Fallen for Her (7 page)

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Authors: Ava Armstrong

BOOK: Fallen for Her
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There wasn’t a door on Ella’s bedroom, only a curtain on a rod.  As Ray turned to go outside to the porch he saw her close the curtain and she smiled and waved at him.  He dropped his eyes to the floor and turned away, emulating gentlemanly behavior.  Boomer was happy to sit on the porch with him, especially since he had a pocketful of puppy food. 

It was dark on the porch so he lit a kerosene lantern.  The glow of the light brought the last surviving insects to the screen and they crawled in an attempt to get closer to the light.  Ray felt a strange affinity to them.  Like them he was struggling to get close to something bright and warm, but Bob was the screen between them.  He wondered if he should even be having such thoughts.  He had only met her yesterday and yet he was dreaming of kissing her, touching her, and he couldn’t stop the feelings as they flooded over him. 

After about twenty minutes, Ella appeared in the doorway of the porch in flannel pajamas with wet hair.  Flannel and wet hair never looked so sexy. 

“I’m done.  The bathtub is emptying.  Now we’ll fill it up for you!” Ella whispered.

“Okay,” Ray rose obediently.  He would jump off a cliff for her right now if she asked him.  Once again, the two methodically heated up several kettles of hot water and poured them into the old tub.  Ella left Ray alone in her bedroom.  He heard her whip the curtain closed. 

His eyes took in the details of her bedroom in a matter of seconds.  The curtains matched and were gingham cotton.  In the room was an antique Victorian washstand with a brass bowl and vertical mirror.  Her bed was a king sized four poster made of rough hewn pine.  A small table held her menagerie of toiletries.  He dropped his clothing to the floor and stepped into the hot soapy water of the tub.  His back appreciated the heat and relaxation.  His eyes were drawn to the feminine items on her table, a hairbrush, powder, lipstick, and fragrance.  And he noticed a beautiful sparkling bracelet.

“How are you doing in there?” Ella was standing on the other side of the curtain.  He could see her outline with the gaslight in the kitchen revealing her feminine silhouette.  He wanted nothing more than to find some way to bring her into the room with him, but instantly dismissed such a thought. 

“I’m almost done,” Ray said.  He couldn’t help smiling even though Ella couldn’t see him.  The whole scene reminded him of an old movie where a couple of coworkers had to share a motel room together and put up a blanket to separate the room and give them privacy.  He remembered that movie ended with the guy kissing the girl.  He should be so lucky. 

He pulled himself out of the tub and grabbed the towel placed on a chair nearby.  He spoke to Ella as he dried off and put his clothes back on.

“Should I pull the plug and let the water drain out?” Ray asked.

“Sure,” Ella replied. 

He stepped back into the kitchen fully clothed but feeling like a new man. 

“Another beer?” Ella offered.  He noticed she had one open and was half way through.

“Sure.” Ray agreed.  “Be careful, you’ll be back in the outhouse again.”

“It’s a different experience at night.” Ella said seriously.  There are animals out there and I’ve come across a few of them on my nightly sojourns.”  She told him a funny story about surprising a skunk once.  And, she mentioned her fear of bears. 

“Gosh, I didn’t notice it was so late.” Ella glanced at him.  Her eyes looked sleepy but sexy and he wished she didn’t look so good in those pajamas.

Ray finished his beer and swallowed another anti-inflammatory hoping Ella wouldn’t notice, but she did. 

“Headache?” She inquired.

“No, my back is a little sore from the long ride, that’s all.” Ray assured her.

“The beds here are really comfortable.” She offered. “I think it would be a good idea to turn in.” 

Ray turned the gas lights off and the cabin was now lit inside only by moonlight and stars.  The curtains were not drawn and the faint light coming through the wavy glass illuminated the room just enough to see Ella’s form.  He brushed by her as he moved toward his bedroom.

Ella surprised him.  She touched his hand and he froze. 

“I want to thank you, Ray, for being such a good sport,” she whispered.

He didn’t know what came over him but he moved an inch closer to her and became very still.  He didn’t know what her reaction would be.  Her hand moved up his arm and touched his bicep. 
She had to know the affect she was having on him.
  He inhaled the clean smell of her hair.  Her hand continued up his arm and she touched his face. 
She was giving him the green light.
  His hand moved along her upper back lightly pressing her closer and his fingers tangled in the wet hair at the nape of her neck.  Ella moved her face close to his and he couldn’t help but notice she was the perfect height for him to kiss.  With her face upturned he stopped breathing as his lips brushed against hers.  Stopping briefly, he whispered, “Do you want this?”  The touch of her lips on his sent a shock wave of arousal through his body.  Her lips were on his with a tantalizing persuasion.  He moved his mouth over hers devouring the softness of her lips.  






…….FALLEN FOR HER is a series of hot romance novellas

Follow what happens with Ray and Ella ……yes, there will be cliffhangers

Yes, there will be steamy love scenes!

And, unexpected events.





Author, Ava Armstrong



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