Finding Forever (7 page)

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Authors: Michele Shriver

BOOK: Finding Forever
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Chapter 10


Sunday came and went with no phone call from Jake and no return visit from Carl. The second came as a great relief to Jordan. The first was a disappointment, but she didn’t allow herself to engage in negative thoughts about what it might mean. Instead, Jordan trusted they’d ended the conversation the day before on a positive note and that Jake would, indeed, call when he had a break in his shooting schedule. She planted a new cactus in the pot he’d bought her and placed it on her patio, then spent the afternoon sunbathing by the pool while she read a romance novel. She tried to picture Jake playing the hero if it were ever made into a movie, but then found herself wishing she could play the heroine, so she put the book away before her fantasies got too out of control. 

Monday morning found her back at the office, trying to prepare for a court hearing yet anxiously waiting for her phone to ring. When it finally did, she was so immersed in writing a brief that the marimba ringtone caused Jordan to jump a little in her chair. As she reached for the phone, her pulse quickened in anticipation. One look at the display and her heart rate slowed to normal. Disappointed, she nonetheless swiped her finger across the screen to answer. “Hi, Carl.”

“Happy Monday,” he said, as if there actually were such a thing. “How’s it going?”


“You’re not angry with me?”

Jordan considered that. “I am, but it’s not ruining my day.” Maybe because she had things to be happy about and look forward to.

“I’m sorry about what I said.”

“Whatever.” Jordan wondered if he was indeed sorry, or just trying to make amends so he could still drop by for booty calls whenever the urge struck. Either way, it was time to reconsider their arrangement. “I don’t think you should come by anymore, Carl.”

“What do you mean?”

Apparently she had to spell it out. Fine. “I mean if you’re looking for no-frills sex, don’t call Jordan. I’m making some changes in my life.”

“I see. And it no longer includes me?”

He almost sounded hurt, and it gave Jordan pause. Carl had been there for her through some challenging times, and vice versa. They fought the same demons, and he understood things about her that no one else could. “I didn’t say that. I consider you a friend and I’d like to still be friends, but with some boundaries.”

“Is it because of the actor? Jake?” Carl wanted to know. “Are you seeing him?”

Seeing him. As Jordan tried out the words in her head, her lips curled in a smile. “Yes, I believe I am.”

“Hmm. What happened to not trusting yourself around him?” Carl asked. “That sure didn’t last long.”

Jordan hated when people tried to use her own words against her. “Turns out I’m doing fine. I’m not that weak, Carl.”

“I never said you were weak, but I know a little about what it’s like to try to have a relationship with someone who doesn’t your understand your recovery.” he said. “Just be careful is all.”

His words had some merit, and Jordan knew they were based on experience. It made sense that he would urge caution. There was always the potential for awkwardness with anyone who didn’t fully understand. What was she supposed to do, though? Only date her own kind? “I will,” Jordan promised. “Be a friend and wish me luck?”

Silence followed and Jordan waited with some apprehension until Carl said, “Good luck, then.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re still going to be at the meeting tomorrow, right?”

“Of course,” Jordan said, feeling a touch of annoyance that he even thought it necessary to ask. Did he think she’d suddenly give up on her program simply because of Jake?

“I’m glad. I’ll see you then.”


Jake had just arrived on set Monday morning when he received a call from the Los Angeles area code. Thankfully, it wasn’t Macy calling to whine or Val calling to tell him Macy was still whining. Instead, it was his agent.

“You’re going to love me,” Greg said.

“Somehow I doubt that. You’re not really my type.”

Greg chuckled. “Okay, fine. You’re going to love what I have to tell you.”

“Try me.” After almost a decade working together, Jake was used to Greg’s tendency toward exaggeration. “What’s the amazing news?”

“I’m sending you a script, and it’s everything you want.” Jake listened as Greg described the new movie project in enthusiastic tones. A big-budget thriller, set on the beaches of Saint Lucia, and co-starring Kate Hudson. “And I have it on good authority she’ll be in a bikini,” Greg concluded. “Now, tell me, did I do good, or what?”

The movie sounded like everything Jake wanted. At least everything he wanted a few weeks ago, when he’d complained to Greg about the desert surroundings of his current location. Now Grande Valley, Texas
, looked pretty good to Jake, and the possibility of another location shoot came as a reminder that his time here was limited. “It sounds interesting. When does it start shooting?”

“Early October.”

October. No break at all. He’d likely have to hop a flight to the Caribbean as soon as he wrapped
Border Cowboys
. “When do I have to decide?” Jake asked.

“As soon as possible. If you pass, they’ll probably go with Channing Tatum.” Greg whistled. “Can you believe it? You’re the top choice ahead of Channing Freaking Tatum.”

Jake let the words sink in, reeling a little. Everything Greg said about the movie sounded great, except for the part about being three thousand miles away from Jordan. “Pretty incredible.”

“Yeah. Looks like your little stint in the tabloids didn’t hurt you after all. I guess it’s true that there’s no such thing as bad publicity.” Greg laughed. “Maybe you should thank the girl.”


Jordan preferred to keep busy so she didn’t obsess over waiting for a phone call, a task which proved difficult thanks to Jen’s constant questioning about how she spent the weekend. “I need you to look up this search and seizure case for me,” Jordan instructed, passing Jen a sticky note with the case citation written on it. The secretary took it from her but appeared in no hurry to do as Jordan asked. “Preferably today, Jen. The suppression hearing is tomorrow morning.”

“I’ll do it in a minute,” Jen answered. “As soon as you tell me what happened with your date.”

“I already told you everything.”

“Yeah, right.” Jen rolled her eyes. “You said you ate tacos and walked around
El Mercado
, then went to your place and watched a movie while you ate a salad.” Jen let out an exaggerated sigh. “Those are the boring details, boss. I want the juicy ones.”

“Maybe there aren’t any.” Jordan had never realized before how nosy her secretary could be. Was this what every morning would be like now that she actually had something resembling a social life? “Did you consider that?”

“I did,” Jen said, “because you’re in workaholic mode and don’t want to talk. But you also haven’t snapped my head off yet, and you were humming earlier.”

Normally, Jordan viewed Jen’s attention to detail as a good thing. Today, she was less sure. “Fine.” She set down her pen and took off her reading glasses, facing Jen across her desk. “You can ask two more questions. I’ll answer them. Then you’re going to go find me that case. Deal?”

“Deal.” Jen grinned and rubbed her hands together. “Are you seeing him again? And did you sleep with him?”

“No to the second, yes to the first.” Jordan smirked, knowing Jen would want details. She only promised answers, though. She slid her reading glasses back on her nose. “Bring me the case as soon as you have it, please.”

Jen’s eyes widened. “You’re cruel, boss.”

Jordan laughed. “Yes, but I pay you well.”

Jen left and Jordan got back to work, thinking maybe she should have tried to write the brief the day before rather than spend most of the afternoon by the pool. There was something to be said for lazy weekends, though, and the work would get done.

Ten minutes later, Jen returned with a printout of the requested case. She handed it to Jordan. “And Beth’s on line one.”

“Thanks.” Jordan wondered how long Jen and Beth had spent talking about her before Jen put the call through. She pressed the button to answer the call. “This is Jordan.”

“Oh, I get the professional greeting today,” Beth teased. “Fine. I’ll start with business, then. The Becker case. Do you have a response to my plea offer?”

Jordan sorted through the files on her desk while she mentally shifted gears to the other case. “He’ll take it,” she said when she located the file. “With some reluctance. He still says he was set up.”

“Whatever, as long as I can close this file out

“Agreed.” Jordan wanted no part of trying the case, either. They talked for a few more minutes
, trying to coordinate a time they were both available for a plea and sentencing, before Beth changed the subject.

“Jen tells me you’re planning on seeing Jake again.”

“Jen talks too much.”

“Jen says you don’t talk enough.” Beth laughed. “She wants details. So do I.”

Jordan rolled her eyes. “Fine. He’s apparently tired of eating in the dives I’ve taken him to and wants to go to a fancy restaurant. I accepted. I’m waiting to hear back on when and where.”

“You’re letting him pick the place?” Beth sounded incredulous. “You didn’t even give him a hint?”

“Nope. I want him to surprise me.”

“Are you testing him, Jordan? Because that can be a risky move.”

“Oh, please,” Jordan was quick to dismiss Beth’s concern. “As long as he doesn’t pick the country club, it’ll be fine.”


Saint Lucia. Co-starring with Kate Hudson. Beating out Channing Tatum. As great as it all sounded, Jake didn’t want to get too far ahead of himself. He hadn’t seen the script yet. If it wasn’t up to par, he wasn’t taking the role, even if it meant missing out on Kate in a bikini. Besides, Jake had more pressing concerns at the moment, like where to take Jordan for dinner.

He’s asked the concierge at the hotel and gotten a few recommendations, but he didn’t know which was best. He needed to ask another local to maybe narrow down the options. But who? He knew Reece grew up in Grande Valley, but wasn’t sure asking his director’s advice on where to take a woman to dinner was a great idea.

“Hey, Trey,” he called out during one of the breaks in filming. “Can you come here a second?”

He rushed right over. “Yeah? Is there something I can get you?”

Jake liked the kid’s enthusiasm. “I need some help, actually. I want to take someone to dinner at a really nice restaurant, and I’m not sure what the best place is.”

“Is it Jordan?” Trey’s face broke out in a wide smile. “The flowers worked, huh? You scored?”

“Something like that,” Jake said. “Do you know anyplace?”

“Do I look like I hang out in fancy restaurants?” Trey laughed. “No clue. Maybe try the country club.”

Jake had no idea why he thought Trey might be any help, but thanked him anyway. Perhaps he’d ask Reece after all. He was about to walk over to where the director was seated when his phone rang. He glanced at the display. A local prefix, but he didn’t recognize the number. “Hello?”


“Yes.” He didn’t recognize the voice. “Who’s this?”

“Beth Brewster. We met a couple weeks ago. I’m a friend of Jordan’s.”

“That’s right.” He remembered now, but why was she calling him, and for that matter, how did she get his number? Then he remembered she was the district attorney. Apparently, she had sources. He frowned. “Is there something wrong?”

“No, not at all. I’m calling because I thought you might need my help,” she said. “I understand you’re trying to impress Jordan with a fancy dinner, but she wants you to find the place.”

So Jordan was talking about him with her friend? Jake wasn’t exactly surprised. Well, if she wanted to help him dazzle Jordan, he didn’t mind too much. “Yeah. I’m not sure where, though. A couple people suggested the country club.”

“It’s a good thing I decided to intervene, then. Whatever you do, don’t take Jordan to the country club.”


By early
afternoon, Jordan had finished the brief. Instead of sending Jen to the courthouse to file it, she decided to walk over there herself and get a little exercise. Since she still hadn’t heard from Jake and didn’t want to miss his call, Jordan made a point of taking her phone with her.

She was a block from the courthouse when it finally rang
, and she ducked into the shadow of a building to better make out the phone’s display in the afternoon sun.  “Hi.” Jordan tried to keep her voice casual even as her heart raced.

“How’s your day going?” Jake asked.

“Pretty good.”
Better now.

“I’m calling about dinner. There’s this Argentine restaurant on the west side that I hear is excellent. It starts with ‘S,’ I think.”

If it was, indeed, possible for a heart to skip a beat, Jordan was fairly certain hers did. “
?” she asked.

“That’s the one. You know it?”

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