Falling In Love Again (Heroic Rogues Series) (24 page)

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After he left, she broke the strange looking seal and read the contents, written in perfect penmanship.

“My dear Lady Lockwood. I’m pleased to hear you have married your betrothed. I have no doubt he’ll take care of you. Lately, you have been on my mind, and I wondered if you would meet me privately. If this is acceptable, please meet me tomorrow evening. By the docks you will see a shipping company, “Thorne Shipping”. Next door is an empty office. If you will, meet me there at eight o’clock precisely. Your highwayman, Hawk.”

Although her heart leapt, anger coursed through her. She crumbled the missive and threw it in the low burning fire. Flames licked at the paper until it turned to ash.

How dare he try to contact her now after she was married! Why hadn’t he tried to see her before? But the letter said it all. He was pleased to hear she was now married.

She wiped the moisture gathering in her eyes and took a deep breath. Well, Hawk could rot with the devil for all she cared. If he thought she would rush out to meet him tomorrow, he was sorely mistaken.

“Are you ready, my dear?”

She spun toward her husband’s voice. He stood at the doorway wearing a light blue coat over his white shirt. His tan breeches fit his thighs almost too tight, and the buckled shoes looked out of place. For some reason, the knee boots he wore last night when she’d watched him out the window looked better.

Smiling, she walked toward him. “Yes, I’m ready.”

He motioned toward the pianoforte. “I heard you playing. You are remarkably talented.”

“Thank you, my lord. It has been many years since I played.”

“Well, I expect you to brush up on your lessons, my dear. With talent like that, I’ll not be able to keep you a secret for long. I shall show you off to all my friends.”

She laughed. “If you heard me sing, I fear you would change your mind as quickly as you changed your clothes.”

Tilting back his head, he laughed heartily. It pleased her to know he found her so entertaining, nonetheless.

“Come, my dear. It’s time for our outing. Is there any place you would like to go? I know you’re not acquainted with New York as I, so let me know if there’s someplace special you would like to see first.”

“Nothing comes to mind. Why do you not take me to your favorite spots?”

He slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. “My favorite spot happens to be right upstairs in my room. But I fear you’re not quite ready for that. Correct?”

Her cheeks heated. “You’re correct.”

His gaze moved over her face slowly before resting on her mouth. He bent and brushed his lips across hers before withdrawing. “So let us be off before I decide I cannot wait to introduce you to my bed.”

He hooked her arm around his elbow and escorted her back outside to their vehicle, now an open carriage. Relief sighed through her, knowing he wouldn’t want any more kissing lessons seeing how everyone would see them now.

Although kissing him had been more enjoyable than she wanted, she still hesitated about getting too close to him for fear he’d turn into the monster she’d been warned about. But she needed to do something to put Hawk from her mind, and if giving herself to her husband tonight would do it, she’d gladly start early.

Chapter Fifteen


Marcus’ main goal wasn’t to seduce her, but to gain her trust. Pleasurable pursuits would come later. How else could he get her to talk about the Royal Navy, and especially what they succeeded in hiding? And if he couldn’t get her to talk about them as his wife, he was determined that Hawk would succeed. One way or another, he’d get information out of her.

He tried not to think how well he enjoyed her kisses in the coach after the ceremony. She followed his instructions perfectly, and all thoughts of revenge had fled his mind. Thankfully, the vehicle had reached his house, giving him time to think about what he wanted to accomplish.

He took her to Bowling Green Park first. With her hand hooked on his elbow, he felt like the grandest man in New York even if he didn’t want to feel that way. Isabelle was very lovely, and many men watched her as they walked down the lane. A few people greeted him, and he acted as if he knew them. Whenever they stopped to chat, he always turned the conversation back to them, asking about their families. He couldn’t let them know he had no idea who they were.

He led Isabelle to the pond, and they watched the ducks. Still too quiet, he wanted her to talk to him.

He patted her hand. “Are you enjoying your day, my dear?”

She smiled. “Immensely. Thank you.”

“I am, as well. It’s quite nice not to worry about what meeting I’ll attend, or who I have to entertain next.”

Looking up into his eyes, she shaded the glare with her hand. “I must say, you have continued to surprise me.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Indeed? How so?”

“Well, people talk, and when I asked about you, I was told you were not a generous person. I was frightened nearly to death to come speak with you about the betrothal. But I must admit, you’re nothing like what people have told me, which greatly relieves me.”

Marcus wanted to laugh aloud. So his brother had a bad reputation. Why didn’t that shock him? Regardless, Marcus would change the name and from now on, people would talk with respect when they mentioned Lockwood.

“Yes, well, I assume you spoke to the wrong people, my dear. I don’t think everyone loathes me.”

She chuckled. “No, they don’t loathe you, they just didn’t think you would be kind to me.”

Like a true aristocrat, he lifted his chin and squared his shoulders. “Well, I hope they eat their words now.”

“Oh, I’m certain they will.” She sighed heavily, and her cheerful expression was quickly replaced with forlorn.

“What bothers you so?”

She shrugged. “I’m leery to ask this next question.”

He stopped them and faced her. Cupping her face, he smiled. “My dear, Isabelle. Have we not established the fact that I’m indeed a generous man? I’m not the evil person you have been told about. So please, tell me what’s on your mind. Ask me anything.”

Her big blue eyes gleamed with an emotion that nearly tore his heart out. He mustn’t feel this way. She was the spy, he reminded himself. She was the gifted actress who nearly killed him.

“Would you…” She paused. “Would you tell me about my father? Since arriving in New York, I have been told some awful things about him. Things he had kept hidden from me. I don’t want to believe it, but—” She shrugged. “—I want to know the truth, and I don’t know if people are being honest. Since you were once his friend, will you please tell me about him?”

Silently, he cursed. His brother probably got along well with the Commodore. Undoubtedly, Matthew would have many pleasant stories to relate. Marcus didn’t. But he didn’t want to lie to her. She needed to know about her father and what kind of businessman he cheated before his death.

Marcus moved his hands down the slender column of her neck to rest on her shoulders.

“Please tell me,” she said softly.

He nodded. “Most people liked your father. He was always cheerful and charming. Unfortunately, he also made some bad choices in his business deals.” He brushed his fingers against her soft ringlets. “Even if his solicitor hadn’t taken everything your father owned I’m quite certain you would have not found very much in his house. The main reason he was returning to England to be with you was because debtors were calling in his notes, and he didn’t have the money to pay.”

Tears filled her eyes. “That cannot be. He told me he was bringing home my inheritance.”

“I wish I knew what to tell you, my sweet. Perhaps he did have something of value, but I highly doubt it. His house was the only thing I knew about, and it looks like his solicitor took that from him.”

“Why… why would he lie?” Her voice broke.

His gut twisted, wishing he wasn’t so affected by her emotions. “I wish I knew.”

She took a deep breath and released it. Straightening, she turned and hooked her hand around his arm again, preparing to continue their walk.

“Thank you, Marcus. I appreciate your honesty.”

“Any time, my sweet

She glanced his way briefly with a smile, then looked back at the cobbled stone walk way. “This park is very lovely. And relaxing.”

“Yes, it is.”

He pulled her arm against his body closer. “So now it is my turn.”

She looked up at him with wide eyes. “Your turn?”

“Yes. I’ll ask you a question, and I want you to be honest with me.”

Her smile widened. “You make it sound like a child’s game.”

“Perhaps we can pretend it is.” He chuckled. “Now, what I want you to tell me is…” Oh, how could he ask her?
How long have you been a spy and who do you work for?
No, he couldn’t say that. Yet, how could he get her to confess? “I’ve been curious about you since signing the betrothal agreement with your father. He told me stories about his daughter that made me want to know you better. He mentioned his involvement with the Royal Navy, and that you…” He lowered his voice and looked around to make sure they were not overheard.

“That I, what?”

“Well, that you were also involved. Secretly, of course.”

She gasped and dropped her hand. Her face paled and her eyes widened. “He told you that?”


“Why would he tell such an outlandish lie?”

Marcus studied her closely, but still couldn’t tell if she were telling the truth. Outwardly, she appeared innocent and shocked beyond reason, but she also acted that way with Hawk until the dagger slipped between his ribs and he knew better.

…” He stroked her arm. “Don’t get upset, my dear. It’s all right, I assure you. Your secret will be safe with me.”

She shook her head. “I don’t have a secret. My father was involved with the navy, not I. Politics do not interest me, and he knew it. I didn’t even like him talking about it in front of me.”

“So you are against the Royal Navy?”

“Well, I don’t think I’m against them as much as I just don’t care one way or another.”

“So if they had secrets of some kind, you wouldn’t know them at all?”

She laughed and rolled her eyes. “If by some great chance I overheard a secret, I wouldn’t have a clue. Like I said, politics don’t interest me in the least.”

Why couldn’t he believe her? Heaven help him, he wanted to believe she wasn’t a spy, but… She had the dagger. The dagger held the secret message. One of the men at the tavern had described her as the woman knowing the secrets. What else could he believe?

“Marcus? Did my father really say that about me?”

He nodded. “Yes, the Commodore led me to believe you were some kind of spy.”

She frowned. “It seems my father was an excellent liar.”

“Yes, it does.” Either that or she was the experienced liar. But what if… What if he’d been wrong about her all this time?

His head throbbed with tension. No, he couldn’t be wrong. Captain Hawk was rarely wrong. He’d just have to watch her closer now. If she indeed was a spy, she might meet with her contact soon. Especially now that he brought it up. Hopefully, she’d be more willing to tell Hawk as well.

After their walk, he collected the picnic basket and blanket from the carriage. They ate not far from the road. The topic of her father—or spying—hadn’t been touched again. But at least now she didn’t seem so shy. She spoke freely and laughed with ease. He caught her several times studying his face, and he hoped she didn’t recognize him as the highwayman.

She spoke of her aunt and uncle quite a bit with a twinkle in her eyes. Lying on his side, he leaned on his elbow, stretching his legs out on the blanket as he listened. Color bloomed in her cheeks as she talked with so much enthusiasm. Jealousy crept in his heart, wishing he had family he could speak that way about.

Silence lasted a few moments as she bit into an apple. She looked so adorable sitting beside him, wearing this lovely gown. But it was her soft blue eyes that captured him. Why hadn’t he noticed how intoxicating they were while she was his prisoner on the ship? Then again, he only wanted her for revenge back then.

Although his goal had changed, he still wanted her.

“You were very fortunate to have such loving guardians. I’d like to meet them some day.”

Her eyes grew wide. “Indeed?”


“Well, because they helped raise me, it depleted their funds, I’m afraid. Father would have paid them back, to be sure, but now…” She shrugged. “In order to see my aunt and uncle, we would have to sail to England because they cannot come here.”

“Your father never sent them money while they raised you?”

“He did at first, but only for a couple of years. After that, he always made some excuse why he couldn’t send the money.”

The rotten man! If the Commodore were alive, Marcus would surely love to wrap his fingers around his neck right now and squeeze the life right out of him.

“Then I suppose we should send them some money, don’t you agree?”

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