Fallen Star (35 page)

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Authors: Morgan Hawke

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Fallen Star
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He released her mouth. “Mount him.”

Fallon was more than ready. She threw her leg over Sobehk’s hips and caught his primary cock in her palm. She pressed the hot cockhead against her moist entrance.

Sobehk groaned and caught her hips.

Fallon eased down onto him.

Sobehk’s mouth opened, and he thrust. His cock stabbed hard up into Fallon.

She threw back her head and gasped. His secondary cock was a hot, hard pressure against her anus.

Khan moved behind her. “Hold.”

Fallon held still. The cock pressing at her anus shifted, and she felt a slippery finger pressing into her. She pushed, and the finger passed within and moved around.

Khan sighed. “Good pet.” His finger slipped out of her.

Sobehk grunted.

Khan set his palm on her shoulder. “He’s prepared; mount.”

Fallon lowered herself. Her anus gave, opened, and let him in. She groaned. She kept forgetting how big he was.

Sobehk thrust upward, hard, spreading her wide and seating himself fully.

Fallon groaned.

Khan moved back. “On your belly.”

Sobehk groaned and rolled, carrying Fallon with him. His eyes were wide and very blue as he stared down at Fallon. He spread his knees, opening her further.

Khan swept Sobehk’s silver-white hair from his broad back. His palms lingered on his skin. “I have missed you.” His voice was soft. He leaned over Sobehk’s back and presented his forearm. “Drink.”

Sobehk focused on the arm, and his pupils widened to dark pits. He opened his mouth. His long white teeth gleamed. He bit down.

Khan grunted and spread out along Sobehk’s back. His arm curled around Sobehk’s waist.

Sobehk’s eyes drifted closed. He swallowed and moaned. He ground his hips into Fallon.

Khan drew Sobehk’s head back. Khan’s lips curled back, showing his long teeth. He thrust hard.

Sobehk’s eyes flew open. He swallowed. A soft sound escaped, but he didn’t release Khan’s arm.

Khan drew Sobehk back, forcing him back onto Khan’s lap, until he was sitting up on his knees.

Sobehk grabbed for Fallon’s thighs, pulling her with him and forcing her body to arch, her thighs spread over his, until only her shoulders were on the mattress.

Fallon groaned. It wasn’t an uncomfortable position, but it was somewhat awkward. She was pretty sure she could feel Khan’s secondary cock resting against the seam of her butt.

Khan locked one arm around Sobehk’s waist and thrust, slowly but with incredible strength.

Sobehk’s eyes closed, and he tensed. And swallowed.

Khan sucked in a deep breath, and his head fell back. He thrust, and thrust ...

She was right. It was Khan’s cock. She could feel it sliding against her ass with each of his thrusts.

Sobehk moaned and shuddered. His hips bucked in sudden counterthrust. His fingers tightened on Fallon’s thighs, and his cocks surged into her; then he retreated to press back onto Khan’s cock.

Khan’s mouth opened on a feral smile. “Yes,
, fuck me. Fuck us both.”

Sobehk groaned and began shoving forward hard into Fallon, then shoving back onto Khan. A thin trickle of blood slid down his chin and dropped onto her belly.

Khan grunted with Sobehk’s thrusts, and his hand opened on Sobehk’s stomach, his claws digging into his belly. His breath quickened, and his lips curled back, baring his long teeth. His gaze focused on Fallon, and his eyes blazed with heat.

Every muscle in Sobehk’s body strained and flexed, his claws digging into her thighs.

Fallon grabbed the pillows around her. The sight of Sobehk being fucked by Khan scalded Fallon to the core. It was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen. Her core clutched at him even as her ass ached with him pumping within her. Heat and pressure built within her.

Sobehk’s thrusts quickened, and he turned his head, obviously to release Khan’s arm.

Khan jerked his arm tighter against Sobehk’s mouth, refusing to let him go. His gaze dropped to Fallon. “Isabeau, hold his wrists. Don’t let him go.”

Fallon grabbed Sobehk’s wrists.

Sobehk twisted his hands in Fallon’s hold, but her hands held most of her real strength. He couldn’t pull free.

, you have denied this long enough.” Khan began thrusting faster and harder, encouraging Sobehk to buck between them at a quicker pace. “You will submit to your body’s needs.” He panted for breath. “And mine.”

Fallon writhed under them. Sobehk’s flesh was hardening within her. He was knotting -- which meant Khan was, too. The idea of Khan knotted tight within Sobehk’s ass brought a hot, illicit thrill racing though her blood. She trembled, and a spat of fresh moisture filled her core.

Sobehk’s gaze went completely out of focus, his thrusts becoming far less controlled. He groaned and tried to pull from Khan’s arm.

Khan held his arm fast to Sobehk’s mouth and thrust harder. “Let go,
. Let go.”

Sobehk moaned, and his eyes widened. His flesh tightened to solid balls of hard flesh sealing his cocks within Fallon’s body. His body stopped straining, and he stopped fighting Khan’s thrusts. His head fell back onto Khan’s shoulder.

Khan sighed. “Yes.” He groaned, and his arm tightened around Sobehk’s waist. “Mother, yes ...” He ground in deep, his thrusts a steady, driving force.

She groaned, and her hips bucked against Sobehk’s unresisting body. He was pressed up against something within her that jolted her with a harsh bolt of raw, urgent pleasure with each of Khan’s thrusts. It was driving her insane.

She was going to cum, and cum hard.

Khan groaned. “Isabeau, release him.”

Fallon released Sobehk’s wrists.

Sobehk’s hands fell limp to his sides, and his body slumped back against Khan.

Khan disengaged his arm from Sobehk’s mouth. He pushed, and they toppled over.

Sobehk’s head hit the pillows to Fallon’s left, and his weight pressed her down into the blankets.

Fallon groaned. Bloody Fate, she was right on top of cumming, and they had to stop! Damn it!

Khan tugged Sobehk to the side and lifted his head above Sobehk’s shoulder. “Isabeau, give me your wrist.”

Fallon lifted the arm that wasn’t trapped under Sobehk.

Khan’s warm fingers caught her wrist. “When I bite you, I want you to bite Sobehk at the same time. Ready?”

Fallon eyed the erect masculine nipple only a kiss away. She smiled at Khan. “Yes,

Khan lifted her wrist to his mouth. His tongue stroked her wrist.

Fallon pressed her mouth against Sobehk’s nipple.

Khan smiled briefly and bit.

Sharp pain stabbed from her wrist, and then fiery release slammed through Fallon in a hot, wet wave. She sank her teeth into Sobehk’s breast. She moaned under the assault and closed her eyes, bucking hard and trembling under Sobehk’s heavy body.

Sobehk gasped and convulsed above her, and Khan groaned.

The blazing erotic waves of their climaxes slammed through her telepathic link. Her body clenched hard and shoved back up into a second climactic tempest and then over, only to grab her by the gut and thrust her over again ...

Her screams were muffled by Sobehk’s chest.

* * * * *

Fallon released Sobehk’s chest and trembled under his heavy weight.

Khan groaned and slid to Fallon’s right. His copper eyes were half-lidded, and deep contentment radiated from him.

Sobehk groaned and rolled over to the left. His eyes were closed, his breathing labored.

Fallon could feel something leaking through the telepathic link from Sobehk. It felt like ... despair, threaded with a strange sense of relief.

Khan’s contentment faded into concern. He lifted up on his elbow. “Sobehk ... I ...”

“Khan ...” Sobehk sucked in a deep breath and released it. “I knew it was ... over. I knew the moment you showed up on the
that this ... would happen.”

“Sobehk, I ...” Khan winced and sat up, closing his arms around his knees. “Shit.” He scowled. “I won’t say I’m sorry. I’m not.” He sighed. “I couldn’t let you leave me again.”

Sobehk snorted. “I know. Manipulative little shit.”

Khan set his cheek on his knees and smiled just a little.

Sobehk groaned shifting uncomfortably. “I don’t believe you fucked me up the ass with that ... thing in your dick!” He shot a glare at Khan.

Khan snorted. “That thing is
my dick because I couldn’t think of anything else painful enough to stop me from missing you.”

Sobehk’s brows shot up. “You’re kidding.”

Khan lifted a brow. “Actually, no, I’m not. I had it done about a year after you left.”

Sobehk frowned. “And the nipples?”

Khan shrugged. “A month after you left.”

Sobehk winced. “Couldn’t you just visit a lot of bars and beat the snot out of anyone stupid enough to get in your way? That’s what I did.”

Khan smiled sourly. “I tried that, among other things. It didn’t work.” He flashed a smile. “It was you I wanted to beat the snot out of.” He rolled his eyes. “I took up this occupation as an outlet for my ... aggression. However ...” His gaze drifted to the door. “I discovered that I have less of a stomach for it than I expected.” He sighed. “I prefer to use a less torturous style of inquiry than many of my ... colleagues.”

Fallon jerked upright. “Torture?” She choked. “

Sobehk chuckled softly. “Khan is a
. He’s a lord-officer of Intelligence and Security appointed by the queen to investigate high-level crime by any means necessary. Torture is part of his ... function.”

Fallon stared at Khan, wide-eyed with shock.

Khan shrugged. “Torture is the established method of gaining facts from ... the unwilling.” He smiled sourly. “But I have discovered that uncovering the facts ahead of time saves me the need to do more than gain their admittance and send them straight to judgment. I prefer to send only the truly deserving to the bowels.”

Fallon swallowed. “The bowels,

Sobehk stretched, and winced. “You’d call it prison, but it’s a bit more ... involved.”

Khan rolled his eyes. “It involves a lot of very painful and messy equipment that does quite horrible things to the body and mind.”

Fallon stiffened as a chill rolled up her spine. “Great.”

“You have nothing to fear, Isabeau.” Khan reached out a hand and swept it across the top of Fallon’s head. “I’ll take care of your punishments myself.”

Fallon hunched her shoulders. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

Sobehk barked out a laugh.

Khan shrugged then grinned. “Not really.”

“Terrific.” She rolled up onto her feet and left the bed.

Khan frowned after her. “Where are you going?”

“The facility! I’m a mess!” And she really needed to go. Sobehk had been resting on her bladder, and it wasn’t happy. She stopped and groaned. Damn it, she’d forgotten to ask permission. She turned around with her hands on her hips and raised a brow at Khan. “
I have permission to use the facility,

Sobehk chuckled. “You better give it to her. She

Khan rolled his eyes. “Yes, of course, by all means.”

Fallon nodded. “Thank you,
.” She turned and fled into the facility.

After a fast trip to the commode, Fallon stepped into the glassed-in shower. Within minutes, hot water was pounding the hell out of her back and shoulders, forcing the tense muscles to relax.

So, she was the pet of a prince and his knight. She tilted her head. Well, that was certainly different. And there were worse places she could have ended up, like the prison pits ... She shied away from that line of thought.

She stretched her arms, working the aches out of them from swinging the sword. The sword work was hard, but it was also very ... relaxing to her mind. She hoped she’d get to do that a lot more. She’d always felt better with a weapon in hand, and a sword was a very cool weapon to know how to use.

Fallon left the facility feeling a whole lot better.

Khan and Sobehk were curled up in the bed talking quietly. They started and looked over at her.

Fallon raised a brow. They almost looked ... guilty? They must have been talking about her. She rolled her eyes. Fine, whatever ... “All right, you two, don’t you think it’s time you told me what I’m supposed to do? We’re going to get to the station tomorrow. I’d kind of like to know what to expect.”

Khan pursed his hips. “You are a
up for sale. You are not supposed to know.”

Fallon rolled her eyes again. “But how am I supposed to know who to stab and who to just growl at?”

Khan shrugged. “If anyone approaches you, attack them.”

Fallon’s mouth fell open. “I don’t want to attack innocent staff!”

Sobehk chuckled and looked over at Khan. “I told you.”

Khan growled. “Fine, rub it in.”

Sobehk shook his head. “Don’t worry, kitten, you’ll be with us the whole time.”

Khan’s eyes narrowed and his smile sharpened, showing teeth. “We have a vested interest in anyone that might approach you, so naturally we have no plans to allow you out of our sight.”

Fallon folded her arms across her chest. “Great.”


Chapter Thirty-One


Moon Blade --
in space dock with the

Imperial Space -- Outbound Corridor

Morning Cycle


Fallon gasped at her reflection in the mirror beside Sobehk’s wardrobe. “I can’t wear this in public!” The black leather suit hugging her from ankle to shoulder gleamed as though polished and was as soft as heavy silk against her skin. It was also incredibly supple and slightly elastic. Completely sleeveless, the suit gave her complete range of arm motion.

It was also open a full hand span wide, from the high collared throat to the very top of her crotch. It barely contained her nipples. It didn’t even try to contain her breasts. The slender belt that buckled directly under her breasts was the only thing keeping them from falling completely out. The belt crossed behind her then continued around to just above her navel. A second belt framed her hips. The two thin belts were the only thing keeping the suit from gaping open when she moved.

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