Fighting for Desire (19 page)

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Authors: Sarah Bale

BOOK: Fighting for Desire
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Chapter Thirty


“You sure about this?” Marco asked as he took a shot of

Marco had moved from drinking beer to something stronger but
he wasn’t going to drink anymore. He wanted to have a clear head while playing
with Shannon.

Dev braced his hands on the kitchen counter and nodded.
“Yeah. I think she’s ready.”

Marco shrugged. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

Dev chuckled and grabbed the bottle of alcohol as he
followed his friend from the kitchen. He was impressed with Shannon and how well
she followed his rules. Maybe she would be willing to be submissive to him more
often in the future. The future? Yeah, their time together would go longer than
a month.

They reached the door and Marco walked in first. Dev
purposely followed closely so Shannon would have difficulty telling how many
people entered the room. She turned her head toward the door and he grinned.

Sweat covered her body and he could smell her arousal in the
air. God he loved that scent. Marco walked to the head of the bed and brushed
her damp hair from her face. He then kissed the base of her neck. She moaned
and tilted her head to give him more access.

Dev had meant what he said. He wasn’t going to let Marco
sleep with Shannon. Playing with her was another thing entirely. He didn’t mind
that at all. In fact he liked knowing his friend was helping bring her such

While Marco brushed light kisses, Dev unscrewed the bottle
of tequila. He held the bottle over her stomach and poured some into her navel.
She jerked and the alcohol ran down her sides.

“Easy,” he said.

He poured again and she lay still. He leaned over and sucked
the tequila into his mouth.

“That’s the best shot I’ve taken. Marco, care for a shot?”

“Fuck yes, I want a shot.”

Shannon’s entire body clenched as he poured again. Marco
dipped his head and licked it from her skin. A moan left Shannon’s lips and her
wrists flexed in the cuffs. Dev couldn’t resist and he tapped Marco on the
shoulder, nodded toward her breasts and grinned.

“Hell yeah.”

They both pulled away from her, giving her a moment to
collect herself. Dev held up three fingers and counted down. As one, they both
leaned in and latched on to a nipple at the same time. Shannon screamed and
jerked. The chains caught her, pulling her back, and she cried out.

Neither relented and Marco lavished her nipple with the same
enthusiasm that Dev showed the other. He swirled his tongue around the hard bud
and then sucked. To keep her guessing, he nipped her occasionally. God she
tasted so good.

Shannon screamed again as her body trembled beneath them. Her
breaking point was near and she couldn’t take much more. He stopped sucking her
nipple and nudged Marco’s shoulder.

Marco pulled away too and winked. With a wave of his hand he
left the room without making a sound. Dev stood and began undressing. Shannon
still whimpered. Would she be wet when he entered her?

He took off the blindfold. Her eyes were shut but tears
streamed down her cheeks.

“Fuck! Shan, are you okay?”

Her eyes fluttered opened and she blinked, looking stunned.

“Fuck!” he said again.

Panic spread in his chest like wildfire and he jumped off
the bed. He reached on the side of the bed for the handle that released all the
chains, allowing them to fall loose. Shannon’s body sagged with relief but she
didn’t move.


His mind raced and he fought the panic that threatened to
spill out. Why had he pushed her so hard? She hadn’t been ready. He scooped her
into his arms and ran to the bathroom. The chains dragged on the floor but he
barely noticed.

“Marco!” he yelled.

“Dev,” she moaned, “Put me down.”

“Shh, baby,” he soothed.

Marco pushed past him but Dev barely noticed.

“Get her in the tub,” Marco ordered as he turned on the

Dev climbed into the tub and sat in the water, sinking down
until most of Shannon’s body was submerged too. Her head fell back against his
chest and he supported her.

“Shannon, I’m so fucking sorry,” he whispered against her

“What happened?” Marco asked at the same time.

He glanced up. Marco’s forehead creased as he looked down at
them. Fuck!

“No, baby, don’t try to move. Let the water soothe your
body.” He took in a ragged breath. “I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard. I
should have fucking known better!”

Tears began to fall down his cheeks into her blonde tresses.
He inhaled her scent and tried to forget the blank look that had haunted her
eyes moments ago. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her tightly against his
chest. He needed to hold her, to know she was okay.

“Dev,” she murmured. “Water is spilling onto the floor.”

He opened his eyes and chuckled softly. The faucet was still
on and water cascaded over the rim of the tub onto the tiled floor. He reached
over and turned off the faucet.

Marco learned forward. “Shannon, are you okay? We need to
know if you’ve been hurt.”

Thank God for Marco. His friend’s calm demeanor did wonders
to ease Dev’s stress.

Shannon took in a long, deep breath. “I’m okay. I promise I

He shook his head even though she couldn’t see it. “No
you’re not. When I took the blindfold off and saw your tears…” His voice
trailed off and he couldn’t go on.


Shannon’s chest tightened as Dev’s voice broke. He thought
he’d made her cry in pain. Well she supposed the pain had been some of the
reason she cried but not what caused the tears. Marco sat close, waiting for
her to speak.

She turned at the waist. “Dev, look at me.”

His eyes met hers and she went on.

“It’s not what you’re thinking. I was crying because it felt
so good.”

His eyes gave everything away. He didn’t believe her.

“When Marco’s mouth and your mouth were on my breasts I
couldn’t take it anymore. I have never experienced something like that.”

Her entire body had been on fire. Heat from the chains.
Flames from their mouths. And then she went blank. She felt as if she were
floating and then feeling everything at the same time. Pain. Heat. Desire.

“And the only thing I wanted in that moment was for you to
make love to me. I didn’t even care if Marco was in the room when we had sex. I
just needed you.” She smiled at Marco. “No offense, Marco.”

Marco chuckled. “None taken.” To Dev he said, “It makes sense,
man. Katie did that one time. She was bawling during a scene. When I stopped to
see if she was okay she got pissed at me. Her reaction was the damnedest

Dev asked, “What did you do?”

“Do? There was nothing
do. I held her for a while
to make sure she was really okay and then we ended up finishing the scene. Best
orgasm I ever had too.”

Shannon could imagine how a scene could lead to an amazing
orgasm. Her entire body was still worked up.

Dev took a deep breath. “I just feel like shit about her
tears, you know?”

“Did she use her safe word?”


“Then I wouldn’t worry, man. It’s easy to get torn up over
your woman when you think she’s hurt.”

Dev was silent and she sighed. They were not going to get
anywhere sitting in the bathtub. She stood, relieved to find her legs weren’t
shaking. Proving her point would have been hard if they had.

“What are you doing?” he asked, standing too.

“I’m getting out and drying off. Then I’m going to bed.”

She stepped out of the tub onto the most luscious floor mat
she had ever stepped on in her life. Damn he had good taste. Marco held out his
hand to help her but she brushed him away.

“Where are the towels?”

Dev growled and stalked across the tiled floor to a walk-in
closet. He came back with a towel wrapped around his now-naked waist and
another in his hand. She reached for it but he wrapped it around her and began
rubbing vigorously. He needed to dry her. He needed to make sure she was really
okay…she got that.

When he had finished she walked across the room with a new
plan in mind. The chains dragged behind her and she realized they would have to
come off soon for her plan to work. She stopped in front of the “his and hers”
sinks and watched in the mirror as he followed. Marco stayed near the tub.

“What are you doing now?” Dev asked.

She caught his scowling gaze in the mirror. “Will you hold

His arms went around her and he pulled her close. Through
the towels his erection strained against the material.

“Will you take the chains off now? There’s something I want
to show you.”

He eyed her warily but nodded. She held out her right arm so
he could remove the cuff. When the cuff came off she cringed to see two red
marks circling her wrist. She pulled her hand back and held up the other,
hoping he wouldn’t notice.

He removed the cuff and cursed at the mark on her left
wrist. The scrape was a dark red and stung when he touched her. She held back
her hiss of pain, trying to downplay the stinging ache.

“Dev, my ankles too please.”

She needed the chains to be gone before she made her next
move. The marks were going to cause another issue if she didn’t get Dev’s
attention on something else.

He bent at the waist and removed the cuffs. Thankfully the
marks were barely noticeable. The darker marks on her wrist made sense. Her
arms had jerked the most, not her legs.

He stood.

“Hold me again,” she said.

He started to open his mouth and she stopped him.

“No. Don’t say anything. This is my turn to talk. Now hold

His arms went around her again but he didn’t hold her as close
as before. She held back a sigh and leaned into him so he had no choice but to
hold her in the way she wanted to be held.

“Dev, I promised you I would use my safe word. I never used
it because there was no need.”

He met her eyes in the mirror again and bit out, “Didn’t you
see your fucking wrists? They were almost bleeding! Jesus Christ, Shannon!”

Oh boy
. He wasn’t taking this very well. She held up
both her wrists.

“I’m fine. These marks are nothing and I’m not bleeding.
Dev, look at me. I swear I would have stopped you if it became too much.”

She took his hand from her hip and kissed his palm before
moving his hand to her breasts. He started to pull away but she stopped him.
She rubbed his hand over her sensitive nipples. Even though the towel was between
them her budded peak poked against his palm.

“I was so turned on earlier when you and Marco were playing
with me.” She chuckled. “Who would have thought I would have liked being
chained up?”

She used her other hand to unwrap the towel and let it fall to
the ground. Right now she didn’t want anything between her and Dev. His gaze
ran her body up and down but he still didn’t move his hand. She bit her lip.
to do, what to do

“At first I was scared about the chains. They seemed so…hard
but I was wrong. Once they were on they felt almost normal. Even when I was
thrashing around I barely even noticed them. Sure I noticed the pain.”

His eyes darkened in the mirror and she went on.

“But the pain quickly turned to hot pleasure. I felt so
fucking good, Dev.”

She took his hand from her breast and moved it down her
stomach. Goosebumps popped up across her skin and she smiled. Even when she was
guiding his hand, he still managed to turn her on.

His hand reached her pelvic area and his eyes darkened further.
“Shan, what are you doing?”

She kept moving his hand until he cupped her sex. “I still
want you.”

His jaw clenched. “I’m not going to make love to you. I
don’t think you realize how exhausted your body really is.”

She bit back a smart reply and used her hand to spread open the
lips of her pussy. She then held onto his index finger and ran it through her

“I may be exhausted but I’m also so turned on I’m creaming
for you.”

She loved how desire danced across his face as she said the
words. His reaction made her feel so sexy and wanted.

“So if you aren’t going to sleep with me, then I hope you
will at least help me take the edge off my arousal.”

He swallowed and nodded. “Sit on the counter.”

She took two steps forward and climbed onto the counter. The
marble was cold against her skin but the shiver that swept across her body had
nothing to do with the temperature and everything to do with the man falling to
his knees before her.

Marco caught her eye and nodded. He then quietly made his
way from the room. She was thankful he had come to help Dev but was glad to see
him go. What happened next needed to be the two of them.

“I never meant to hurt you,” he said as he brushed kisses
along the inside of her thigh.

Her legs opened to grant him better access and she replied,
“Dev, I would have told you. You have to trust me on this.”

His eyes lifted to meet hers as his mouth made contact with
her pussy. Her hips lifted and he reached up to hold her in place. God he felt
so good. Hot breath collided with her skin as his tongue glided through her wet

“Ah,” she moaned out. “Yes, Dev. Right there.”

His tongue swirled around her clit and she shuddered in
pleasure. Hot tension began to build deep in her stomach and her hands grasped
the edge of the counter until her knuckles were white.

“God you’re so fucking wet, Shannon,” Dev rasped. “You
really liked being chained up didn’t you?”

He sucked on her clit while he entered one long finger
inside her. Slowly he began moving it in and out.

“I liked it. A lot,” she replied.

He entered another finger and she gasped.

“Oh god.”

A third finger entered her and she moaned. He would kill her
if he didn’t make her come soon. His teeth scraped over her clit again as he
began moving all three fingers. Being finger-fucked had never turned her on but
with Dev it was different.

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