Family Jewels (15 page)

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Authors: Rita Sable

BOOK: Family Jewels
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His cock throbbed with need, hard enough to hang a coat from it. His eyes crossed with intense anticipation of the explosion he knew he’d have once he buried himself inside her slick, wet heat.

Cynthia jerked once more, her breath gurgling from her throat. This time she didn’t scream out her release. Instead, she went into a state of suspended animation, holding her breath while her second orgasm rippled through her body with tiny, delightful quivers. With his lips on her belly he felt the wondrous contractions wash through her womb. He hadn’t even had the chance to lap up the wine that coated her glistening pussy.

By now his cock burned with unbelievable pressure and his balls were so tight they felt like they were made of steel. He could no longer hold off the urge to plunge into her sleek channel and ease the sweet pain of his erection.

“Sorry, darling. I can’t wait any longer to have you.” He quickly slid the condom onto his erection.

Panting and breathless, Cynthia peeked at him from under her long lashes. Her cheeks were flushed with bright, warm color. Her full lips were parted and she drew in long breaths of air.

“Oh thank God. I can’t wait either. Take me, Trevor, take me hard.”

“With pleasure.” He moved between her legs, still kneeling and hooked his hands under her thighs. He lifted her up and opened her wide. Cynthia watched him with heavy-lidded eyes. He touched the bulging head of his cock to the slick, hot mouth of her opening.

She wiggled her hips. “Now, Trevor. Please don’t make me wait anymore.”

He rose up and thrust into her, growling with incredible satisfaction when her slippery folds parted to give him entrance. Her tight flesh gripped him like a hot, wet glove. She threw her head back across the pillow and gasped.

Horrified that he’d hurt her, he remained absolutely still. “Are you all right?”

A slow, languid smile played on her lips. “You feel soooo good. Fuck me. Now.
, Trevor.”

Her dirty talk spurred the beast inside him waiting to be unleashed. He pulled out of her luscious body with a long, deliriously enticing stroke and plunged back inside her hot, wet core as hard as he dared. Her breasts danced with the force he applied to her body. Her lips opened with surprised satisfaction. Encouraged that his forceful impalement pleasured her as much as it thrilled him, he picked up the pace and gave her what they both craved—a really fast hard fuck.

“Mmm,” she moaned, biting her bottom lip. “Just like that, oh my God, yes!”

Again her body tightened into another orgasm. Her vaginal walls squeezed him rhythmically, plumping the hot flesh that gloved his cock so tightly he thought she was burning him alive. Sweat popped out along his spine and face from the physical exertion. His own release wasn’t far away. His heart felt like it would break through his ribs and fly out of his body.

Incredibly, another wave of orgasm jerked through her womb, tightening her body like a vise around his thrusting cock. Cynthia thrashed her head back and forth, moaning loudly, whispering “don’t stop, don’t stop” with each breath.

He rammed into her twice more and exploded inside her hot, wet pussy, groaning with the most intense mind-consuming orgasm of his life.

Trevor collapsed on top of her, eyes closed to the fireworks still going on inside his head, rushing through every muscle and bone in his body. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tight, snaked her long legs around his and held him captive inside her body. She scattered his face with tiny kisses while he slowly caught his breath and came back down to earth.

“You’re incredible,” she mumbled against his cheek. “So big, so hard. So perfect. Just incredible.”

He opened one eye. She was smiling like the cat who’d just stolen the morning cream. Her eyes were soft again, heavy-lidded, glittering with spent pleasure. Tiny beads of sweat dotted her brow. Long strands of her hair tangled across her throat and spread out across the pillow like a bronzed fan.

“You’re beautiful, Cynthia. Thank you.”

Her smile widened. “Don’t thank me. You gave me the best fuck of my life just now. Four times, Trevor. I came four times in the span of what, half an hour? My God, you’re good.”

A small chuckle escaped him. “I’m glad I could bring you such pleasures. I’ve never known a woman who could have multiple orgasms, or have them so quickly.”

“Really?” Her eyes widened. “I know I’m not

“Probably not. But I’ve never been with a woman who could. I find it fascinating and so very sexy. Makes me want to do it again. And again.”

Something unreadable crossed her face. She loosened her arms and legs and turned her face away to stare at the wall. He slid out of her body and peeled off his spent condom with a tissue before tossing it into the small trash can by the nightstand. Then he moved close behind to spoon himself to her softness.

Cynthia lay quiet, as if she’d retreated from him.

“Something wrong?”

“No,” she mumbled. “You don’t think I was, um…too easy?”

“What? Why would I think that?”

She tipped her face to look at him. “Some of the guys I dated thought I was easy, because I like sex and never really turned any of them down. But the truth was I used them, too.”

“Why should you be ashamed about your own sex drive?”

“I dunno.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I just was. I’d heard the name ‘slut’ in reference to me more times than I cared to during high school. After a while I just shut down and stopped dating all together.”

“What about your last boyfriend? Did you use him, too?”

She shook her head, pressing her lips together. “No. Nick was a good guy. Very nice. But he didn’t understand about the other driving force in my life. My work. I take it very seriously…and that interfered with his plans sometimes. We argued a lot.”

“He’s a fool, darling. And quite frankly, I’m rather glad you two have gone your separate ways. Or else I wouldn’t be able to have you here, in my arms. To savor and make love to all night long. If you’ll let me.”

“I’d like that very much.” She smiled shyly. “Thank you.”

He planted a tender kiss on the curve of her shoulder. “For what?”

“For coming to my rescue. And for being such a gentleman.”

“I hardly think I qualify. A gentleman wouldn’t have seduced you just now.”

“You are. I very much wanted the seduction. You do that very well.”

He trailed his lips over her shoulder and down to her slender neck. She purred and closed her eyes, cuddling her soft bottom closer into his crotch. A man could definitely get addicted to such a responsive woman. In the back of his mind, he beat down the thought that what he’d done was wrong—when it felt so right.

They’d met under duress and needed to stay together for her safety. Was it fair to assume what he felt was purely lust for her? He certainly wasn’t acting in the most professional manner.

Cynthia yawned. He rolled back onto the bed, pulled her into the curve of his body, flicked off the light and dragged the edge of the comforter over them. She was deliciously warm and soft. Her skin felt like silk under his hands. She snuggled close and sighed, content.

“Tired?” he murmured against her temple.

“Exhausted.” She yawned again.

“Good. Sleep, darling. I’ll keep you safe.”

Chapter Fourteen


Cynthia blinked awake and smiled. Despite a deep, satisfying sleep, she knew instantly where she was and with whom. Warmth enveloped her from head to toe. Trevor lay behind her, holding her close inside the curve of his body. One heavy, muscular arm draped over the arch of her bare hip. The crisp hairs of his crotch and thighs tickled her bottom and the backs of her legs. His breathing was slow, deep in slumber. She resisted the urge to wriggle closer to him, if that were at all possible.

She’d been having a silly dream, the vivid images still darting through her memory like a flickering home movie. The dream where she and her brother played Cops and Robbers as children, running through the house screaming until their mother shouted for them to go outside and play. As a child, she’d loved that game most of all.

She was always the robber and her brother loved playing the cop. Sometimes the neighborhood kids would get involved in their game. She still chose to be the robber and they all chased after her.

The thrill of pursuit and subsequent capture remained with her all these years. She’d been safe then, free to explore her childhood fantasies—without the real-life horror and dangers of the last twenty-four hours crashing down on her.

Safe. She felt warm and protected now.

Fully awake, she took inventory of her surroundings. Pale gray light glowed around the edges of the drapery. She settled deeper into the pillow. Trevor’s impressive cock rested hot and long against her ass cheek. Her body hummed with satisfaction and a hint of delicious rawness between her legs.

he was a fantastic lover
Too bad I was too tired to take him up on his offer for more

She’d had sex with a lot of different men. Not one of them had given her anything close to Trevor’s hard forceful thrusts. None had ever been so creative as to drink wine from her body, tantalizing and torturing her with exquisite licks until she thought she’d fly out of her skin for want of him. If she hadn’t been so exhausted, would he have been able to go again? Even harder?

Would he laugh at her if she revealed her deepest, wildest fantasy to him? Or would he think her demented and weird? How many women ever admitted to having such a strange sexual fantasy?

Trevor had been the first man to give her a hint that her deepest sexual desire wasn’t just a dream.

Her heart picked an erratic pace and thudded against her ribs, loud enough that she thought she could hear it. Trevor promised to keep her safe from harm. How would he feel about tying her up?

“What are you thinking, darling?”

His breath feathered across her cheek with his soft spoken words. He hadn’t been asleep at all! She turned her head. His eyes were sharply focused and alert.

She wiggled inside his embrace until she faced him. “I was dreaming about a game my brother and I used to play. Cops and Robbers.”

“So, it was a happy dream? I felt your heart race.”

Cynthia touched her finger to the dark stubble that shadowed his jaw. The rough feeling of it was incredibly arousing. She smoothed her whole hand over his chin. “Yes. It was a happy dream. Did you ever play that game when you were a child?”

“Of course.”

“And? What were you a cop, or the robber?”

“I was always a cop.” His smile turned wolfish. He caught the hand she caressed him with and turned his mouth into her palm. He nipped the fleshy part beneath her thumb with his teeth.

She gasped, startled by the playful bite. She tried to pull her hand back. He held it firm so that he could lick and kiss the small hurt, watching her reaction to pain and pleasure with hooded, velvet blue eyes.

“Mmm.” She wet her lips. “I like that, Trevor. Tell me what you like. I’ll do almost anything.”

Sensual heat flickered in his eyes for a moment, flaring brightly like lighter fluid igniting smoldering coals. “So you said last night. Almost anything. What is ‘almost anything’?”

She dropped her gaze to his throat, admiring the sinewy cording of muscle and tendons. Under the covers, she moved her other hand into the small space separating them in the bed. Her knuckles grazed against his taut abs, gently skimming the undulating muscles and moved lower, past his navel, following the soft hairline lower still.

“Almost anything” she said breathily, “is probably more than you…um, more than you’re comfortable with.”

Her questing fingers found the thick hair nesting his cock. She feathered her fingertips even lower and found the branding heat of his semi-erection rising to meet her. Tentatively she circled him, amazed at the pulsing life and the way it expanded and grew until her fingertips couldn’t connect any longer. He was marvelously hard. She ached for him to fuck her again.

He pumped his hips one time, filling her hand with his shaft. “How do you know I won’t be comfortable with ‘almost anything’? I’ve seen and done a lot of things that would shock a nice girl like you, Cyn.”

A sly grin touched her lips. She met his eyes again and watched his pupils expand when she slowly stroked his length from thick base to the bulging head. She found a slippery drop of pre-come at the tip and smoothed it over his cock head with her thumb. “Because I’m not a nice girl, Trevor. Not in bed. And I really want to—”

The shrill sound of his cell phone startled them both. He lay back and groaned heavily. “Christ almighty!”

She flinched, pulled her hands away from his body and tucked them under the pillow.

“Hold that thought, darling. I have to answer this.”

Trevor sat up, threw the comforter aside with a sweep of his hand and reached for the annoying cell phone at the same time. He turned his back to her, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“St. James.”

Reality crashed into Cynthia’s blossoming fantasy, sending it careening out of her mind and body with sickening speed that left her feeling empty and nauseous. How could she so easily forget that her life was in danger? She had what he searched for. Would this frightening threat end if she gave him the damned diamond now?

She lifted her head just high enough off the pillow to stare at her backpack. It peeked out from behind the TV cabinet exactly where she’d left it last night. It would be so easy now to just get up and give it to him, wouldn’t it?

He’d take that beautiful diamond and be gone. She’d never see him again.

Trevor dragged one hand through his hair and grunted into the phone several times. She felt awkward about listening to his private conversation. Eavesdropping was never something she enjoyed, although she’d done it before.

“What the hell! When?” He stood up and stalked over to the table to write something on the hotel notepad lying there.

She lifted the edge of the comforter and slid out of bed on the opposite side. He didn’t look her way when she picked up her backpack, her clothes and walked into the bathroom.

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