Flame Thrower (7 page)

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Authors: Alice Wade

Tags: #Kindred Souls, #Eternal Press, #Magic, #Thrones, #Torture, #Magical Kingdoms, #warriors, #Swords, #love story, #hero, #Romance, #Fantasy, #erotic romance, #Mages, #Love, #erotica, #CedarNeedle, #Pendant, #Chivalry, #Alice Wade

BOOK: Flame Thrower
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“Hmm. Based on how dilated your pupils are, I would guess it had something to do with arousal,” Edda stated for her. “This is going to come out as insensitive, but dear, how often did they have sex with you?”

Tillian’s shame exploded out in a loud sob. She buried her face behind her hands, not wanting to see Edda’s reaction. Tillian tried to muffle her sounds, knowing that Ryan would come back, and she couldn’t handle that right now. He was absolutely the last person she wanted to hear this confession.

“Often?” Edda pushed, needing to know in order to determine something.

“Yes,” she hissed in disgrace.

Edda patted her arm, understanding her discomfort and wanting to sooth her. “There is no dishonor or humiliation in this, Princess. You were not in control.” Edda placed her hand on Tillian’s womb and concentrated, using her magic to scan for any pregnancies, causing a faint glow to appear that only Edda could see. She smiled reassuringly at the worried look on Tillian’s face. “They probably gave you something to prevent pregnancy or you would be with child now.”

Tillian didn’t have time to respond when Edda suddenly placed her warm hand over her heart and Tillian felt a wave of static pulse into her body. She knew instantly this was magic and bit back a wave terror. When nothing happened, her reservations faded and she watched on with a new fascination.

Edda used her magic to check for internal bleeding and any damage under the skin. The damage was staggering, but fortunately it consisted mostly of bruises that would heal in time. Edda watched her closely while she completed her assessment, but added softly, “They were not kind to you, were they?” It was a rhetorical question, not meant to be answered. Tillian’s tight lipped mouth answered her.

Edda, perceptive as ever, saw this. “What you felt from their attention was in response to the drug, dear. You have no need to be ashamed.” She hoped if she said it enough, Tillian would start to believe it.

“It does not make it any less humiliating,” Tillian whispered. “My body still feels so out of control and I can’t accept that.”

“It will pass in time.” Edda finished her work and stood back, looking at Tillian just as Girdie handed over a soft nightgown. “Whatever they gave you will be gone by the morning, I’m guessing. Nothing a night’s sleep won’t cure.”

“I hope you’re right,” Tillian said after pulling the nightgown over her head. She wrapped her arms around her body and shivered. “I’m tired of feeling this way.”

“Well, you couldn’t be in safer hands than King Ryan’s, dear. You will be able to rest peacefully tonight and start to heal.” Edda patted her cheek before she set about packing up her belongings.

* * * *

Ryan resumed his protective guarding through the window and twitched when he saw Tillian cry again. A blasting wave of heat exploded outward when Ryan’s anger leaked out. Every tear she shed punctured his heart and he felt powerless to stop them.

“Ryan?” Wallace watched him with grave concern. He had not moved from his perch on the railing, but when he felt that blast of heat, he knew that whatever Ryan saw must have been bad.

“It’s nothing,” Ryan snarled.

“You’re a bad liar, Ryan. I won’t press you, though.” Wallace resumed his watch and looked out into the night. The small field before the hunting cabin was a sea of black at this time of night. Wallace knew his men were out there, somewhere, but sighting them was impossible. Off to the right, Wallace could hear the sounds of the men who were quietly talking near a small fire. They had no awareness of what King Ryan was dealing with and he decided that was a good thing. Too many involved would only push Ryan over the edge, which Wallace could see he was currently teetering on.

He’d given Ryan enough time to calm down and looked in his direction to check his state of mind. Ryan still seethed, but at least the heat of his magic no longer wafted in his direction. That was good. He decided to confront him now before Edda finished her task. “Ryan, we need to talk.”

Ryan’s head whipped around angrily in warning. His eyes smoldered, announcing he was in no mood to hold a discussion. After a moment he returned his gaze through the window, his stance possessive. This interruption kept him from mentally keeping track of each tear she shed. It also interrupted his train of thought as he plotted all the wicked things he would do to the person responsible for that sadness. He felt each tear deserved equal punishment, so whoever was responsible was in for a severe retribution.

Wallace wasn’t going to be put off. “I know that look. You have it only when you’re hunting something.”

King Ryan finally tore his gaze away from Tillian and turned his intensity upon his Captain. Fire danced behind his brown eyes and warned Wallace to tread carefully. “What do you want to know?” he asked, annoyed. “You obviously have a point and I wish you’d just get to it.”

Wallace inspected his hands while he gathered his words. When he finally looked up, he held Ryan’s gaze and said firmly, “I want to know your intentions, Sir. I know that look and it concerns me.” When Ryan got this look, there wasn’t anything short of death that would prevent him from winning at whatever hunt he was going after.

“Relax,” Ryan groaned and turned away. “I don’t have any intentions other than making sure Tillian is safe.”

Wallace knew he lied. “Forgive me, Ryan.” He purposefully switched to the informal use of his name to get his attention. “I don’t believe you. Talk to me.”

Ryan loudly exhaled in annoyance and turned around. “What is it you are expecting me to say? That I want to rush back to Folkyn and start a war because they allowed their beautiful Princess to be kidnapped?” Ryan looked back inside at Tillian and felt his anger rise. “Well, I do.” He grumbled something under his breath then turned back to Wallace. “But I won’t. Not without a solid reason that will stand against all accusations. Does that make you feel better?”

Wallace frowned. “Ryan.” He chose his next words carefully because that dangerous look still burned in Ryan’s eyes. “I’m glad you recognize you need proof of any action before you started a war. Just because you feel some emotional pull towards this Princess-” A warm blast of air followed because he used ‘this Princess’ and he corrected himself. “The pull you feel towards Princess Tillian, but I caution you to keep perspective.”

Ryan’s eyes narrowed as his control escaped him again. The temperature around the porch increased and the flame danced in his eyes. His magic was close to being set free. “Careful.”

Wallace shrugged. “Look at you. Don’t you see how off-kilter she’s made you? I’ve every right to ask questions. It’s my job.”

Ryan didn’t answer and he faced off with his Captain using a silent cold stare instead.

“Oh no,” Wallace said, leaning his head back against the wall. “Ryan, please tell me you are not going to interfere. The message demanded her immediate return and I see it in your eyes, you mean to not return her, don’t you?” Wallace felt a cold fear settle in his stomach. He read Ryan’s answer clearly on his face.

Ryan turned away again without speaking.

“Ryan, I know you hold an attraction towards the Princess, but you must return her to King Irfan. Any delay will be grounds for suspicion and a potential war. You know as well as I, Irfan’s been looking for an opportunity to bring charges against you for years and this would be enough to get the Mage Order involved. If you’re not careful you’ll have a horde of mages investigating you. Is that what you want?”

Ryan’s face pinched in a pained expression. “Of course I don’t want the Order descending on my kingdom, but I can’t let Irfan take her back. If I have to endure their scrutiny, then I’ll do so.”

Wallace gaped at his friend. “They will discover how strong you really are. Hell, you’re stronger than their highest ranking mage who is trained. They will try to use that for their own purposes, Ryan.”

“Maybe, and maybe not. I’ve hidden my power from them until now, and you forget that I was trained there, under their very noses.” Ryan shrugged. “I’ll be fine.” Ryan’s attention was distracted when he caught movement inside. He watched Tillian get dressed in a nightgown and felt a moment of regret that her perfect body was hidden behind a veil of cloth. Edda still talked to her and whatever she said appeared to upset Tillian again. As Ryan seethed, Tillian rallied and pulled herself together quickly though.

Behind him, Ryan heard Wallace shift positions. He knew his friend was concerned and knew Ryan ignored it because he was fixated on Tillian. He knew Wallace would only keep pushing him until he talked. The man was persistent when he had something to say. With resignation he turned back, knowing it was best to just finish this now. Tillian was comfortable and not in any form of distress, so he gave Wallace his attention. “I won’t do anything overly stupid, I never do, but I can’t send her back there. Not until I understand what happened to her, don’t you understand that? I could be sending her back to the very people who brought her harm in the first place.”

There it was— the hunt. Now if Ryan would only admit he was in love and that was his driving force. “Aye Ryan. I understand perfectly well.” He cocked his head to the side and then added, “Is she worth it?”

Ryan’s shoulders slumped when he looked back inside. “Yes, she is. I can’t say how I know this, but I do.”

“Mmm, should I consult my wife for that answer?” Wallace said, in jest to lighten the mood.

Ryan chuckled. “It’s not love at first sight, Wallace.” However the light that shone in his eyes gave away his feelings on the matter. “Yet I’m drawn to her.”

“Well, I’ve never seen you like this, as I’ve said before. I place my wager on my wife’s point of view. Just tread carefully, Ryan. Princess Tillian’s been through a lot and pushing her at the moment won’t do either of you any favors. Just go slowly and don’t do anything stupid like start a war. I really don’t want to deal with a bunch of mages in Yorath. Although, it would feel good to kill a few of Irfan’s men. On second thought, maybe a little war would be nice.” He chuckled.

That got Ryan laughing. “Regarding your caution, I’ll try on both fronts, my friend.”

Edda walked out and stood with authority in the doorway. She waited until she held Ryan’s attention before she spoke. “I gave her some medicine to help her rest. She’ll sleep for most of the night. If that is all, we’ll be heading back to the village now.”

“Wait.” He held her with a word and the matron healer turned back. “That is all you have to report?” Ryan really didn’t want to hear the total damage or the detailed account of her injuries, but he still asked. He had to know and each wound would be added to the long list of punishments he’d inflict for this injustice. Selfishly, he knew he’d be doing his own assessment once Tillian was asleep, but he wanted to know what the healer saw.

“She was roughly used, Sir. It was very brutal. Her body is healing and I’ve given her a salve that will ease the soreness she may have. I’ve also completed a minor healing.” Edda paused suddenly. She debated on telling him the next observation. Seeing King Ryan standing there with his arms crossed and the concern burning in his eyes, she knew he’d be furious if she didn’t provide a full disclosure. Luckily, he was honorable and wouldn’t misuse this information. “There is one more thing. She’s also been heavily drugged with a sexual stimulant and it will take time to wear off.”

Ryan felt his control falter when he heard this confirmation of what he already suspected. “Drugged?” The question was asked so coldly and calmly that Wallace flinched when he heard the tone.

“Aye,” Edda answered.

“What drug? Will it harm her?” he asked in the same cold, flat tone.

Edda raised an eyebrow at the dangerous timbre of his questions, still opting to trust her liege and answer him honestly. “First, I don’t recognize the drug. It must be something from Tillian’s own lands for me not to sense what it is, especially with my magical training. Second, yes, depending on the amount they gave her, she could be feeling the effects through the night and potentially longer. That was why I gave her a sedative to help her sleep it off. Lastly, I don’t feel there will be any long lasting harm brought on from her having it in her system. Only the shame she currently feels from being out of control of her own body.” Edda faced him and waited for more questions, but when he remained dangerously silent, she added, “Is that all, my liege?”

“Yes, that will be all,” Ryan answered. He was fighting his itch to return to Tillian, but instead forced his feet to remain firmly in place where he stood waiting for Edda to depart. She didn’t. She stood facing him as if she had something else to say.

With a curious tilt of her head, the healer looked at Ryan. “Sir, may I speak freely?” Edda could tell he had a tenuous hold on his magic, but she felt the responsibility to say something anyway. She ignored Wallace’s raised eyebrow that he flashed in warning.

Ryan nodded. “Of course, Edda. You know you can always speak to me, now is no different.”

“She is emotionally attached to you, Sir, so please tread carefully. I don’t want to know what they did to her, but she is trying very hard to be brave and hide the facts. More importantly, the effect it has had on her.” Edda took a deep breath. “What she really needs to do is let go and fall apart. She needs to face this ordeal emotionally in order to move past it and you will have to help her, my king. You will have to be the one to guide her through the pain, so please tread carefully. She is very vulnerable at the moment.”

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