First Destroy All Giant Monsters (The World Wide Witches Research Association) (50 page)

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Authors: D.L. Carter

Tags: #The World Wide Witches Research Association and Pinochle Club Trilogy

BOOK: First Destroy All Giant Monsters (The World Wide Witches Research Association)
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“And this would be bad?”

“Oh, yeah,” Amber shivered. “All the energy is confused and turbulent. That is not good. All the magic that people try to perform is going to be mixed up, churned up. And beginners trying to make their way on the Ethereal might end up lost or hurt. And … and a whole lot of things too complicated for mere mortal minds to comprehend might be messed up.”

“And we’re being held responsible?”

responsible. I’m responsible. The fight with Gloria has disrupted the … well, forgive me if it seems over the top, but we’ve upset the universe.”

“Ah, then this would be very bad.”


Before Amber could think what to do next Karl floated toward the Elementals.

“I apologize, my … uh … Help me, Amber. What do you call them?”

“Something polite and respectful.”

Karl shot her a glance. “That is not helpful.”

“They don’t have names that I’ve ever heard,” she whispered. “Just say what you mean and hope that they understand your intention.”

“Fine. Okay. Weird.” Karl turned back to the Elementals. “With all due respect, Elementals, Amber was acting to save the lives of many thousands of people … and me.”

“That doesn’t matter,” said Amber before the Elementals could respond. “The universe is huge. Eternity barely notices the human race. Our whole history and existence is nothing. I had to act, as a human, to stop Gloria’s ambition. To get rid of the web that was interfering with the balance of energies of the Ethereal Planes. But I did a piss poor job of it.”

“Yeah, but …” began Karl.

“Yeah, but nothing,” said Amber. “Look around. Look at the mess I’ve made. I channeled so much Elemental energy into her that the Elementals themselves noticed. I have made a disruption, probably worse than anything Gloria might have done.”

“Oh,” Karl looked around at the rippling glow.

“Which means,” continued Amber, “as an ethical witch, I have to put it right.”


“Ah …” She paused. “I’m not sure.”

The Spirit Elemental bent toward her, waiting.

“But I will find out,” said Amber. “And I will continue working until it is repaired.”

The Spirit leaned back then turned to regard Karl.

“I’m helping. I might be new to the magic biz, but if you’re going to hold Amber responsible for this mess, you’re holding me as well.”

The Spirit inclined toward them and extended a … hand? Amber glanced down at the sudden warmth surrounding her arm. The multicolored bracelet was back. Karl raised his arm to show he had one as well.

“Okay, our oaths have been heard,” said Amber, then turned back to the Elementals. “Before you go … my aunt Lucinda. You know her. What happened to her? I didn’t feel her as part of the web.”

The Elementals regarded her for a long moment, then turned and departed.

“What?” demanded Karl. “I didn’t hear their answer.”

“They didn’t answer,” moaned Amber. “They either don’t know or it doesn’t matter to them. How am I going to explain to Smoke?”

“How can they not know?” Karl stared after them. In the distance the steady stream of light could still be seen.

Amber sighed. “We are small and unimportant unless we cause trouble. It might be that whatever happened to Lucinda and Robyn wasn’t important enough an event for them to take note.”

They blinked and the bedroom at Five Corners formed around them.

Amber raised her arm to admire the bracelet then took hold of Karl’s arm to show him the one he wore.

“I just realized something. No one else has managed a dual person out-of-body trip. You and I are the first. Wow. Not only are we bound to the Elementals, and to an oath to serve, we are bound to each other.”

Amber gasped as Karl pushed her back against her pillows and covered her mouth with his own. Several hazy minutes later Karl lifted from her and smiled at her sleepy expression.

“Get used to it kid; it’s going to be you and me from now on. Do you have a problem with that?”

Amber blinked and grinned.

“No, but I don’t think it will be a fair fight. Maybe we should spot the universe a few points.”

Smoke was remarkably understanding.

“I figured out a while ago that this web thing had nothing to do with their disappearance. When you did that soul-flight and didn’t end up at their prison door then I thought the web might be a problem they were planning on addressing, but they had something else to do first.”

“Any clue in their magical journals?” asked Amber.

She and Karl were seated holding hands at the kitchen table. Lightning, Rust, Manny, and Missy were puttering around preparing a late lunch.

No one in the DeGoode family appeared surprised or concerned that both Karl and Amber sported oath bracelets of the Elementals. Amber had been surprised to discover that the colored bracelet had a name.

Nor were they excessively concerned about the disruption on the Ethereal. They even knew the treatment.

“Music and dance,” said Missy. “The rhythm of the spheres will calm down the energy flows pretty quickly.”

“You want us to sing to the universe?” demanded Karl and laughed when Missy winked.

“But I get the feeling that the Elementals will notice if I spend too much time away from working on it,” said Amber. “What are we going to do about Lucinda and Robyn? We can’t let too much time pass without a serious search.”

Smoke put both hands on the table.

“We know they took their wands. We have to trust them. They left of their own will and didn’t want us involved in whatever this undertaking is. If they need help we will feel it. Or the house will give us a message.”

“I don’t like leaving a job half-finished,” said Amber, impatiently turning her coffee cup around and around. “Particularly when there is the life of a friend in question.”

“Then ask for guidance,” said Smoke.

“The Elementals refused to answer.”

“They aren’t the only oracles concerned within our planet.”

Amber sighed and shot a glance toward Karl.

“I am too tired and too sore to channel energy for a reading,” she said.

“And I don’t know how.”

They both sighed.

Amber turned to Smoke. “I suppose the prohibition regarding the committee is still in force?”


“Then Lucinda and Robyn will have to wait until I’ve recovered or Karl has some training.”

“Fair enough. Until then, you have a lot of important work to do and not much time to get organized.” He took up a notebook, drew in a deep breath, frowned, and looked expectantly at Karl. “How many family members of yours are coming to this wedding and do you have a favorite song?”

“Oh, come on, Smoke. There’s no hurry,” protested Amber.

The cousins all gave her narrow-eyed stares then burst out laughing.

“What?” demanded Karl.

“Well, lad, you not only brought our Amber back to life, but you gave her new life. Now, we might be old-fashioned down here at the farm, but we’d kind of like the next generation of guardians to know her parents are married.”

“Oh, crap,” cried Amber.

“Is that anything to say in front of our baby,” laughed Karl, then he stopped. “What guardians?”

“I’m annoyed,” said Amber. “I said in the beginning that you bringing me here was a hero’s journey. Not a real emergency. Now you aren’t worried about Lucinda and Robyn at all!”

“No,” said Smoke. “The house said that
you had to destroy the Giant Monster. You’ve done that. Now we wait to find out what happens next!”


Gentle reader. Just thought you might like to know.

Names of the DeGoode brothers:

Smoke: Smoke Rising Straight And True Into The Clear Night Sky.

Rust: Rusty Wheel Rim on Side of Road. (Mom didn’t make it to the hospital in time.)

The twins, Lightning and Manny were born in a commune.

Lightning: Giant Oak Struck by Lightning.

Manny: Man Who Was Kissing Girl Under Oak Tree, Now On Fire, Running Round Screaming.

From the Author

My boyfriend loves Daikaiju movies. Yes, yes. Everyone’s boyfriend loves Daikaiju movies. Stay with me.

We have a huge collection of them and Daikaiju nights can get pretty rowdy when we heckle, turn the volume down, and substitute our own dialogue. But my fascination with the title of this book predates my boyfriend.

Way … way back when I was still living in Australia I made the mistake of getting my leg caught in a revolving door – oops – and was kept home from school for six weeks. Way back then there was very little to watch on TV – only four channels, but I watched a movie and the villain, wearing a skin tight black skull cap, turned to his minions and declared that he was going to conquer the Earth, but FIRST he had to destroy all the Giant Monsters.

Really? My very young self-thought, really? The Americans’ nuclear bombs don’t bother you? The Chinese army has one million men and women – and only two thousand bullets – and you’re good with that? Not a concern for you? NATO? The Gurkha fighting force in the British Army won’t make you pause? The Men in Kilts? No? No? The monsters, however, have to go before you’ll be able to conquer us?


Since then I have wondered, how dangerous would a monster have to be that an alien would see them from space and know that they would turn on the invaders to protect the Earth? Since in previous movies the Giant Monsters regard us as either food or an obstruction in their own ongoing battles.

Okay then.

One day I might write that story and give it my own twist. One day.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed this visit with the concept of giant monsters.

As for Five Corners farm, it is based on a farm that does occupy a couple of mountains in the Poconos in Pennsylvania (owned by a friend of mine hi, Charlene). I won’t tell you where it is, and I won’t confirm or deny the presence of small people … well, the less said the better.

I, too, have my responsibilities to the Covenant!

About the Author

D.L. Carter was decanted from her incubation pod in the outback of Australia many decades ago. This terrifying event was closely followed by shrieks of “There, there it goes, under the chair. Hit it with a brick!”

These valiant attempts to correct the existence of D.L. were, unfortunately, unsuccessful and she now resides in New Jersey, U.S., in a box with her toys, two human beings, and three cats.


First Kill All Giant Monsters

Copyright © 2012 by D.L. Carter

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher, Corvallis Press.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover Design by April Rickard

ebook: ISBN-978-0-9850663-9-0

Corvallis Press, Publisher

630 NW Hickory Str., Ste. 120

Albany, OR 97321

[email protected]

Also by D.L. Carter


* * * *

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