Finding Olivia (Trace + Olivia #1) (44 page)

Read Finding Olivia (Trace + Olivia #1) Online

Authors: Micalea Smeltzer

Tags: #romance, #contemporary

BOOK: Finding Olivia (Trace + Olivia #1)
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Writing and finishing a book is always a labor of love. It can be very difficult and very emotional at times. For me, this book has affected me more than any other I have ever written. Trace and Olivia hold a special place in my heart…all my characters do, but there’s something about these two that’s even more special.

Every time I write my acknowledgements, I’m always afraid I’m leaving someone out (and I probably am) but
I remember everybody.

Thank you to my grandma, for being supportive of my crazy ideas from the beginning, and being my biggest support system and best friend.

Thank you to my dad, for planting the seed of self-publishing. Without you, I wouldn’t be where I’m at, and this has been the greatest journey of my life.

Thank you to my mom, for being so supportive of my dream.

A big HUGE gigantic, thank you, to my bestie for life, Shelby. I seriously don’t know what I would do without you. Thank you for reading and replying to my long-winded ranting emails, reading Finding Olivia early and giving me advice, and for being so supportive. There are a thousand and one other things I should thank you for, but my brain is dead, so I can’t remember.

I also want to thank Emily, my “personal cheerleader” “tyrant” and whatever other nicknames you have now. I love talking with you and you always motivate me. I know we’ve never met in person but you’ve become a really good friend and one day we
meet in person, I promise!

Thank you, Regina Wamba, for creating another FABULOUS cover
, and for doing the photo-shoot! Thank you for bringing my characters to life. I wish I could give you a hug, for all your hard work, you’re amazing.

Thank you to the cover models for bringing Trace and Olivia to life for me! Y’all are awesome and rocked the photo-shoot!

I have to thank Mari Arden, for being my author support system. You’re always so encouraging and I love talking with you.

A big thank you to Stephanie, for reading and reviewing Finding Olivia, plus putting together the blog tour. YOU are a rock star.

Thank you to, Michelle, Bianca, and Three Chicks and their Books, for reading advanced copies of Finding Olivia. Seriously, I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to read my book; it means the word to me. And thank you to all the bloggers who participated in the Finding Olivia blog tour.

Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank my fans. Y’all are AH-FREAKIN-MAZING! I swear, when I started this crazy journey in November 2011, I never expected one fan, let alone all that I have now. Without y’all I couldn’t do this as a job full-time. You’ve made my dreams come true. I wish I could hug and thank each of you individually, but since I can’t, I’m writing this. Honestly, though, I don’t say it enough, but I love you guys. It warms my heart when I get an email, message, or even a short comment from one of you telling me how much you enjoyed my book(s). It means the world to me.


















bout the Author

Micalea Smeltzer is an author from Virginia. Her name is pronounced Muh-call-e-uh. She is permanently glued to her computer, where she constantly writes. She has to listen to music when she writes and has a playlist for every book she’s ever started. When she’s not writing, she can be found reading a book or playing with her three dogs.


You can email Micalea at:

[email protected]


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NOTE: She rarely uses her twitter, so you’re better off to contact her another way.




Blurb and Excerpt of Mari Arden’s



Jules Hendricks has had a string of bad "firsts."


Embarrassing first kiss. Traumatic first date. An obsessive first boyfriend she can't understand.


It's taken her years but she's finally able to leave her small town life behind for a new start as a freshmen at UW- Madison. For Jules this chance to be independent and rebuild her life is an opportunity she won't ever let anyone take from her again. She's determined to make something of herself
a man by her side, in front, behind or anywhere near her.


Reid "Pax" Paxton is the star quarterback for the UW Badgers. His brush with death makes him understand how precious life is, and how important it is to take life by the horns, unafraid. Jules knows he's dangerous for her. Dark hair. Smoldering eyes. Killer smile. That dimple. That body. Those arms. Pax is everything she's trying to run away from, but she can't help coming back for more. Slowly he begins to show a life together can be more than just a dream. It can be their reality. The truth about reality is it's not always sunshine and butterflies.


Sometimes it's a wasteland.


Sometimes secrets can't stay buried.


Sometimes your past will find a way to hunt you down.




Read on for an excerpt from "One"


              "Do I make you nervous?" His husky drawl drips like chocolate covering a ripe, round strawberry. Does he make me nervous?
Does a simmering volcano make an ant nervous?
The thoughts whisper through me. It's a burst of sanity.

"Nervous? I'm not nervous," I babble, refusing to look at him. The buzzing gets louder making me more jittery and restless. What's that thing I do where I take in air, and then let it out? Oh yes, breathing. I need to do that.

I try to calm down. I try to feel balanced. That burn down my throat isn't balanced though. It's not steady. It's a fire. It's a roar. And my body no longer belongs to me alone. It belongs to that high; that peak that moments earlier I was basking in.

I make a strangled sound and inhale through my nostrils, taking in the smoky air like a ravenous puppy finding milk. Instantly I feel Pax's heat next to me. Soon I'll be immersed in it, wrapped in it.

Wrapped around

So does that make me nervous? Only a hundred kinds of nervous.

"Time to begin!" Cade yells, as he jogs back to Pax and I, flashing his pearly whites. He pounds Pax on the back. "Don't drop the ball," he grins.

"As if I ever do."

Cade turns to me. I see the second he registers my cleavage is exposed to the world. His eyes appraise me slowly. He gives me an appreciative grin. "Well, hello there."

"Hi," I reply, unsteadily. "Um, should we start now?" I don't mean to be rude, but words are bursting out of me with abandon. Something else owns my thoughts now.

"You okay?" Pax asks me kindly. "You look a little green."

"I'm a second away from vomiting every cell inside me, and call me crazy, but I'd prefer not to start off my year known as the Vomiter." The words are candid. A part of me realizes I should've kept them inside.

Pax bites his lower lip. I'm not sure if he's concerned or if he's trying not to laugh.

"Let's start." He inserts himself between us, blocking Cade's view of me. His firm, half naked body is next to my face. Pax's musky cologne combined with a sweaty scent unique to him suddenly assails my nostrils tipping my senses further.

Cade chuckles, looking amused. Abruptly, I want to glare at him. I don't find anything amusing about this. "Ready when you are."

Pax turns to me, his emerald eyes dark pools underneath the starlight. For an endless moment I'm going up, up, up again. I'm not flying. I'm suspended in air. My pulse skitters. Something hard and hot unfurls in my belly. Unable to tear my gaze from him I watch helpless as his mouth drifts closer, until he's so close his breath mingles with mine.

"Ride me."







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