Faith Revisited (8 page)

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Authors: Madelyn Ford

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Vampires, #Paranormal

BOOK: Faith Revisited
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“Advantage?” she questioned with a twinge of embarrassment in her tone and a slight smile. “I was the one with your dick in my hand. It was more like
was the one taking advantage.” She glanced away from him, a sudden blush creeping over her skin. “I just never understood how desperate this whole process would make me.”

“Well, I was glad to be of service,” Bale said with a grin. He lay back down on the bed, allowing Faith to curl around his body, and wrapped an arm around her waist.

She suddenly lifted her head and stared down at him in surprise. “Why the hell aren't you totally freaked-out that I just bit you?”

Bale gave a soft chuckle. “If the Alu demon didn't send me running, a pair of fangs on a little thing like you certainly wouldn't.”

Faith pushed away from him and sat up. Her eyes flittered across his face nervously before glancing away. “How do you know about Alu demons?” she demanded softly.

“I've been fighting demons long before your great-grandfather was even thought of.” Bale tried to bring her back into his embrace, needing to hold her close, but she brushed his hands away, scooting out of reach.

“What are you?” she asked quietly.

Bale observed her silently for a moment, wondering how much information he should give her, especially considering who her father was. But he felt compelled to be truthful, as if in the long run it would matter somehow. “Since Remy has been so insistent that you are mine,” he said softly, more to himself than to Faith, “I am going to tell you. He can deal with the fallout later. We are the Grigori, the fallen.”

Faith attempted to lurch off the bed. For a split second, Bale was too stunned to move, but then he grabbed her and forced her back to the bed and into his arms. It was a struggle to keep her against him. She was stronger than she looked. Finally rolling her under him, he stared down at her, her eyes wide with shock and fear.

“You are a demon?”

“No. I was not born of Lucifer and his bitch,” he stated, more harshly than he intended. But he would allow no association of his name with those two. “We are the Watchers, those who chose to fall. But we were deceived by Lucifer and have remained in shame ever since.”

Faith appeared stunned for a moment, obviously having never heard of the Grigori. “Do the Principals know of you?” she asked with a measure of caution, speaking of the sector of angels whose sole purpose was to rule over those like herself—the vampires, the werewolves, and the like.

“I would assume they have not forgotten our presence,” he replied. “But we have little to do with those created by Lucifer's followers. I could not say who is even still among that rank.”

Bale brushed her hair from her face.


Madelyn Ford

“So it really happened,” she whispered. “The demons.” As she struggled with the edge of her shirt, Bale let his hip slide to the mattress, keeping her pinned under his thigh. Faith raised the edge of the T-shirt, revealing a smooth abdomen. “The wound.”

He traced a finger over the soft expanse of skin, watching with deep satisfaction as the muscles rippled at his touch. “Yeah.”

“Shit!” Faith exclaimed as she attempted to wiggle out from under his thigh. “Hope.

Where is she? Where is my sister?”

Bale framed her face gently with his hands. “Shh,” he murmured softly. He caressed her lips with his own and felt her go pliant beneath him. “She had a broken wrist, but Arak was able to fix it. He put her in a healing sleep so she would not worry about you, and was on his way to wake her just before I entered the room. I suspect that any moment now, there will be a knock on the door.”

Faith gave a sigh of relief. “Truly, she is okay?”

“Yes. She escaped the Alu in a hell of a lot better shape than you did, baby. What the hell did you two think you were doing?” he asked, his voice holding a trace of the rage he'd felt when he'd watched helplessly as the demon stabbed her.

A flash of anger sparked in her eyes. “We were hunting a Lilu demon responsible for the deaths of five women. He has been sneaking into their homes and killing them in their beds. The police are useless. They are looking for a killer that does not exist.”

Bale rolled to his side, keeping Faith locked tight in his arms. “And you are doing this why?” he asked quietly, his eyes searching hers. He didn't like the fact that she had placed herself in danger. And it wasn't because she was female. He had willingly fought at Penny's side on many an occasion. Female warriors were not uncommon among the angels. But this female Bale had a strange urge to wrap in cotton and hide away.

“Ten years ago, our mother was murdered by one of those sick bastards. Our father had already returned us to his nest, and she had been alone. The demon had played with her before he killed her, feeding off her for hours before he drained her.” Faith tried to break away from Bale, but he refused to release her. She wiped away frustrated, angry tears with the back of her hand.

“I won't sit back and let more women die. Not without trying to stop him.”

Bale kissed both of her eyelids tenderly and held her as she trembled against him. “Let me take care of the demon. Right now there is more going on than just one Lilu demon, and I want you to stay out of it.”

Faith leaned back, looking up at him. She looked like she considered telling him what he could do with his wants, but a knock on the door had her snapping her jaw shut.

Bale released her quickly, rolling off the bed and landing on his feet gracefully. He tucked his flaccid cock back into his leathers and quickly laced them shut. Then he grasped the edge of the comforter and tugged it back as he said softly, “Under the covers with you.”

She peered up at him, though it was as if she was not really seeing him and was instead lost in thought. He watched an array of emotions flitter across her face and might have poked at what he saw if she hadn't begun to tremble from the lack of the warmth his body had been providing her, reminding him of his earlier request.

“Come on, baby, unless you want Arak to see you in only my T-shirt.”

She shook her head adamantly, allowing Bale to maneuver her under the covers.

The Watchers: Faith Revisited


“Shit. I don't even know your name,” she whispered as he tucked the comforter under her chin.

“It's Balam…Bale,” he replied huskily, glancing away from her as a knock sounded on the door again. “Come in,” he called out, bracing his body to face the door. With Faith still as weak as she was, he was in warrior mode, the dagger he'd used earlier to assist in feeding her clutched in his fist. Just in case whoever came through the door did so with the intention of terminating him, he was prepared to protect his own.

Faith watched the door open slowly before a male not quite as tall or having the sheer mass of Bale entered the room. She bit her lip to prevent a gasp from escaping her mouth. He was gorgeous. Where Bale's beauty was cold, hard like steel, his friend radiated warmth and sexual heat. Blond hair curled around twinkling blue eyes, eyes that lit up even further as their gaze settled on her. Faith didn't think he could get any more handsome until he smiled, and she found herself returning the gesture, ignoring Bale's scowl.

She felt herself blushing when Bale's friend stopped short, nostrils flaring as his eyes, filled with surprise, turned to Bale.

“Not a word,” Bale threatened, the dagger suddenly visible as he crossed his arms over his chest.

His friend laughed, a delightful sound, almost like the twinkling of bells. “And you protested.”

Faith watched Bale's frown deepen. “It changes nothing.”

The other male cocked his head to the side, his expression turning thoughtful. “Maybe you would now like to move Faith into the infirmary. Zeke will probably appreciate the company once he wakes.”

The male shrugged as if his words held little consequence, but Bale apparently had other ideas. Confused, she watched Bale take a threatening step forward. She figured his bulk could easily overpower the other male, but his friend held his ground, appearing not the least bit intimidated.

“Try it, Arak, and expect to lose body parts,” Bale growled softly.

Arak only snorted. “Yeah, yeah. So you say.” Arak's gaze settled on Faith, and his features took on a sad appearance. “But maybe Remy will have something to say about that.”

“Don't push me,” Bale warned.

“I'll have something to say about what?” a voice interrupted.

Another male stood in the doorway with Hope.

The conversation between Bale and Arak immediately ceased, and both males shook their heads, obviously unwilling to share whatever they were discussing with the newcomer.

The third male, Faith soon learned, was Remy, the leader of this little enclave of Grigori warriors. He was closer in height to Bale and was similar in appearance, except unlike Bale's long, silky strands, Remy's hair was cut close to his scalp, and a goatee decorated his chin. The other major difference was his eyes. They held a warmth Bale's presently lacked, one Faith was certain had been there only moments before.

“Nothing,” Bale snapped, answering Remy's question with a glare aimed at Arak.


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With a sigh, Remy stepped farther into the room. “Well, look who is awake,” he murmured once his gaze settled on her. “You are looking much better than the last time I saw you.”

Faith smiled. “And feeling much better, I am sure.” She cast a quick glance at Bale to find him still standing defensively beside the bed.

“Faith, how are you?” Hope asked, ignoring the three males in the room. She crossed to the bed and sat beside Faith.

“I'm okay, Hope. It's done,” Faith replied as her eyes traced over her sister, examining for any hints of distress or injury. “And you? You are okay?”

“You scared the crap out of me,” her sister said, a reprimand in her tone.

“Me?” Faith asked incredulously. “I was not the one who just stood there staring at an Alu demon. I told you to run.”

“And I wasn't the one who charged the bastard and got myself stabbed,” Hope added with a trace of sarcasm. “You've got to stop trying to save me.”

“Fine,” Faith snapped. “When Dad asks why he wasn't called when my Transfiguration hit, I'll tell him it was your fault.”

Hope swallowed with visible discomfort. “No need to go that far,” she mumbled.

Faith rolled her eyes. “I thought so.”

Bale watched the two sisters hug and took a step closer to the pair, then placed his hand on Faith's shoulder. When she glanced up at him, he gestured with a flick of his head for Arak to approach.

“I want Arak to make sure you are okay.” When her eyes met his, Bale tensed for the briefest of moments, thinking she was going to protest. And he knew he would probably make a fool of himself getting her to relent. He felt his muscles relax with a sense of relief when she finally nodded her agreement.

Arak waited until Hope moved out of his way before he approached the bed. Sitting beside Faith, he reached to pull the comforter down. Knowing little covered Faith but a thin T-shirt, Bale's unconscious reaction was a growl of warning, drawn deep from his chest, making Arak pause as he cast a wary glance at Bale.

Swearing softly under his breath, Bale forced his feet to carry him away from Faith, backing up until his legs hit the chair, then collapsing into the leather. His fingers dug into the arms as Arak slowly eased Faith's shirt up and his hand began examining her side. He hated seeing Arak, the one who drew women to his side like bees gathering to honey, touching this female, when he had never cared before about any of the dozens of women Arak went through.

But Faith was different. Damn if he wasn't coming to understand just how much. And as his body reacted to the assumed threat Arak posed, anger slowly consumed Bale.

He didn't want to feel possessive of the female, had known fucking her would only make the need to conquer her worse. But he'd let his body rule his mind, and now he was just beginning to grasp the true depth of the situation. He suspected Faith would come to mean more to him than his wife and daughter ever had, because as much as he didn't want to admit it, Faith was his heart mate.

The Watchers: Faith Revisited


Faith watched as Arak placed a hand on the spot where her wound had been. He closed his eyes, and a faint bluish glow emanated from his hand. Warmth spread over her skin, penetrating deep, making her want to purr in delight. He was rigidly still for a minute or two, then pulled his hand away.

“Looks good.” With a satisfied smile, Arak winked at her. “I would suggest bed rest. The weakness you are experiencing should gradually improve over the next several days. Until then, don't try to push it. You will get tired easily at first, so no wandering around the abbey.”

At his declaration, Faith opened her mouth to protest his assessment. She felt fine…actually, better than she'd expected after all she'd heard regarding Transfiguration. But Arak winked at her again as he stood, and she suspected he might have other motives. Whatever they were, apparently they involved her staying with Bale.

Her gaze shifted to capture Bale's reaction to Arak's pronouncement and met his empty stare. It was as if any warmth, any tenderness he had displayed while they were alone, had been her imagination. Faith felt her insides freeze and turned away.

It wasn't that she expected love. They'd had sex, nothing more. Sex as complete, indifferent strangers. Faith hardened her resolve. Once she thought of something to tell her father, she was getting the hell out of here. Because she already knew by the way she was reacting to Bale that if she stayed too long, leaving him would be like ripping out her heart—painful and bloody. And after watching her mother make a fool of herself over her father, a male who had cared about her but who never loved her, Faith had sworn never to make the same mistake. Her self-respect was worth more than that.

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