Follow the Sun (33 page)

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Authors: Deborah Smith

BOOK: Follow the Sun
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“What are people saying?” James asked, his eyes troubled.

“Gossip.” Echo exhaled as if the word were a burden. “The most interesting rumor is that Erica’s pregnant and she’s hiding here until she has the baby, because you don’t want to marry her. But James, you remember how it is around here. People gossip just to
have something to do. And you’re big news. It’ll pass. Becky and I’ll work on it.”

Erica’s heart sank as she saw even more dismay on James’s face.

“Well that’s the end of that,” he said gruffly. “I’ll move out. I was wrong to stay here in the first place.”

Erica clenched her hands in her lap and fought to keep from making a sound of despair. “Hey, I don’t mind what people say,” she assured him. “You know, up in D.C, I’m used to Harold Brumby’s calling me things like ‘that big Amazon witch who stole my award.’ I’m certainly not offended by rumors of being pregnant.” She paused impishly. “Even by you.”

James shook his head. “You’ve only been here a couple of weeks. I won’t let gossip ruin your chances of making friends with people.”

Echo stood up, and it was obvious from her tactful smile that she thought it best to leave. “I’ll let you know how things go with my mysterious giant. ‘Bye.”

After Echo’s station wagon disappeared down the driveway. Erica followed James into the house. Misery was a cold lump in her stomach.

“Hey, Wolfman, are you sure I’ll be safe here alone, with violent turkeys flapping around at night?”

He slipped his feet into a pair of jogging shoes and began stuffing clothes into his leather tote. “You’ll be fine. Red.”

Erica shut her eyes for a moment, then quoted to herself: “Let him be sorrowing as he goes along, and not for one night alone. Let him become an aimless wanderer, whose trail may never be followed. His eyes have come to fasten themselves on one alone.”

“There’s a draft in here,” James said abruptly. Frowning, he looked around.

Erica gazed at the goose bumps on his arms and hoped that he’d just been zapped by her lovespell. There was something else in the formula, something about wiping your spit on the intended. What the heck.

“You’ve got a spot of dirt on your arm,” she told
him. Erica licked her fingertips and dabbed quickly. “There.”

He looked at her quizzically for several long seconds, then said, “Thank you. Erica Alice.”

She pulled an imaginary skirt out from her jeans and curtsied. “Come back any time. I have lots of spit.” Erica wanted to die at what her mouth had just said,
I have lots of spit?
No wonder he didn’t find her sexy.

“I’ll be just a few miles away. There’s so much you still need to see and do. Don’t worry, I won’t desert you.”

“I know. Sure.” Erica smiled widely, using muscles that would never recover from the strain, she figured. “You’ve been great. Thanks for giving me a chance to fit in.”

He started to speak, seemed to have trouble, waited another second, then said finally, “I know you can fit in, but I also know that you can’t stay.”

Erica nodded. She had a successful business in Washington, and what kind of work could she possibly do here full time? But she wanted desperately to tell him that she’d gladly earn a million frequent-flyer points shuttling between her world and his, if he’d only ask.

She said in a playful, tear-soaked voice, “But I’m going to keep our bargain, Wolfman, and then I’ll always have Dove’s place if I want to visit.”

He nodded. “I hope you do that.”

That was it. She couldn’t talk to him for another second without losing her dignity. Erica nodded jerkily. “Bye.” She thought her voice did a great imitation of a laryngitis victim’s. “The
kamama egwa
says see you later.

” he murmured, his eyes so still and dark that she could see herself in their reflection.

Erica stepped out of his way and went inside. As soon as she shut the door she pressed both hands to her mouth and walked quickly to the back room.

Erica knew she’d be sore from crying so hard, but
she cried anyway, her knees drawn up, her breath coming in big gulps that obliterated all outside sound.

So by the time she realized that there were noises in the house, James was already halfway across the bedroom to her. Erica bolted upright and covered her face. “No!” she wailed in humiliation.

“I can’t take this anymore!” he shouted fiercely, grabbing her by both arms and pulling her off the bed. “I don’t care what might happen later! I can’t stand seeing you like this and I can’t stand myself like this! Do you want me. Red? Do you want me to stay here? Do you want me to be your lover until you go back to Washington?”

She looked up at him in stark amazement. “W-what?”

“Oh, Red,” he said hoarsely, and grasped her face between his big hands. “Look what I did to you. I’m sorry, Red.”

“I d-don’t need a m-mercy—”

“I’m the one who needs mercy, because I’m half out of my mind from wanting you.” He pulled her closer and searched her eyes. “No promises, no regrets. Just you and me. You need a teacher, and I promise you that I’ll be the best.” His voice dropped to a graveled whisper, and he repeated, “Do you want me to be your lover?”

Dreams came true, magic was real, and for the first time in her life she belonged.


gentle cloak around the house, and the open windows let in just enough air to stir the flames on the big candles James had placed on the bedside stand.

Erica smoothed trembling hands over her hair and robe as she stood there in the flickering brightness watching him light more candles on the dresser. Her skin felt deliciously warm and receptive, as though the
bath she’d just finished had cleaned away old sorrows.

James glanced up and saw her in the doorway. He straightened slowly, smiling at the way she eyed the white towel wrapped around his hips.

“Have a nice soak?” he asked. “You were only gone five minutes.”

“I was lonely.” Her heart beat a thready rhythm as she watched the candlelight dance on his body, polishing his skin to burnished copper.

He held out a hand. “That’s the last bath you’ll take alone here.”

Somehow she made her rubbery legs cross the floor to him. Erica slipped her hands into his and smiled from the inside out, emotion rushing through her. “You made the room look beautiful,” she murmured. “Even the furniture.”

She watched his breath quicken as he looked down at her. Knowing that he wanted her, that he found her extremely desirable, gave Erica a confidence she’d never had before. “Let’s go take a bath together,” she told him.

He chuckled. “Easy, Red, easy. This is a very special occasion, and everything has to be done just so. That’s why I wanted to wait until nighttime. Important ceremonies should be performed slowly and at might.”

Erica realized that she was squeezing his big, warm hands and that his fingertips were making suggestive movements against her palms. “It’s going to be a ceremony?” she murmured with a crooked smile. “Will I have to make a speech?”

He cradled her hands against the center of his chest. His dark eyes glittered with amusement and unmistakable anticipation. “No speech, but you’ll probably want to say a few words in appreciation.”

“Oh? Will I get some sort of award?”

He smiled wickedly. “You might call it that.”

Erica placed her hands flat on his chest and smoothed them slowly over his sleek skin. “I’ve never
touched a man this way before,” she murmured, her face flushed more from excitement than uncertainty.

He inhaled sharply as she brushed her fingertips over him. “You missed out on a lot of awards, then, ‘cause you’re great at it.”

Erica grasped his shoulders and looked up at him wistfully. “I read how- to books for fun. Ask me any clinical question. Go ahead. I know exactly how things are supposed to be done.”

He put his hands on her waist and pulled her closer, until their torsos were almost touching. “Reading about it is like trying to learn football by correspondence course. Can’t be done. You’ve got to get out there and really play.”

“Make passes,” she added, nodding sagely.

He winked at her. “And complete them.”

“Without fumbling.”

“Or rushing.”

Erica slipped her arms around his neck. “And certainly without roughing the passer.”

“Never.” He gripped her sides and slid his hands down her hips. “But it’s important to take possession any way you can.”

Her voice throaty, Erica murmured, “Intercepting the pass is one way.” She lifted her mouth to brush his.

James gripped her rump hard and teased her lips with quick, flirtatious kisses. “I like your offense.”

“I like your defense.”

“It’s not working very well,” he said huskily, and lifted her slightly, so that their mouths could merge.

The gentle invasion of his tongue made her moan and press upward for more. She quickly found herself exploring his mouth while he kept still, enjoying it.

“That’s a very unusual defense you’ve got,” Erica whispered.

“It’s all part of a winning game plan,” he said with a soft growl, then nibbled her lower lip.

Erica arched against him. Her spine felt loose and pliable; she could bend with him, wrap herself around
him, easily become a part of him. “James. Oh, James. This was worth waiting thirty-three years for.”

He stepped back, holding her gently by the shoulders as he studied her with quiet determination. “That’s the way I hope you’ll feel tomorrow morning too.”

“You made me wait all afternoon,” she said teasingly. “Now you’re telling me I’ll have to wait until morning?”

He jerked her to him with playful roughness. “You’ve got a smart mouth, doll.”

Erica tilted her head back and inhaled the blended scent of masculine and feminine arousal. This was an essence no book could capture, no fantasy imagine. She looked at James through heavy, half-shut eyes. “It’s actually a very uneducated mouth. Waiting for you to train it.”

” he said in a helpless, rebuking tone, and kissed her so deeply that her knees buckled a little and she clutched his arms for support. Then he wound a hand into her hair and turned her head to one side. His lips brushing her ear, he murmured the details of his training techniques and how he hoped she would respond. His towel fell to the floor.

Leaning against him in perfect relaxation, her senses tuned to every nuance of his voice and scent and touch, she floated in a blissfully hypnotized state. When he stepped back and took her hands again, she gazed at him in speechless surrender.

He led her to the bed and stood looking at her, his dark eyes burning with affection and desire. “Take off your robe for me. Erica Alice.”

Erica pushed the soft material from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Feeling a little shy, she studied his reaction stoically. “All six feet of me is happy you like tall women.”

His gaze roamed down her body with uninhibited admiration. “So you thought you weren’t sexy to me?”

“Yes. Skinny. Plain. Average. That’s my self-image.
Actually, I didn’t think too much about the way I looked, until I met you. Then I wanted to be beautiful.”

Trying to put her at ease, he gestured grandly toward his arousal. “Does this look like you’re not beautiful to me? I have this reaction every time I get near you.”

Erica stepped closer and caressed him. He made a throaty sound and roughly pulled her against him. She caught her breath as her belly cushioned the hard ridge of his body and her nipples touched his chest. Sliding her hands over his lean hips and thighs. Erica explored his taut contours.

Happiness burst inside her. “I’ll never forget this night.”

“I’ll make sure of it,” he whispered, and kissed her.

Erica put her arms around him and reveled in the power and possession of his embrace. The erotic sounds of their kiss were enough to make her body open with silky anticipation.

James drew her down on the shadowy bed and lay on his back with her half on top of him. Erica rubbed her thigh over his, feeling deliciously astonished at each new experience.

James molded one hand to her hip and seared a trail of sensation down the back of her leg, his fingertips brushing her intimately in passing. Erica realized that both she and he were panting lightly.

No fantasy could do justice to this, either—this breathless delight in sharing pleasure, this knowledge that they were partners even though he had so much experience and she had so little.

Erica cupped his face in the golden candlelight. “You are an incredible teacher.” She spoke slowly, her voice husky.
And I love you
, she added silently.

He gave her a slight smile and inhaled sharply as she stroked his stomach. “Keep doing that and you’ll graduate with honors.”

A minute later he switched their positions, so that she lay looking up at him. Erica trembled as he
brushed the back of his fingers down her torso, stroking her breasts and belly with long, slow movements.

She burrowed her face against his shoulder and kissed the hot, smooth skin. After a hesitant second she licked it with the tip of her tongue.

“More,” he urged gruffly. “Don’t hold anything back.”

As if I could resist you
, she thought. Erica tried to laugh, but the sound was more like a primitive begging for his touch. When he caressed her thighs her hips rose instinctively. Deep in a still-reasoning corner of her mind she was intrigued by the basic forces that had taken hold of her.

“This is the most natural thing in the world,” she told him, startled. “I don’t even have to think about what to do.”

James made a strangled sound, and she looked up to find his face ruddy with passion and amusement. “That’s the way it’s supposed to be. You learn quickly.”

Against her hip his aroused body was wonderfully mobile and eager. He prodded her gently, and the slow flexing of his hips brought explicit images to her mind.

He searched her half-shut eyes and saw the images there. “That’s right,” he murmured. “That’s what I wanted you to think about.”

Her back arched as his hand dipped between her thighs. “I feel so heavy and relaxed and
,” she whispered in awe.

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