First (Wrong) Impressions: A Modern Pride & Prejudice (28 page)

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Authors: Krista D. Ball

Tags: #Young Adult, #jane austen, #Fiction, #Romance, #books, #comedy, #krista d ball

BOOK: First (Wrong) Impressions: A Modern Pride & Prejudice
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And she realized, as she saw him turn and walk out of the room, still scowling and arranging her removal from his life, that all hope was gone. Just as she was falling in love with him.


February 22

The next morning, G and Dani drove Lizzy to the airport. Darcy wasn’t out of bed, so Lizzy didn’t get to say goodbye. The sober, though slightly queasy, side of her was happy not to have to see the change in him. But the romantic side of her, the part that was always so very lonely, wanted to see him one more time, to gauge if there was still a chance in his eyes.

Logic said his absence was evidence enough, though. Whatever might have been would never be now.

For the entire drive to the airport, Dani raged about how George Wickham needed to burn in hell. She brought up scenario after scenario that only made Lizzy feel worse, as they were ones she hadn’t considered—and her own list was bad enough.

“She’s sixteen. Sixteen! Did he wait for her birthday before screwing her so that he wouldn’t end up in jail? He is the most disgusting man on the planet. What do women see in him?”

G stared out of the passenger window, silent.

“What the hell was she doing with him? Or him with her? Darcy said you used to date him. What sister goes after her sister’s ex?”

“I hardly dated him,” Lizzy snapped, “But he’s nearly double her age. That’s why he shouldn’t be near Lydia.”

“Exactly! What guy screws a sixteen-year-old girl, except if he’s a pervert?”

“Dani…” G said.

“I know you always want to defend him—”

“I’m not defending him.”

“You’re always defending him,” Danica snapped.

“You just lose your shit every time his name comes up.”

“Why the hell shouldn’t I? He’s nothing more than a rapist and you keep on defending him!”

And on they went, all the way to the airport, with Lizzy re-reading all of her missed texts, emails, tweets, and social media updates.

“How did Jane get your number, G?” Lizzy asked once the pair had stopped screaming at each other.

“Charles.” After a beat, she added, “Jane called him when she couldn’t reach you.”

Chapter 33

February 28

Lizzy had been in Vancouver nearly a week and there was no sign of Lydia or George. The police had followed up their cell phones, acquaintances, bank accounts, and credit cards, and had traced George’s credit cards to Chilliwack, and Lydia’s bank account to the same ATM, where she drew out all of her cash. Beyond that, nothing.

To help out, Luke and Liam had taken a week off from their respective jobs to help canvas every mall in the Vancouver area, right to Chilliwack, plus every Starbucks, Second Cup, and Tim Horton’s they could find, using Lydia’s picture. Nothing.

“Why would she do this?” It was the question everyone asked and no one could answer. Lizzy slumped in the leather arm chair at Second Cup, sipping a green tea latte at Luke’s treat. “She’s pregnant. She needs to be with her family.”

“I can’t believe the police aren’t making a bigger fuss,” Liam said. “She’s still a minor.”

“She’s sixteen,” Luke said, shrugging.

“Minor,” Liam countered.

“I agree with you,” Luke said. “Any help from the show?”

Lizzy growled. “Don’t even talk about that. They had the nerve,
the nerve
, to show up at the house and try to film Mom crying. I’ve called the actor’s union and they’re sending someone over to talk to Mom and Dad about their rights as Lydia’s parents and all that.” Lizzy blew out a breath. “But I feel so helpless.”

“You’re doing all you can,” Luke said. “You can stay with us as long as you need, right Liam?”

“Of course, Lizzy. You’re very welcome. You’re family.”

“Thanks, guys. Melissa said I can have the next month off. I have enough lieu time.” Lizzy’s eyes brimmed with tears. “It’s killing me to know that my little sister is out there with a man like George.


Later that night, Lizzy was at the kitchen table answering her work emails. Even though she was technically on leave, they were short-staffed at the best of times. A couple of hours would be helpful. Plus, it took her mind off Lydia.

“Lizzy! Come in here. Quick!” Liam shouted. “Hurry!”

Lizzy stumbled into the living room. “What? What’s wrong?”

Luke shushed and pointed at the TV. Liam turned up the volume. It was a press conference…wait, was that Georgiana Darcy?

“Thank you for coming out.” Georgiana looked around the mass of reporters and gave a little chuckle. “I thought there would be fewer of you; I figured everyone had forgotten about me.”

The crowd laughed and cameras flashed.

Danica, William, and a man Lizzy didn’t recognize flanked G.

“I’ve called this press conference today to explain why I quit singing. It might seem strange to hold this announcement next to a police station, but they are in fact related.”

“Oh God,” Lizzy whispered.

Luke glanced at her. “What’s wrong?”

“Shh,” Liam chided.

“It was tough being a child star, as terribly shy as I was. My brother stopped me from being exploited, but then I turned eighteen.” She took a deep breath. “Anyone who’s been eighteen can imagine how I felt about making my own decisions for a change.”

The crowd gave another chuckle and there were more flashes.

“There was a guy I knew who was a lot older than me. He worked on the sets during my Canadian tour. I thought the world of him, but I was struggling with my identity as a person beyond G’Anna.” Her voice cracked and Georgiana was quiet for a moment. Then, she folded the paper she was reading from.

“All of you heard about the Toronto incident that ended my career.” She closed her eyes. “The night before, I was raped in my trailer by that member of the crew. Someone I trusted, who violated that trust.”

Lizzy hugged herself and Luke put an arm around her.

“See, he got me drunk and raped me while I was passed out. I kept thinking it was my fault. After all, if I hadn’t gotten drunk, I wouldn’t have been assaulted.”

Georgiana was weeping now.

“But, see, I understand now that it wasn’t my fault. I did nothing wrong. I trusted someone. He betrayed that trust. He broke the law. He violated me and I did nothing wrong. I swore I’d never tell anyone. I refused to lay out my personal pain for the world to see.”

Danica and Georgiana held hands.

“I can’t be silent anymore. I disappeared, but this man did not. Instead, he went on to hurt a sixteen-year-old girl.”

The cameras clicked and the reporters were dead silent.

“Holy shit,” Luke swore. “No.”

“Yeah. George.”

“My silence, my ill-placed shame, my embarrassment about this meant that a young woman was taken advantage of. Since various circumstances hinder the police’s ability to find her, I am here to assist.” She took a deep breath and raised her head. “By pressing charges.”

The crowd exploded with questions, but Georgiana walked off with a female police officer, Darcy and Danica in tow. The other man stepped forward, introduced himself as Ms. Darcy’s lawyer, and took the first questions.

Luke muted the TV. Both he and Liam turned to Lizzy.

“Did you know?” Luke asked.

Lizzy nodded.

“Blessed Redeemer,” Liam whispered. “Now the police are going to look a lot harder for him.”

“That took a lot of guts,” Luke said.

“Yeah.” After a moment, Lizzy said, “I think it’s time I told everyone who and what George really is.”

Chapter 34

March 1

When the voice mail beeped, Lizzy said, “Hi G. You’re probably overwhelmed right now, so you don’t need to call me back. I just wanted to say how courageous I think you are. Thank you for helping. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. From all my family, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.”

A few moments later, her phone buzzed. It was a text.

Georgiana: Hey Lizzy. I don’t feel up to talking. Hope u don’t mind texting.

Lizzy: Not at all. How are you?

Georgiana: Overwhelmed. Look it’s crazy around here but will you do me a favour in a few weeks once things settle down?

Lizzy: Anything.

Georgiana: Call William.

Georgiana: Oh, and Dani sends her love. ttyl


Lizzy grabbed her cell. “Elizabeth Bennet speaking.”

“Good day, Ms. Bennet. This is Constable Cryst,” said the woman on the other end.

“Do you have any news?” Lizzy blurted.

“Yes. She’s under police protection at St. Paul’s Hospital.”

Lizzy held her breath. “Hospital? Is she all right?”

“Overall, yes. We want to make sure she’s getting all the care she needs.”

Lizzy began to weep. “Oh, thank God. Thank you so much. Oh God. Oh. Can I come see her?”

“The doctor asked that you wait a couple of hours. They’re treating her for acute morning sickness and she’s asleep. Can you come by the station? We can go over to see her together.”

“I’ll be right there. Thank you so much.”

Lizzy ended the call. “Luke! Liam! They found her!”

Chapter 35

Lydia was awake and rather chipper when Lizzy rushed into the hospital room. She grabbed her baby sister into a tight hug and tears streamed down her cheeks. Her baby sister was safe. She’d been found. She was safe. She was alive, and safe, and alive, and safe, and her baby sister was safe; oh thank God, her baby sister was safe and okay and alive and okay…

“Dammit, Lydia, you scared us so much.”

“I’m sorry. I kinda lost my mind, you know?” Then a smile spread across Lydia’s face. “But can you imagine? I’m pregnant!”

Lizzy returned the smile and repeated to herself that she was not going to judge; she was not going to lecture. She was here to support Lydia, not scare her off.

“How are you feeling about that?”

“I was pretty freaked out at first. Then George left, and he didn’t know and I couldn’t get ahold of him. So I panicked and followed him. Très embarrassing. But I’m totally excited about it now. George wanted me to get an abortion, but I said no way. Besides, Mom always wanted grandchildren. She’d never forgive me if I killed the little lobster, right?” Lydia laughed.

Lizzy smiled and repeated to herself that she was not going to judge, she was not going to lecture, and so on and so forth.

“It’s going to be great! We can wear matching outfits and I can bring the little lobster on set and maybe we could get jobs together. It’s going to be a blast. Ugh, don’t give me that look. Mom’s going to take care of everything.”

Lizzy did not smile herself into silence this time. “Have you talked to Mom about that?”

“Yeah. The police called her first, but then I got to talk to her. She just wants me to come home.” Lydia gave Lizzy a look that made her look very, very young. “It’s my choice. That’s what you’re always saying, right? Well, this is my choice.”

Lizzy let out a deep breath and said, “Yes, it is.” Then she wrapped her arms around Lydia and said, “I’m just happy you’re safe.”


March 3

The reunion was not exactly what Lizzy would have hoped for, but at least her sister was home and away from George. Whenever she looked at Lydia’s still flat middle, rage bubbled inside her and she realized, rather quickly, that she had to check her anger or else she’d end up hating the child. This was her niece or nephew and no matter how much she disagreed with Lydia’s decisions, and felt she was too young and immature to be a mother, in the end Lydia was Lydia; it was her body and her choice.

At least George was currently sitting in jail unable to make bail. That was a comfort.

“I’m so excited, Lydia! A grandbaby!” Mom exclaimed, as they were all seated at Lizzy’s childhood home. “My first one. I thought I’d never have a grandbaby with the way things were going.”

“It’s too bad the rest of you didn’t come to Banff. I could’ve arranged for all of you to get knocked up,” Lydia said, laughing.

Mom gave her a good-natured swat on the forearm. “Oh, hush you.”

“I don’t particularly want to get knocked up,” Lizzy pointed out. “Thank you, though.”

“None of that, Lizzy,” her mother snapped. She squeezed Lydia’s arm. “I’m so happy you’re back home. Don’t ever do that again, all right? Never again.”

Mr. Bennet, in a grave tone, said, “Next time, call us or one of your sisters if you’re in trouble.”

“I called Mary!” Lydia protested.

“You lied to me and asked for money. You didn’t tell me you were using it to run off with a rapist,” Mary said.

“George is not a rapist!” Lydia shrieked.

Shocked silence fell over the family. Jane reached out her hand and squeezed Lizzy’s. Mary stared at Lydia, unyielding. Even Dad flinched.

Lydia collected herself. “It’s a misunderstanding. It’ll all get cleared up, you’ll see. Then we’ll raise the baby together. We’ll be such a happy family.”

Lizzy opened her mouth, but Dad cut her off with a shake of his head. She clamped down on her tongue and reminded herself that Lydia was sixteen and in love. To her, George was perfect. She was carrying his child, after all. Of course she wouldn’t believe the man she loved, who’d fathered her unborn child, was evil. No one would want to believe that. But one day, Lydia would understand.

They moved the chatter to filming. Lydia wailed and cried that she wanted to go back, but her father refused. She was only sixteen; he was still her father. He would let her go back and film one final episode and that was it. He didn’t want those vultures anywhere near his home. But Mom didn’t understand why Lydia couldn’t go back on set.

“Mom, we can’t let Lydia go on TV pregnant,” Jane said.

“Why not? I don’t see why.”

“Mom, for pity’s sake,” Lizzy said. “She can’t look after herself on set.”

“You know what people will say about her,” Mary added.

“Who cares?” Lydia said indignantly.

Lizzy shook her head. “I do. I don’t want our family trouble splashed all over television for a bit of money.”

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