Fever Claim (The Sigma Menace) (2 page)

BOOK: Fever Claim (The Sigma Menace)
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“There are five stages of grief. I’m working on anger right now.” Cassie took a calming breath. Her thinking was getting fuzzy as she wasn’t used to surpassing her limit of one glass of wine. Sometimes, she’d even have two, if it’d been a particularly shitty day at work dealing with her pretentious coworker, Dr. Ego, or patients careening over the deep end. On those occasions, she was at home in her flannel pajama pants and tank top. “I’d like another drink please, Hot Bartender.”

Still leaning on the bar, he pointed to a glass of clear liquid with ice already set beside her. “Have some water.”

“Wha—,” she sputtered, “I’ve only had, like, three drinks.”

“Four. In an hour. You need some water.” He slid the water in front of her. “Drink.”

“Uh, Hot Bartender, I plan to drink ’til I forget tonight. And water won’t make that happen. I even have a driver lined up.” Despite her bravado, she picked up the water and sucked on the straw.

His eyes darkened as they followed the straw and watched her lips wrap around it. “One, my name is Jace. Two, your driver might be sober, but is probably going home with someone else tonight.”

“Jace.” She tested his name out and watched as a look of pure male satisfaction settled on his face. “Nice to meet you, Jace. I’m Cassie.” She took another sip from the straw.

“My pleasure, Cassie,” he murmured, watching her lips again. Entranced by his reaction to her drinking, she watched him watching her.

“O-M-G, Cassie!” Kaitlyn bounded up next to her. “You’ll never believe what happened.” She rushed on. “I met Tyson on the dance floor. He has a Roadster and offered to take me for a ride.”

Cassie rolled her eyes. Typical, impulsive Kaitlyn. She flitted from adventure to adventure, to the men who were involved in each circumstance, and moved on just as quickly.

“And you’ll be back when?” Cassie asked. Getting drunk at the bar with a friend after getting dumped didn’t smack of pathetic loneliness like getting drunk at the bar alone after getting dumped.

Kaitlyn giggled. “It’ll be a quick ride. Do I ever leave you hanging?”

Cassie raised an eyebrow. She’d been left hanging enough to have learned to either drive herself or bring Grant for conversation, as she was usually left at the table while Kaitlyn attached herself to the first willing dance partner and often left with him. Why would tonight be any different?

“Go ahead. I’ll call a cab.” Ugh, she hated that idea. What else was there? Be the third wheel while Tyson gave her a lift? Or worse, he’d be like “Hey, you two are friends… have you ever kissed?”
Wouldn’t be the first time one of Kaitlyn’s dates had that great idea. 

“I’ll make sure you get home okay,” Jace said.

Surprised, Kaitlyn finally noticed he was still standing there. “Oh,” she breathed, eyeing Jace, “I’m sure you will.” She turned to Cassie with a huge smile, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

“I’ll be fine,” Cassie said quickly, suddenly embarrassed to be getting ditched in front of Jace by her friend after her answer to his “why the hard liquor” question. Now he was taking her on as a charity case. “Go, have fun.”

Kaitlyn leaned in to Cassie and gave her a big hug. “You’re a rock star. Drink ’til you forget and he’ll call you a cab, ’kay?”

As Kaitlyn turned to go, Cassie grabbed her arm. “You be safe, all right?”

“Of course.” Kaitlyn laughed as she bounced off toward Tyson who was leaning against the exit. He was Kaitlyn’s type: tall, good-looking, dressed casually in jeans and a sweater that probably cost more than at least half of Cassie’s wardrobe.

Wishing she could still ride high on the nice buzz she had going, Cassie did her best to avoid Jace’s gaze and dug out her phone. She was throwing in the towel and calling a cab.

“Put that away, Cassie. I’ll take you home,” Jace spoke quietly, but she heard him clearly over the music. Her fingers hesitated punching in the search option for taxis. “We can drive your car so you have it in the morning and won’t need to make plans to come back and get it.”

Cassie looked up at him, into his pale-blue eyes. He looked calmly at her, but he barely seemed to be breathing, as if everything hinged on her agreement. What could a man like him want with a girl like her? They were from different worlds. Maybe it was just to drive her home, out of the goodness of his heart. Make sure she got into her condo safely, then walk to the nearest bus stop and head back. He couldn’t be
interested, could he?

Testing the waters she said, “Then how will you get back?”

“You wanted to forget, Cassie.” Jace seductively gave her a once over from the other side of the bar. “I’ll help you forget. Again and again. Let me take you home.”

Well, that answered her question. The shaved-headed, dangerous-looking bartender wanted to walk on the wild side of her silk blouse, neutral colored slacks, kitten-heeled wearing self. She would ride high on that buzz she had going on. And by riding high, she meant on Jace.

She passed him her keys. “I’ll meet you by the Honda Civic out front.”




“OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD!” Cassie screamed as Jace pounded into her from behind. “Yes! Yes!” He had her on her hands and knees, completely naked and he was on his knees behind her, pants undone but otherwise fully clothed.

Jace couldn’t believe he finally had her right where he wanted her. Needed her. He would make her his after the close call of almost losing her. He’d been watching her come into his club for months. He knew exactly who she was when he first saw her walk in, wearing her standard professional wear as if she had just come from the office. She was average height, with short hair that probably started the day with no-nonsense styling but ended up falling into a sassy do by the time she came into the club. She hardly wore makeup. She didn’t need to, having a clean, fresh appeal he didn’t see often working at the club. Both her hair and her eyes were chestnut brown, reflecting natural highlights from her surroundings, not needing cosmetic enhancements. She was a natural beauty and she exuded intelligence in everything she did.

he’d thought then as he watched her, and that same friend she was with tonight, walk to an open table. The utter dismay he’d felt when he saw a man walk in after them, help her take her coat off, and sit next to her with his arm draped over the back of her chair, almost brought out his beast.

He was a patient male and didn’t want to scare her off. Knowing his looks and the first impression they gave women, that he wanted to fuck them or kill them—or both—Jace decided to bide his time. Wait for her and Mr. Wrong to break things off. It would never work between those two, she’d have to feel how wrong it was eventually. She’d have to.

But she didn’t. Jace remained patient, watching her discreetly each time she came in. He knew her scent by now, and even across the crowded club, she hadn’t smelled like Mr. Wrong. She smelled like she’d been around him, but not intimate. And that was the only thing keeping Mr. Wrong alive. Jace had to make sure he didn’t react first and think later, but knew that if he caught the musk of sex on her and it wasn’t from him, his beast would win. He had paid too much already, lost too much. He wouldn’t lose her, too. He had put his special
to good use and influence her boyfriend… just a little. Whenever the guy came up to the bar for a drink, Jace looked him in the eyes and gave him a mental nudge to keep his dick away from Cassie.

She never acknowledged Jace, never spoke to him. Fuck, she barely even looked at him. He seethed when he’d watch those two leave together and try not to imagine what rights Mr. Dead Meat might be granted to her body if his influence didn’t hold.

Then her friend, Kaitlyn, had contacted the club manager about a bridal shower. Jace explained his situation to Christian, Pale Moonlight’s owner, and got the wedding date. With only weeks to spare, it was time Jace paid Mr. Soon-to-be-Ex a personal visit.

When Cassie walked into the club tonight, Jace resolved he would not risk another close call. He would do everything he could to make her his. Her drinks had a more mandarin juice than vodka; he wouldn’t let her get drunk. He needed her acceptance, wanted her reactions to him to be real and not leave her feeling sick and empty the next day.

Earlier, when she slid the keys across to him, his heart had soared. He’d controlled his reaction as he nodded to Christian, walked out, and opened the car door for Cassie. As soon as he folded himself into her sedan, he inhaled the scent that was uniquely her without the chaotic smells that flowed through the club. Her scent matched her natural beauty, a floral scent that made him think of running through green pastures dotted with wildflowers in full bloom. He immediately hardened, straining against his zipper, tempted to lean the seats back and take her right there in front of the club. But for what he had in mind, they needed to be where they could have space and plenty of interruption-free hours.

Cassie had given him directions to her place as he raced through streets, doing the minimum to not get pulled over or have an accident. When they arrived, he parked in her garage and closed them both in. He hesitated. Was she ready for this, not going to change her mind? If he had to wait longer for her, he would. It’d fucking kill him, but he’d wait.

She entered her condo and looked up through her lashes, almost shyly, at him and he leaned down to capture her mouth. Sweet Mother Earth, he had never imagined her taste. She was sweet from her fruity drinks and her mouth fit his perfectly. He groaned, his shaft hardening further, wanting release from his jeans.
Not yet
. Jace picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him, and he stepped across the threshold and kicked the door shut, then reached behind and locked it.

Jace coaxed her mouth open and used his tongue to mimic what he had planned for her lush body later. Cassie looped her arms around his neck and pulled his head closer. The little coos she made were almost his undoing. His hands roamed up her torso, loving the feel of her curves, and pulled her shirt up, caressing her soft skin underneath up to cup her breasts. They filled his big hands as if they were made for him.

Breaking contact to lift her blouse up over her head, he had gone back to sampling her sweet, wet mouth. She tugged up his shirt, wanting to do her own exploring. He knelt down there in the foyer, and, still holding her, unclasped her bra straps with one hand while cupping her bottom with his other.

Her breasts had bounced free and he groaned again, groping one, rubbing his thumb to tease her nipple. He’d love to give them the attention they deserved, but they would have to wait. Carefully, he laid her down, coming down on top of her, supporting his weight on his knees and forearms so he could finish undressing her while he still had her mouth captured with his.

Cassie hands skimmed up and down his back, around and up and down his front. She was getting bolder, roaming closer to his zipper where his arousal strained to reach her. Just one touch and he’d be lost.

He undid her pants and, still kissing her, peeled them down. Once he tossed them aside, he slid his hand between her thighs and found her wet and ready. She bowed into him as he slid a finger between her folds and swirled in slow circles.

“Oh, Jace,” she gasped, as she arched in his hand again. Male pride swelled in him; there was no mistaking who made her feel like this. He inserted a finger inside of her. Her legs fell farther open and she matched his rhythm. He inserted another finger into her channel as he continued massaging her slick heat.

The pressure built, both of them gasped for more. He pulled his hand away. “Flip over,” he commanded, as he used his other hand to unzip his pants.

Desperate for her release, Cassie had immediately rolled over onto hands and knees, lifting her bottom into the air, stretching back to him. Jace looked his fill as he palmed himself and got into position behind her. Her curves were astounding—a firm rounded ass that tapered for her slender waist and flared back out at the bust to give her a perfect hourglass figure. Smooth, creamy skin softer than he could have ever imagined a woman could have slid under his hands as he held her in place.

She looked at him over her shoulder, her dark eyes pleading with him to finish what he started. The complete ecstasy as his slowly entered her stole his breath. She was tight but wet. He gritted his teeth to keep himself from surging forward and hurting her. Her body was greedy for his length as he fed himself in inch by inch. Finally, he was settled in completely and he paused to let her body get used to his size. His kind was usually well-endowed and he was no exception.

She made a mewling sound and stretched back against him. He slid out, and back in. They had groaned in unison. Perfection. It was then Jace allowed himself to thrust freely. He pounded a rhythm that would drive them both to heights only mates could experience together. This was what he waited months for and if he wasn’t mistaken, what she’d also waited months for.

Cassie cried out and clenched further around him. Jace’s balls tightened and rose, he leaned over her bracing one hand on the floor, the other arm around Cassie’s middle, holding her close while he thrust behind her. When her orgasm overtook her and she bucked wildly underneath him, screaming, his own seed rose with his impending orgasm. At last he could lay claim to his destined mate. Jace opened his mouth wide and bit hard where her neck met her shoulder, sharp teeth sinking into her flushed skin.

Cassie’s cries strengthened as her orgasm grew more powerful, both with the bite and Jace’s seed flowing into her, marking her as his forever.

Breathing heavily, Jace’s body shook as his orgasm faded, almost taking the use of his legs from him. He gently helped Cassie stretch out on the floor beneath him. Still inside her, he licked where he had bitten her, and felt her shiver and sigh. He trailed tiny kisses across her shoulder as he slipped out of her and rolled her over.

Her eyes were half-lidded, with a dreamy smile on her face. By the Sweet Mother, she was glorious. He kissed her hard and deeply. She returned his kiss, gliding her hands back up under his shirt. He pulled away and pulled his shirt over his head, and tossed it, loving the greedy way she was looking at him.

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