Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series (38 page)

BOOK: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series
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“Do you want first-hand experience?”

Eleanor’s feet stopped moving as she gaped
at the absolutely beautiful man in front of her, “First hand?” She stammered,
“You would like to ahem, be with me sometime?”

“Not sometime. Now. Here. Where it’s
dangerous and we could get caught. You won’t believe the buzz that’ll give
you.” He grinned.

“Don’t you have a reputation to think

He laughed, “Yes of course I do but I
think this is at least worth exploring. Excuse yourself and say you are going
to the ladies room but meet me behind the pillar you can see over my left
shoulder. Five minutes.” He stepped away from her, convinced she would back
out. He stopped by the bar and collected an iced water with a slice of lime in
for his wife before whirling by the table where she was sitting and acting the
role of the concerned and devoted husband before excusing himself.

Pressing his back to the pillar, he
slipped his wallet out from the inside pocket of his jacket and checked the
contents, retrieving a small square packet. He’d just returned his wallet to
his pocket and was checking his watch when Eleanor appeared beside him. He
grasped her hand and pulled her towards the back of the room where the lighting
was dimmer and they would be less exposed to those on the dance floor but still
visible if anyone looked hard enough.

He took her mouth in a forceful kiss as he
guided her backwards into an alcove. From this position, he could see
everything that was happening in the main body of the room but she would be
left wondering. She emitted soft moans as he kissed his way down her neck. Her
hands found their way beneath his jacket and she gasped out her pleasure at
feeling the firm muscles through his shirt. Taking one of her hands, he guided
it to his groin, folding her fingers around his erection as he shimmied her
short dress up over her hips.

Looking down, he saw she had the sense to
wear stockings. That would make things easier. “We don’t have time for niceties
or a slow drawn out fuck Mrs Masters,” he breathed, “Maybe we’ll get the
opportunity to explore that at a later date.” Moving her knickers to one side,
he slid one finger along the length of her slit before pressing harder and
insinuating it between her lips, delving inside. “Perfect. You really do want
this don’t you? Lovely and wet as you are Mrs Masters.”

“Call me Eleanor.” She breathed against
his neck while frantically freeing his erection.

“I prefer Mrs Masters. Makes this
naughtier.” He chuckled then groaned his pleasure as she worked his cock. His
smile was wide as she exclaimed at his size and stated that his third leg was a
work of art. Withdrawing his fingers from her suctioning pussy, he stepped back
just enough to give him room to roll the condom on before claiming her mouth
again. He tapped her thigh, “This leg around my waste. Do it now Mrs Masters”
He growled.

He didn’t think anyone before her had
obliged so quickly. Reaching down, he guided the tip of his cock to her
entrance before taking a firm hold on her hips. He took a quick glance over her
shoulder before meeting her eyes and slamming home. Her hands gripped his
shoulders, her breasts threatening to pop out of her dress as she gasped and

This was what he’d become used to, hard,
fast and dirty. He loved the added frisson that they could be caught at any
second. Movement in the shadows caught the attention of his peripheral vision.
Subtly turning his head, he saw none other than the husband of the woman
currently occupying his cock, standing there, staring. Paul turned his
attention back to the woman in front of him and whispered “Scream for me Mrs
Masters, make everyone wonder what’s going on.” He picked up the pace, sweating
in his tuxedo as his body slammed against hers. “Hurry up woman, I’m right on
the fucking edge.”

Eleanor threw her head back and let rip
with a feral moan as the love god between her thighs held her tighter and
exploded right after her. Straight away she wanted more and whimpered as he
began to pull out of her. She stood, how she didn’t know, as she felt boneless,
watching him as he first straightened her clothes before removing the condom
and returning his semi hard cock inside his trousers. Wrapping the condom in a
napkin he produced from one pocket and handing her his business card with the
other hand, he smiled softly at her, telling her to call him as he turned to
find a place to dispose of the napkin and its contents.

Simon Masters put in an appearance as Paul
was washing his hands. Looking into the mirror over the sink, Paul watched him
carefully as he finished up and reached for a hand towel. Turning, resting his
derriere against the edge of the sink, he finally met the other man’s gaze.

“It would appear that I tripped and fell
in to your wife.” Paul smirked. “Not bad. In fact, well worth a second visit.”

Stepping into Paul’s personal space, Simon
snarled “I am going to ruin you.”

Paul pressed his fingertips into Simon’s chest
and pushed him backwards. “You can try. Apart from your word, you have no
proof, I just flushed the evidence. Your wife had a good time, she isn’t harmed
in any way. My reputation is far from squeaky clean and with the club pulling
in money hand over fist, I can now afford to explain away my minor
misdemeanours by paying a fine for the odd contract that requires my discretion
so go ahead, do your worst.”

“Answer me this Paul. How would you feel
if I took a ride on your wife?”

“Be my guest but you might want to wait
until the baby is born. Bear in mind though that she’s had me, anyone else will
be somewhat sub par.”

“My God, you think highly of yourself.”
Simon shook his head. “Of all the women here, why my wife?”

“That’s simple. The other women here are
throw away wives that cling to celebrity, they hold no interest for me. You
neglect your wife, any fool can see that and you are quite clearly a lifer in
the marriage stakes, the fact that I absolutely despise you is an added bonus.
I mean, look at us. We are the same age you and I and here we stand, me in all
my tall, dark and handsome glory, thick head of hair, toned to perfection,
millionaire and not stopping there and then there’s you, tall-ish, thinning and
there’s only so long a well cut suit will hide that paunch you have going on
there. I successfully own and run several businesses whereas you will forever
be just a hamster on the corporate wheel, making someone else rich instead of
yourself. It’s no contest really, I am the more desirable option for every
woman out there when compared to you.”


Chapter Thirty Two


With the birth of his second child
imminent, Paul though it would be wise to make provision for both children in
the event of his demise. Without Eve’s knowledge and after hashing out several
details with his solicitor Jake, with whom he was now on first name terms, he
left his considerable wealth entirely to his two children, the name of one to
be confirmed. They would receive equal shares in his fortune on top of their
considerable trust funds.

He was leaving the office of his solicitor
when the call he had been waiting for came in; Eve was in labour. Instead of
heading back to the offices of Jensen Incorporated, he placed a quick call to
inform them of his absence and made his way to the hospital.

Eve was screaming blue murder when he
arrived and even though he tried to convince himself he felt nothing but
contempt for her, seeing her in pain and scared tugged at something within him
and he found he couldn’t pry himself from her side. It seemed, however that she
had other ideas. With her contractions coming closer together, she began to
curse the day she met him and his very existence. When he tried to sooth her,
she demanded that he leave the room. When she became hysterical, a midwife escorted
him to the waiting area and told him not to worry.

Her parents arrived within the half hour
with Monica hot on their heels, no way was she missing out on being one of the
first to meet her second grandchild. She received a frosty greeting from her son’s
in laws. Turning to greet her son, she was slightly surprised to find him
standing stock still, leaning on the window sill, looking down into the car

He smiled briefly when she spoke to him
then returned his gaze to the outside world. Knowing him as well as she did,
she could tell he was hiding his concern and through the supporting gesture of
her hand on his back, she felt him tense every time Eve screamed. She didn’t
question why he wasn’t in the room with his wife, now was not the time, questions
could wait until later but his obvious concern was etched all over his face in
the reflection from the window.

Eve’s mother was called to her side after
several hours and remained there as the next generation of Jensen came in to
the world. The midwife came and got Paul who followed his father in law and
mother into the delivery suite. Eve was asleep and very pale, prompting him to
ask after her wellbeing.

He was the first person to hold his child,
cradling the tiny bundle with practiced ease as he swayed from one foot to the

“Are you sure she’s alright?” He asked the
midwife again as she took Eve’s blood pressure.

Before the midwife could reply, Niles
stepped in. “If you had been in here, you would know.”

Bristling and holding the child in his arms
more securely, Paul straightened himself up to his full height and snarled “She
didn’t want me in here. I was abiding by her wishes.” The baby began to squirm
and mewl at the tension in his body making him relax his stance and take a

Sitting beside him, Monica took the tiny
bottle of formula from the midwife who explained that it could be several hours
until Eve woke and the baby should at least have a small feed. Peeling the
blanket back from the baby’s face as she leant over and kissed the tiny
forehead, she passed the bottle to Paul and almost burst with pride at the
natural way he held both baby and bottle as the infant began to feed.

He fell in love the second his daughter
squinted up at him. He actually felt his heart squeeze and his over protective
tendencies ramp up to maximum overload. Setting the bottle aside and
efficiently winding the tiny body in his arms, he got to his feet and began to
show her the world as it was within the walls of the room. With emotion
overwhelming him, he turned to his mother and smiled. He could see her fingers
quite literally itching to get her hands on her granddaughter. Bending, he
placed his latest offspring in the arms of her grandmother and managed to choke
out “I need a moment.” Before leaving the room.

He wasn’t quite sure how he made it from
the back of the hospital where maternity was situated to the front, everything
was a blur. He’d never experienced this overwhelming flood of emotion with
Gavin and it had quite literally knocked the wind out of him. His backside
found the sun warmed wooden bench by the front entrance, leaning forward, arms
resting on his knees, head bowed, he tried to breathe through the thoughts of
have a little girl, holy shit. How the hell do I handle this?

Giving himself a stern talking to and
deciding he needed to man up, he pushed up off the bench and slowly walked back
towards the maternity department. He had a moments panic when he found the room
previously occupied by his wife and baby was now empty but a gentle hand on his
arm from a pretty midwife guided him to his wife’s new room.

He remained in the room after Eve’s
parents left for the day, asking him to call as soon as Eve woke. Monica
remained with him as they alternated between watching over Eve and cradling the
new-born. He placed several calls as he waited for Eve to open her eyes. Carmen
offered stiff congratulations and a warning that he had better not reduce the
little time he spent with his son in favour of his latest addition. She was
only mollified a little when he assured her his time with Gavin wouldn’t be
affected but her words had him wondering how he was going to juggle everything.

Matt arrived at the hospital after hearing
the news that he had a niece. He sat and expectantly held out his arms waiting
as Paul reluctantly placed his daughter in his brothers safe care.

“Dude.” Matt looked up from the angelic
little face to his brother who was hovering close by. “She’s gorgeous. I think
I’m in love.”

Smiling, stroking his daughter’s tufty
black hair, Paul nodded, “Yeah, I know that feeling.”

“You did good bro.” Matt confirmed as he
handed the little girl back to her Daddy.

“Thanks Matt.”

Eve and the baby, now named Marissa,
remained in hospital for a week. Paul spent that time building a cot and adding
the final touches as directed by Eve, to the nursery.

On their arrival home, it quickly became
evident that Eve was not what anyone could call a natural mother. Paul took
care of the majority of nappy changes and as Eve seemed to have no luck at all
in winding the baby after a feed, that also became his responsibility as did
sterilising bottles as his wife adamantly refused to breast feed. He would
often return home from work to find a screaming baby and a fraught wife.

With Paul working all the hours possible
and taking care of his wife and baby, exhaustion quickly loomed in his
foreseeable future. Increasing pressure from Carmen to visit his son or indeed
have him for a weekend added to the overall forecast of doom and gloom. His
only upside was that he was raking in money hand over fist which was a very
good thing given the speed with which Eve was spending it.

In the material sense, Marissa lacked for
nothing but Paul was painfully aware that Eve wasn’t fond of being a mother and
after one particularly vicious argument, the decision was made to employ a

Once the nanny was in situ and with Eve
hiring herself a driver to take her on lengthy shopping sprees, Paul was free
to see his son. He chose to have him with him for the weekend instead of going
to Gloucester. Carmen doing the usual of meeting him half way. He was surprised
that Gavin was alone, his little buddy and cohort Luke was usually part of the
deal but at almost three years older than his son, Luke was developing somewhat
of a social life with play dates and birthday parties to attend that Gavin
simply hadn’t been invited to.

After checking that the nanny was happy to
take care of Marissa, he took his son to the apartment above the club for some
quality one on one time with him. Although he had to work, he arranged for
Monica to stay overnight while he was downstairs in the club, knowing he would
get a good four hours sleep before his son woke and they would be able to spend
a few days together, just the two of them.

Two nights away from his wife and somewhat
fractious daughter rejuvenated Paul, top that off with doing the thing he
loved, working the club and he was a very happy camper.

Sitting in his office, cut off from the
hustle and bustle of the main body of the club as he finished the following weeks
staff rosta, he pushed back from his desk and flicked on the CCTV monitor.
Resting his feet on his desk, he turned up the volume on his walkie talkie as
he used the remote control to flick between cameras.

His feet hit the floor with a thump and
his nose almost touched the monitor when he came to the dance floor camera.
Speaking to the member of staff closest to the dance floor, he directed them to
the person he’d seen and gave instructions for that person to be brought to his

She smiled as the door closed behind her
but stepped back when he leaned in to kiss her cheek. She caught his frown and
then his shrug as he rounded his desk and sank into the leather chair,
steepling his fingers as he looked up at her.

“Did you just friend zone me?” He asked.

She laughed and perched on the edge of his
desk. “I think for both our sakes, it’s the best thing to do.”

“Of course it is because we are both
content and absurdly happy with our respective spouses.” He played along.

“Absolutely, I couldn’t imagine living any
other way can you?”

“Now you’re asking Suzie, I can imagine
plenty of other ways. I don’t need to believe in heaven and hell because I’m
already in the latter.”

“I second that.” She sighed. “We can’t be
together even though I’d like nothing more.”

Paul dragged his hands through his hair
and changed the subject. “What are you doing here?”

“Girls night out.”

“And you had to come here? There are
plenty of other clubs in town.”

“Haven’t you heard? This place is THE
place to be and be seen and besides, I feel safe here and I wanted to see what
you had done to it to make it an overnight success.

“And?” He steepled his fingers, looking at
her over the top.

“I love what you’ve done but I have an
idea that you might want to explore.”

Paul gestured for her to take a seat and
leant forward. “I’m all ears.”

“Well, having seen the calibre of your
male staff, it struck me, why not have a ladies only night staffed by purely
male staff? Do it say one night, every other month or something, if you make it
a week night and don’t stay open quite as late as weekends, it should be a
riot, you can compensate your female staff by giving them extra shifts so they
don’t lose out money or just give them a bonus or something.”

Busy writing her ideas down, Paul tapped
his pen on the pad and began thinking out loud while Suzanne watched him. She
loved that he was enthusiastic and animated and hadn’t instantly trashed her
idea. He was the complete opposite of her husband who rarely let her get a word
in these days and never listened to her ideas.

“I’ll leave you with it. I should get back
to my friends.” She stood and had made it to the door before he caught up to

“Thanks for the idea, it’s a good one.” He
bent, just to kiss her cheek but she again pushed him away.

“Friends.” She reminded him.

“Always but remember this Suzie, we will
be together, although not until both of us are free. I want what we have to be
pure and unsullied by either of our bad decisions but one day, you will be
mine.” He was smiling inside, knowing she was ready for change, ready for him
and he fully intended to grasp any opportunity she gave him and hold on tight.

“And you will be mine.” She confirmed.

Leaning back against his office door as it
swung closed behind her, Suzanne sighed. It was so refreshing to be listened
to. She shouldn’t be surprised really, Paul had always been open minded and
generous with his time as well as just about everything else about him. Now she
was seriously questioning why she remained married to Cameron.

The first ladies night was a roaring
success. Sitting in his apartment above the club, Paul counted the takings for
the night three times before it sunk in just how much profit just one evening
had made the club. It assured that ladies night would have a regular spot on the
clubs calendar from now on. Only his Suzie could have come up with an idea like
that. He loved her quick mind. Who was he kidding, he loved everything about
her, mind, body and soul.

With the club now being his main focus,
Paul began to ease back on the time he spent as the front man of his gardening
company. Phil was more than capable of running it and it kept the older man in
the office which suited him better these days than the hard graft outside. He
ran a tight ship and Paul’s presence was no longer a necessity.

As he had more free time, every other
weekend, after closing the club in the early hours of Sunday morning and
catching a few hours’ sleep having learned his lesson from totalling his
Quattro that driving tired was so not the way to go, Paul would jump in his car
and zoom up to Gloucester and spend a few days with his son. Once a month,
Carmen would bring Gavin to him, an arrangement that worked well for all. Paul
would return home on Wednesday in order to have lunch with his mother before
returning home to his wife and daughter.

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