Fighting For You (4 page)

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Authors: Megan Noelle

BOOK: Fighting For You
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“Well, yeah, I suppose so.”

“You know how absolutely ridiculous that sounds, right?”

My head hung with my big sigh. “Yes, I do.”

“Well, good! Because, my God, Danielle!  Haven’t you put that poor man through enough!  Why are you going to do this to him?”

“It’s complicated.” I said with another sigh.  This wasn’t a test to see if Corey still wanted me—it was to see if he wanted anyone else.  I needed to know how to act for future meetings and there was no better way to tell than this. Besides, I was something of a masochist that apparently really liked self-torture.

“Do you really need to do this, Danielle?  And I mean really need to?”

“I do.” Gabby nodded and shut off the TV.

“Well then, my crazy best friend. Let’s get ready to go to the bar.”




An hour later, we were ready to go.  Gabby was wearing a skin-tight little black dress, had big sexy curls in her hair, and make-up that made her look damn near untouchable.  As a final addition, I gave her my favorite purple high heels - the very same ones that became my favorite because they were the ones I wore the night I met the man of my dreams.  It just about killed me to watch Gabby slip them on, but I gave in. 

While Gabriella decked herself out and became the most gorgeous person I’ve ever seen, I changed my clothes, too.  I slid on a pair of jeans, a black hoodie and slid on a purple puffy vest over that.  I braided my hair and let it hang over my shoulder and then I was ready.  Gabby had a fit when I told her I would just be creeping through the one window in the door and not actually going in. 

After arguing and our final plotting, we buckled into my car and drove off towards the Underground for the first time in months.

Chapter Four



Just another damn night. 

Pouring one more drink for yet another drunken guest.  Sometimes the faces were new ones but none of them were memorable, most of the time they all blurred together.  There was only one face I wanted to see. And each day that passed and I didn’t see it ended with disappointment.  It didn’t take long to realize that a life without Dani was simply ordinary.  Every day I tried to tell myself that I didn’t need that remarkable woman.  That I didn’t miss the way her smile lit up her eyes and seriously just made her glow.  The softness of her skin and the way she felt.  The way she made me feel.  Just being around Danielle was a feeling like no other. 

This had to stop.  Danielle was gone and it was time to accept that and move on. 

The bar door swung open, I shot a look to see who was walking in.  I had to suppress my snort—this chick was clearly asking for it.  Sometimes it was so beyond pathetic that I wondered why I was still here, putting up with this shit, day in and day out. The girl with the skintight dress and far too much make up on swung her hips like she was real hot shit.  If I wasn’t responsible for making her drinks, I’d turn away from this chick and ignore the fuck out of her.

“Hey, Sexy.” Unfortunately, it wasn’t late enough in the night for Sanders’ shift to start so I was stuck dealing with this hot mess.

“What can I get you?” I deadpanned. 

Before answering, the chick made sure to flutter her lashes, as if she were pulling me under her spell.  No chance of that happening.  What this woman didn’t know was once she left the bar, I wouldn’t be able to pick her out of a lineup five seconds later.  Nothing about her stood out to me—because she wasn’t her. 

“Hmm … Well, what would you recommend?” I heard the flirtatious tone in her voice.  I was more irritated than anything else, but I knew I wouldn’t have any customers if I snapped at every woman that tried to flirt with me. 

So, I had to play nice.  I pressed my hands into the bar and stopped washing glasses, focusing all my attention on Miss Desperation.

“Beer,” I answered.  Her face screwed up in repulsion, making me crack a bit of a smile.

“Not a beer girl.”

“How about a Long Island?” I offered.  She leaned into her elbow, moving her face closer to mine.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?” She asked, with another bat of those lashes.

I leaned in marginally and whispered. “You’re the one that came to the bar.  I think it’s safe to say that you are trying to get drunk.”  I could see the shock well hidden at my brush off.

“Fair enough,” she concluded. “What about we take a shot together?”

I knew where this was going.

“Tequila,” she added, before I could respond.

I instantly shook my head, trying to deny the zing of pain at the subtle reminder of her. “Nope.”

“And why not?” Her arms crossed over her chest as if she was seriously offended at my refusal.

“There are two people I’ll drink tequila with and you’re neither of them.”

Now she really did look offended.

“Am I not pretty enough to drink with?” A slow smile spread over my face as I thought of the one woman I wanted to be here, asking me to take tequila shots with her.

“Honey, why don’t you go throw on a hoodie, some hoop earrings and put your hair into a bun and then come talk to me.  Because, no offense, but right now—you couldn’t touch her.”

Right as it slipped out I knew I made a mistake.  I never talked about Dani to any of my friends or family, let alone to customers.  She immediately caught onto the one word I wanted her to forget.

“Her?  Who is this mystery woman that I am no comparison to?” There was a smirk plastered onto the woman’s face and I knew I had to get away.

“No one. Think of what you want and I’ll be back.”

“Okay. I want a few shots and a margarita on the rocks,” she called to me when I was about to turn and run.

“You got it.”

I walked to the far end of the bar but, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed she set her bag on the counter before turning to walk off towards the jukebox.  At first, I was relieved at the break but then I caught a glimmer of something I couldn’t forget.  A speck of purple captured my attention. That was when I noticed those shoes—the same bright color as my favorite pair of Dani’s heels.  The ones she wore when
I first met her.  Normally I didn’t give a damn about what a woman wore, but it was those shoes that I noticed first. 

This downright gorgeous woman with a killer body walked into my bar and I couldn’t hold back my amusement at those damn heels.  Right away, they told me that the woman I was about to fall in love with had a quirky side that I wouldn’t be able to forget.

Now I was stuck dealing with a woman who wanted to take tequila shots and wore the same goddamn heels that drove me crazy.  Swell.

As the hour drug on, the woman proceeded to slam back a few shots and suck down a couple margaritas.  She never lightened up on the flirting, but I could tell she was starting to lose steam.  That alone was a relief and when I heard her mention that it was about time to go home I was beyond relieved.  I was about done with this torturous flash back of the one thing I couldn’t let go. 

While I was pouring a few beers to regulars, the woman’s phone rang and her animated expression brightened but her voice transformed into a whisper.  Her gaze shifted to me a few times and I knew, without question, I was the subject of her conversation.

This wasn’t completely unusual, of course.  Women would have a few too many and then believe that I must want to take them all back to my place and fuck their brains out.  Truth was, even before Dani, it was rare for me to do that, especially with chicks that could be chalked up to bar sluts.  But with Dani, everything was different.  I had to have her, without question.  And then I couldn’t get her out of my mind. 

After that first night, I had been intoxicated by the lingering perfume on my pillow.  I’d watched her from my door until that cab pulled away.  It had taken everything in me not to run down there and steal her back.  When I’d made it back to my room, I laid on the bed that was still messed up from our sweaty encounter and I’d held that little receipt with her number. 

Maybe it’s a little presumptuous to say that, in that moment, I knew that phone number was going to be the last one I ever wanted to get.  But, I did. I knew it.

The woman ended her call and I saw her slip on the coat she brought to cover her barely there dress.  As much as I wanted to keep my distance, since I had the feeling that there was more behind this visit, I couldn’t just let her leave.  It was my job as a bar owner to take care of my customers and it was my job as a man to make sure a woman was going to get home safely. 

I walked up to the girl and pointed to the bar phone on the wall.

“Want me to call a cab to come get you?”

She smiled and shook her head. “No, that’s okay.  Dani is on her way now.”

My heart stopped beating.  My body stilled and the slight, barely noticeable intake of breath from her lips told me all I needed to know.  Her Dani was undeniably my Dani.

“What did you say?” I asked, teeth clenched together.

“Shit.” She swore under her breath. “Nothing. I gotta split.”

The girl turned to leave and it hit me—I was a fucking idiot.  The purple shoes, request to take tequila shots, pressing me about what I thought about her.  This was a goddamn test!  I quickly reached out and let my hand circle her wrist. She wasn’t going anywhere.

“Let me see your ID.”

Her mouth dropped open in shock as she viciously shook her head. “No way! You already served me!”

“My rules, Sugar.  Now, show me your ID or I will call the police and make up some ridiculous story to get you hauled away.”

“You can’t be serious!” She yelled with evident panic in her voice.

I leaned in infinitesimally. “Try me,” I whispered.

She puckered her lips in a pouty manner that had no effect on me.  Finally, she conceded.  After digging through her bag, the woman pulled out her ID and threw it at me.  With one glance I knew I had been right.  The woman in front of me was Gabriella Martinez from New York. She was Dani’s best friend.

“Nice to finally meet you, Gabby,” I said with a tone that could have frozen the Sahara.

Gabby sighed and cast her eyes downward, clearly aware that she screwed up. “You, too,” she mumbled.





I had been waiting patiently (okay, not really) for Gabby’s call.  My original plan was to go home and wait for her. Instead, I picked up a McDonald’s ice cream cone and drove around town.  The whole time I was on edge.  One minute I was worried that he’d figure out who she was, then the next I was terrified that Gabby would fall for him the same way I did.  Or worse—that he’d fall for her.  It was all these thoughts that kept me from returning home and chilling out in front of the warm fireplace. 

Lord, I had issues.

As I drove up to the bar, I felt butterflies dancing wickedly in my stomach.  I’m sure it had to be preventing a peaceful rest for my little bean. 

“I’m sorry, baby. I’m just so scared,” I whispered timidly to my little one.  My little bean was probably far too small to hear me, but I chose to believe it could.  Actually, I needed that reassurance in my heart that I wasn’t nearly as alone as I felt.  “I just needed to make sure Daddy hadn’t forgotten me.”

My car slowly pulled into the parking lot and standing directly outside the bar door was Gabby. Even from afar, I could see she was uncomfortable.  That’s when I noticed that standing behind her, was the most amazing man I’ve ever known.  He was in jeans, a hoodie, a beanie and everything about his appearance may seem plain but not to me.  He was perfect and it fit my fading memory of him flawlessly - strong jaw, downright sexy body and those piercing blue eyes.  Even in the night, I couldn’t miss those blues.  They were all I had thought about for months and now they were staring a hole straight through me.

Gabby lifted a hand and coyly waved, as if she didn’t completely blow our cover.  My heart was in my throat as I half considered turning around and speeding the hell out of the parking lot.  But I knew I couldn’t. I was so drawn to this man and his intimidating glare that I couldn’t turn away if I wanted to. 

When I stopped my car, Corey took hold of Gabby’s upper arm and led her to the passenger seat.  He opened the door for her and helped her in.  I watched in complete awe, not truly believing this was happening.  That was when he looked into my eyes and my heart melted.  I saw it. Behind that cold, hard stare was every ounce of pain and sorrow he felt.  That I caused.  I felt the air leaving my lungs as I was punched with the reality of what I had done.

“Don’t you fucking dare drive away,” he scolded before slamming Gabby’s door.  My eyes locked onto him as he stalked around the front of the car towards my side.

“I am so sorry, Dani!” Gabby practically pleaded with me.  Although I was pissed, I’d deal with her later because right now all I could think of was Corey. My Corey, I hoped.

In a second, he flung open my driver’s side door and clenched the top of it until his knuckles turned white.  He leaned in and the scent of aftershave hit me like a ton of bricks.  I wanted to grab hold of his sweatshirt and breathe in the smell I missed so much.  It tickled my senses and my very-emotional-self wanted to break down and cry because of how damn much I really did miss and need him.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” Corey’s voice came out in a growl causing my own to get lost in my throat.

“You disappear for three goddamn months and you come back to what—test me?!” Unfortunately, it was the naturally defensive side of me that spoke up, not the apologetic side that should have made an appearance.

“I was not testing you, I was just …”

Corey immediately cut me off.  Steam practically billowed from his ears.

“You just what? Wanted to see if I would hook up with any willing chick thrown into my face?”

“No!” I yelled back. “I just
…” Okay, maybe that was exactly what I did. “Fine!  So what!  I just got back today and I wanted to know if you were back to your old ways!” 

His teeth ground together, a rarity for Corey.

“You left me hanging, thinking everything was going to be phenomenal when I woke up.  That everything was going to be fucking perfect! I finally had the only woman I’ve ever loved.  Instead, I woke up to a note that broke my fucking heart.  Every single word pierced through me and left me with the aftertaste that I lost it all. Lost. It. All!  So don’t for one second think you can come back here and start throwing tests at me!”

Angry tears threatened to pour out.  Memories flooded my mind - the fight, the phenomenal sex, and that note.  It all came rushing back to me and I felt the air once again being knocked from my lungs.  I couldn’t be here anymore. I needed to go home.   Every harsh breath I took was filled with Corey’s scent and it made this situation that much worse. 

Before I could say anything, he leaned in even closer and spoke again.

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