Forbidden Heat (5 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Forbidden Heat
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He drew her closer to the heat of his body. “And we missed you.”

His warm gaze held her mesmerized. He’d always been so warm and friendly toward her. Always been there if she’d needed to talk. Not that she’d opened up much, but it had been nice knowing he was there if she’d wanted to.

The feel of his sturdy arms around her . . . his heart beating against hers . . . his face so close she could easily lift her lips to his in an exhilarating kiss . . . sent her into a sensual swirl.

Longing washed through her . . . to fulfill her heart’s desire. To be wanted and loved. To really connect with someone. If only for a single night.

She had always wanted to be with Jake and Trey . . . ever since she’d first met them. Their sensitivity, their compassionate natures, their obvious capacity for love . . . Those things had attracted her right from the beginning. And had been why she’d felt they would be together as a couple forever. She couldn’t interfere with a love like that.

Yet, they weren’t together now. So, not only would being with her
come between them, but in this case, it would bring them together . . . at least for one night.

As she gazed into Jake’s midnight eyes, she knew he could give her what she wanted. She trusted Jake. And Trey.

And that trust gave her strength.

The closeness of his body triggered images from her steamy dreams of him and Trey, sending her senses into turmoil. The memory of her fantasy last night mingled with her dream memories and she felt a deep yearning to live out her long-term fantasy to be with both of them.

She wanted him. And she wanted Trey. Tonight. But how could she possibly suggest . . . ?

The song ended. He gazed down at her.

“How about we get a drink?”

She nodded. He took her hand and they walked across the dance floor toward the bar. Before they reached the line of people waiting for drinks, Trey approached holding a beer in one hand and a creamy red cocktail in a tulip glass in the other.

“I think I know exactly what you’d like.” Trey grinned and held out the stemmed glass. “A Ménage à Trois.”

Her heart seemed to stop. She blinked at him . . . then realized he meant the drink.

She didn’t care. This was her opening. It was now or never.

“You’re right. That’s exactly what I want.” She reached out and took the glass from his hand. “And I’d like this, too.” She took a sip, then tugged Jake’s hand. “Let’s go.”


Danielle finished the drink as they walked along the atrium, then abandoned the empty glass on a side table. Jake walked ahead and pushed the call button for the elevator. The doors whooshed open and they stepped inside. Trey pushed the button labeled 15 and the doors slid closed.

Danielle said nothing as the elevator rose, tensing as she realized she was in it now. No backing out.

Not that she wanted to, but . . . what did they think of her?

They’re men. They think it’s great.

The door opened and she stepped out. As they strolled down the hall, she said, “Let’s go to my room.”

She pushed her key card into the slot and opened the door. They stepped inside, and suddenly the room that had seemed quite spacious felt far too small with these two tall, broad-shouldered men filling it.

“Uh . . . should I order something from room service?” she asked. “Some drinks?”

Jake stepped toward her. “We don’t need any drinks.”

“And . . . uh . . . what about . . . protection?” she asked. “I mean, I’m on the pill, but . . .”

“I’ve been tested recently,” said Jake.

“Me, too. No worries here.” Trey grinned.

“I haven’t been with anyone since I was last tested.” She didn’t want to mention that had been over a year ago.

Jake’s hands slid around her waist and he drew her close. His lips grazed the side of her neck and she gasped at the heat that careened through her. She stepped back, only to bump into Trey, who stood behind her and began to kiss the other side of her neck. Jake stepped forward again and she found herself sandwiched between the two of them. Their lips danced along the sides of her neck, sending quivers rippling through her. The sexual energy of their three bodies collided in an explosive intensity. She grasped Jake’s shoulders, needing the stability.

Trey’s hands encircled her waist and he turned her around to face him. His lips captured hers. She melted against him as his tongue pressed between her lips and stroked inside. She ran her fingers through his short, sun-streaked hair. As his tongue tangled with hers, Jake’s hands stroked over her breasts and caressed her with a gentle pressure.

She felt the zipper of her dress glide downward, then the two buttons at the back of her neck unfasten. Her dress dropped to her waist, revealing her breasts clad in the lacy black bra. Trey drew her forward as he backed up, like he had on the dance floor. When he reached the bed, he sat down and stared at her breasts with frank male appreciation.

Oh God, she never thought she’d be here, like this. It was the craziest thing she’d ever done. And she was loving every minute of it.

Jake’s hands covered her breasts, then Trey’s hands covered Jake’s and both men caressed her.

Jake stroked down her ribs, then eased her dress over her hips and let it fall to the floor. His hands stroked over her bare bottom. One on each round expanse of flesh. Stroking. Driving her wild. He nuzzled her neck, then nibbled her ear.

As Trey stroked his fingers over the swell of her breasts, over the lacy cups, Jake released the hooks on the back of her bra. Trey drew it forward and tossed it aside. At the feel of the cool air, her nipples jutted forward.

“You have beautiful breasts,” Trey said.

Jake’s hands cupped them, then his fingertips stroked over her hard nipples. She dropped her head back, resting it against Jake’s shoulder. Trey leaned forward and captured one nipple in his mouth. She moaned at the pure, blissful sensation of his hot mouth on her hard nub. Licking . . . tugging . . . sucking it deep inside.

Trey turned her around and kissed her back as Jake captured her dry nipple in his mouth, leaving the other one cold and needy. She stroked Jake’s head, then reached behind and unfastened the leather tie to release his long hair, then ran her fingers through it. Trey’s hand stroked over her behind, and she felt him tug on the elastic waistband of her thong and roll it downward. It glided down her thighs, past her calves to her ankles.

“Those are pretty high heels you have there,” he said as he tugged the panties over the long spikes. She lifted one foot, then the other as he freed the thong, then tossed it aside.

“They make your legs look incredible,” Jake said.

She started to remove her long black gloves, but Jake stopped her.

“Leave them on. They’re incredibly sexy, especially with the garter belt and stockings.”

“And nothing else,” Trey said, his cinnamon brown eyes glittering.

She caught her reflection in the dresser mirror—her breasts naked, her auburn curls framed by the garter belt and dark stockings—and she had to admit the image was pretty hot. Especially since she stood between two handsome hunks still fully clothed . . . in tailored suits.

“Okay, now you two.”

She sat on the bed and watched as the two of them shrugged off their jackets and loosened their ties. Jake tugged the loop of his unfastened tie over his head and tossed it away, while Trey patiently untied the knot on his. Jake unfastened a couple of buttons on his shirt, then tugged it over his head, revealing taut, well-maintained muscles across his chest and shoulders. Hot and hard man flesh. Goose bumps quivered across her arms. Jake’s pants fell to the floor as Trey unbuttoned his shirt. As it fell open, Danielle caught sight of the tight six-pack abs under the shirt, then the tight, incredibly well-sculpted muscles of his arms and chest.

She licked her lips.

The two men now stood before her in just their underwear. Jake was a briefs man, and Trey wore boxers.

“Oh, you both look incredible.”

She wanted to savor the moment. To just look at them, the bulges pushing at the light cotton of their underwear telling her they wanted her. Almost as much as she wanted them. And had wanted them for what seemed like forever.

But now, with the moment upon her, she wasn’t sure. . . . How could she do this?

How ridiculous? Here she sat, basically naked, except for accessories . . . and she was having second thoughts?

She had wanted this forever.

But wanting something and making it a reality were two very different things.

“You know, I think our girl is having second thoughts,” Jake said to Trey.

He stepped toward her and knelt in front of her. Trey sat beside her on the bed. The heat of these two hot, virile men so close sent her senses reeling.

Jake took her hand and kissed the back of it, his lips playing along her knuckles in a gentle caress. “You know, Danielle, you were a very special friend to us. You accepted Trey and me without a second thought even though our relationship was unconventional. You were sweet and giving.”

Trey took her other hand and squeezed it gently. “Not to mention gorgeous. It’s hard not to feel attraction to a woman who looks like you do.”

“This isn’t just a one-night stand,” said Jake. “This is the culmination of years of a building attraction that all three of us want to explore.”

All three of us.
This was more than just her with two men. This was Jake and Trey sharing sexual intimacy, too. For whatever reason they had broken up, they clearly still liked being together. . . . She sensed the easy warmth and comfort they shared. Maybe this need to share a woman was more than just the typical male fantasy. Maybe it was a way for them to share intimacy with each other.

Trey cupped her cheek with his strong hand and she leaned against it, closing her eyes as Jake stroked her hair back from her face.

“Even when Jake and I were together, we used to wonder what it would be like to be with you.”

She opened her eyes. “Really? So even then . . . you were attracted to women?”

Jake nuzzled behind her ear. “We’re not talking about any woman. We’re talking about you.”

She didn’t know if it was true, or if they were just flattering her, but her heart swelled at the words. Just the fact that they’d say such things to put her at ease showed that they were sensitive and giving.

She smiled and stood up. “Well, if you’ve wanted me for all those years . . .” She cupped her hands under her breasts and lifted them, stroking her tight nipples with her thumbs. “Let’s make this spectacular.”

Jake shifted to the bed, sitting beside Trey. They both watched her thumbs circle around and around, their eyes darkening in desire. She slid one hand down her ribs, over the lacy garter belt, then dipped past the curls into the slick flesh below.

“I’m really turned on.” She sauntered toward them and knelt down, then placed one hand on each of their bulges. “Mmm. You’re both so big. And hard.”

She slipped her hand inside Jake’s briefs, thrilling at the silky feel of the skin stretched over his rock-hard cock. And the heat! She wrapped her hand around him and drew out his searing cock. It popped upward. She marveled at its considerable length as she stroked up and down.

“Lovely.” She turned to Trey, who was watching her hand firmly around Jake, still stroking. “Now yours.”

She slipped her hand inside his boxers and found his thick cock. She drew it out, in wonder at the feel of two hot hard cocks in her hands. Trey’s wasn’t as long as Jake’s, but it was thicker and curved upward in a delightful manner.

She stroked both of them, up and down, in rhythm.

“You both have such big sexy cocks.” She didn’t usually use language like that, but she didn’t usually have sex with two men, either. It was a night to act a little out of character.

She leaned forward and kissed the tip of Trey’s red-faced erection. Then she leaned toward Jake’s purple-tinged member and kissed it, too. Then she wrapped her lips around Jake and sucked in his cockhead.

She stroked around it with her tongue, swirling around and back several times, to his appreciative murmurs. Then she released him and leaned over to Trey’s. His cockhead filled her mouth a little more and she stroked over the tip with her tongue, then sucked on him. She sucked him deeper, moving down his shaft, then returned to Jake and swallowed him deep into her mouth. Her hand still stroked Trey, up and down.

She leaned back. “You know, I think this would work better if you two moved closer together.”

Jake shifted against Trey, their thighs pressing together. She tugged on their cocks a little, pushing the heads together. Jake’s eyes darkened to a deep navy blue and Trey’s glimmered with heat. She began to lick the tip of Jake’s cock, then Trey’s, then back and forth from one to the other. She swirled her tongue around the lower edge of one cockhead, then the other, laving the hot male flesh. Back and forth. She opened her mouth and took Trey inside, then opened wider and pressed Jake in, too. Jake groaned. Both cockheads filled her mouth. Both men moaned as she squeezed and sucked on them. She pushed her mouth down as far as she could, taking as much of their shafts as her mouth would allow. Her hands stroked up and down each of them, then glided lower and cupped their balls. She massaged them gently as she alternated sucking and licking their cocks.

Jake groaned.

“Danielle,” Trey murmured. “That is . . . Ohhh.”

He tensed and his cock pulsed in her mouth, followed immediately by Jake, filling her mouth with hot liquid. She continued pumping and sucking.

Both men flopped back on the bed, spent. Trey’s arm sprawled across Jake’s sculpted chest while Jake’s hand rested on Trey’s thigh.

She stood up and stroked her hard, needy nipples as she watched them with a smile. Trey pushed himself to his feet and stepped behind her.

“Let me help you with those.” He cupped her breasts and gently caressed; then his fingers captured one nipple and he toyed with it while Jake stepped toward her and took her other nipple into his hot, wet mouth.

She moaned at the gentle torment of his tongue flicking over her hard nub. Trey’s hands strayed lower until he stroked over her curls, gently caressing them at first, then slipping his fingers along her damp folds and then into her tight, wet opening.

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