First Down (First and Ten #1) (9 page)

BOOK: First Down (First and Ten #1)
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“I can’t really argue with anything, you’ve said, though I want to,” Ana said. “I think all of those same things about Jack and…yet I can’t seem to make myself stop wanting to walk into the fire. It’s very unlike me.” She sat and finished her drink.

They were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. “Let’s talk more about this tomorrow. I have lots of different people invited. No one says that you’re limited to dating a football player. Maybe a golfer?”

Ella waved her off. “Go answer your door.”



Jack and Clark walked into the party and looked around. The place was packed with the cream of professional sports in Florida. Ronnie had an impressive slate of clients, and it seemed like she was getting ready to add a few more. “Let’s find the girls,” Jack said.

“I don’t know if Ella wants me to find her. We had a little disagreement before I left on Wednesday, and we haven’t spoken since Friday. I dressed up to match her costume in case she decided to give us a chance.”

“So what was the disagreement over?”

“She just wants to have at me, with no relationship, and I said no. She talked my ear off and gave me lots of examples of why it wouldn’t work. I have to tell you trying to date a genius is not for the faint of heart. I didn’t understand half the things she was telling me, but I held on to my argument in spite of it.”

“Why do you want a relationship with this girl so badly when she doesn’t seem interested in one?”

“Because if I don’t start now, then when? She is the first woman who isn’t impressed with me and my bank account. She only wants my body, and nothing else. I think if someone like her is interested in someone like me, then that’s a good sign. I just have to stay strong and not give in to her demands. And before you say it…I know that I’m the woman in this relationship.”

“As long as you know what you want, then I say go for it. You are one of the meanest sons of bitches in the NFL, and you can act however you want.”

Clark clapped him on the back. “Thanks, man. Let’s go find the ladies and see if they like our costumes. By the way, how did you convince Ana to wear your jersey to the party?”

“It wasn’t hard. She doesn’t like to dress up, and comfort is her first consideration for clothes. When I told her she could wear leggings and my jersey and a hat, she was all in. I even got her a pair of the new shoes that I helped design. She never considered that everyone would assume that we’re together.”

“Yeah, and that big possessive arm you like to drape around her shoulders probably doesn’t hurt, either.” Clark laughed.

Jack gazed around the room again and then at his friend. “I like this woman, and I like to have my arm on her, and she hasn’t complained. So shut up.”

“Said the caveman to his friend.” Clark laughed at his own joke until he spotted Ella. She was dressed as Medusa before the curse, and her costume left very little to the imagination. He felt his heart beat against his chest as he admired her curves on display. He watched a stupid offensive tackle from the Jacksonville team standing a little too close, so he headed in her direction. Clearly, he would need to show the guy what Poseidon was actually capable of.

Jack turned back, finding that Clark had left and was stalking Ella and a guy from the Jacksonville team. He walked into the backyard in search of his other half and spotted her in a group of people across the lawn. His strategy of no one hitting on her wasn’t working out very well, because a pro-golfer was handing her a drink with a smile that spelled trouble. Why would a golfer think that he has a chance with her? He supposed every person was allowed to dream, but the golfer’s dream was about to be crushed by his very large fist if the guy didn’t get his hands off of her. As he walked toward the group, he watched Ana turn and smile. The way her face lit up when she saw him made his heart beat a little faster.

She took a step toward him and ignored the golfer’s attempt to recapture her attention.

The guy looked up, they locked eyes, and Jack silently communicated with him. Nodding in acknowledgement, the golfer started talking to another lady. The guy was an idiot, because he hadn’t paid attention to her costume with his name and number across her back. It was there for a reason.

Meeting each other halfway, they stared at one another for a couple of seconds before speaking. “Hi,” they said simultaneously. Standing in the middle of the party, they became aware of only one another as their eyes locked.

Ana laughed and then watched Jack’s mouth descend on hers. A small sigh of pleasure escaped her lips right before their mouths fused in a kiss. The world stopped as Ana let herself fall into the sensation of having Jack’s mouth on hers. There was utterly perfect silence as her busy mind slowed, and her feelings took over. Her body became weak with desire as his arms wrapped around her and pulled her against his massive frame. His tongue ran along the seam of her lips, and she opened for him, allowing him into her mouth. The taste of him as he encased her in his arms made every muscle in her body relax. A loud sound startled her, and Jack released her mouth slowly. She looked around and noticed that the band was setting up. They were doing a sound check, and that’s what had caused the loud noise.

He was about to lower his mouth again when he felt her hand on his chest. “No more kissing?”

She stepped away and pulled her jersey down. “That was going to develop into more than kissing, and I don’t want to be the floor show at Ronnie’s party.” Leaning into him, she rested her head against his chest and smelled the laundry soap from his shirt. When had laundry soap become an aphrodisiac?

“You may have a point. Hell…that was some kind of kiss, Ana. Let’s find a dark spot, and do it some more.” Leaning his head against hers, he closed his eyes for a moment and let the smell of her hair wash over him. He felt her hand against his chest, and noticed it covered his heart.

“We’ll see. Maybe we can make out a little when we watch the movie.” She watched his big hand take hers, and smiled. “Yeah, we should definitely make out during the movie.”

He tugged her under his arm and dropped another kiss on her head. “I sure like you, Ana Banana.”

“I like you, too, Jack Attack.” She slipped her arm around his waist and admired his costume. “You’re very handsome. I like your shirt and tie; it’s very appropriate. A lot of doctors would wear that if they were on rounds or giving a presentation.” She ran her hand down his chest in an attempt to smooth out the wrinkles. Really, she just wanted to feel his chest and impressive muscles, and it was a silly attempt to do that without being caught. She heard him let out a breath as her hand moved across the fabric of the shirt, and for the first time since they’d met, she realized that he was affected by her touch.

He slipped a hand under the back of her shirt, and the heat from his fingers made her skin feel tingly. She leaned in and closed her eyes against the kaleidoscope of colors that hit the back of her eyelids. Her senses were all over the place as her hormones beat their drums against her body as his fingers played across the skin of her back. They stood together, fully clothed in the middle of a party with over a hundred people present, and she had a feeling that if he told her to take her clothes off, she would. Mr. Jack Ellis was, in fact, going to turn her life into something extraordinary. She was about to lean back and give herself a moment to collect herself when she felt Jack’s mouth against her ear.

“Can you feel it, Ana? Because I can! I feel like we’re going to combust out here on the lawn in front of all these people.” He gazed into her beautiful cognac eyes and saw her interest and desire. At least, he hoped it was desire. Because he wanted nothing more than to have his feelings returned by her.

“Let’s go eat, Jack. It’s the only thing we can do at this point. Our other choice is to go up to my bedroom and tear each other’s clothes off then stay there until we get each other out of our systems. I have a feeling that it may take a while. So let’s go eat some of the delicious food instead.”

“Can we eat the food and then go upstairs?”

“No….yes. Oh, Jack, I don’t know. I feel like I should have a date with you before I give in to my desires. I’ve never been this tempted by a man in my life, and I want to resist a bit longer if I can. I don’t think I’m going to be successful, but I want to pretend to try.”

“All right. You can give me updates during the evening, and if there is something that I’m doing that is making your resistance slip, then I would appreciate knowing.”

“I’m not giving you my playbook, Jack. You are a full-grown man, and I expect you to make some effort in figuring it out.” She took his hand and led him toward the food. “I would like to believe that you are willing to work hard and not just wait for me to fall into your arms.”

He stopped and made her face him as he gave her a serious look. “I’m going to do whatever it takes to make sure that you fall for me.” He stared into her eyes and waited until he felt satisfied that she understood how serious he was. This was the most important win of his life. She looked him up and down and then smiled, apparently satisfied with what she saw.

“Let’s go eat and try and act like we’re normal adults and not hormonal teenagers.”

“It’s worth a shot, but I can’t guarantee anything.”

Laughing, she responded, “Neither can I.”





Ronnie walked out of her room and down the hall and wondered if she was the last one up. She gently knocked on Ana’s room and slowly opened the door. It took her a moment to process the view before her. Her best friend was dead asleep with Jack wrapped around her. The way they were holding onto one another, even in sleep, made her heart swell with happiness. Jack was apparently serious about her friend, because he still had his boxers on. If he was after a quick lay, then he wouldn’t still be dressed. It was an excellent sign of his respect and self-discipline that he was willing to just sleep with her. She gently closed the door, walked toward Ella’s door, and was surprised when it opened.

Clark walked out and smiled at her.

“Good morning, Clark. Did you have fun last night?”

He gave her one of his million-dollar smiles with a devilish glint in his eyes. “This was your best party to date, Ronnie.” He followed her down the hall toward the stairs. “I liked your choice of movies. Ella got scared during the first horror flick and had to hold onto me during the whole thing. She never let go and decided that she would date me. I got what I wanted, and so did she.”

“I don’t know how I feel about this, Clark, but if Ella’s happy, then so am I.” They walked into the kitchen and were greeted by Ronnie’s butler. “Hello, Gerald.” Ronnie smiled and kissed his cheek as she accepted a cup of coffee. “God bless you.”

Gerald regarded Clark and his bare chest and shook his head. “I’m going to give you this cup of coffee, and then I expect you to go upstairs and put a shirt on. This is a proper southern home, and we dress for breakfast.” He moved to the counter, and finished the fruit salad that he was preparing.

Clark looked at Ronnie to see if he had to follow directions about putting a shirt on.

She shrugged her shoulders and nodded. “Gerald runs the house and me, and I find it much easier to follow his directions. He’s been sent here by my mother, and his job is to make sure that all my morals and civility don’t fall away while I’m outside of Louisiana state lines.”

Clark took a sip of his coffee and walked back toward the hall. “I’ll go to my truck see if I have a t-shirt in my practice bag. Poseidon doesn’t wear a shirt, so I don’t have one handy for breakfast.”

Ronnie called after him, “It will be completely worth it once you taste Gerald’s pancakes. I promise.” She took a seat at the counter and watched Gerald finish the fruit salad. “Did the caterers clean up everything last night or did you end up with a lot of extra work?”

Gerald glanced up and studied Ronnie before answering. “They cleaned up, but I had to supervise them carefully. I think we should consider another one for the next soiree, I don’t think their staff is up to par.”

“All right. I’ll let you handle the details for the next one.” She watched him smile and nod. Gerald was only happy when he was running the house and her life with a controlled precision that would make a general jealous. “I believe that we have seven for breakfast.”

Gerald studied one of his closest friends, and felt a stab of sadness for her. She was successful, smart, beautiful, and a disaster when it came to love. It had all started with Brian, and unfortunately, no one had come along yet to change it. “So no luck last night?”

Ronnie got up, refilled her cup, and patted his arm as she passed him. “These parties are about business, not my love life. You know that I’m not dating any more professional athletes, and unfortunately, that’s who I spend most of my time with these days.”

“What about the attorney that’s always calling. Let’s give him a chance, and see what he’s like. You may be surprised.”

“That’s the problem, I don’t think he has any surprises in him. He’s very nice, good-looking, smart, and--I have a feeling--boring as hell.”

“It might not be a bad way to get back in the pool. You don’t need fireworks right now. You need to go on a couple of dates and have a good time.”

“Maybe you’re right. I should just go and get it over with.”

“I’m sure the gentleman would be thrilled to hear your enthusiasm. I want you to accept his invitation and have a good time, even if it’s painful.”

“Fine. I have the office opened now, and I’m running out of excuses to avoid dating. I don’t want
he who shall not be named
getting any ideas that his behavior has affected me in the least.”

“It may be too late for that. Your self-imposed dating hiatus may have already given him a heads up.”

“Did we get the shipment from Mama?”

“Nice change of subject, and yes, we did. I have the instructions, and we can bless your office later today.”

“Thanks, Gerald. I’m glad Mama sent you down here. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

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