Fall to Pieces (16 page)

Read Fall to Pieces Online

Authors: Jami Alden

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military, #Western, #Westerns, #love story, #beach read, #sexy romance, #military hero, #high school crush, #hero alpha male

BOOK: Fall to Pieces
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"Really, you don't have to stop, it just
might take me a few minutes to get used to..."

Her voice trailed off and he felt a grin tug
at his lips at the sight of the blush warming her cheeks. "At the
rate I was going, I don't think I would have lasted even a few
minutes." He kissed her again, slid a hand down to cup her breast.
He flicked his thumb across a hard nipple, savoring the little
sound of pleasure bubbling up from her throat. That was more like

"I don't know about you, but I think this
works out better when everyone's having a good time."

Ignoring his cock, which was protesting
fiercely its removal from possibly the hottest, tightest pussy it
had ever had the pleasure to visit, Dylan slid his lips down the
long pale column of her neck.

He bent his head and sucked a nipple into his
mouth, felt his cock harden another inch at the feel of the hard
little bud pressing eagerly against his tongue.

She had perfect tits. Not too big but high
and full and the perfect size to fit into his hand. And sensitive,
he discovered as she whimpered and shifted against him. Her hips
rocked against him and he could feel the hot, wet press of her sex
against his hip.

Every cell in his body urged him to thrust
himself back inside of her, but he wasn't finished making up for
his earlier clumsiness, not by a long shot.

Shifting lower, he traced his tongue along
the undercurves of her breasts, down the flat plane of her stomach.
Positioning himself between her thighs, he hooked her knees over
his shoulders and pressed a hot, open mouth kiss to the inside of
her leg.



Sadie felt like her heart was going to pound
out of her chest as she took in the sight of Dylan's head between
her legs, his dark hair a sharp contrast to the paleness of her
thighs. Then her head fell back against the pillow as he parted her
with his thumbs.

The first touch of his tongue had her arching
her hips off the bed as waves of pure pleasure sizzled through her
body. He took her with long, slow strokes of his tongue against her
clit, circling, flicking, until soon every sinew in her body was
pulled tight with need.

Then lower, fucking her with his tongue,
thrusting and tasting like she was the most delicious thing he'd
ever had and he couldn't get enough.

The thought sent a fresh wave of heat through
her, making her moan as her hands slid down to tangle in his hair.
He sucked her clit between his lips, flicked her with his

He slid one, then two thick fingers inside
her. She let out a sharp cry and dug her heels into his back as he
thrust and twisted his fingers, filling her from every angle,
brushing against nerve endings she never even knew she had.

"Dylan!" She called his name as her orgasm
hit her, making her shake and shudder with such intensity she swore
she saw stars.

It could have been seconds or hours later
that she looked up to find him propped up on his elbow next to her,
a self-satisfied glimmer lurking in his lazy smile.

Her mouth curled into an answering smile. She
brought her hand to his cheek, savoring the slight scrape of his
whiskers against her sensitized fingertips. "You were right."

He cocked an eyebrow. "That it's better when
you're having as much fun as I am?"

"Well, that too. But I was thinking you
weren't lying when you said you've improved a lot since Debbie. I
was starting to wonder there for a minute," she couldn't help

"I was too," he said with a rough chuckle as
he settled himself between her legs. "What do you say? Have I
earned a chance to give it another go?"

She nodded, shivering a little at the feel of
him, still rock hard and unsatisfied against her lower belly.

He took her hand in his and guided it between
his legs. "You put me in," he said, his gaze locked on hers.

Sadie wrapped her hand firmly around his
length, loving his gasp, the way his muscles tensed as she gripped

It was a heady feeling, knowing she was doing
this to him, she was making his muscles jump, his hands shake a
little bit as he ran them up and down her sides. She had made him
so insane with lust he could barely control himself.

The thought sent a fresh wave of need
coursing through her, stunning given she was still quivering in the
wake of the most intense orgasm she'd ever had in her life.
Suddenly, she felt like she'd go crazy if she didn't have his hot,
pulsing length buried inside her.

Spreading her knees wider, she guided him to
her sex. Aroused as she was, she couldn't help stiffening at the
first press of him against her.

"I promise to take it easy this time," he
murmured. One hand gently gripped her hip while the other came up
to tangle in her hair. He kissed her mouth, cheeks, neck, as he
slowly eased himself in, gently thrusting and withdrawing until she
was squirming with the need to have him all the way inside.

But he ignored the thrusting of her hips, the
way her hands slid down the smooth skin of his back to dig into the
muscles of his ass to urge him deeper.

Finally, he was all they way in, and Sadie
could feel her inner muscles rippling around him, drawing him in as
he held himself still, deeper inside her than any man had ever

Then he started to move, small, slow
movements of his hips. Teasing her, torturing her as the slight
friction electrified her already sensitized flesh.

But it wasn't enough. She shifted under him,
trying to urge him on, wrapping her legs around his waist to pull
him more firmly against her.

"God, you're so tight," he muttered, almost
sounding like he was in pain. "So tight I feel like I'm going to
come right now, just feeling your tight little pussy squeezing
around me."

As though on cue, she felt herself clench
around him, felt him jerk against her as an answering jolt of
pleasure rippled through her.

He groaned and drew his hips back until he
was nearly all the way out, sliding back in a long, slow stroke
that had him buried so deep she could feel him against the base of
her spine.

He started to move in earnest then, steady,
firm strokes that quickly had her blood singing as her hips arched
up to match his rhythm.

She'd never felt anything like this, so
consumed, so
He was huge and hard, moving over her,
in her. With every thrust, her nipples rasped against the coarse
hair on his chest, sending bursts of electricity to her core. Her
hands moved eagerly over the smooth skin of his back and shoulders,
trying to take him all in at once.

"Sadie, Jesus, you drive me out of my fucking

The words sent her spiraling like no romantic
platitudes or odes to her beauty ever could. She clung to him as
every thrust sent her closer and closer to the edge. She wanted to
tell him that he drove her crazy too, that she'd never felt
anything even approaching what she felt right now.

But when she opened her mouth all that came
out was an almost desperate sounding moan. Pleasure burst over her
and all she could do was wrap herself around him and cling as jolts
of sensation coursed through her, every muscle tightening with need
before going completely, utterly limp.

Through her daze, she was vaguely aware of
Dylan, his thrusts growing sharper, quicker. His muscles stood out
in sharp relief, the expression on his face almost one of pain.

Suddenly he froze, stiffening against her.
Inside, she felt his cock swell impossibly bigger. He gave muffled
shout, jerking and shuddering against her as he gripped her hips
and held himself deep inside.

He collapsed, wrung out. She only had a
moment to savor the heavy weight on top of her before he rolled to
the side, his chest heaving like he'd just finished a marathon.

Sadie lay there next to him, feeling what
could only be described as shellshocked. She'd had sex, good sex in
her life.

But nothing like this. Nothing like this
feeling like she'd just been rocked by a seven point five
earthquake. Like everything had been rattled loose inside her and
would never quite fit back together right.

Stop it, she scolded herself. It's just sex.
It doesn't have to be that big of a deal.

And okay, so it was sex with someone she'd
been crushing on since she was thirteen. It still didn't have to
mean anything more to her than it did to him.

And judging from the soft snores next to her,
Dylan wasn't wasting any time worrying about the significance—or
lack thereof—of what they'd just done.

Chapter 10



Goddamn Sadie Thornton.

The thought echoed through Dylan's brain all
the next day, as he spent hour after tedious hour in the hay
meadows, mowing the last of the crop while Pete worked the baler on
the alfalfa Dylan had already cut.

It was hard enough to fathom that awkward,
gawky, Sadie Thornton had grown into the kind of beauty that would
make any straight man on the planet pause and take a long,
lingering look.

But that one day he would have the kind of
sex with Sadie that would blow the top of his head off, leave him
turned inside out and itching for more like a goddamn smack


But here he was, tortured by memories of the
feel of her, under him, against him, surrounding him, until his
cock was straining against the fly of his jeans and so hard he
could have used it to steer the heavy machinery he was currently

It wasn't like she was even overtly sexy—she
was a little shy, unsure of herself.

But that was part of the appeal, he admitted.
That feeling of easing her into her body, coaxing her into pleasure
after the near disastrous start that made him cringe every time he
thought about it.

He didn't know if it was a heretofore unknown
urge to control women in bed, but goddamned if making Sadie come
against his mouth last night wasn't almost as satisfying as when
he'd finally come himself.

But sexual desire wasn't the only thing
making him feel like he wanted to crawl out of his own skin. A
tight, restless feeling had dogged him all morning, ever since he'd
woken up to find himself asleep in his bed, the only evidence that
Sadie had been there at all the lone condom wrapper lying on the
floor next to his bed.

He didn't know why it bothered him so much,
the thought of her slipping out without a word. There were plenty
of times in the past when he would have given his right arm—okay,
maybe just a toe or two—to spare himself the awkward aftermath,
where he had to figure out the nicest way possible to essentially
tell a woman, "Thanks for the fuck, now it's time for you to

Which was why he rarely made a habit of
taking women back to his place.

But this was Sadie and Sadie was different,
he thought as an uneasy feeling settled in his chest. Sadie wasn't
just some random woman he'd met in a bar, or even one of the
handful of women with whom he'd had what could loosely be called

Assuming sleeping with the same woman for
more than a month between deployments could be called that.

Even with those women he'd never gotten much
past the small talk, getting to know you phase. He'd never brought
anyone home to meet his family, never been invited to meet

He'd never truly been part of their lives,
and they hadn't been part of his.

But he'd known Sadie all his life, and she'd
known him. And even if he could blow off all that shared history,
there was the fact that he was working for her, she was depending
on him to help dig the ranch out of its current financial mess. He
was part of her life whether he wanted to be or not.

The kicker was, he wanted to be. Over the
past couple of weeks, he'd confided in Sadie as much as he had
anyone since he'd been injured. And as much as he'd been fighting
the urge to get in her pants, he really liked her. She was smart,
funny, loving...not to mention drop dead gorgeous.

All the things any guy would kill to have,
providing he was in the right state of mind—not to mention the
right stage of life—to appreciate it.

So even when his common sense had told him
spending too much time with her wasn't the smartest choice for
either of them, everything about her had made it impossible to stay

And even though his usual MO was to cut ties
and make tracks before anything got too deep, he didn't like the
idea of doing that to her.

Of leaving town in a couple of weeks and not
looking back. Despite her boldness last night, he knew Sadie wasn't
the type to take it in stride.

Problem was, she'd lit out in the middle of
the night and was locked up in her office when he went over to the
big house this morning under the guise of getting coffee.

Figuring if she'd wanted to talk, she would
have emerged when she heard him tromping through the halls, he'd
left her undisturbed.

But it left him with an unfamiliar, unsettled
feeling that he needed to see her, talk to her, to make sure
everything was okay with her, with them after what happened last

He finally got his chance later that evening
when he caught her in the barn feeding the horses before

"Hey," he said as she was throwing a load of
hay over one of the stall doors.

Her shoulders stiffened a little, but when
she turned she had a bright—too bright—smile pasted across her

He stepped closer, and even in the dim light
he could read the uncertainty in her eyes, feel her own unease.

"I was just finishing up in here," she said,
brushing her hands against the legs of her jeans. "I better get
inside and wash up in time for supper."

He caught her arm as she tried to brush past
him. "You snuck out on me last night." He'd meant it as a joke, but
somehow it came out more like an accusation. As though it had a
will of it's own, his thumb started drawing lazy circles along the
silky skin of her inner forearm.

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