Forbidden Embrace (20 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Blackwell

BOOK: Forbidden Embrace
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Elijah reaches for Danika’s hand. “I don’t think he means to lecture you, none of us do. We just want you to understand that we care and want to help you.”

I know, I just...I just acted so childish. I’m sorry.”

I think that we all need to learn that even though we are immortal, we are still a family, and with a family comes certain problems and disagreements. Siblings fight, parents and children disagree and with blended families like ours comes adjustment periods. In your case Danika, you still need to adjust to the loss of your old life, your mortal life,” Florence encourages.

Constance adds, “I still keep an eye open for information on your mortal family; they are still looking for you. It’s been less than two years and they’ve not forgotten about you, so how can we expect you to forget about them.”

Danika sits in silence as the tears stream down her face. I decide to share my new revelation. “I never realized how hard this must be for you. When I was Embraced, I still had my brother, and he was the only family that mattered to me. Mati was alone, and prepared to die; this was a second chance at life for her. Danika, you had no choice, when you were attacked in the streets of a tourist town.”

So what exactly is your story, Danika?” Caspian inquires.

Well about two years ago, when I was fifteen, I ran away from home. My mom and I got in a fight…I always felt compared to my older brother. He was the light in my parents eyes, where I could never do anything right. I guess some things never change,” she smirks. “Well, I was only gone for about two hours, just walking around the streets of Banff, Alberta…that is where I grew up. I was just out back of the hospital when I was attacked. I never saw his face, but I knew it was a man. I could feel the scruff of his facial hair rub against my neck when he bit me. That was the last thing I remember, at least until I woke up at the Pierce residence. They explained that Constance found me in the street. She noticed the bite mark on my neck and blood stains on my mouth. She felt it was best to bring me home and help me through the Embrace, although she admitted to me she hoped she was wrong and that I would just heal. Of course, there was no such luck and the Embrace began shortly after. The
that Embraced me just left me there to die, or to wreak havoc on the town. The Pierce family took me in and showed me how to survive; they kept me well hidden, as posters were coming up until last summer when we moved.”

Knowing the family the way I do, I assume they disguised you and Elijah was able to take care of an identity change and documentation,” Caspian confirms.

You do know us well,” Elijah laughs.

So what about you Caspian–what have you been up too since you left?” Danika asks and the rest of us listen intently.

Well I never really left. I have always followed the family wherever you’ve gone. I did a little vacationing, but for the most part I stayed close and just threw out things to make it appear like I was elsewhere.”

I should kick your ass for putting us through all this. If you were watching us the whole time, didn’t you see what your leaving did to our family, to Sophia?” Alexander explodes in a fury.

Yeah I did, but I always believed you were better off without me around, even if it hurt you.”

So what is your plan now; I assume you’re staying?” Constance adds.

Ummm, well I have other plans.”

Are you kidding? You’re gonna leave again?” Alexander pounds his fist on the table.

Not really leaving. I need to join the Cerberus; they’re going to be after you and me both now. I plan to beg for forgiveness and initiate. This way I can find out what their plans are and try to foil them.”

Elijah shakes his head as he reaches for Florence’s hand. “I don’t know about this plan. We can handle them, and with you on our side we’ll be even stronger. You could get yourself destroyed. The moment you resurface to them, they will gut you.”

I’ve survived on my own for centuries. I was nearly 200 years old when I joined your family…I think I can manage. I promise to keep in contact; I’ll let the dust settle for a bit before I go back. I will stay here when I am in Wenham and not Boston.”

It is your choice, but I think I speak for all of us when I say I do not like this idea,” Elijah concedes.

Can I come? I’m the one they want–let me help.” Danika jumps at the chance to be involved.

Absolutely not!” Everyone in the room shouts at once.

Danika sinks back in her chair, looking defeated again. I think we need to work on our relationship as sisters, even as a family. My feelings for Danika change from spite to concern; I want to protect her now that I saw her vulnerability last night.


Chapter 22

Ebony’s Magical Tests


Hey Eliza, can you grab me some dragon’s blood?” I scream to my sister as I prepare a potion in the kitchen.

Yup, be right there,” Eliza replies.

Grams sits just off in the corner of the kitchen, shaking her head. I know she’s wondering why Eliza and I always have to holler back and forth to each other. The fact is I am just learning how to make these potions, and I really don’t want to leave it alone. Kinda like home economics class–they always say never leave anything cooking unattended.

Eliza comes back in the kitchen and passes me the dragon’s blood. “What exactly are you making?”

Just a courage potion…I want to have a good supply. You never know when we may need it.”

Okay, fair enough. While you’re at it, why not make one to increase our magical powers? That might come in handy as we begin our search for the
that killed mom and dad.”

Together Eliza and I make up various potions and place them in the large apothecary cabinet in our kitchen. Grams has been working very hard with us, training us to fight the evil that will undoubtedly arrive for us soon. The stronger our powers become the easier we are to find, and we must be prepared. The fight with the Cerberus only proved that we can’t do this on our own yet.

Hey Eb, have you talked to Dakota since the fight?”

We texted a few times; he has a girlfriend now so he is preoccupied,” she laughs.

It has been over a month since the big fight and since the rescue mission to save Danika. Maybe we should gather everyone, just to make sure there are still no plans for Drake or Cyrus to come after the Pierces. It’s still hard to imagine that Caspian was able to get Drake to give him a second chance after helping Danika escape. I know Sophia is having a hard time with Caspian gone most of the time; she worries so much.

As I place the last bottle in the apothecary, my phone vibrates in my back pocket. Eliza catches the vial that slips from my grasp at the surprise butt massage. Grams just chuckles and shakes her head again. Looking at the caller ID I see Matt’s number and race up to my room for some privacy.


Hi Hun, when are you coming to get me?”

Will an hour be enough time for you?” he asks his smile showing through his voice.

Yeah, that’s great. We still going for lunch with your mom and dad?”

That’s the plan; I wish I could just have a normal party with my friends for my birthday.”

I listen to him complain for a while, and when he’s done I run back down stairs. “So Eliza, are you sure you can handle everything for Matt’s surprise party?”

Ah, I don’t know. I’ve never been to a party before,” she answers with a little glare. “I think I can handle things…Sophia, Mati and Danika will be here shortly to help me; just clean up this potion mess before you leave.”

This should be so much fun, and Matt doesn’t suspect a thing. We’re not planning a big party, just those closest to us…my family, his and the Pierce’s. I wonder if Caspian will come to the party–I guess I’ll just have to wait and see. In the meantime I need to clean up and get ready for lunch with Matt and his family.


With our lunch date a success Matt’s parent’s suggest a hike as a means of distracting him. “I just have to go home and change my shoes,” I bait.

That’s fine, why don’t we just follow you and Matt, and we can go from there,” suggests his mom.

Before long we’re back at the manor…it looks as if the others have hid their cars successfully. I suggest Matt comes in and introduce his parents to my Grams, something of an excuse to get everybody in the house. Opening the door I notice things seem out of place, even for a party. Then a large crashing sound comes from Gram’s office. Matt and I both run to the sound; my heart pounds faster and faster with the fear of losing Gram’s. Down the hall I throw open the door and see Gram’s and Eliza using magic as the Pierce family physically fight a being not of this world. He looks human, just badly scarred and with yellow eyes; he looks evil. I dart to the opposite corner and join Gram’s and Eliza, who is flipping frantically through the
Book of Shadows

Got it,” she says with hope, and points to a chant to block a Pyro, which they seem to believe him to be, out of our realm and into the depths of the underworld.

The three of us begin to chant.

Lady and Lord of the day,

Protect us from this evil prey.

Banish him into the depths,

Allow him power no more.

With the power of thee,

We banish he.

So mote it be,

So mote it be,

So mote it be.

The entity before us begins to shake and spin…our
friends back up; light beams through the office window and he bursts into millions of particles and disappears.

Quiet takes over for a brief moment; we all look around, ensuring everyone we care about is safe. “Oh my God, that was amazing. What just happened?” I rhetorically ask.

Grams hugs both Eliza and I. “Well, girls, I believe you just defeated your first demon.”

Cheers erupt in the room, and Matt bolts towards me, his parents only a few steps behind, congratulating us and hugging us. Well, I guess if Matt’s parents didn’t know about me before, they sure do now. I take solace in the fact their family is very much aware of the supernatural. I’m just glad they never noticed anything out of sorts with the Pierce family. I would hate for their secret to come out because of me.

Well, now we have two things to celebrate. Why don’t we get things cleaned up around here and we can have a little party,” Florence suggests.

We will go tidy up out there as you all discuss what happened. This will give you some privacy,” Matt’s dad suggests, not realizing that the Pierces have long since known about my family and our powers.

Oh Matt, I’m so sorry. This was supposed to be a surprise party for you,” I rest my head on his shoulder. “This ruined your party.”

Nothing is ruined, and I’m definitely surprised,” he jokes. “Hey, everyone is here but Nate. Where is he?”

Oh no!” Sophia shouts as she runs past me.

The rest of the Pierce family breaks into laughter.

What did we miss?” Matt smiles with slight confusion.

Sophia locked Nate into a safe room.” Alexander bursts out laughing again. “He was not happy; she threw him over her shoulder and tossed him in there like a sack of potatoes.” He chuckles some more.

Then we all hear the bickering, “You didn’t have to do it like that,” Nathanial huffs.

Sorry, I didn’t want you to get hurt,” Sophia defends.

Oh, but a bruised ego caused by my petite girlfriend shoving me around is okay?”

Okay, maybe I went a little overboard; I’m sorry.”

Just ask next time...I would’ve gone in on my own accord.”

A moment later they walk back into the office hand in hand.

Hey, Matt, happy birthday. Did you see any of the action?” Nathanial glances in our direction.

Not really, got her here just in time for Ebony to help do a magnificent spell.” He chuckles at his corny play on words. “Now, there was supposed to be a party…let’s go celebrate me!”

Chapter 23

Back to Normal


So much has happened in the past few months. I’m excited to finish out the rest of the school year. As we pull into the parking lot at school, I notice Nathanial pulling up right behind us. I wait for him as the rest of my family goes inside.

Hi sweetie.” He greets me with a small soft kiss.

Hi, how’s your mom and dad doing? I feel like it has been forever since I’ve seen them.”

Good, I had a little talk with them last night.”

About what?”

I took Florence’s advice and decided to see if they would still like to have another child.”

That’s great, I would hate to heal her womb and then find out they don’t want another child.”

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