Follow (Social Media #1) (18 page)

BOOK: Follow (Social Media #1)
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We’ve had a lot of ups and downs planning this series. At first this was supposed to only be two books. First book was going to be called Social, second book was to be called Media. We had it all planned. We bought licensing rights to two photos of Steve Boyd and we thought we had it all figured out.

And then I started writing and I was all…
Yeah, no. This is way too long.
My plot points are all off, I need to end it here and start again here!

And Jana was all,
No, that sucks, you need to end it here, I insist!

And then I was all,
Hey, I think we have three books! What do you say to three books

She was all,
We only have two fucking covers, Julie. And no more titles. It’s SOCIAL MEDIA! End of.

And she hated my font color for the cover. We did envision blue, but it took me a while to get that fucking blue to work. But OK, we have blue.

Now back to the plot… this is what it’s like collaborating, I guess. You actually have to listen to someone else every once in a while.

If you’ve read my other books you know I like me some twistiness, so I added in some twists and we discussed that for a while, and then we decided, at the end of all that bickering over how many fucking books we would have, it was going to be six novellas. Why novellas? Because the plot points.

Jana was all,
I don’t know what a plot point is

But it turns out they are necessary and they have to occur at very specific places in the story so that readers feel “satisfied”, and my points, as they were written, were not working with only two books. The story, it seemed, had very definite defining points without me doing much planning and there was nothing I could do to fix that, beyond re-writing, which I
do not

So the six novella idea fixed my plot point crisis and will (hopefully) give you satisfaction and some sense of resolution at the end of each book.

And it’s like, once we made that decision to have the story unfold over six novellas, all the broken pieces to this project fell into place. Like this was meant to be. It lined up so well.

And before you get pissy with me about writing a novella serial with five cliffhangers, I’ll just say, you’re getting a whole lot more story than you would’ve gotten if I had stuck to two books. My total word count for two books was supposed to be about 140,000 words. Which is one short and one medium book. This six book series will be 220,000 words when it’s all done. Possibly more. So celebrate the serial novellas with me. ;) You win in all ways.

Also, when we were going to do two books we decided early that they would release four weeks apart, but since I already had most of the first three novellas written when we decided to change the structure, we changed the release timing as well. Two weeks, people. If you hate cliffies, it’s TWO WEEKS!

I did this for you, serial novella cliffhanger haters!

PLUS, I’ll have a pre-order for the next book out as soon as this one releases and they will be for sale
on pre-order
for only 99 cents.

I will probably not keep the 99 cent price because I make no money off that. I have bills to pay and 99 cent books don’t pay my bills (I get 35 cents a sale at the 99 cent price). So if you hate paying full price for novellas, get the pre-order that will be available during your measly two week wait for the next book.

And since I know a lot of you hate the short books, I have gone out of my way to make these novellas longer. This first book is just about 40,000 words, which is about 150 pages. The rest will probably be about 30,000 words, which is about 120 pages.

I try to please you in every way I can without giving in too much, because you know, underneath my mild-mannered and meek exterior, I’m a controlling bitch. I really am. Ask Jana about font colors! I want you to be happy, but I want to do it my way.

So to recap:

I am making the story longer

I am releasing the novellas every two weeks

I am giving you an opportunity to buy them for 99 cents each

And I’m giving you well positioned plot points to ease the cliffhanger

Big, long sigh.

It wasn’t easy. It’s very stressful trying to put out six books in twelve weeks. So, for the love of all that is hot and steamy, I don’t want any bitching about the length of the book, the price, or the cliffhangers in your reviews. Please and thank you!

And if you’re brand new to me and my books, thinking what the hell is this chick doing writing this stuff? I apologize for the EOBS. It’s unorthodox, I get it. But we’re all friends here, and friends are honest. I’m just being honest when I write this shit at the end.

OK, I’m done! The next two books, as I write this on August 16
, 2014, are both completed. I’m writing book four now and I couldn’t be happier with how this story is shaping up. :)

So thank you for reading and if you’ve enjoyed it, please leave me a review! Next EOBS I need to tell you about my editor. So much goodness to say about my editor. And sexy Steve Boyd and how we got his photos for the covers!

Wanna know about upcoming books? Sign up for the
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and never miss out on an upcoming event. Follow me on
and you’ll get all the deets.

Also, I have a very cool Facebook group called
Shrike Bikes
where I hang out everyday. My street team is in there too, along with some crazy fun ladies. So if you’re a Facebooker,
request to join
and we will add you.


Muah, ladies.


Table of Contents

Title Page


Other Books by J.A. Huss

Chapter One - GRACE

Chapter Two - VAUGHN

Chapter Three - VAUGHN

Chapter Four - GRACE

Chapter Five - GRACE

Chapter Six - GRACE

Chapter Seven - GRACE

Chapter Eight - GRACE

Chapter Nine - GRACE

Chapter Ten - VAUGHN

Chapter Eleven - GRACE

Chapter Twelve - GRACE

Chapter Thirteen - VAUGHN

Chapter Fourteen - GRACE

Chapter Fifteen - VAUGHN

Chapter Sixteen - GRACE

Chapter Seventeen - GRACE

Chapter Eighteen - VAUGHN

Chapter Nineteen - GRACE

Chapter Twenty - GRACE

End of Book Shit

Other books

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