Read Fixed 01 - Fantasy Fix Online

Authors: Christine Warren

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic, #Vampire/Gothic

Fixed 01 - Fantasy Fix (9 page)

BOOK: Fixed 01 - Fantasy Fix
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The shaft of his cock felt hot and smooth and thick as it tunneled inside her, at least as thick as the head. Instead of the stretching sensation easing, it grew even more intense with every inch he pressed inside her.

Reggie whimpered and shifted her hips, looking for a break from the intensity of the sensation, but Dmitri grew ruthless. His hands reached down to grasp her hips, forcing her high and hard against him. He held her so tightly she knew his fingertips would leave bruises where they dug into her flesh.

“Uhn! I can’t…I— Ah! Dmitri, please. No more!” Her head tossed wildly against the pillow, her eyes clenched shut, her brow furrowed in distress. She tugged against the cords around her wrist as if she could climb up and away from him. She would die if he stopped, but she didn’t know if she could bear for him to continue.

“Yes. More. Look at me.” He rasped the words through gritted teeth.

Reggie struggled to obey. She pulled harder at the silk cords to distract herself while she tried to force her eyelids to lift. When she had managed slits, she caught sight of Dmitri above her and almost snapped them closed again. His eyes burned with heat and lust, and his normally harsh features might have been carved from dark granite.

“Take me,” he growled, shoving another inch into her distressed cunt. “Take all of me.”

Reggie gasped, squirming beneath him, using her grip on the cords to try to pull herself away from him. “I can’t! Misha, please.”

He only gripped her hips tighter and thrust deeper. “All of me.”

And with one mighty lunge, he buried his entire length in her grasping pussy.

She screamed.

She felt as if he had split her in two. He felt so huge, so much bigger than anything she’d ever experienced, and so much harder. His cock stretched her until she thought she couldn’t stand it, and his hard hips pressed into hers and forced her pelvis flat against the mattress. When he started thrusting, he would kill her.

He started thrusting.

Instead of ripping her apart like she’d feared, the intense pleasure-pain of the friction set off a chain reaction inside her. Her cunt clenched around his cock, her muscles clenched against the cords, and her nipples clenched into painfully tight buds where they rubbed against his broad chest.

Instead of trying to draw away, she threw herself at him, flinging her hips up to meet his thrusts, bucking wildly beneath him, while sounds she’d never heard before escaped her lips. She moaned, she panted, she squealed and through it all, she begged him to fuck her harder.

“More! Misha, please. Harder!”

He grunted and fucked her harder. His weight lowered onto her, pinning her to the mattress and holding her in place for his thrusts. His arms slipped beneath hers and clamped onto her shoulders, pressing her body hard into his pounding thrusts.

Her entire body clenched. Her neck bowed, shoving her head back into her pillow. Her body arched beneath him, trying to fuse them together so she would never be empty again.

He moved in a blur of motion, racing with her toward orgasm. Her pussy fluttered around him, and he groaned. He lowered his head, and she felt his forehead press against her chest. A thin sheen of moisture slicked both their skins, and they rubbed together so hotly she knew they would spark at any moment.

Harder and harder he thrust, faster and faster until she couldn’t hope to keep pace. She stopped moving and instead, braced her feet against the mattress and held her hips high and hard against his. His thrusts became shorter and faster, and he rubbed hard against her clit with every motion. The tension coiled inside her, and she choked on her own breath.

Her pussy clamped down hard until he had to force his cock free of her grasping muscles.

“Come for me,” he grunted. “Now.”

With a shriek, she obeyed. Her mind went blank, and she swore her heart stopped. Her cunt spasmed hard around his cock. The pleasure ripped through her, as brutal as their mating itself, wringing her of all feeling until she collapsed limp beneath him.

Three short, hard thrusts later he followed, shouting his pleasure to the ceiling while he pumped her full of his semen.

Reggie lay motionless, waiting for awareness and sensation to return to her well-used body.

My God. I think I’m dead,
she mused, too tired to get worked up about it.
He fucked me to death

Not yet,
milaya, he chuckled.
But there’s always next time.


Chapter Six


Dmitri lay on his side, watching Regina sleep. After their first intense mating, he had quickly untied her bonds and removed her confining corset. Nude and exhausted, she had settled close, curling her soft, warm frame against his side and slipping into sleep as easily as a toddler.

That had been hours ago, and ignoring his renewed hunger for her had become almost impossible.

He brushed a silky tendril of hair off of her cheek, rubbing his knuckles against the velvet-smooth surface of her skin. He’d never seen anything so beautiful as his Regina, naked and bound, or naked and orgasmic, or naked and asleep, with her knees curled up toward her chest and her hands pillowed beneath her cheek.

He felt an intense sense of satisfaction at having made her his. While the hunt had been brief, he felt none of the boredom that usually followed close on the heels of a conquest. Instead of feeling sated with her, he’d found possessing her only whetted his appetite. Hence, the enormous erection he sported at that very moment.

Shifting closer to her, Dmitri curled around Regina’s body and wrapped his arm about her, resting his palm flat against her pelvis. He pressed her back against his hips until his cock nestled between her ass cheeks.

She murmured something unintelligible and shifted against him. Finding a comfortable spot, she drifted back to sleep.

Dmitri savored the feel of her body in his arms. He nuzzled his face against her neck, breathing deeply of her scent. She smelled of honey and musk and desire, the warmth of her skin carrying the scent to his appreciative nose. Good enough to eat, and Dmitri suddenly felt very hungry.

His tongue traced the shell of her ear, teased the small hollow below, and she rewarded him with a sleepy murmur of pleasure. His arms wrapped more tightly around her, the hand on her stomach tilting her pelvis back against him while he lifted her leg in his other hand and draped her thigh on top of his. She sighed and tilted her head slightly to give him better access while he nibbled his way down her throat to the warm, scented curve where her neck met her shoulder.


She whispered his name in her sleep, and he growled, a low, possessive rumble of triumph and lust. He had to have her again.

His hand slid from her thigh up to cup around her breast. He squeezed the soft weight, pinching his fingers around the nipple and causing it to harden into a rosy nub. She murmured and pressed back against him.

He arched her hips further, canting them up until he could nudge his cock against her entrance. His hand slid down, combing through her neatly trimmed bush to delve into her slit. Her pussy lips parted softly for him, and he tested her readiness with the tips of his first two fingers. She dripped with arousal, more than ready for his possession. He shifted his hand up until it cupped over her lower stomach, only the tip of the middle finger still parting her and pressing against her clit.

He pinched her nipple hard between thumb and finger, simultaneously pressing down on her clit and breaching her tender pussy with his cock.

He knew the instant when she woke, felt her tense around him and whimper, her cunt clenching while its abraded walls tried to relax enough to admit his cock. He watched her face carefully, searching for signs of real distress. Her brow furrowed, though her eyes never opened, and she bit her lower lip, her skin flushing delicately. She made no move to stop him, so he continued, patiently but inexorably forcing his cock in her to the hilt. She moaned.

,” he whispered, kissing the side of her neck and rubbing small circles around her clit. “You can take me. Slowly, slowly. That’s my girl.”

When he slowed to a stop, her cunt rippled around him and eased, hugging his cock in a silky, wet embrace.


He kissed her temple and touched his tongue to the dark curve of her lashes resting against her cheek. He cupped her breast and her cunt closer against him and began to move.

He eased his cock in and out of her with long, smooth strokes, loving the way she clasped about him, the tightness of her pussy like a virgin’s surrounding him. He knew it had been several months since she’d broken up with some little insect of a man who polluted her mind like an oil spill, and from reading her thoughts, he knew they had ceased to be intimate long before the relationship ended. Judging by the way she closed so tightly around him, he guessed she had taken no other man to her bed since.

The thought gave him a savage sense of satisfaction. He hated that Regina had ever taken another man into her body, but now he would make sure he was the last who would ever feel her warm, welcoming pussy.

Concentrating on the pleasure she gave him, Dmitri quickened his thrusts, urging his cock more forcefully into her. She whimpered, reaching one arm back to curl around his neck, holding him close to her. She turned her head and parted her lips, rooting blindly for his kiss.

He took her mouth as he took her body, with gentle force, ruthless control and an overwhelming sense of inevitability. He adored the taste of her, sweet and warm and spicy, like honey and cinnamon and the unique flavor that was Regina. He teased her tongue and tickled the roof of her mouth, urging her to play with him. She responded eagerly, sucking at his tongue, drawing him deeply within her, just as she drew his cock into her tight heat. Dmitri groaned low in his throat, the sound like a growl, and thrust his hips harder against her.

Reggie tore her mouth away from his and turned her face to muffle her moans of pleasure in her pillow. Dmitri pulled it out from under her and scowled.

“No,” he rumbled, sliding his hands to her hips and rolling her onto her belly. “You will not hide the sounds of your pleasure from me. I will hear every breath and every moan I wring from you. Do you understand?”

Reggie braced her hands against the mattress and moaned, tilting her hips to try and take more of him. “Yes, Misha,” she whimpered. “I understand.”

He grunted a response, grabbed her pillow and his and lifted her hips to slide the support beneath her. The pillows tilted her hips up toward him, and Dmitri’s eyes narrowed in satisfaction at the sight of her bottom elevated for his possession.

He thrust faster into her, draping his weight along her back to pin her to the mattress. His next deep thrust bumped hard against her cervix, and Reggie’s control snapped. She came, moaning and bucking beneath him.

Dmitri grabbed hard onto her hips and rode out her pleasure, his face buried in the curve of her shoulder. He could hear her pulse beating frantically just beneath her skin, could smell her excitement and her pleasure and the rich scent of her life, warm and vital.

Hunger stirred in him, and he groaned. He had struggled with his desire to taste her during their first, furious mating, but now it surged to life with twice the insistence. He needed to mark her, to take her life force inside of him until she could never part from him again.

Resolute, he slowed his movements inside her just enough to allow him to focus his thoughts on hers. He entered her mind much more gently than he entered her body, less sure of his welcome. She didn’t seem to notice, too wrapped up in her physical senses to attend to her others. It made things much easier for him while he drew a gentle veil over her consciousness. He wanted her to remain tangled in the moment, but not to remember what he was about to do.

When he felt sure she knew nothing else but the feel of his body inside hers, he draped his hard frame over her back and quickened his rhythm, pressing his hips harder against her.

Her spasming cunt drove him wild, and he gave in to his need. With his hips hammering into her with animal savagery, he opened his lips against the tender skin at the seam of her shoulder and sank his fangs into her sweet, pale flesh. He fed, oblivious to all but the taste of her blood in his mouth, the feel of her skin and her flesh and her hot, tight cunt.

He drew from her like a starving man. The taste of her filled him, overwhelmed him. Sweeter than the honey, hotter than her passion, her blood nourished him like nothing ever had. He felt drunk on her essence, the life of her intoxicating him like vodka, but sweeter, clearer, more pure. He feared he would never have enough of her, and the thought pierced the fog of his lust. He drew back, his body clenching above hers while her taste overwhelmed him.

He came on a roar, the cry filling the room and echoing off the walls. He pumped his semen into her until he emptied himself and collapsed on top of her, struggling to catch his breath.

She was glorious.

When he regained control of his muscles, Dmitri brushed her hair away from the damp skin of her neck and kissed the spot he’d bitten with reverent tenderness. She remained motionless, and he knew the veil over his actions had held. He murmured her name.


She sighed and shifted, but made no response. She’d fallen back to sleep.

Dmitri chuckled, unsure if he should be flattered or insulted. Gently disengaging their bodies, he scowled at the loss of her wet heat surrounding him. If he could simply stay inside her for the rest of eternity, Dmitri figured he would live a very happy life.

A glance at the clock told him dawn would come soon, and he sighed. He knew he would have to leave her. He could think of nothing more appealing than remaining in her bed and holding her for the rest of the night and all of the next day, but she would not find it easy to adjust to his lifestyle, and he knew crowding her too quickly would likely send her running from him. He would never allow that to happen.

He sat up in her bed and stretched muscles that ached pleasantly from his exertion. He should leave her before the sight of her tempted him to further exercise.

BOOK: Fixed 01 - Fantasy Fix
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