Fake (A Pretty Pill) (36 page)

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Authors: Criss Copp

BOOK: Fake (A Pretty Pill)
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He must’ve been at the center when I had my fight.  I fucking hope he was, becau
se I don’t like the alternative that he was standing outside Ben’s house checking out the defenseless women.

And yet, she won’t stop
doing her damn cleaning job.

told Dr. Jensen she has to stop and she tells me that they have a security alarm and that it remains on the entire time she’s in the house.

When I had this conversation with Dr. Jensen, she kindly reminded me that Isi wasn’t a possession.  She also explained that she had told Isi that she
shouldn’t feel obligated to work for them.

Isi, the stubborn woman explained that she didn’t want to disappoint them.  Also
, that she didn’t want to be without an income.

I pointed out the pension money and my income
was sufficient for our needs and that having a lunatic on the run was a good enough reason to quit.

That didn’t go down so well.

So the current situation is that I follow her to the house in the morning and wait till she goes inside and resets the alarm.

Hank, the champion
, goes to see her come out of the house, get into her car and drive off.

She then come
s to see me at the gym, since I’m busier than I used to be getting into shape.

Today she wants to deviate from the protective routine.

“I’m going shopping Silas and that’s it.” she shouts, storming out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

“Then I’ll be leaving the gym early to go with you.”

“I don’t want you to cut your training short.” she yells back up the stairs.

“It’s not up for debate.”  I explain, running down the stairs to confront her.

“It is too up for debate.”

“No Isi, it’s not.  There’s a maniac
out there intent on having you. You!  If he sees you alone, he’ll grab you and run off with you.” I reason.

“I won’t be alone.” she groans.

“Being with Jade is the same as being alone.”

“No it’s not.  Both of us can handle it
.” She frustratedly says.

and little Benjamin will dribble all over him so he can’t run away without slipping over.” I sarcastically throw down.

She looks at me like I’m missing a
significant number of brain cells.

“He won’t be attacking me in daylight.” she groans.

“Why can’t I come with you?”

sometimes I need to do things on my own.” she screams.

That’s a kick in the guts.

“I don’t fucking understand.” I scream back.  “You hate shopping.”

” she shouts.

She runs back up the stairs and slams the door.

I’m right behind her, opening and then slamming the door as well, just because it makes me feel better.

“It’s like this Isi.  I’m in love with you and because of that, I don’t want
this maniac to touch you.  Fuck, I don’t even like the idea that he might be watching you.  I can’t stand it, it makes me
to go off my meds so I can go all psycho on his ass and get away with it.” I let loose.

“I understand that Silas.  I fucking understand
.  But his terrorizing of us has got to stop.  How long do we have to live in this fucking shadow of not being able to do things – not living our lives? 
Our lives
Silas, and all because of him.” she screams breathing heavily.

“Until he
’s caught.” I shout.

“That could be

“Then I’ll take you to Australia.”

“That’s fucking stupid.”

“It’s better than living this fucking stupid claustrophobic life of nothingness.” I seethe.

“See?  See?  Even you feel it.  We’re fucking trapped Silas.  We’re turning on each other.” she shouts.

“I’m not fucking turning on you Isi, I’m telling you I love you
. And I’ll even go shopping with you so I know that you’re safe.”  I reason, my voice finally beginning to break and sound like pleading rather than a demand.

“You can’t come shopping with me Silas.”
She growls.

“Why not?”

“God.” She groans.  “How can you be so fucking smart, gorgeous and sexy; and in the same moment be an absolute fucking moron?” She laments loudly.

Say what?

She’s crossing her arms over her heaving chest and giving me a look that says, come on Einstein, figure it out.

She throws
her hands up and growls at the ceiling, before she attempts to storm past me and back out of the room.

No way, get back here.

I wrap my arm around her and swing her to the bed instead, tackling her to it and climbing over the top of her to prevent her from getting away.

“Get off me.
” She growls.

“That’s not what you said this morning.” I say, trying to calm the situation with a bit of teasing.

“It is morning.” She reasons, ignoring my reference to my morning glory and her use of it an hour ago.  She’s now pushing on my chest and trying to wriggle out from under me.

But I’ve had an idea as to why she’s so ad
amant about shopping without me,

’ve calmed myself down, and we both still need to get dressed.  She’s still in a pair of panties and a sweater.  I’m wearing pajama bottoms and a sweater myself; I’m commando though and lying across her prostrate like this with her wriggling beneath me and having just had a heated discussion, it’s quickly affecting my manhood.

“Does this have anything to do with the season?” I ask, lowering my mouth and beginning to bite her neck.

“Stop.” She pleads unconvincingly.

“Well?”  I ask her again
and move down to her breast, where I can see her nipples are hardening through her sweater.

“I’ve got to get ready for work.” she avoids my question.

I place my mouth over her right nipple and gently bite it.

.” she groans.

“Are you buying Christmas presents?”

“Fuck Silas, you can be so dense sometimes.” she says softly.

“But you love me.” I reason.

“Maybe.” she says.

I look up at her
and she’s giving me the evil eye. 

While I’ve got her attention
up here, she fails to realize I’ve got my hand under her sweater.

“You do love me.  I can tell.”

“Really?” She says sarcastically.

“Yep.”  I say, push
ing her sweater all the way up to expose her breasts to me, and entangling her arms in it above her head so she’s rendered fairly helpless.  And then I’m all over her breasts; suckling, kissing, licking and teasing them.

“Shit.” She breathes.
  She may have been telling me off before, but she’s definitely not stopping me now.

I move my hand
s down to her panties, push her legs apart and settle between them better, before pulling aside the crotch of her panties and feeling the moist warmth inside.

“Fuck.” I reverently whisper
and watch her face as I touch her.  Her eyes are half closed but they remain focused on me.  Her lips are slightly parted, and her wrapped up arms remain above her head.

” Isi moans as I slide two fingers inside her.  “I can’t… time.”

” I urge as I slowly slide my fingers back out and pull myself free from my pajamas by pulling them down my hips.  I position myself before her entrance and then push myself inside of her.

.” she cries out and clamps down magically against my cock with her pussy.

Shit Isi, I love you so, so much.  So why can’t you just let me protect you.” I say as I begin to pull back from inside of her.

fuck.” She whispers, throwing her head back.

“God, I love you.” I tell her as I move within her.

Slowly and firmly I move in and out of her feeling her building to a climax.  I lean forward to suckle her nipples once more and then I lift my face to groan against her neck, as I feel the emotions I have for this woman inundate my body and dictate the imminent climb of my own orgasm.

She’s totally unraveling

” she wails.

Her legs are around me now. 
And she’s freeing her arms from her sweater.

And then she does the thing that sends me into oblivion.

She twists slightly and reaches down around her hip and to my balls, where she rubs and pulls at them softly.  I don’t want to know where she learned this trick, I’d like to think it’s something she stumbled onto with me; and with her massaging my balls as I stroke my length inside of her, steadfastly making love to her, I transcend to another plane.

” I call out in pleasure.

It sets her off;
she begins to fall over the edge.  She’s watching me and I’m watching her.  We’re both lost on that same ethereal plane, lost in time and unraveling because of our connection to each other.

I feel myself coming,
I feel her clenching and coming and I feel both of us collide in our ecstasy; the waves of our orgasm washing over us and carrying us away.


We’re lying together afterwards, and my head is on her chest listening to her heart beating, while her hands are in my hair slowly massaging my scalp.

“Okay, I am going Christmas shopping. 
And I have a can of mace in my bag. I know how to use it.” she says softly.

I groan.

“Okay, go shopping with Jade, but please make sure you stay alert.” I ask her.

ilas, you need to get off of me, I’m really running late now.”

I don’t
plan on letting her go yet, because I just need this contact so much.  I need her.

“We’re both late
.” I chuckle, “let’s make it worth our while.” I grin up at her.




“You’re late.” Ben growls.

“It’s your fault then.”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s your fault

“How is it my fault you’re late?” Ben asks dubiously.

“I had to make love to my girl.” I explain.

Hank spits out a laugh.
  I grin at him.

Ben is shaking his head and
holding his hand up for me to stop saying anything else.  But then he dives in anyway.

“How is it my fault that you had to have sex with Isi?”

“You warned me not to fuck up with her.” I reason.  Sitting down and beginning to wrap my fingers up in preparation for our morning.

“What did you do?” he growled.

“I made love to her three times.” I explain.

Again with the shaking head and hands.

“Not that, what did you do to; and three times?” He looks at his watch.  “When did you start?  Two o’clock this morning?”

“No, why would I start in the middle of the night?”

Ben smiles.

Hank chuckles.

“It would take me several hours to do it three times.” he says winking; hinting at his staying power.

I laugh.

“I don’t need three hours in-between each go.” I counter.

“I don’t fucking need t
hree hours to recover.” he growls.

“But you’re old.” I chuckle
and roll my eyes exaggeratedly.

“I can whip your ass boy.” he replies.

“I thought you were into girls Ben.  What am I going to tell Jade?” I mock shock.

He begins to chuckle, and then he’s laughing.

“Seriously, what did you do that required you to satisfy your girl so thoroughly?” he asks.

“I fought with her about going shopping by herself.”

“And did you win?”

she convinced me that mace spray was enough and that she would be well armed with a hormonal woman and Ben.” I answered.

“Shit.  She’s taking Jade with her?” Ben asks.


“Well she’s safe.”


“Because Jade just found out we’re pregnant again.”

“What the fuck?  How old is Ben?” I sarcastically ask.

“He’s four months.”

“I know that asshole, it was a rhetorical question.” I explain.

“Oh, yeah.”

“How did she get pregnant so quick?”

“She’s only just pregnant,
as in just missing her period.  Which incidentally only returned the month before.”

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