Forbidden Embrace (11 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Blackwell

BOOK: Forbidden Embrace
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Back at the house, everyone is still there, getting to know one another, with the exception of Cato and Tamo, who went to check the area together. It seems nice; we’ve not been around others of the supernatural kind in many years. Dakota is still talking to Ebony; she seems to like him too, but only in a friendly kind of way. She is completely in love with Matt and I really doubt that anything will ever change that. I decide to join the two of them. Ebony knows me all too well already and can tell something is up.

Sophia, do you wanna to talk about it?”

Not right now, it can wait,” I smile. “So how’s it going?” I ask, trying to ignore my concern for Nathanial.

Not bad; is Nate tucked in all safe and warm?” Ebony whispers.

Well he’s asleep, but I don’t think he’ll rest till it’s all over. He was tossing, turning and mumbling in his sleep when I left.”

I can’t believe that you both date regular mortals and they are okay with all of this,” Dakota interjects.

Well I wouldn’t say they are okay with all of it, but they’re very accepting of us,” I admit. “But we need to keep it on the DL…Cato can’t find out. It is against vampire laws to have mortals knowing about us.”

He smiles and nods with understanding, “It’s kinda the same thing with us. Not really laws or anything, but we prefer to have others believe our ability is nothing more than a legend or myth.”

We’re getting to know Dakota and the other boys quite well, and they’re all super nice. I can see some real friendships building here; we have a lot in common. I don’t ever want to have to leave this town. I can’t help but thinking that over and over in hopes that it can come true.

It’s so nice to have friends that I can just be myself around without worrying about secrets and lies all the time. I have made some good friends over the years, but they never knew the truth about me and my family. I feel so different here, like I finally belong somewhere. This is the happiest I have ever felt and yet we are on the edge of real danger; danger that even after more than a century I’ve never experienced, until now. This scares me, not because I am scared of being hurt, or of the fight, but because I fear for those I care about. This town and these people help me to belong. I can’t ask for anything more than the safety of Wenham’s people.


Chapter 9

The Arrival


We’re prepared for the Cerberus’ arrival, although it’s been two nights since Cato informed us they would be here. The animal pack or
as we have now come to call them, followed the Cerberus last night, gathering Intel. There seems to be about 25 members in total; they have not Embraced anyone since their arrival in the county. Tonight is the night, I think we’re ready; we all remove our day crystals and place them in the safe in the office. We don’t want to take any chances of the Cerberus getting a hold of them; that would be bad. Having our day crystals would give them the ability to be out during the day. We are hopeful that the fight will end before day break as they will also need to take cover. No
wants to burn in the sun; it’s very painful. I have heard it’s similar to burning mortal skin with hydrochloric acid. The
share what they have learned; that the Cerberus are sensing the power of the clearing and are heading that way. They will outnumber us, but we are stronger, more knowledgeable and better prepared since we expect them.

I’m getting concerned again; they’re too close for comfort, and I really don’t want anyone in Wenham to get hurt. I knew that this was going to happen; I just never realized how emotional I’d be about it. If we just stick to the plan all should be fine, so I start to go over it again in my head; okay, we strategically situate ourselves around the clearing so we’ll surround them.

I decide to call Nathanial. “Hey hun, I can’t talk long. It’s time; the Cerberus are almost here. I just want to tell you I love you. Please make sure Danika stays with you and Matt.”

I love you too, be safe and don’t worry; Danika’s right here,” he says with deep concern.

Kay, I will call you as soon as it is over. Just don’t leave your house for anything,” I instruct.


Alexander has us all connected telepathically so that we can see and hear everything he does; we can also communicate throughout the fight. The Cerberus are closing in…we can sense them. Normally we can’t sense other
but tonight we have the help of Alexander’s gift. He has opened up to the area allowing their thoughts in, yet keeping ours safe and tight within our group. They are so hungry, ready for the kill, and ready to gain the powers of the area. I wonder how Alexander deals with the torment of others thoughts all the time.

It’s difficult, but I have had time to learn to deal with it. The Cerberus is horrible though. I have never felt anything like this before,” he replies back in our thoughts. “I’m just glad I only hear their thoughts and can block out their emotions, at least to a point.”

We can feel their hunger; it’s so overpowering, really the only thing on their minds, and it’s intense, making us gain the thirst for blood that they have. We need to remain focused and not allow their feelings and thoughts to implant on us. The hatred they hold toward the Renata is almost as intense as their hunger; we can hear their thoughts and plans to take down the Renata. The Cerberus plan to increase their numbers and powers, then take over the royal palace to lead the
and eventually the world. All intentions they hold are pure evil; we feel it right through to our cores. Alexander’s capability of dealing with others thoughts amazes me. I’ve found a new admiration for him.

Alexander announces through our connection, “I’m releasing the connection to the area, and we know they are closing in. I can tell how difficult it is for all of you to deal with, and that could weaken us. I will keep us connected and I will check in on them every now and then.” Alexander is able to withhold and permit certain thoughts; he has mastered this over the past century. He has enough control that he can remain connected to them and us at the same time, yet filter out what he doesn’t want us to hear: our own little censor.

Time to focus on the fight; it is almost time. Telepathically we review our plan of attack.

Okay, so we lure them to the center of the meadow, where our Magnificent Ones will cast a spell to trap them inside the crystals that were laid out. It should hold like a jail cell, until they can use the power removing potion. Cato, you can then render their powers useless?” Elijah projects to all of us.

I can only render a few useless at a time, maybe a little more if they are weak,” Cato replies.

I think your powers will best be used to weaken the stronger ones further. At that point we will attack; once beaten and injured enough the
can rip them to pieces and we will burn them, placing the ashes in silver boxes and burying them in various places. Just to ensure there is no chance of repairing.” Wanting to ensure there is no chance for return.

We all agree with Elijah and signal that we understand the plan.

Our entire group prepares as we hear them getting closer, taking our fight stances and covering every point of entry. It appears they are only steps away.

Is everyone ready? It is time!” Elijah says through Alexander’s gift.

The Cerberus begin entering the clearing. They are awful looking, at least most of them; their hair is a mess and their clothing is tattered and torn and very dirty. We can smell the scent of death on them. They are evil looking. The best way to describe one of them, who appears to be the leader, is...well, he looks like Charles Manson, back when he first got arrested. He is speaking softly to the others.

This is the place–I can feel the magic here. Someone is near, more than one. This shall be our greatest feast yet. Can you feel the energy? It is amazing,” he says softly, with great excitement and authority.

The others begin joining him in the clearing, one by one. We continue to talk telepathically as the cult members draw near, not knowing that we too are
, until it is too late and they notice the difference in our heart rates from the others near us.

Remain calm everyone; fight your urge to attack…we must stay with the plan. Wait until they all reach the leader, and then cast the spells, girls,” Elijah instructs.

As they enter the clearing one at a time from various points as if to surround what they find, we start counting them, 28, 29, 30, 31...36, 37, and 38.

My God they have 38! That’s twice as many as us! We only expected 25; they must have not all been together,” Constance notes.

We can do this; they are not prepared for us,” Florence encourages.

They appear to be confused by the heart beats of the
versus ours. They prepare to fight for the food, fight to win our friends…as if we would allow that to happen.

Now girls!” Cato screams.

The three
begin to chant....

By the power of three

We entrap thee

By the power of three

We entrap thee

By the power of three

We entrap thee

So mote it be,

So mote it be,

So mote it be.

Ms. Edwina assists with the spell to provide extra energy, like a power boost.

The crystals surrounding us and the Cerberus begin glowing as bright as stars in the night sky. As each one of the Cerberus notices they are caught off guard and begin to scramble, they even begin to fight each other.

Ms. Edwina calls to the girls. “Girls, come here quickly, the faster you act the better,” she hands each of them a potion to remove powers.

We all take our spots around the circle but remain back from the girls slightly.

As soon as the potion is thrown the entrapment spell will weaken and with every hit or pressure put on it, the shield will eventually break. We need to destroy as many as possible, before the trap breaks allowing them access to our friends. Alright girls, on my count, 1, 2, 3....,” Ms. Edwina yells.

The girls circle the Cerberus and throw the potions trying to hit all of them. Now that the potions are thrown, the girls run for cover, and we can begin our attack. The
are all waiting slightly behind us, ready to stake and rip the injured Cerberus apart, or to attack any that may get past us. I am starting to wish we would have thought of flaming arrows; that would have done the job all at once…one wood arrow to the heart and instant burnage.

One after another we are physically beating the Cerberus down. The shifters are doing a great job. Ebony, and Eliza are behind all of us throwing potions that help us, either to enhance our powers or to weaken the Cerberus more. Ebony’s power of telekinesis is helping her with her aim of the potions. During a fight like this it is hard to ensure the potion hits the right target, but with a moment’s notice she is able to redirect it if for some reason the vial is coming too close to one of us. It’s only a few short minutes before the entrapment breaks. The
charge, and swoop down ready to attack and tear the Cerberus to sheds.

We make our way through the newest wave of Cerberus; they’re very easy, almost too easy. They are like worms crawling across the sidewalk on a rainy day, slow and easy to defeat. Now it appears we are down to about ten, and the remaining Cerberus appears to be older, more knowledgeable and stronger; they know how to fight. We can tell their powers are weakened but they still seem to retain some. I assume this because they are hiding in the middle of their clan when the potions hit.

We can do this. There are only ten left, now we outnumber them,” Elijah encourages. “Keep it up, great job. Isaac behind you!” Another one snuck in from the bushes, and the
do a quick sweep to see if they can find more.

we are outnumbered, but we have help off to the side if things get out of hand. Growls roar through the area like wild animals, as we go head to head with the monstrous
that threaten our way of peace.

Isaac, is having a good fight, but is matched well. When he sees a chance he takes his fight mate down to the ground, jumps up and Eliza hits the Cerberus fighter with a stun potion. Isaac jumps on top, staking him with a broken tree branch. The
come in and begin to destroy the fighter, ripping his head off, followed by all his limbs. Isaac turns his attention to another fighter that begins to attack. Muay Thai style, he begins using all his kick boxing moves, with stealth Isaac moves punching and kicking. For a brief moment as I watch him I remember how he described the difference between Muay Thai and other martial arts such as Taekwondo, ‘we break bones not boards;’ I chuckle at the memory as I return my thoughts to the fight.

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