Flawfully Wedded Wives (17 page)

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Authors: Shana Burton

BOOK: Flawfully Wedded Wives
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Kina was disappointed. “Dang, Reggie, why would you do that?”
“Kina, don't judge me. I needed the money. Waiting tables wasn't paying the bills.”
“Couldn't you do something else?”
“Nothing legal,” Reginell replied. “Look, it's temporary. I need to catch up on some bills and pay for this wedding. That's it.”
“Does anyone else know?”
“Does Jesus count? Please don't tell anybody, Kina.”
Kina hooked her pinkie with Reginell's. “Cuz, you keep my secrets, and I'll keep yours!”
Reginell smiled. “Deal!”
They pinkie swore and looked at each other warily, remembering that the last time they promised to keep each other's secrets, neither of them held up their end of the deal.
Chapter 26
“I don't think I'm ready for this.”
Angel King
“I see you're finally back on U.S. soil,” said Jordan before hugging Angel.
“Yes, we landed a couple of hours ago.”
“I'm glad you called me. Come here.” He kissed her. “I've missed you.”
“Have you?” She rebuffed his attempt at becoming more affectionate.
“Yeah, I've been missing you for a while. We haven't spent as much time together as I'd like since we got back from Beaufort.”
Angel exhaled. “I wish we had spent more time together.”
He reached out for her. “Me too, baby.”
“No, I wish we had spent more time talking. If we had, you probably would've gotten around to telling me about the two years you spent in prison for fraud.”
Jordan pulled away. A look of shame washed over his face. “How did you find out about that?”
“Jordan, that's irrelevant. What matters is that I didn't find out from you.”
“Baby, I wanted to tell you. No, I take that back. I knew I
to tell you, but I didn't want you to rush to judge or think any less of me before getting to know me.”
“I get that part, but the more time we spent together—”
He cut in. “The more time we spent together, the more I realized I was falling for you. Then I was afraid to tell you because I didn't want to lose you, Angel.”
“Jordan, I really need to understand these charges. What happened?”
“Baby, I've missed you, and you just got back. Do we really need to get into this right now?”
Angel crossed her arms. “Yes.”
Jordan sat down. “All right. I was the branch manager for a bank back in D.C. One of my homeboys came through to cash a thirty-thousand-dollar check from his job's account. He didn't have all the documentation the teller needed, so he asked to speak to me. I knew the guy, so I gave her permission to cash the check. He gave me a few Gs for helping him out. He came in a couple more times to cash more checks. I didn't really think anything of it. Maybe I should've asked more questions, but I didn't. I found out later that one of the secretaries was forging the checks for him. Apparently, the bank and his company were on to what was happening. One day he came in to cash another check. The next thing I knew, I was in handcuffs.”
“So you didn't know what was going on?”
“Like I said, I didn't ask questions.”
Angel buried her head in her hands. “I honestly don't know what to think or how to feel about all of this, Jordan.”
“Don't think about it. It's over. I did my time, and I've put it all behind me.”
“I have to be real with you,” began Angel. “I haven't felt the same way about you since we spent the night together. I feel like you misled me about being celibate and accepting my position on celibacy, and now this. I think we moved way too fast in our relationship.”
“If that's how you feel, we can slow things down if you want. I still think you're overreacting about that night, though. We made love. So what? If it's that big of a deal and you don't want it to happen again, it won't, okay? You'll have to throw me down, get buck naked, and force yourself on me before I even touch you again.”
She laughed a little. “I'm going to hold you to that.”
“That's fine, as long as you allow me to still hold you sometimes.”
“You're going to be holding more than just me, Jordan.” She raised her eyes to meet his. “I'm pregnant.”
He sprang back. “You're what?”
“I'm pregnant. My doctor confirmed it a couple of days ago.”
His lips spread into a smile. “Wow. We're having a baby?”
“This isn't cause for celebration to me.”
“Are you kidding? This baby is a tremendous blessing!”
“I think, in general, babies are a blessing. Unfortunately, I don't feel very blessed at this moment. I can't afford a child right now. I don't have time for a child right now. No one knows what's going to happen between you and me.” She shook her head. “I don't think I'm ready for this.”
“We've got nine months to get ready, Angel.” He hugged her. “My first child . . . I can't believe it!”
Angel couldn't believe it, either. She was carrying a child that she wasn't sure she wanted and that she knew that she couldn't afford by a man she hardly knew. This was no time for celebration.
Chapter 27
“Even if it was only for a moment, you wanted her
more than you wanted me.”
Lawson Kerry Banks
The vibe between Garrett and Mark had always been somewhat tense due to the fact that Mark was envious of Garrett's bond with Namon and Garrett was intimidated by Lawson's relationship with Mark. They tried to keep the tension at bay for Namon's and Lawson's sake, but it wasn't uncommon for egos and testosterone to take the place of serenity and sound judgment.
“So what's good here?” asked Reginell, scanning the Bayou Café's menu. She, Mark, Lawson, and Garrett had met up for dinner to discuss Namon's pending college plans.
“The Cajun dishes are excellent,” said Garrett.
“Can you believe it'll be Thanksgiving in a couple of weeks, then Christmas?” Lawson said. “This year has truly flown by!”
“While we're talking about the holidays, Lawson, what do you think about me surprising Namon with a car for Christmas?” asked Mark.
“We checked out some cars last weekend,” interjected Reginell. “We saw this cute black Escape that we think Namon will love!”
Lawson cleared her throat. “Well . . .” She cut her eyes over to Garrett.
Garrett set his menu down. “Actually, Lawson and I have been talking about giving my truck to Namon and buying something bigger that'll fit the whole family.”
The waiter came and took their orders and left.
“No offense, Garrett, but your truck is kind of old, right?” Mark drank some of his water. “I want my son to have a car fresh off the lot.”
“My truck is fine.”
“Yeah, in town maybe, but Namon is going off to college in a few months. He's going to need something reliable going up and down that road.”
Lawson spoke softly to Garrett. “Baby, we should probably consider taking Mark up on his offer. You can still get the car you were planning on buying, and we'll have your truck as a backup in case we need it.”
Garrett breathed heavily. “Fine.”
Lawson smiled. “Thank you for doing that for Namon, Mark.”
“Our son deserves the best. There's nothing I wouldn't do for him.”
“We all want the best for Namon, Mark, not just you,” added Garrett.
“I can't believe my little nephew is about to go off to college,” said Reginell.
Lawson set down her glass after taking a sip. “Mark, you know that Namon is bound and determined to attend Grambling in the fall, but I want him closer to home. I think he should look more closely at the schools around here. Georgia Southern is an excellent choice, and so is Valdosta or SSU.”
Mark nodded. “I agree. I went to school out of state. It can be overwhelming if you're not ready for it.”
“I say let the boy go where he's going to be happiest,” suggested Garrett.
“Happiness stretches as far as my bank account does!” retorted Lawson. “If he goes to school in Louisiana, there are out-of-state fees, in addition to tuition and the added expense of traveling back and forth.”
“He's trying to earn a band scholarship, though, right? That'll help out on that,” Garrett replied.
Lawson shook her head. “If it was an academic scholarship, that would be one thing, but I don't want him to feel pressured to stay in the band, especially if those long practices and games start to interfere with his studies.”
Mark spoke up. “Garrett, I don't know if you can relate, but participating in extracurricular activities like that becomes like a second job. For me, it felt like football first, then the classroom.”
“Just because I didn't go to college doesn't mean I can't relate,” snarled Garrett.
“No, baby, he didn't mean it like that,” explained Lawson.
“Are you the authority on what Mark means and feels? Shouldn't that job go to your sister?”
Reginell's head popped up. She'd been staring down at her phone, texting. “Huh? How did I get in the middle of this argument?”
“Nobody's arguing,” insisted Lawson. “We're here for a family dinner, so let's table this discussion for later. Mark, we can talk about it at work tomorrow.”
“Oh, because I'm not the biological father, I don't have any say-so in Namon's future?” asked Garrett. “I've raised that kid for the past twelve years.”
Mark grunted. “How many times are you going to bring that up? Everybody at this table knows you raised Namon, but everybody also knows I didn't even know he existed until three years ago. Otherwise, your services wouldn't have been needed.”

My services?
” Garrett snapped.
Lawson laid her hand on top of her husband's. “This is not the time.”
“Yeah, your services, but I forgot,” sneered Mark. “You've been donating your services to more than one woman these days.”
“Mark!” exclaimed Reginell.
“Babe, some things are between my son's mother and me. Your brother-in-law needs to stay out of it.” Mark raised his eyes toward Garrett. “Stay in your lane, homeboy.”
“Or what?” Garrett growled. “Have your baby's mama watch you get beat down again?”
Lawson nervously looked around the restaurant. “Where is that waiter with our food?”
Mark tossed a few dollars on the table. “You know what? I'm not even hungry anymore.” He grabbed Reginell's hand. “Come on, Reggie. Let's go.”
“I haven't gotten my food yet,” Reginell whined as she was being led out by Mark. “Can we at least stop by Popeyes on the way home?”
“That went well,” mumbled Lawson once Reginell and Mark were gone. “You didn't have to go there, you know.”
“Go where?” Garrett frowned. “Forget that. Why do you always take his side?”
“I don't always do anything.”
“Whenever Mark comes around, it's like the twelve years I've spent raising, loving, and being a father to Namon don't even matter to you.”
“Garrett, you know I don't feel that way.”
“How am I supposed to know that, Lawson, when you're all on this guy's sack?”
“Excuse me?” scoffed Lawson. “Before you try to go
about Mark, I don't see you running up and consulting with me about Simon.”
“That's because I don't see you making an effort to even acknowledge that he exists!”
“And let's not forget
he exists,” shot back Lawson.
Garrett was irked. “So you're back on this Simone bull?”
“I believe you were the one who was backed up on Simone.”
Garrett stood up and slid Lawson the car keys. “This is for the birds. I'll catch a cab home. I'm out.”
“I'm not blind or stupid, Garrett,” Lawson remarked.
“What are you talking about?”
Lawson gave in. “Simone is beautiful, and she obviously has something that you like, or you never would've been attracted to her.”
Garrett calmed down and returned to his seat. “Lawson, I was wrong. There's no other way to put it. But you know we were going through an awful period in our marriage during that time. I desperately wanted a child with you, my wife. Every day that's what I was praying for, and every month I'd get my hopes up and have them crushed. I thought you were feeling the same hurt and disappointment I was. I thought sharing that made us closer. Then to find out that you'd been taking birth control pills all along, that you'd been playing me for a fool, was devastating. I was hurt. On top of that, I had to deal with you being jealous of Reggie dating Mark. You made me feel like I was nothing, Lawson. It wasn't right, but it was very easy to turn to Simone. She was there, building me up, stroking my ego. She was doing all the things you wouldn't. I got caught up.”
“If you didn't have Simon, I could pretend it didn't happen, but it did happen. You touched her. You kissed her. Even if it was only for a moment, you wanted her more than you wanted me. You wanted her bad enough to gamble this life that we'd spent ten years building together. You didn't even think enough of me or yourself to slap on a condom and make sure we were protected. You risked not only your life but mine too.”
“I wasn't thinking clearly. All I could see was feeling like a man again and getting back at you for hurting me. It was stupid and careless and dangerous, but I can't do anything about that now, Lawson, except be a better husband to you going forward.”
“But now the two of you share this awesome bond with Simon.”
“You share the same bond with Mark,” he pointed out.
“It's not the same. Mark and I didn't bond together over Namon. You and I did. But as much as I loved you, I was willing to at least consider marrying Mark, who was a virtual stranger to me, in order to protect and retain custody of Namon when he threatened to seek full custody. I would've done anything to be with my child. I'm sure you'd sacrifice anything for your child too, including our marriage.”
“It'll never come down to that, Lawson.”
“But I don't know that, and that's what I live in constant fear of. I don't know if you'll have a moment of weakness and cheat on me again or if you'll decide you want to be with her and Simon. There's nothing about this situation that's within my control.” Lawson shook her head. “My God, what have we become?”
“I don't know.”
“We've gotten so far from how close we used to be. When I think about us, I just don't know anymore. . . .”
Her real concern was that pretty soon, they wouldn't care anymore.

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