Fighting Desire (Bay State Series Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Fighting Desire (Bay State Series Book 2)
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As I walk into the living room she's looking through the dvd rack. “What do you feel like eating? I'll get delivery.” I ask and she jumps at my voice. I let out a laugh. “Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.”

“Ya, just a little jumpy. My nerves are still frazzled from today. I just want to sit, watch a movie and relax.” She looks absolutely fuckin' delicious, hair still damp running down her back, wearing a tight baby blue tank, her tits spilling out over the top, begging me to bury my face in them and gray yoga shorts.  I really need to get a handle on myself, she's still shaken from the events of the day. She needs a shoulder to lean on, not a horny ass boyfriend. “Wanna pick a movie?” She asks with a smirk. Her eyes travel back up to my face and I have no doubt where her focal point was just seconds ago.

Clearing my throat, I walk to where she's standing and help her choose a comedy. “I love this movie.” I tell her and hand her “Fever Pitch”. Any movie made or taking place in Boston kicks ass. I reach for “The Town” and hand it to her. “If your up for another one we can watch this too.”

We settle in on the couch for a hometown double header after dinner and halfway through the first movie I can hear her light snore. Not wanting to disturb her, I just lay here with her head in my lap, gently stroking her hair until the credits roll. Picking her up, I hug her against my chest and carry her into the bedroom. Slipping her under the covers, trying not to wake her up, I snuggle close and wrap my arms around her.

I love this, this peacefulness. The feeling of utter happiness to just have someone in my arms, no intimacy, wait forget that, this is the best kind. No sex, just closeness, being with the one person who completes me. It doesn't take long for me to drift off with thoughts of happily ever after. I can't remember the last time I had such a restful night's sleep. Bad dreams far behind me.

Oh hell no!

“Sarah?” My mom asks in greeting after answering her phone. Seriously? Does my name not show up on her phone? Whatever! Phone conversations I can handle, it's getting together as a family that leads to all hell breaking loose, which is why I try to avoid it as much as possible. I do however feel bad after a certain amount of time goes by, hence my visit a while ago. Look how well that turned out.

“Yes, mom. How's Luke?” He is after all the only reason I even bother calling anymore.

“He's doing good. Still having his mood swings but that's the worst of it. How have you been? Are you still with that nice young man? What was his name again? Brad?” Leave it to her to forget his name. I'm surprised she came that close. Part of me is sad that all she seems to be able to focus on is Luke, the other part understands, even if I can't relate.

“I'm good, we're good. Brent had a late meeting so I decided to call and catch up before he gets home.” I don't miss the gasp as she tries to hide it, clearing her throat.

“Have you two moved in together? That's rather fast, don't you think? What would your father think?”

Here we go, and I thought we were going to have a nice easy conversation. I should have known better with the way the past few weeks have been. Work has been chaotic to say the least. Everyone's been on pins and needles waiting for the day we've dubbed, “baby green light day.” Braydon hasn't set foot in the office once since Ilyanna's early labor. Having taken on a new high profile client just the week before has everyone stressed for a completely different reason. I can't speak for everyone else but my mind seems to be flying in fifty different directions every day. It's very disorienting.

“I'm a big girl, I would hope he'd be happy for me. What happened last year was a big misunderstanding. We love each other. We want to be together and it just... it just feels right mom. Dad doesn't even have to know.” I hold my breath and close my eyes, hoping she'll keep this to herself at least for a little while until I'm not so stressed out. I really can't handle any shit from my parents on top of everything else.

“For now. You know your father, he knows when I'm hiding something and I would never lie to him if he asked. What else have you been up to? How's work? Your friends?”

Not really wanting to get into it but feeling it may be a good idea to talk about someone who's removed from my family's drama, I explain about the baby shower, everything from the planning to passing out on top of the cake and having to call 911 for Ilyanna.

This time she does nothing to hide the loud gasp on the other end of the phone. “Oh my, I'm glad she and the baby are alright. And you of course. Do you know why you passed out?” When I was finished explaining my theory and how much having Brent there and at home with me helped, I could almost see my mother's frown, her head shaking back and forth as she started to speak. “I'm so sorry hun, that must have been a terrible day for you. I really am glad you have him in your life. Give Ilyanna my prayers. I have to go now, my timer's going off in the kitchen. I love you, baby girl. I hope you know that.”

“I do mom, I love you too. Give dad and Luke my love. I'll call you again soon.” She said her goodbyes and hung up the phone first.

Sighing I put the phone down on the counter and start to get the ingredients for tonight's supper out of the fridge, homemade chicken alfredo, one of Brent's favorites when I hear the door open and close. “Honey, I'm home,” he calls to me from the living room.

“In the kitchen baby,” I say in reply. I'm placing the chicken breast in the oven when I feel his strong arms wrap around me and he buries his face in my neck and gives me a gentle kiss right below my ear. “How was your meeting?” I ask trying to distract myself from the thought of his lips trailing over the rest of my body, the way his mouth travels the length of me following his wicked hands. If I don't get a hold of myself we'll be skipping dinner and going straight for dessert.

“Long. All I kept thinking about was you and getting home to this.” He puncuated his statement by running his hands down my tight stomach to the aching junction between my thighs. God, we're primal. Heating each other up every chance we get.

Turning in his arms, I kiss his chest over his shirt. He must have removed his jacket when he came inside. I run my lips above the first few button's he's undone and let my tongue peek out to trace the light sprinkling of hair that I find Oh so sexy. “We have time,” I say and turn my face up towards his with a wicked gleam in my eyes. I start to unbutton the rest of the way down his shirt and pause just above the waistband of his pants. Waiting for permission, teasing, I really don't know. I'm mesmerized in his lust filled baby blues. His breathing is heavy and I know he's just as turned on as I am.

Reaching down I grab his still covered erection and slowly start to stroke him. I'm rewarded with a loud moan and that's all I need to send me into a hurried frenzy. His pants swiftly hit the floor thanks to my lightning fast fingers. I can't get to him fast enough. Feeling just a little bereft from the phone call with my mother, I need this, I need us.

“Fuckin' Christ Sarah....” He continues to moan as I take him in my mouth and lick the underside of his cock as I bob my head up and down his hard length. “Shit you feel so good baby.” He backs up to the counter and I follow on my knees and brace my hands on his thighs and he grabs the back of my head, keeping up a steady thrust in time with his hands pushing my head onto him.

I love when he takes control. “Mmmmm....” I mumble around his thickness filling my mouth. The vibration must be too much. He takes hold of my arms and pulls me up, swiftly spinning us so my front is pressed to the counter, his hips pinning me as he sheds his shirt I neglected earlier. He makes quick work of mine and lifts my skirt to my waist, pulls my soaked panties to the side and slams into me in one strong thrust, making me push my ass back against him.

We stay like this, his cock thrusting, filling, stretching me as my inner muscles pulse and grip him with every heavenly stroke. He reaches around me to find my clit and rubs me, driving me absolutely insane. I can't take it anymore and I explode around him, feeling him fill me seconds later. As I come back down to earth I hear the oven ding. Perfect timing, I think to myself as I right my skirt and search out my shirt that landed somewhere on the floor.

Standing upright I see Brent's still glued to the counter, head bent and panting. I touch his shoulder lightly causing him to turn. He grabs my shoulders and hauls me against him, crushing me to his chest and bends the distance between us and gives me the sweetest kiss I've ever had the pleasure to receive. “I love you Sarah, more than you'll ever know.”

“Oh trust me, I know.” I wink and stretch on my toes to place another kiss on his lips. “I feel the same way baby, always. I love you. Now help me finish supper.” I laugh and he slaps my ass as I walk away towards the fridge. It's a good thing I hadn't taken the cream out before, it probably would've gone bad.

“So I called my mother when I got home and she seems to think it's a good idea that we keep the fact of us living together from my father for the time being. I don't see why, but hey, whatever.” I shrug like it doesn't bother me but I know he can see right through the elusive gesture.

He finishes the bite of food in his mouth before speaking. “That's fine, honestly, and I mean no disrespect, I just don't put much stock into what your father thinks. He can have his opinions. After seeing the way he treats you, I'd be surprised if he even cares more than just keeping up appearances. I stopped giving a shit about what my parents thought a long time ago.” He pauses, seeming lost in thought. Now that I think about it, I've only ever heard him mention his mother once. We've been caught up in so much since getting together I never stopped to wonder why.

I don't push the subject further when I feel like he's not going to say anything else on the matter. I'll ask him about them sometime, right now I just want to worry about us and that little baby coming soon. Those are my happy places and I honestly don't want to be anywhere else. “No offense taken babe, I feel the same way. I couldn't give two shits what he thinks but he is my dad, we'll get to it when we get there, until then....” I let my words trail off, not really sure what I was about to say.

Not needing anymore words we continue our dinner in silence. Maybe after cleaning up in the kitchen we can try to watch “The Town” again. I do love that movie. Ben Affleck is yummy.


“Who the fuck is that bitch mean muggin' you over there?” Latasha inclines her head to the side and lifts her chin slightly in the direction over my left shoulder. “Don't be too obvious,” she hisses as I start to turn around to get a look.

Rachel raises an eyebrow and cocks a crooked smile. “She's got some serious laser beams for you right now, wonder what you did to piss her off.”

Shrugging my shoulders I stand up and look around the dimly lit club. “Let's go to the ladies room, I'll check on the way.” They stand up to follow and we walk through the throng of people towards the back, where the restrooms are located. Out of the the corner of my eye I see her. Trisha. My worst fucking nightmare. I hold my head high as I walk by, pretending not to notice her. My heart beats a little faster when I sense her stand to follow. “She's following us isn't she?” I whisper, reaching the door I gently pull it open for them and let out a sigh of relief that we weren't followed in.

“She was. Who is she?” Latasha asks again as I grasp the sides of the sink and bow my head, trying to gather my thoughts.

“Fuck! That's Brent's ex-wife, she's successfully come between us once and failed another time. I really don't want to deal with her stupid ass right now. As a matter of fact, if I never had to see her face again, I'll die a happy woman.”

“Just ignore her.” Rachel grabs my shoulder and spins me to face her. I take in our appearences. She's wearing a short denim skirt, black cami and a cute red off the shoulder blouse with black heels. Latasha's outfit consists of black capri leggings,  and a floral print shirt that goes just below her ass with wedge sandals. And me, I'm in my favorite short wrap dress, having met them here straight from a late night at the office, I didn't have a chance to go home and change.

Letting out a short laugh I gesture to each of us. “We're not exactly dressed for scrappin'. I hope she leaves me the fuck alone. I'm not in the mood to fight, that's so juvenile, but if the bitch brings it, it's game on.” I stand a little taller and brace myself for what or I should say who is waiting for me on the other side of that door.

“Calm down, you don't know that she'll do anything. Just try and ignore her. Be the bigger person.” Latasha smiles at me and I exhale the breath I've been holding. Here goes nothing.

Exiting the bathroom I don't see Trisha like I expected to. Maybe she thought better, seeing as I have Rachel and Latasha with me. Walking back to our table we stay standing and take sips of our drinks before heading to the dance floor.

I can see her leering at us from across the room and I'm pretty sure it's the alcohol doing my thinking for me but I want nothing more than to go over and wipe the fucking look off her face with my fist. “Do you guys want to get out of here? We can go down the street and meet up with John and Brent at Scoreboards.” I ask over the roar of the music. They both nod in agreement and we go to the bar to pay for our tabs.

“So how's Brent been? I haven't seen him since last week?” The voice makes me spin on my heels after we make it just a few steps from the exit. She's standing with her hand on her hip, no entourage, makeup streaks under her eyes, no doubt from too much alchohol, and I feel great, knowing I look a whole lot better than she does. “He told me how he's trying to find the right time to come back to me, he's tired of you, just like I knew he would be.”

Sucker punch to the gut. I know she's full of shit, just trying to piss me off and succeeding with flying colors. “Your fucking dilusional Trisha. Brent can't stand you, but you know that already don't you? Why? Why can't you just lick your wounds and move on?”

“That's not what he said while he was screaming my name, buried deep while I got off on him.”

Oh hell to the fucking no! She did not just go there. I fly at her, ready to throttle her as she laughs at the fact she was so easily able to goad me. Her laugh immediately dies on her lips as my fist connects with her jaw, a satisfying crunch letting me know I hit my mark. She falls at my feet clutching at her face and I give her a swift, powerful kick to her gut. “Stay the fuck away from us!” I scream at her as Rachel and Latasha pull me away from her. I struggle briefly at their efforts, breaking away and landing another sharp blow with my foot before they successfully drag me down the street towards our destination, It's a good thing too, I could inflict some serious damage on that cunt right now and I don't need a ride in a cop car. Thankfully there were no witnesses.

I look back behind me at the crumpled mess on the pavement and a smug smile spreads across my face. I walk away hoping that's the last I see of her. For her sake, I hope it's true.


“What happened to you?” Brent takes in my flushed face and bloody knuckles clutched to my chest. He leads me to the bar where the bartender looks at my hand and scurries off, bringing me back an icepack. Brent takes a seat and pulls me onto his lap, pressing the icepack lightly to me and looking into my eyes expectantly.

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