Feeling the Moment (14 page)

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Authors: P. J. Belden

BOOK: Feeling the Moment
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Five years later…


“River I can’t,” I cried.

“You can sweetheart. You will,” he encouraged gently as he dabbed my forehead with a cool washcloth.

So much has happened. We married two months after the storm ripped the cottage apart. It was a beautiful ceremony and an even steamier honeymoon. But the honeymoon wasn’t really taken until about three months after the wedding because we had the house rebuilt.

It is a great family style home and we live there during the summer now. I’ve gotten really close with his sisters. We all work together and the shelter is seeing so much more funding flowing in than it had before.

We ran into Felicia shortly after our engagement hit the papers. Yeah, that was a meeting that will forever be burned in my head. The girl went psycho, like certifiably so. She even tried to stab River. She’s now in a psych ward being treated.

The hospital asked me to come back and work for them shortly after our wedding was blasted everywhere. Apparently they were in need of donations and thought that if I worked there they’d get that. No, I’m happy working with River and we sure do enjoy our morning, afternoon, and evening romps in the office.

Our lives have been one big memorable moment after another. We welcomed our first child, Hayden. She was the light of her daddy’s eyes immediately. We loved being parents so much that we soon welcomed Lucas, Brice and Shiana after. Though we had quit trying after Shi was born, we are about to welcome our second set of twins (Lucas and Brice are identical twins).

“I’m so tired,” I choked.

“I know baby. Nalah is almost out just a couple more pushes. My sexy sweetheart, I will let you sleep after this. Let’s see our daughter first.”

“Yeah, then I have to push out another one,” I reminded, exhausted.

“Yes, but we’re taking this one baby at a time,” he smirked.

Another contraction hit and I started pushing. Forty-five minutes later, both Nalah and Christopher were born. River kissed me passionately as we held our newest bundles of joy.

“Oh come on, you really have to do that in front of your kids?” Ryan joked as he entered.

“Mommy! Daddy!” Echoed through the room, causing the babies to jerk a little and River and I laughed.

We all sat on the bed and posed for pictures as a family that Uncle Ryan was taking. They have all been amazing. They love the kids and take them all often. It was nice for a break to just be husband and wife, but we miss them a lot when they aren’t there. Hayden is our helpful almost five year old. Lucas and Brice are three and Shiana is one. We have our hands full, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Life is what we make of it. Feeling each moment that we are given will lead us to a life we can’t live without. There isn’t a day I let go by that I don’t seize each of them. River and I have forged a whole new life together. For the first time, I’m happy and am no longer tormented by my past. River has kept his word and has not touched drugs or even been tempted to since. Life was complete.

Live your life like it won’t repeat again tomorrow. Seize the moments we are given because when they are gone… they’re gone. Leave the stress of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow where they belong and don’t let it cloud over your today. You never know what you will miss if you do.

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Protective Love (#1)

Fantasy Attraction (#2)

Family Ties (#3)

Tough Love (#4)


Stranded series


Alaskan Lifeline

Falling in Deep


Lost Trilogy

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Lost in Lies (#1)

Lost in Fantasy (#2)


Stand Alone


Unexpectedly Lost

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Lost in Love (#3 Lost series) – Sept. 2014


When faced with losing the only woman he has ever loved, Dylan is on a man hunt. He wanted to make sure Ian paid for what he’s done. The justice system couldn’t even come close to the amount of justice he was planning on giving Mechelle.

Mechelle thought that her last moments were going to be filled with the fear of having regrets. There was a lot she didn’t know and so much more she needed to say. But as she’s given another chance to take hold of all the things she’s ever wanted, Dylan goes missing.

Follow Mechelle as her story comes to an end. Sometimes you think you have all the answers, but the truth is we never know how things will go. Mechelle was about to see just how lost she truly was…

Struggling Free (#5 Hidden Secrets Series) – Sept. 2014


Picking up the pieces of your life is hard enough, but try to do it with cameras watching your every move. Jacob (Jake) Williams was envied by all. He got all the women, could do whatever he wanted and traveled the world.  On the outside, life couldn’t get any better. Behind the scenes, Jake was a mess and falling fast. Every day was a struggle to keep the thin threads of his life from breaking.

Vicky Lancer dealt with the most well-known clients. Her job was to restore her clients to their former glory, but do it all under the radar. Vicky was feared as the tough woman she was, but was also the most thanked.  All her clients loved her no mess attitude. Then Jacob Williams walked into her office.

The attraction flared between them despite the instant dislike they both took to each other. Vicky has two rules, will she take a chance and break them for Jake? Will Jake be able to open his eyes from his problems and become the man he once was? Fights, kindness, laughter… all lead to a line they can’t go back from once they cross it. Can they push past the hate and find the happiness they long for? Or will they stay behind their problems and continue
Struggling Free.




This journey has been such an amazing experience for me. I have learned so much, but nothing has been more important than finding belief in myself. Belief that if I work hard enough anything is possible. This lesson was not an easy one for me to learn, but the people that I have come across along the way have been such amazing support that it became easier.  I want to take this time to thank a few of them. They deserve to be acknowledged.


First, I want to start off with my girls
Kayla, Kristy, Leanne, Renee,
The endless support and help with making my books polished has been amazing, but it is your friendship and our endless conversations, full of laughter, that have meant the most to me. If I could say one thing to each one of you that you remember it would be this:

We all fight our own demons and struggle down our own paths, but with amazing people to light the way makes even the darkest days seem bright.

Thank you so much ladies, truly from the bottom of my heart, you guys are aces in my book!


, oh girl what can I say to you that I have already said a million and one times? You have been walking right alongside me from the very beginning. Our endless chats about books and book boyfriends to your encouraging words with each of my books… I can tell you right now that Jake will not be enough thanks for everything you’ve done for me, but I think he’ll keep you occupied enough. HA!! I love you girlie!


, oh Lord what dare you say to two crazy chicks? How about, I lubbers you both so much! Yeah, I think that’s a safe topic. Haha. You girls are like the best friends that a girl could ask for! You’ll be forever in my heart and I will always be there for you!


, Man girl what can I say… You are one of the best freaking people I have ever met. I’m so grateful to call you a friend. Our conversations cover such random topics, but we bonded over books and you entered my heart because of the amazing person you are. Don’t change. I’m always here no matter what. <3 Hugs! <3


, we’ve been walking the same path, but at different times, always seeming to miss each other. Behind you, you leave a trail, a brightness, from your beautiful heart and loving personality. From the moment I met you until now, you have made an imprint on my life and on my heart that will forever remain. I don’t know what I can say to show you how much you mean, but from every text or message…the light you give grows brighter. I love you girl!


My dear sweet, loveable Kaylie. You are just… simply… I’m at a loss for words. You’re friendship has been a guiding light as I weaved my way through my path and there is no way I can thank you for that. The strength you carry about you day in and day out is astounding and even more inspiring. Girl, you are one cool chick! I love ya! Here’s to more time with laughs and inspiration.


You are a driving force in getting my name out there. Without your constant support and ability to make me laugh even when it’s the last thing I want to do, I’m not sure I’d be this far. You are simply amazing and soon you’ll have your own book with your own book boyfriend hehehe. <3 Hugs! <3


Jennifer, Shawna, Kimberly, Kia, Amber, Kim B., Michelle, Kerry, Jamie, Tabatha
(crap I know I’m forgetting someone), you girls are simply amazing. Each of you sprout wings and share your beautiful personalities with the world on a daily basis. Don’t let anything dim your lights. You are ALL in my heart and I’ll always be here when you need me and even when you don’t. <3 you all bunches!


To the
Beta Ladies
, you girls are one hell of an amazing group of women. Each of you so unique and talented, I’m winded by your support and guidance. I wouldn’t be here without each of you. So from my heart to all of you, Thank you so much!


To all the members of
P. J. Belden’s Beautiful Bellas Street Team,
all you ladies are amazing and I’m so blessed to have you along for the journey. There are no amount of words that will express my gratefulness for what you do. <3 you all!!


To my
, what can I say? Without you guys, I wouldn’t be writing this out to begin with. I’d still have all these books sitting in a notebook on my shelf never to see the light of day. Because of all of you, I continue to type them out and thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to do something that I love. Each of you has touched my heart in a way I can’t describe. Thank you, thank you, thank you! <3 Hugs! <3


I am sure there are people that I’m missing and I’m so terribly sorry if I did. Please know that you are still important to me and always will be (even if I spaced and didn’t get you on the list). Thank you for reading another one of my books…Here’s to the next one y’all!!! *waves*

About Author


Writing has always been an outlet for me. Growing up, I’d write poems based on my moods or events happening around me. Eventually they grew from there. It was a great way for me to clear my head at night. A way to kind of shut down the day, so to speak. Now here I am so many years later, finally taking the leap into the author world.

My husband has been my rock this whole journey. We’ve been married for eleven years and have three amazingly beautiful children (10, 8, 5). They are the reason I push myself as hard as I do. They are my reason to strive each day to be better, to give them better. We are currently living in a small town in Indiana, but we have lived in Alaska, Illinois, Georgia and Tennessee. Out of all the places we’ve lived, Alaska has been my favorite and most inspirational too.

When I’m not writing, I’m chasing my three kids, a four year old Siberian Husky, or even sometimes my husband *winks*. We love having family craft day. If it is a down day, you can find me curled up with a good book or occasionally watching some television.

Our lives are like books. We’ve just got to write the story. So let’s write the best one to hit the pages.

For information about P.J. Belden, visit:









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