ray's face turn ashen and knew without looking behind him that Bale was approaching. Like most demons, Ray was terrified of Bale—and probably with good reason.

Bale was a mean son of a bitch when crossed.

Ray slid off the stool and stood. “I'm going to be lying low for a while. Things are hot enough here. Below, they are positively hostile.”

Zeke nodded as Ray started to slink away. He could sense Bale right at his back, so he was surprised when Ray paused and glanced over his shoulder.

“Be careful, Zeke. This bastard plans to hit and hit hard.”

“Will do. You too, Ray.”

The demon nodded, then turned and began to make his way through the crowd of ridiculously dressed humans, glancing avidly around him. Sighing, Zeke turned to Bale. Ray hadn't really been able to tell him much. What he needed was proof either damning or clearing Raym. And while he still hoped for his brother's innocence, he was beginning to suspect none would be found.

* * * *

Faith sighed when Bale shoved her behind him. As they'd approached Zeke's table, she'd felt him hesitate for a fraction of a second and had seen the reaction of Zeke's companion when his gaze had rested on Bale. He'd visibly paled and backed up several paces before he fled.

With the perceived threat gone, Bale relaxed, pulling her into his side. She felt like a rag doll, positioned wherever Bale wanted her, and she shot her mate a blazing look. Only he was paying her no attention, his own gaze fixed on Zeke.

“I cannot believe you just allowed that bastard to walk out of here!”

The Watchers: Faith Revisited


Zeke grinned at Bale's outburst. “What can I say? Ray is useful.”

Bale arched a brow as he sat on the edge of a stool, forcing her with a tug to follow him.

Faith made sure to dig her elbow into his side, receiving only the mildest grunt for her effort. He maneuvered her in front of him, between his legs, and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on top of her head.

“Beelzebub has a new right hand to do his bidding. Someone who is willing to trade one of us for a higher ranking in Hell.”

“Who?” The threat in Bale's voice sent shivers rippling down Faith's spine. She forgot her anger, burrowing deeper into his arms, and he obliged her by tightening his embrace.

“He didn't know, but he did ask if we were missing a brother. Whatever is getting ready to play out, it has Ray running scared. For the first time, I think he's afraid of getting caught on the wrong side.”

“And that would be?” asked Faith.

“Us.” Zeke met her gaze, his eyes tinged with curiosity as he watched Bale absently rub his knuckles along her jawline.

“Who is Ray?” Faith finally asked, Zeke's ominous words ringing in her ears. She thought it pretty obvious who the target was; Bale had been attacked twice.

“My informant,” Zeke explained, lifting his gaze over her head, probably meeting Bale's.

“Because his father was an archdemon, he is able to blend in below.”

“Why was he so afraid of Bale, then?”

Zeke grinned. “Sunshine, there are few demons who don't quake at just the sound of Bale's name. Even fewer have the nerve to actually face him, in battle or otherwise.”

Faith turned in Bale's arms, running a hand slowly up his chest. “So my mate is the big and bad, huh?”

Bale's eyes glittered with desire as his hand sank into her hair, tilting her head up. His lips captured hers, and she felt his other hand cupping her ass as he cradled his semihard cock between her thighs.

“Oh Christ,” Zeke muttered, and Faith heard his stool scrape against the wooden floor.

“Can we blow this joint? I can't handle this crap.”

With a soft sigh, Bale released her lips with a lingering kiss. “Are you ready to head home?”

Faith nodded. “Paperwork is all done. And message to Father has been left.”

Bale's hand slid from her hair, slowly traveling down her neck. “Did you give him our private number?”

Faith's gaze narrowed at Bale. “We have a private number?” This was news to her.

“Each brother has one. It's the only way to get ahold of us. The main line will only get you a machine. And rarely do we listen to, much less return, those messages.”

She frowned. “Since I do not even know the main line, I could hardly give out your private one.”

Bale frowned back at her. “I programmed it into your cell phone before I let you leave me.”

Well, if he hadn't just taken over her life. “I was supposed to know this how?”


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“Did you really believe I would just let you walk away from me?”

“You gave a damn good impression of letting me do just that,” she hissed softly.

“Only to protect you, baby. I wouldn't risk you then, and I won't do so now.”

“So you keep saying,” she muttered under her breath.

“And I'll do more than just say it. I
keep you safe.”

Faith sighed. She so didn't want to get into this again. “Just not at the expense of my freedom, Bale.”

“On that note, I'm out of here. If you two would like a ride, this conversation does not leave this table. Otherwise you are more than welcome to procure another form of transportation.” At Faith's narrowed look, he added, “I will not suffer through you two snapping at each other the entire way to the abbey.”

Faith pulled out of Bale's embrace. “No referee necessary.”

Bale chuckled. “Yes. My mate is much more likely to get her way without an audience.”

Zeke looked nauseated. “Don't go there. Not in my baby. I'd kill even Arak for that.”

“A virgin car. How interesting,” Faith purred, intrigued by the way Zeke blanched. The male certainly did love his car.

“Thank God Bale cannot fit in the back,” he mumbled as, with a grin, Faith and Bale followed him out into the darkened night.

The Watchers: Faith Revisited


Chapter Thirteen

Kash saw the headlights approaching from behind at a fast speed. He glanced next to him where Hope sat staring out the window, then uneasily back into the rearview mirror. The road leading to the fortress was a narrow two-lane strip of dirt that was rarely used by anyone other than those who resided within the abbey walls. Another vehicle coming up behind him meant one of two things: someone in the field had been injured, or they were about to be attacked.

Kash was lurched forward in his seat, and the sound of metal impacting was all he needed to know it was the latter. “Shit!” He slammed his foot hard on the accelerator, as his only concern was getting Hope to safety.

“What the hell!” Hope turned in her seat to peer out the back window.

The window shattered, the sound of gunfire ricocheting through the night. “Get down!”

Kash grabbed her by the back of the neck, forcing her forward and out of sight. He swerved the SUV to the right, then to the left, in a series of quick movements. While a bullet would hurt like a son of a bitch, it would not kill him. He wasn't so sure about Hope.

The vehicle stayed right on his tail. Not that Kash had much of a chance of losing it. There was no place to go but forward or into the dense forest that surrounded the fortress. If he'd been on his Harley, that would have been an option. But the distance of the trees from one another did not make that feasible in Remy's Escalade.

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