Farmer in the Sky

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Authors: Robert A Heinlein

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #General, #Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fiction - Science Fiction, #Space Opera, #Space colonies, #Science Fiction - Adventure, #Science Fiction - Space Opera, #American, #American Science Fiction And Fantasy, #Bildungsromans, #Heinlein, #Robert A. - Prose & Criticism, #Farm life, #Scouting (Youth activity), #Fathers and sons

BOOK: Farmer in the Sky
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Farmer in the Sky


Robert A. Heinlein


A Del Rey Book

Published by Ballantine Books


Copyright © 1950 by Robert A. Heinlein


A condensed version was published in

Boy's Life Magazine
under the title
Satellite Scout.


ISBN 0-345-32438-2


This edition published by arrangement with Charles Scribner's Sons


Printed in Canada


First Ballantine Books Edition:

April 1975 Eighteenth Printing: October 1992




They shut off winter soon after that. The heat trap was turned on full force; the skies cleared and it was lovely.

The first view I got of the Ganymede sky was a little after dawn next Sun phase. The heat trap made the sky a pale green—but Jupiter shone right through it, ruddy, orange, and big. Big and beautiful—I've never gotten tired of looking at Jupiter.

It hangs there in the sky, never rising, never setting . . . and you wonder what holds it up!


“Heinlein is more responsible for the development of modern science fiction than any other man!”

—The New Yorker







The Green-Eyed Monster

Space Ship

Captain DeLongPre

Captain Harkness

E = MC

Scouting in Space


The Moons of Jupiter

The Promised Land

“Share Croppers”

Bees and Zeroes

Johnny Appleseed

Land of My Own

Why Did We Come?

Line Up


Pioneer Party

The Other People




Our troop had been up in the High Sierras that day and we were late getting back. We had taken off from the camp field on time but Traffic Control swung us 'way east to avoid some weather. I didn't like it; Dad usually won't eat if I'm not home.

Besides that, I had had a new boy shoved off on me as co-pilot; my usual co-pilot and assistant patrol leader was sick, so our Scoutmaster, Mr. Kinski, gave me this twerp. Mr. Kinski rode in the other copter with the Cougar Patrol.

“Why don't you put on some speed?” the twerp wanted to know.

“Ever hear of traffic regulations?” I asked him.

The copter was on slave-automatic, controlled from the ground, and was cruising slowly, down a freight lane they had stuck us in.

The twerp laughed. “You can always have an emergency. Here—I'll show you.” He switched on the mike. “Dog Fox Eight Three, calling traffic—”

I switched it off, then switched on again when Traffic answered and told them that we had called by mistake. The twerp looked disgusted. “Mother's good little boy!” he said in sticky sweet tones.

That was just the wrong thing to say to me. “Go aft,” I told him, “and tell Slats Keifer to come up here.”

“Why? He's not a pilot.”

“Neither are you, for my money. But he weighs what you do and I want to keep the crate trimmed.”

He settled back in his seat. “Old Man Kinski assigned me as co-pilot; here I stay.”

I counted to ten and let it ride. The pilot compartment of a ship in the air is no place for a fight. We had nothing more to say to each other until I put her down on North Diego Platform and cut the tip jets.

I was last one out, of course. Mr, Kinski was waiting there for us but I didn't see him; all I saw was the twerp. I grabbed him by the shoulder. “Want to repeat that crack now?” I asked him.

Mr. Kinski popped up out of nowhere, stepped between us and said, “Bill! Bill! What's the meaning of this?”

“I—” I started to say that I was going to slap the twerp loose from his teeth, but I thought better of it

Mr. Kinski turned to the twerp. “What happened, Jones?”

“I didn't do anything! Ask anybody.”

I was about to say that he could tell that to the Pilots' Board. Insubordination in the air is a serious matter. But that “Ask anybody” stopped me. Nobody else had seen or heard anything.

Mr. Kinski looked at each of us, then said, “Muster your patrol and dismiss them, Bill.” So I did and went on home.

All in all, I was tired and jumpy by the time I got home. I had listened to the news on the way home; it wasn't good. The ration had been cut another ten calories—which made me still hungrier and reminded me that I hadn't been home to get Dad's supper. The newscaster went on to say that the Spaceship
had finally been commissioned and that the rolls were now opened for emigrants. Pretty lucky for them, I thought. No short rations. No twerps like Jones.

And a brand new planet.

George—my father, that is—was sitting in the apartment, looking over some papers. “Howdy, George,” I said to him, “eaten yet?”

“Hello, Bill. No.”

“I'll have supper ready right away.” I went into the pantry and could see that he hadn't eaten lunch, either. I decided to fix him a plus meal.

I grabbed two Syntho-Steaks out of the freezer and slapped them in quickthaw, added a big Idaho baked potato for Dad and a smaller one for me, then dug out a package of salad and let it warm naturally.

By the time I had poured boiling water over two soup cubes and over coffee powder the steaks were ready for the broiler. I transferred them, letting it cycle at medium rare, and stepped up the gain on the quickthaw so that the spuds would be ready when the steaks were—then back to the freezer for a couple of icekreem cake slices for dessert.

The spuds were ready. I took a quick look at my ration accounts, decided we could afford it, and set out a couple of pats of butterine for them. The broiler was ringing; I removed the steaks, set everything out, and switched on the candles, just as Anne would have done.

“Come and get it!” I yelled and turned back to enter the calorie and point score on each item from the wrappers, then shoved the wrappers in the incinerator. That way you never get your accounts fouled up.

Dad sat down as I finished. Elapsed time from scratch, two minutes and twenty seconds—there's nothing hard about cooking; I don't see why women make such a fuss about it. No system, probably.

Dad sniffed the steaks and grinned. “Oh boy! Bill, you'll bankrupt us.”

“You let me worry,” I said. I'n still plus for this quarter.” Then I frowned. “But I won't be, next quarter, unless they quit cutting the ration.”

Dad stopped with a piece of steak on its way to his mouth. “Again?”

“Again. Look, George, I don't get it. This was a good crop year and they started operating the Montana yeast plant besides.”

“You follow all the commissary news, don't you, Bill?”


“Did you notice the results of the Chinese census as well? Try it on your slide rule.”

I knew what he meant—and the steak suddenly tasted like old rubber. What's the use in being careful if somebody on the other side of the globe is going to spoil your try? “Those darned Chinese ought to quit raising babies and start raising food!”

“Share and share alike, Bill.”

“But—” I shut up. George was right, he usually is, but somehow it didn't seem fair. “Did you hear about the
asked to change the subject.

“What about the
Dad's voice was suddenly cautious, which surprised me. Since Anne died —Anne was my mother—George and I have been about as close as two people can be.

“Why, she was commissioned, that's all. They've started picking emigrants.”

“So?” There was that cautious tone again. “What did you do today?”

“Nothing much. We hiked about five miles north of camp and Mr. Kinski put some of the kids through tests. I saw a mountain lion.”

“Really? I thought they were all gone.”

“Well, I thought I saw one.”

“Then you probably did. What else?”

I hesitated, then told him about this twerp Jones. “He's not even a member of our troop. How does he get that way, interfering with my piloting?”

“You did right, Bill. Sounds as if this twerp Jones, as you call him, was too young to be trusted with a pilot's license.”

“Matter of fact, he's a year older than I am.”

“In my day you had to be sixteen before you could even go up for your license.”

“Times change, George.”

“So they do. So they do.”

Dad suddenly looked sad and I knew he was thinking about Anne. I hastily said, “Old enough or not, how does an insect like Jones get by the temperament-stability test?”

“Psycho tests aren't perfect, Bill. Neither are people.” Dad sat back and lit his pipe. “Want me to clean up tonight?”

“No, thanks.” He always asked; I always turned him down. Dad is absent-minded; he lets ration points get into the incinerator. When I salvage, I really salvage. “Feel like a game of cribbage?”

“I'll beat the pants off you.”

“You and who else?” I salvaged the garbage, burned the dishes, followed him into the living room. He was getting out the board and cards.

His mind wasn't really on the game. I was around the corner and ready to peg out before he was really under way. Finally he put down his cards and looked square at me. “Son—”

“Huh? I mean, 'Yes, George?'“

“I've decided to emigrate in the

I knocked over the cribbage board. I picked it up, eased my throttle, and tried to fly right. “That's swell! When do we leave?”

Dad puffed furiously on his pipe. “That's the point, Bill. You're not going.”

I couldn't say anything. Dad had never done anything like this to me before. I sat there, working my mouth like a fish. Finally I managed, “Dad, you're joking.”

“No, I'm not, Son.”

“But why? Answer me that one question: why?”

“Now see here, Son—”

“Call me 'Bill'.”

“Okay, Bill. It's one thing for me to decide to take my chances with colonial life but I've got no right to get
off to a bad start. You've got to finish your education. There are no decent schools on Ganymede. You get your education, then when you're grown, if you want to emigrate, that's your business.”

“That's the reason? That's the
reason? To go to

“Yes. You stay here and take your degree. I'd like to see you take your doctor's degree as well. Then, if you want to, you can join me. You won't have missed your chance; applicants with close relatives there have priority.”


Dad looked stubborn.

So did I, I guess. “George, I'm telling you, if you leave me behind, it won't do any good. I won't go to school. I can pass the exams for third class citizenship right now. Then I can get a work permit and—”

He cut me short. “You won't need a work permit. I'm leaving you well provided for, Bill. You'll—”

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