For Luca (Chicago Syndicate Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: For Luca (Chicago Syndicate Book 2)
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All I’ve done is try to sleep, and it works for several hours, but as soon as I wake, I’m back to being confronted with my reality. And my reality is that – even though I hate to admit it – I miss him. I miss his arms comforting me, holding me. So many times over the weekend I’ve almost succumbed to calling Luca back, but I couldn’t. The hurt over how for months he lied about his Mafia life, which eventually led to me being held captive at the Syndicate’s headquarters for six days, is something I can’t forget.

Monday morning, I’m standing before my door, absolutely not ready to face the world, but I must go to work. Inhaling an encouraging breath, I push down the lever.

When I get outside, a rush of warm summer wind blows through my skirt. I’m wearing a floor-length summer dress with a linen jacket to help cover the cuts and bruises that are still healing on my arms and knees, and while the bruises on my face have faded and the slight discoloration that remains has been covered with foundation, I take my aviator sunglasses from my purse and put them on because I feel more confident hiding behind them. During the hurried fifteen-minute walk to work, I have the distinct feeling that someone is following me. I look around, expecting to be met with Luca’s green eyes, but everyone walks past me on the crowded sidewalk, and I don’t see anything unusual.

When I reach my building, I go through the revolving doors toward the elevators and smile at a few acquaintances.

As the elevator doors open on the floor to my office, I’m met with my colleagues and a lot of people I don’t recognize gathered in the middle of the space. I immediately make my way to Jason – who’s leaning against his desk on the right – while taking my bag off my shoulder and holding it in my grasp, just to have something in my hands.

“Morning, feeling better?” he questions softly as I stand beside him.

Jason believes I was sick at home last week. I haven’t told anyone about the kidnapping. “A little. What’s going on?” I motion to the crowd in the middle of the room just as a man in a tailored charcoal suit steps in front of us.

“I think they’re going to explain what will happen now, after Alex’s death,” he whispers, right before we move our attention to the man who’s about to speak.

“Good morning, everyone. I’m Alex’s stepbrother, Ashton Banks. Thank you all for coming to work. It’s been a shock for our family to learn about Alex’s death, and before I continue, I would like to remind all the employees about your non-disclosure agreement in your contract which prohibits you from speaking or leaking any company information to the media,” he states in a businesslike tone.

I fleetingly look around and see that everyone is riveted to find out where he’s going with this. Jason grimaces slightly at me, thinking more bad news is to follow.

Ashton continues, “Unfortunately, Alex’s death means the end of Charity Events.” People start to murmur instantly, but Ashton raises his voice. “Severance packages have been set up according to your contracts. We will also offer you outplacement assistance to help you find a new job. My human resource manager, Chantal Greene, will assist you and has made appointments with each of you this morning. You can direct all of your questions to her. Furthermore, Detective Richard Wade would like to talk to several of you. Thank you for your cooperation, and please let Chantal know if you plan to attend the funeral on Wednesday as she can provide the address.” He steps aside to receive condolences.

I notice several police officers standing outside the door of Alex’s office, including the detective who I was supposed to call for an appointment at the precinct today. Our eyes meet, and he holds my gaze for an uncomfortable moment. Detective Wade came to my house last Saturday with the news that Alex had left a note in his safe with a message about me scribbled on it. My first thought was the Syndicate. I’m positive Luca killed Alex after I revealed Alex’s blackmail scheme to him, but did Alex write that note or did Luca? I wanted to call Luca, but maybe Luca left that note to tie me to him or the case somehow?

I’m so confused.

“We’re unemployed.” Jason interrupts my stare-off with Wade.

I turn toward him and place my bag on the desk. “This sucks. How long have you worked here? I’m not getting anything worthwhile; I haven’t even worked here for a year.”

“Year and a half. I’m not getting much more than you.” He folds his arms across his chest. “That was a cold speech.”

“They just want to get this over with.” From the corner of my eye, I spot Detective Wade heading toward me. I don’t want Jason to hear our conversation, so I move away from him quickly. “I’m going to check my appointment and e-mail.” And I step toward one of the private rooms, pretending not to notice Wade.

“Miss Michaels.” Wade’s impatient voice meets my ears.

Turning around, I greet him with a small smile. “Good morning.”

When he came to my apartment Saturday, I estimated this guy to be in his twenties – his short brown hair makes him look really young – but I think he’s actually in his mid-thirties.

He holds out his hand. “Detective Richard Wade.” His colleague, a long-legged brunette, joins him. “This is Detective Kelli Ann Collopy.”


“I was expecting your call, Miss Michaels.” He tilts his head to the side.

“I was going to call you this morning from work,” I explain and stop there because I don’t want to risk saying too much. I still have no idea what I’m supposed to say about the note Alex left behind stating to ‘contact Fallon Michaels if anything happens to him’.

“We can talk now.” The woman strolls into the private office and holds the door open for us to enter.

She closes it while Wade gestures for me to sit and leans against the window, facing me. “Can I call you Fallon?”


“Fallon, Alex’s autopsy revealed he died of a heroin overdose. However, after finding that note, we must look further into this case. What exactly was your relationship with Alex?”

Heroin overdose? How did the Syndicate set that up? “Apart from the employer-employee relationship, we didn’t have one.”

“The note implies very differently,” Collopy comments from behind me.

“Perhaps, but I never spoke to Alex outside of work.”

Wade’s eyes narrow, and he beckons for his colleague to leave the room. “Fallon, what are you not telling me?” he asks after Collopy has closed the door.

I don’t back down under his gaze, and I try to control my emotions and mask them the way I’ve seen Luca do so many times. Although, obviously I’m unsuccessful since Wade asks what I’m hiding after one answer. Still, I remain quiet. I’m not being interrogated, and I won’t speak until I’m forced to.

Wade steps forward and releases a soft sigh. “Listen—” He stops abruptly and his eyes whip from my feet back up. “Are you hurt?” His face softens because he’s seen my bruises and scratches.

I pull my skirt over my feet to hide them. “No, just some scratches.”

“How did you get them?”

“Happened when I was at the lake,” I retort.

“Okay...” He clearly doesn’t believe me but lets it go. “Did you notice anything out of the ordinary about Alex the last couple of weeks?”


“You don’t know why he would write that note?”

Who says he wrote that note? “No.”

“Did you have anything to do with Alex Gentry’s death, Miss Michaels?”

Back to ‘Miss Michaels’ now. “No. Am I a suspect?”

“No,” he replies and paces to the door. “But you are to stay available for further questioning. And, Fallon, when you’re ready to talk, call
.” He hands me another one of his cards and locks eyes with mine as he lowers his voice. “Call me; no one else. Don’t forget.”

I frown at his conspiratorial tone, and I take the card.

After I exit the office and make my way over to one of the desks, I overhear Ashton speaking to Chantal in the kitchen. “Wrap it up quickly.”

I look around the room, searching for Jason, as I power on my laptop. First, I read Chantal’s email which states that if an employee doesn’t have any questions, they can choose to sign the documents immediately to terminate their contract and finalize the severance package. I print the documents and sign them before handing the papers over to Chantal. The amount of money I’m receiving will only keep me afloat for a couple of months, so I’ll need a new job as soon as possible or else I’m screwed.

After taking all my belongings, which aren’t much, I leave the office to head home.

At home, I’m back to sitting on the couch and staring at my ceiling, trying to let everything sink in, when Danny pops into my mind. He’s my ex-boyfriend who turned out to be a hacker for the Syndicate and the catalyst for Luca arranging to meet me in that club at the beginning of this year. I can’t refrain from checking his Facebook profile on my phone, and my eyes instantly water at reading all the goodbye messages from his friends and family. Danny betrayed the Syndicate and paid with his life. I see that his father has posted an update about his funeral which is apparently taking place tomorrow. I make the snap decision to attend the service.





On Monday, I follow Fallon to work because I crave to see her – she’s cutting me out of her life, and I hate it –
because I don’t trust her. I make sure I’m not too far behind since I want her to sense my presence, and I think she does because as she walks, she suddenly stops and looks around warily. I smile to myself as I notice that she’s finally more aware of her surroundings. She’s stunning in her long yellow summer dress, and from this distance, I don’t see any bruising on her face
It’s as if that upsetting week never happened, but I know how her confusing mind works. The moment she feels afraid again, she will make irresponsible decisions, and that’s why I need to keep my eye on her. However, the simple truth is that I miss her every second of the day. How can she not miss me when I feel so empty without her? Does she hate me that much?

I tail her to work and am surprised to find her walking back out through the revolving doors after not even an hour inside. Something happened at work; I can clearly see the anxiety in her small frame. While I keep a reasonable distance, I follow her home and watch until she’s safely inside.

I call Damian as I step into my car. “Damian, I need you to find out what’s going on at Charity Events. And call me back as soon as you know.”

“Will do,” he confirms and hangs up as I insert the key into the ignition.

When I arrive home, I immediately strip my clothes and pour myself a glass of whisky to take into the bathroom. Tossing the drink back, I look at the tub I was going to fill, but it’s less appealing now as the memories of Fallon and me in that tub flow through my thoughts.

Returning to my bedroom, I sit on the bed, knowing it’s not smart for me to start drinking at ten a.m.

Fuck this, I’m tired of always thinking about her while she just ignores me.

I go to the kitchen, snatch the bottle from the counter, and stride to my terrace where I proceed to get shit-faced drunk at ten in the morning just to get
out of my mind. I’m done – tomorrow, I’m not tailing her anymore.




The next morning rolls around, and I awaken with a slight headache. And of course, my drunken resolve to stop trailing Fallon has vanished. So what do I do? I drive to her apartment just in time to see her exiting but not in the direction of her workplace.

After following her to the train station, I jump out of my car and race to the entrance, frantically searching for Fallon after she disappears inside. She’s buying a ticket at the counter to my right, so I wait until she moves to the platform to catch her train.

She walks to platform two, and I look up to read the departure information on the screen – destination is Lake Forest. She better be visiting her parents and not going where I’m afraid she’s heading. But I know Fallon, and since she’s dressed in all black, my guess is that she’s probably going to Danny’s funeral. I clutch my hands in my hair and give a wild tug as the train departs, and I race back to my car to drive to the train station in Lake Forest. 




I’m standing right outside the exit doors of the Lake Forest station, waiting for Fallon. The train has arrived because people are starting to come out. She’s one of the last people to walk out, and I step in behind her, inhaling her familiar perfume before speaking.


She spins around so rapidly that I immediately steady her, but she brushes me off roughly.

“What are you doing here?” Her eyes dart around, making sure we’re not alone.

Is she seriously that afraid of me? This is starting to annoy me. I step closer to her as she takes one step back, and I keep moving forward while she’s walking backward.

“What are
doing here is the more important question,” I counter evenly as I grip her upper arm and steer her in the direction of my car. “Where are you going?”

She draws in a deep breath, and her eyes drop to my lips and quickly back up. I still have the same effect on her as she has on me. She stops suddenly, and I make sure to stand as close to her as possible.

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