Fallen Star (5 page)

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Authors: Morgan Hawke

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Fallen Star
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He gripped her hip. The broad, slick head of his cock pressed tight against the small opening of her anus. “Push out, and push out hard, because whether or not you want it, I’m coming up your ass, right now.” Her anus began to spread under the insistent pressure.

She tossed her head and writhed, but his cock continued to press. The pain was sharp and immediate. She arched and twisted, but the cables had no give. “Damn you! It hurts!”

“Of course it hurts!” His long nails dug into her hip. “I said, push out!” He slapped her ass hard.

She gasped under the burn of his strike and reflexively pushed out. The head of his cock slipped past the ring of her anus. She couldn’t stop the small cry of surprise or the undignified moan that followed. Once he got past the tight muscle of her opening, it wasn’t as bad as she had expected.

“Fuck yeah, the sounds of first ... penetration.” His cock pressed onward, stretching her with his hard length. He sighed with pleasure. “Not so bad once it’s in there, is it?”

Fallon gritted her teeth.
. It would have been a whole lot easier to keep her over-excited libido at bay if it continued to hurt. As it was, the decadent feeling of his penetration was making her hotter -- not colder.

“Keep pushing; you have a lot more cock to fit in there.”

She gasped for breath and groaned as she pushed out. His hard shaft slowly forged deeper, stretching her impossibly wide.

He drew in a deep breath. “Almost ... there.”

Something blunt and rigid made contact with the outer lips to her cunt. She stilled in surprise. It didn’t have the crisp hardness of plastic or glass, but rather the satiny give of leather, or flesh, and it was warm. The blunt broadness nudged between her slick folds, nosing into her hungry core. It felt like another cock.

“Oh, yeah,” he said in a soft growl. “You are soaking wet. My second cock is gonna slide right in.”

Her head came up.
Second cock?
She had known that some races were ... built that way, but she’d had no idea that Sobehk was.

“Oh, so you didn’t know?” He chuckled, and it vibrated through the cock jammed up her ass. “Surprise.” His hands closed on her waist. He pulled, driving both cocks all the way in. His hips slammed against her ass.

Fire scorched the abused ring of her anus even as her hungry core was finally filled. She howled and twisted, impaled on both cocks.

Sobehk groaned in obvious pleasure. “Fuck, your cunt is almost as tight as your ass!”

He rolled his hips, digging his cock deeper into her ass while rubbing against something brutally exciting deep in her core.

She gasped as raw erotic pleasure mixed with the hot pressure of over-fullness. Her toes curled and shivers erupted all over her body. Her hips twisted under him in pure reflex.

“That’s it,” he crooned. “Feel those hard cocks stretching you open.” He twisted his hips counter to her movements, working his cocks deep in her ass and cunt.

“Sadistic bastard!” Her voice was embarrassingly close to a whimper, but her body had a mind of its own and she continued to move under him.

“Nice of you to notice, but you are still gonna cum screaming on both my dicks.”

“I don’t ...” She sucked in a breath, fighting to think through the sensual overload. “I don’t cum that easily ...” She groaned. “Not with a cock up my ass!”

“Is that so?” He pulled back slowly, sliding his cock a few increments from her butt. His other cockhead slid almost to the point of exiting.

She hissed in shock. His withdrawal wasn’t painful at all; in fact, it felt distinctly pleasurable, but not in any recognizable way she’d ever felt pleasure before.

“Felt good, didn’t it?”

Fallon dropped her head, annoyed that he’d figured that out so fast, but what really frightened her was her body’s greedy hunger.


She desperately did not want to give him the satisfaction, but her body had other ideas. She stiffened and her butt rose, just a tiny bit, in eager invitation.

“Oh, yeah, you want more.” His long nails dug into her hips. He thrust.

She choked as he filled her. Her ass burned even as her core clamped down in greedy delight. “Fuck! That hurts!”

“It hurts now, because you’re new to it.” He leaned over her, and his voice dropped into a low growl. “Next time you’ll beg for it.”

A snarl erupted from her throat. It sounded utterly animalistic, like that of a hunting feline, and completely inhuman. She gasped, shocked. “Was that me?”

He choked out a laugh. “Yes, yes it was.” He stroked her back with his warm hands. “It sounds like you’re going to need that second dose soon.” He pulled back, delivering more of that illicit pleasure. “No more mercy; you need an ass full of cum.”

She stilled under him. “What?” He couldn’t mean what she thought he meant ...

He snorted. “Just relax and enjoy the ride. The faster I go, the quicker I get off, and the faster I can get you out of here.” He pulled back and slammed back in with vicious speed.

She shouted with the hot brutal impact in her ass even as he struck something within her core that jolted her hard with erotic delight.

He grunted and pulled back only to shove right back in.

She shuddered, jolted across the saddle by the impact of his hips against her ass. And yet heat coiled and tightened within her. A whimper escaped her lips.

He slammed in again. Then again, and again, increasingly harder in his thrusts ... He grunted as he fucked her hard enough to rock the glider under them.

Powerful and cruel pleasure washed through her and coiled tight into a ferocious and rising wave. Her fingers splayed out as she twisted under him, overwhelmed. She couldn’t stop her gasping cries of bright agony and dark delight.

He ground into her, hot, hard, and deliciously deep. “You’re just about there.”

He was right; she was going to cum, and cum horrifically hard. That last one was nothing compared to what was coiling in her belly. She could feel the scream building within her. Alarmed by the strength of her rising climax, she struggled against it, burning with lust but more terrified of the fall.

“You stubborn little feral ...” Sobehk growled over her. “Quit fighting it!”

Her body rocked and shuddered under his thrusts, burning and trembling with the need for release, but fear held her back.

Sobehk dropped on top of her and slid his hand around her hip and under. “Damn you, you are going to cum.” His finger found her swollen clit and flicked. And thrust.

Liquid heat and fire erupted in a ferocious boil. Climax dug its claws deep into her, screaming for escape. She balanced on the edge. A howl of denial was ripped from her throat. “No!”

“Yes!” He ground his cocks into her as his fingers worked her clit. “Cum, damn you!”

“No!” Fallon cried out, frantic with both need and fear, and still she held back from the edge.

He growled. “No more stubbornness.” His open mouth pressed hot and wet on the long muscle of the throat.

She felt the points of his long teeth. A shiver of alarm raced up her spine. “Don’t ...!”

He bit down.

Four small but fierce lines of bright hot pain tore her throat. She moaned.

His tongue swept across the small tears and he rose over her. “Now you’ll cum.”

A wave of overwhelming sensation slammed through her. Hot lust, intense pleasure, and aching fullness mixed into a violent wave.

“Oh, yeah, you’re feeling it now.” He thrust, and thrust ...

She bucked, frenzied by the intensity of the sensations wracking her. It was too much. She screamed. Her body clenched tight with imminent release. Her breath stopped in her throat.

“That’s it, kitten ...” Sobehk groaned and thrust hard. “Cum, cum on my cocks and squeeze me dry!”

Release exploded within her. She fell shrieking and writhing into a maelstrom of orgasmic pleasure that washed her sanity from her mind. From far away she heard his triumphant howl and felt his final thrust. She shook under the final burning waves of orgasm as his cum filled her.


Chapter Four


Fallon was barely conscious as Sobehk unfastened the cables that held her down across the glider’s saddle. She felt the cool edge of steel slide up the back of her legs. Two quick jerks tore the mangled remains of her leather suit from her body. He tossed it on the pavement. His fingers jerked at the buckles of her boots.

She tried to raise her head. “Not my boots.” Those boots had been specially tailored for her. Most of her inter-neural infiltration tools were secreted in the leather and the lining. More than half of those tiny instruments accessed specially tailored breaking codes that she had programmed herself. Her entire profession was in her boots.

“The boots definitely have to go. Chaos only knows what kind of thieves’ tools you have in them.” He tugged the first off and threw it.

“No ...” She struggled, but simply couldn’t get up the will to do more than shake her head. Her body shuddered and a wave of heat flushed her from head to toe. She groaned.

He tugged off her other boot and stroked her bare calf. “Shit. The fever has started. I have got to get you back.” He pulled her up into his arms and threw his leg over the glider’s saddle. Holding her crosswise in his arms, he frowned down at her and swept a hand across her brow. “Your eyes are starting to show signs of going.”

She ignored his words; she was too busy staring at the sleek, silky black shirt stretched across his broad chest. He was also wearing a heavy leather coat that draped the sides of the glider.
He’s dressed? When did he get dressed?

He hauled her leg over his until she straddled him, facing his chest. She was just too damned tired to even attempt to move. His leather pants felt soft under her spread thighs.

Heat struck the back of her skull. It washed down her body, triggering a thorough soaking sweat. She barely noticed as he tugged her arms under his coat then around his waist. She was too busy trying to breathe past the wave of heat that flooded her limbs.

“Keep your wrists together around my waist.”

A sizzling shimmer went through her arm augmentations, and her wrists locked together behind his back. Suddenly the heat passed and she could think again.

He tipped her head back. “Open your mouth.”

“Huh?” She moaned softly. “Now what?”

“I said: open.” His thumbs dug into her jaw and her mouth popped open. He tilted her head back and peered into her mouth. “Oh, yeah, you got a nice set in there.”

She shook her head and he released her. “Set of what?”

He smiled, and it wasn’t pretty. “Fangs, kitten. You have a very pretty set of uppers and lowers.”

She explored her new teeth with her tongue. She pricked herself and flinched. They were sharp.
Fangs, great ...
Her head fell against his heart, and she closed her eyes. She was so tired. His warm scent washed over her. He smelled of clean sweat, male skin, and sex. He smelled ... good. She pressed her nose against him to smell him some more.

“It’s time to go.” He closed his coat around them both and buckled the glider’s safety belts around them. “We’re late.” He pulled on the helmet and started the glider’s air turbines, the vibration humming deep in her bones. He leaned forward and grabbed the glider’s handlebars. “We’ve
late.” The glider lifted straight up on a wave of anti-grav.

“Huh?” She lifted her head. “Late for what?” The glider tipped up and lunged hard for the sky. She was slammed into his chest and the wind ripped her words away.

The howling turbo-glider and its two passengers lunged up from the manufacturing levels of the station’s under-city. Sleek, narrow, and built for power, the glider knifed into the flight stream arching over the corporate towers of the upper-city. Traffic lights gleamed on the aggressively edged side fins. Buoyant on a wave of anti-grav and propelled by the glider’s churning air turbines, the glider dodged nighttime flight-traffic at killing speed.

Fallon gripped Sobehk around the waist, her thighs straddling his, her bare feet hooked around his calves as they bucked over the conflicting air currents. Not that she could have let go if she tried with the force-cuffs locking her wrists around him. She clenched her hands into tight fists against his warm back and pressed her face into his chest. He had her under his coat, but he hadn’t given her a helmet. The icy wind of the upper-city made her eyes water. It was a lot warmer in the deeps.

The glider suddenly dropped in speed and dipped.

Fallon jerked awake.
She couldn’t believe she’d actually fallen asleep. Where were they? She turned to look. The colors were all smeary and too bright. She squinted into the wind to focus. They were circling the brightly lit open ring of a small, cone-shaped spaceport reserved for privately owned ships. She stared, wide-eyed. Blood and Fate, what did he want all the way out here?

Her eyes went out of focus. She squinted harder. They were very far away from the heart of the under-city where he’d finally caught her. Once she got away it was going to be one serious pain in the ass of a long trek back. Not to mention that she was stark naked. Getting something to wear up on the topside was going to be a problem all by itself.

The glider dove into the spaceport ring and slipped easily past slow-moving hover-barges towing freight and passengers as it skimmed deep into the lower levels.

Fallon bit her lip. She hadn’t thought he would actually enter the spaceport. This was not looking good at all.

The glider took a sharp turn and dropped, landing on its cycle tires with a small bounce.

She yelped in surprise. “Don’t get us killed!”

“Shut up and let me drive!”

They raced along the main passage that ran along the level’s outer edge, then took a sudden sharp turn into a small wedge-shaped berth. The dock lights illuminated the long, sleek, aggressive lines of a highly reflective black craft designed for space travel as well as atmospheric flight. It was only a little bigger than a frigate-class pleasure yacht, and it was armed with ports for energy pulse cannons and ballistics.

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