Field of Pleasure (12 page)

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Authors: Farrah Rochon

BOOK: Field of Pleasure
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“Liani invited me to tag along so I can get a sense of how the Saberrettes function outside of their normal dancing duties.”

“Chyna!” Jared heard one of the other girls call her name.

“I've got to go,” she said, stepping around him.

As he watched her stroll over to where the other dance
squad members stood, Jared had a hard time reconciling the woman he'd just spoken to with the one he'd spent the day with last Sunday. The makeup, fancy hair and clingy dress were such a contrast to the ponytail and clean, fresh face that had greeted him at the park.

As turned on as he was by how incredible she looked right now, Jared acknowledged that he was just as attracted to the girl without all the bells and whistles.

The Saberrette with the blond hair pulled a slip of paper from the mesh steel drum Patrick had set up in the middle of the barbershop, and called a name for the first of four one-hundred-dollar gift certificates that would be given away as door prizes. The winner ran up and gave her a hug, then quickly moved to do the same with the other cheerleaders
their choreographer.

Jared's back stiffened and his hands instinctively clenched into fists. He didn't like the precedents that move set. He had no doubt that every winner would now follow in hugging all of the Saberrettes and Chyna, and Jared was fairly certain he would beat the hell out of any man who wrapped his arms around Chyna again.

The cheerleaders surrounded the winner, but before the photographer could snap their picture Liani gestured for Chyna to join them. She hesitated for a moment before scooting way too close to the guy who'd won the door prize.

A mother and two small boys came up to Jared and asked for his autograph, pulling his attention from what was transpiring in the center of the barbershop. Jared scribbled on the football and headed for the crowded lobby area to greet more patrons.

Patrick's promotional efforts had paid off better than either of them had expected. There had been a steady flow of people in and out of the barbershop all day. The
demographic included varied ages and races, but the crowd was predominately male, a fact that sent his blood pressure spiking as he became aware of all the eyes on Chyna.

He didn't like it. Not at all.

Jared knew he was being ridiculous. After only two dates he had no claims on Chyna. Yet he couldn't help the possessiveness that stalked through him and demanded he snatch her away from all these leering eyes.

Jared had done the knockout gorgeous girlfriend routine before. He'd been proud to flaunt Samantha on his arm, knowing other men envied him. Until she'd been stolen away. He refused to go through that pain again.

Liani Dixon drew the second door prize, and once again, the winner used the opportunity to score hugs. Again, Chyna was invited to join the squad as they crowded together for a group picture, but this time Chyna stood immediately to the winner's left. When the guy put his arm around her waist and rested his palm on her hip, Jared saw red.

He started straight for the Saberrettes, who were rustling their glittery pom-poms and posing for pictures. He caught Chyna by the elbow and half guided, half dragged her to the break room behind the bar.

“Jared, what are you doing?” she balked.

He ignored her question as he pulled his wallet from his back pocket and started peeling away hundred-dollar bills. “How much are you being paid to be here?”

“Excuse me? I'm not being—”

“Dammit,” he cut her off. “This is all I have on me.” Jared handed her five hundred dollars. “This is part of the money for the vet bill. When I pick you up tonight I'll give you the rest of it along with whatever consultant
fee you charged Patrick for being here today. Just don't go back out there.”

Her shocked expression was quickly replaced with outrage. “First of all, I'm not being paid to be here. I came to offer support to the girls on the squad.”

“Is that your special offering-support dress?”

She looked down at the silky dress that clung to her body and stopped just above the knee. “What's wrong with my dress?”

“Not a damn thing. That's the problem.”

“Jared, I don't have time for this. Technically, I'm working.”

She tried to push past him, but Jared caught her arm. He pointed toward the main area of the barbershop. “That isn't ‘working,' it's…being fantasy material for some guy's wet dream.”

“Do you really think the guys out there are paying any attention to me when there are three cheerleaders wearing the equivalent of bathing suits? I don't see you demanding any of the Saberrettes cover up.”

“I don't give a damn what they do. I'm not going out with the other girls.”

She looked down at where he still held her. “Jared, if you don't let go of me right now, I swear I'm going to hurt you.”

She yanked her arm away and headed for the door. She stopped with her hand on the handle and swung around to face him again. Jared could feel the heat from her blistering, defiant stare. She stomped back to him and stepped right up into his face.

“Let's get one thing straight. You have no say in what I put on this body, you got that? And my being out there with the rest of the dance squad is a part of my job. If you have a problem with it, then you have a problem
with me. Either figure out a way to deal with it or find someone else to go on this date tonight.” She poked his chest with her finger. “I told you once before that I take care of myself.” Her eyes were steely, her voice cold as ice. “Don't you
think you can come in and dictate what I do.”

Turning on her heel, she stalked out of the break room.

Chapter 11

ared clutched the cellophane-wrapped tulips in one hand and used the other to hit the doorbell on Chyna's building. He buzzed once, then again. He was about to hit it a third time when he heard, “Who is it?” come through the electronic keypad.

Jared took a deep breath, thought about heading back to his car, then manned up and said, “It's me,” into the buzzer.

He was met with silence on the other end.

“Chyna?” Jared called into the speaker.

Two minutes later, the building's front door opened and she came out wearing a pair of sweatpants and an oversized “I Dance, Therefore I Jam” T-shirt. Jared was just as turned on as when he'd first spotted her in that revealing dress.

He bowed his head and held up the flowers. “I heard my evil twin showed up at the Red Zone earlier today
and got all jealous and bossy with you. I killed him and threw his body in the East River on my way over here.”

There was a long moment of tense silence where he felt true fear that he may have ruined things with her forever. But then a burst of sweet laughter brought his head up, and the smile on Chyna's face melted away some of his anxiety. Despite her amused reaction, Jared knew he had a long way to go to make up for the way he'd behaved today.

“I guess I can't hold you accountable for your evil twin's actions,” she said, taking the flowers and bringing them to her nose. “As long as you know I won't put up with the macho crap your evil twin tried to pull today.”

“I really am sorry, Chyna. I'm not usually the jealous type, but…” He glanced at her, then away. “My ex, Samantha…she would strut around in sexy dresses and high heels, and I loved it. I loved knowing that other guys envied what I had. But then…”

“Then you lost her,” she said with such gentle understanding, Jared's throat tightened.

“Yeah. As much as I try to deny it, I'm still kind of messed up over what happened with Sam. I didn't mean to take it out on you.”

“You told me the two of you had been together for ten years, Jared. It's not something you're going to easily get over.”

“That's the thing,” he said. “Since the moment I met you, I've hardly thought about Sam. I thought it would be years before I stopped thinking about her every day, remembering what we had. But it hasn't been that way. You're so good for me, Chyna.”

He reached over and captured her hand within his. “I'm so sorry for being such a jackass. What can I do to convince you to go on our date?”

She hesitated a moment, then after a deep breath, said, “I've been thinking about what happened today, and it just confirmed what I already knew. This thing between us will never work.”

Panic gripped his chest. “Why do we all of a sudden not work?”

“It's not all of a sudden. From the minute I agreed to have dinner with you, I've been trying to figure out if I lost my mind. I should have known better.”

Confusion crippled his thoughts. Cupping her chin, he searched her face, trying to figure out what had gone wrong. “Chyna, I don't understand. What's the problem?”

She jerked her chin from his grasp and twisted away from him. When she turned back, resentment clouded her eyes. “The problem is that you thought you could just make everything better by shoving money into my hands today. The problem is that I don't want to invite you into my apartment because I'm ashamed of how small and cramped it is. I'm too embarrassed to let you see where I live, Jared.
do you understand?” she said, her voice cracking on the last word.

She wrapped her arms around her middle, closing him off.

Jared took a tentative step forward, but managed to stop himself from touching her. “You don't have to be ashamed of anything,” he said in a quiet voice.

“That's just it. I have
been ashamed of where I live. I'm proud of it.” She looked up at him, her eyes twin pools of self-disgust. “Do you know how hard I've had to work just to be able to afford this dingy little apartment? And then you come along with your millions and I'm too ashamed for you to even see it.”

“Do you think I'm going to judge you?” he asked,
more hurt than he could verbalize that she would think so little of him.

“I don't know. I just…” She shook her head. “We're different, Jared. I may play around in your world, but I'm not a part of it and I never will be. And, you know what? I'm fine with that. I don't need fame and fortune. I work hard and I get to dance. That's good enough for me.”

“Why would you think it isn't good enough for me?” he asked. “I love that you work hard, and that you're independent, and strong and beautiful. I wouldn't care if you lived in a cardboard box.” He paused. “Okay, maybe I'd have a problem with a cardboard box.”

That got the reaction he was hoping for. She smiled.

Jared captured her shoulders and gave them a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “I would never think less of you because of where you live. I'm not that kind of guy, Chyna.” He took her chin in his hands and tilted her face up. With all the contrition he could muster, he said, “And I'm sorry for the way I behaved today. I was out of line.”

“You understand why I couldn't accept the money, right?”

“Yes,” he answered. “As much as I wanted to drag you out of there, I get why you reacted the way you did. I respect you so much for being as strong as you are, Chyna. I really do. I'm just not used to a woman who's so sure of herself.”

“It's the only way I know how to be. So, if this…”

“Relationship,” Jared offered when she seemed at a loss for words.

“Relationship.” She nodded. “If it's going to continue, you have to accept that I take care of myself, Jared.”

“Accepted,” he said. “Now, can we please get on with
this date? I promised to show you how to have fun, and I'm ready to get started.”

Her mouth dipped in a contemplative frown before she said, “I already told Abby I would fill in for her. She sprained her ankle and can't teach her salsa class.”

“I can come with you to the dance studio,” he said.

She eyed him with a skeptical frown. “You don't want to spend your evening watching a bunch of rhythmless people dance the salsa. Trust me on this.”

Jared grinned. “Maybe not, but I'll enjoy watching their teacher shake her sexy hips.” He leaned over and rested his forehead against hers, breathing in her clean scent. “Please, let me come with you. I want to see you in action.”

Jared could see the indecision playing behind her eyes. He tipped his mouth down in hopes of making the decision for her. He caught her bottom lip between his teeth and gently nipped and sucked her sweetness into his mouth. Chyna pulled away with a soft moan.

“Okay, you convinced me,” she said. “Just promise me you'll behave yourself.”

“My sister had this sticker on her bedroom door that said ‘Women who behave themselves rarely have fun.' I think that's true for men, too.” She didn't respond, just gave him a look that said she wasn't budging from her request.

“Fine,” Jared grunted. “I'll behave myself.”

Two hours later, as he leaned his head against the wall at the Borne Academy of Dance where Chyna volunteered, Jared was having the hardest time getting one particular part of his body to behave. From the moment Chyna sauntered across the hardwood floors and started shaking her hips, he'd been in a constant state of arousal.

Her hips rotated in a hypnotic rhythm that had blood
rushing to his groin. Jared couldn't pry his eyes from her body's sensual motion. She was mesmerizing, swaying back and forth in the sexiest, most tantalizing way.

She turned her back to the class and faced the mirrored wall. She flashed him a quick glance out of the corner of her eye and grinned.

“Okay, class,” she said, all business again. “The basic salsa step is one of the simplest in all of dance. Once you master it, you'll have a foundation for learning all the other steps.” Chyna held her hands up in front of her as if she were holding on to an imaginary partner. “We start with the left foot,” she said as she took a step forward. “One, two, three. Back. Five, six, seven. Stop.”

She turned to the class of eight. “Now you try.”

Jared could barely contain his laughter as he watched the students trip over their own feet as they attempted to mimic Chyna's fluid dance steps. She made it look effortless. Effortless and erotic.

Chyna guided each student, giving extra attention to those who were having the hardest time with the simple dance move.

“To do the cross body lead, we start with the basic step, but on six and seven, the right foot comes around.”

Jared's entire focus remained on Chyna. He could watch her glide across the floor for hours, her tight, sweet ass shimmying from side to side. He pressed his head against the wall and shut his eyes tight against the groan that nearly escaped. God, he wanted this woman. Witnessing her in action for the past hour, it was all too easy to imagine her moving the same way. Naked. In bed. Her body hovering over his as she pumped up and down.

Jared moaned.

When the class ended, he remained in the spot he'd occupied for the past hour and a half, not rising until the
room was cleared of all students. Chyna walked over to him, dabbing her cheeks with the towel she'd slung around her neck.

“Not the way you expected to spend your Saturday evening, right?”

He trailed his eyes down her body in a slow perusal, from the top of her head to tips of her toes that looked amazing in her strappy high heels.

“Watching you move your body the way you did? I can't think of a better way to spend my Saturday evening.” He paused, staring at her with a look that made his intent unmistakable. “Actually, I can think of one better way.”

Her creamy brown skin instantly blushed.

“Sorry the class ran a little long, but I wanted to make sure they mastered the basic step,” she said. “Since it was the last class of the night, I figured I could just lock up whenever.”

“You won't get any complaints from me,” he said. “I loved watching you dance. I can tell how much you enjoy it.”

“I really do,” she said. “Even when I have to teach the same thing over and over and over. This class was slower to catch on than most, but I think I left them in pretty good shape for Abby. She's the usual salsa instructor.”

“What classes do you teach?”

“Jazz and hip hop for eight- to twelve-year-olds. They retain the info better than the adults. I sometimes teach the tango as well, but not this year.”

“Well, that's too bad, because the tango is what I want to learn,” Jared said. She shook her head, but he countered with a nod as he wrapped one arm around her waist and captured her hand in his other. “You promised me a dance lesson. I'm collecting.”

“You don't want me to teach you the tango tonight. I'm all sweaty.”

His brow hiked. “And the thought of you all sweaty is supposed to be a turnoff?” He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. “Woman, I've been dreaming of getting you hot and sweaty for days.”

“Does that line really work?” Chyna choked on a laugh.

“You tell me,” he returned with a wicked grin.

She wiggled out of his hold and sauntered over to the small square table that held an iPod and speaker system. She lifted the iPod from the resting dock, found what she was looking for, and seconds later sultry music flowed from the speakers.

She turned to him, and with a slow smile creeping across her lips, crooked her finger. Jared made it across the room so fast he was pretty sure he'd been airborne for a few seconds.

Chyna took his right hand and placed it around her waist, then held up his left hand at shoulder level. “So, Mr. Dawson, how much experience do you have with ballroom dancing?”

“None.” He shook his head. “But I'm a quick learner, especially when I want to impress my teacher.”

Her lips curved in the kind of smile that made him forget his first name.

“Let's see what you've got,” she said. “Since I'm the expert here, it's only right that I lead.”

“I'm happy to follow you wherever you want to take me,” he said, fitting his palm at the small of her back and pulling her more securely against him.

“Are you ready to tango?”

“Do I get to keep you this close to me?”

“Oh, yeah.” Her voice was husky, raspy. “This dance
requires us to stand very close.” To drive the point home she pulled him flush against her. Jared's entire body ignited.

“The tango is all about attitude and rhythm,” Chyna said. She closed her eyes and let her head fall back. “Let the music seep into your soul.” She lifted her head and her gray eyes stared directly into his. “Follow me,” she urged as she took a step back.

They moved slowly across the dance floor, her steps fluid. Sensual. Chyna counted the beats as she guided him around the room.

“Now stop,” she said. Bringing their movements to an abrupt halt. “Now I draw my leg up, like this.” She glided her leg up his thigh, hooking her foot behind his knee. “And you counter by putting your leg between mine.”

Just like that, his cock stiffened to the point of pain. Chyna's breath hitched at the contact, but she didn't pull away. Her eyelids lowered and her breathing followed, coming in soft pants.

“Hold my waist like this,” she instructed, placing his hand on her flat stomach. Then she spun around, molding her back to his front before lowering herself on an erotic slide down his body.

Lesson over.

Jared twirled her around and crushed his mouth to hers. He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

“Jared, wait,” she said against his lips.

He ground his stiffening erection against her hot center. “You don't really want me to,” he said.

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