Firemancer Collection (Fated Saga Box Set Book 1) (17 page)

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   As they got Irving as close as possible to the pine room, without going in themselves, a blood-curdling scream broke their concentration. The other man flew through the air and into one of the other doorways. He disappeared into the light.

   “That’s not good,” Colin said blankly.

   The Scratchers reformed overhead.  

   “Now what?” yelled Meghan. “I don’t think we can push him in!”

   Voices were still echoing, but becoming more distant.

   “Maybe we can drag him in before the light goes out. We cannot allow him to get stuck here,” said Colin, pulling once again. Without arguing, both twins worked together and pulled Jae’s father into the room. Once in, they could feel the pull coming from the other side.

   Shadows of people from the other side danced around the pine room as the pull sucked Irving’s body through. The twins let go of him, holding on to the tree, trying not to get sucked through too.

   “We have to get out of here,” struggled Colin.

   Meghan and Colin pulled hard and kicked their legs to the ground, bouncing out of the pine tree.

   Then, they froze in complete horror!

   Uncle Arnon!

   Surrounded by the Scratchers!

   “No!” screamed Meghan.

   The light was nearly gone behind them. There would be no more help from the Svoda on the other side. 

   Colin decided to break the rules and no longer cared who knew about his magic, if it even still worked now that Jae was gone.

  “Emissio!” he boomed.

   An angry blast tore at the howling creatures. Arnon took a few steps forward and to the twins’ bewilderment, he appeared not worried, scared, or surprised, but instead beamed with pride.

   “He’s going to be killed,” thought Meghan, seeing the Scratchers already reorganizing.

“Why did he follow us?” questioned Colin.

  Above, two of the regrouped Scratchers dove directly for Meghan and Colin. Arnon saw this and took off, darting athletically through the remaining creatures, as they plunged toward him, their wings poised for the kill.

   When Arnon was ten feet away from the twins, he heaved himself into the air, spinning toward them. A Scratcher hovered over Arnon’s whirling frame, its wings ready to enclose around him. It shrieked hideously over its impending victory.

   Arnon threw something at Colin.

   It hit him with such force that he fell back, disappearing into the pine room.

   Without a second thought, Meghan dove after him, hoping to catch Colin before he went all the way through.

Then, the fallen pine tree went dark.









Book Two in the Fated Saga


Rachel Humphrey – D’aigle

Chapter One


Meghan and Colin Jacoby fell through an archway, thudding onto a cold stone floor. On one side of the archway, the silhouette of the Scratcher enclosing its wings around their Uncle Arnon’s body faded, while on the twins’ side of the archway, they were met by suspicious stares from the Svoda Gypsies.

Colin, his back to the Gypsies, glanced at the culprit that had caused him to fall through the pine tree. It was his book, Magicante. Instinct told him to hide it under his sweater.

Why had his uncle done it? Of all the things to grab and throw at him...

Meghan sat on the icy stone floor, her face blank. Words would not formulate in her mind.

“Let me through, let me through!” a familiar voice called out.

Colin faced the Gypsies, searching through the staring eyes as Jae Mochrie appeared in a stone doorway about ten feet away; he held his arms against each side of the stone wall, as if holding it up, out of breath.

Meghan raised her head, becoming aware of the suspicious stares.

“I don’t believe it. This is bad! This is really bad!” Jae darted across the room. “You’re not in any immediate danger,” he whispered to the two of them. 

Meghan bounced off the floor and jerked her confused head back and forth between Jae and the other Gypsies.

What did Jae mean?

The twins’ only concern was to get home. Meghan finally found the strength to speak, but she couldn’t form a complete sentence.

“The Scratcher…wings … our uncle…go back.”

The crowd inhaled at the same moment. Murmurs spread like fire.

“Wings …”

“He’s dead for sure.”

“It would take a miracle…”

Meghan’s breath drew heavily as she tried to comprehend what was happening. Colin trembled as the truth began to sink in. Then, Colin’s head shot up.

“Jae! Your dad and the other guy, are they…” he didn’t finish.

“The guy that helped my dad is fine. Dad is hurt pretty bad, but he’ll be okay thanks to you two. Which makes what I have to tell you even harder.”

Meghan could not get enough air. Colin attempted to keep his mind focused on the current moment, which was difficult, as their desire to get back to Uncle Arnon was mounting. Jae dropped his head, heaving a great breath, preparing for what he needed to say to them.

“By now, your uncle is most likely…”

Meghan cut him off. “Don’t even say that! Open it back up! Now!” Meghan jumped back through the archway. Nothing happened. Jae grabbed her and forced her to make eye contact with him. Colin took hold of her hand, as comprehension of their situation became clear.

“We can’t go back, can we?” he confirmed. His face tightened; he did not want to lose it, not here, in front of complete strangers.

Jae did not have the heart to answer and instead kicked the wall angrily. “This wasn’t supposed to happen.”

Meghan sank to the floor, no longer able to stand. “Can’t go back,” she said, the meaning of those words sinking in.

The crowd buzzed. It was clear that something like this had never happened before and no one knew what to do. Jae leaned in to Colin’s ear.

“Did any one see you use magic?”

“Only the Scratchers and my uncle, I think,” answered Colin in a low, trembling voice.

and your book secret! This doorway won’t open again for three years. That’s why I
to get home tonight. It only opens during the blue moon, which only happens…”

“Three years, every three years,” finished Colin, dazed.

Meghan heard him and stood up, instantly mindful of her stupidity. Why hadn’t she just listened to Jae and not come to his aid? Then their uncle would not be…

Outside, the crowd quieted, parting down the middle, serving as a corridor for someone hurriedly approaching.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen,” Jae muttered apologetically. He backed away from the twins. They waited breathlessly, unsure of what was to come next. A woman’s voice reverberated through the stone room.

“Jae, you are safe.” She said it as though it was simple fact and promptly moved on. Her fierce gaze bored into the twins. It was Juliska Nandalia Blackwell, Banon of the Svoda Gypsies. They saw Jae do a slight head bow as she spoke to him. Meghan and Colin decided to follow Jae’s lead and performed a small bow. Juliska Blackwell’s face softened, but remained stern. She did not speak right away.

“Excuse me, Banon Blackwell, if I may speak on their behalf,” said Jae, coming to her side.

She did not acknowledge Jae and slowly stretched out her thin, pale arm; beautiful silk red gloves covered her hands. She stroked Meghan’s cheek, who didn’t breathe, wondering if this was some kind of curse or spell she should be wary of.

“What are your names, you first?” she demanded from Colin.

“Colin Jacoby, ma’am.”

Her gaze swept to Meghan. “And you?”

“Meghan Jacoby, Colin’s twin sister.”

“Speak,” the Banon ordered Jae, though her eyes never left the twins.

“If it hadn’t been for Meghan and Colin Jacoby’s assistance, my father would be dead. Saving him got them stuck here.”

Her eyes drilled into Jae, and she interrogated further.

“Did they offer or did you seek their help?”

Jae was noticeably losing his nerve.

“They came to me, and being on my own, I accepted,” he explained.

Juliska Blackwell whisked herself around to Jae.

“We will need to speak further, but I will allow you to go home to your family tonight.”

Jae knew this was his cue to depart, but the doubt in his eyes sent the twins’ already weak strength plummeting. Impending doom, they both felt it.

The twins realized that the stone room had emptied, except for Banon Blackwell. She paced, speaking coolly.

“You must realize that this situation is most uncommon and will not be easily accepted amongst my people. I have taught them, perhaps
well, not to trust outsiders. We cannot survive if our safety is compromised! And no matter how good your intentions or Jae’s, your uncle, if not dead, is likely being tortured and questioned about us.”

Meghan’s legs faltered. Colin, in only slightly stronger shape, leaned to steady her.

Juliska Blackwell reached her first. “I am sorry. But the truth is all I can speak. Nothing else has kept us alive for this long,” her voice grew kinder.

The thought of their uncle being dead was horrible enough, but being tortured for something he did not know about was more than either of the twins could bear.

The Banon released her steadying grip on Meghan and whisked around, motioning for two women, who stood near the entrance, to enter.

“Bring them! Nothing will be decided tonight. Tomorrow, the Viancourt will decide their fate.” She dashed away, her deep red jacket flipping in the still night air behind her.

Two women grabbed the twins, not unkindly, pulling them from the stone room, out into the darkness. A crowd of at least a hundred shot untrusting glares at the duo, followed by unwelcoming voices.

“She will not let them stay!”

“No. No way, it’s not right.”

“Where then will they go?” another one asked. “They can’t go home.”

“Spies!” someone shouted viciously.

Two things were certain. One: they could not go home! And two: they were not welcome here!

The twins came to an abrupt stop. A tall man with spikes in his hair, dressed in a long over-sized coat, blocked their path. His eyes were unkind, showing no mercy. The twins recognized him as the man named Garner Sadorus.

“Who are you?” he demanded.

The twins did not answer.

“Oh get out of the way, Garner,” spat the woman holding Colin’s arm. “You heard the Banon. This will be decided by the Viancourt, the entire Viancourt, Garner, not just
.” Her eyes flashed, enjoying the confrontation.

, as a member of this most high position, have the right…”

“Excuse me, Vian Sadorus, sir.” Again, Jae came to their rescue. “I will speak for them.”

The man named Garner glared down at Jae with a penetrating scowl, but gave up, stalking away.

“Wouldn’t be good to get on his bad side,” whispered Jae. “Although, most believe that’s the only side he has.” Neither twin could reply at that moment.

The two escorts shook their heads at the confrontation and forged onward. Jae followed them a few steps before a forced goodbye left him in the shadows.

The murmurs of the crowd faded. The escorts held lanterns to light their way; the twins had not even noticed where they had gotten them. There was no moon or stars, only black night. They stopped at the entrance to a wagon. Inside, it was similar to the one Jae had stayed in back in Camp Cobbscott, though smaller.

The twins waited near the entrance as the two women disappeared into another room. They were gone only a minute and came back with blankets.

“You will have to stay in the wagon for the night, but its safe here,” the first woman said. She was a small stout woman and went to the fireplace, waving her hand over it. “Fire will keep you warm. Food you can find in the kitchen.”

The twins sank into a sofa next to the fire, overwhelmed. The stout woman exited the wagon. The other lagged behind, taking a seat across from the twins. She was a rugged looking woman with short, somewhat curled hair. Her voice was not what the twins expected. Colin’s thoughts said it best – a woman right out of a black and white movie, over-dramatic and to the point, and he thought her face was pretty.

“I’m positively ashamed for such harsh treatment, especially after you helped our Jae get home. I’m sure you’re picking up that the Svoda aren’t so trusting to strangers.”

“Jae warned us to be careful,” mustered out Meghan. She couldn’t think of anything else to say, and worse, if they said too much or the wrong thing, it was bound to cause trouble for themselves or Jae.

“Yes, he’s a good boy. Hope the court isn’t too hard on him. What do they expect from a kid?”

“Jae will have to go before a court?” questioned Colin, feeling oddly comfortable around the woman.

“'Fraid so. It’s the only way to get the whole picture, see. But don’t go frettin’ about that. Jae can handle himself fine. My name is Billie by the way, Billie Sadorus.”

“Sadorus? Are you related to the man named Garner?” asked Colin without thinking.

“He’s my brother, sure. Stink of a man!” she said, winking. “But my brother none the less.” She stood to depart. “I realize it won’t be easy, but do try and get some rest, will you?” She then muttered to herself all the way out of the wagon.

“What a way to treat two youngins. Shameful, that’s what it is. Sometimes I don’t know what’s becoming of us all?”

The door shut and they heard a lock clink into place. They were alone.

Neither twin spoke.

The desire eluded them.

Colin moved to the other couch. Sleep came in waves, and included nightmares of their uncle’s unknown fate. It was not until light began to fill the wagon that they got up, slowly realizing that the previous night had not been a terrible dream. Colin was the first to speak.

“What do they need to decide exactly, anyway?”

“I think, whether we can stay with them or not.”

“Why can’t we stay?” he whispered as if someone may be listening.

“They’re obviously not fond of outsiders, Col.”

“But what would they do with us?”

“Like I’m supposed to have some idea?” she snapped back. “Sorry,” she added a second later.

“I wish we knew how long we’re going to have to wait here,” Colin replied.

Meghan let out an anguished huff. “I cannot accept that there is NO way to find out about Uncle Arnon. I
think as soon as we get out of here, we need to find a way.”

“We don’t even know where
is. How are we going to find a way home?” asked Colin.

“I don’t know. But we have to! The Scratchers follow these guys, so there must be a way!” she said decidedly.

With nothing more to say, they attempted to eat. They found bread for toast in the kitchen; it was dry going down their throats no matter how much butter they spread on it.

After hours of waiting, and not knowing their fate, the lock clicked open on the wagon door. They sat down trying not to appear too eager and did not look up until they heard the familiar voice of Jae Mochrie.

“Guys, it’s me. Sorry I couldn’t come sooner,” he apologized, slumping down next to them. “They wouldn’t let me come until after I’d met with the Viancourt.”

“I hope it wasn’t terrible, Jae,” said Meghan, concerned about their only friend in this unfamiliar world.

“It was like filing a report. They needed a list of anything I’d done that could have compromised our safety.”

The twins were horrified.

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