Force Me - The Princess

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Authors: Marteeka Karland

Tags: #Erotica

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Force Me:


The Princess




Marteeka Karland & Shara Azod




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© 2011 Marteeka Karlad & Shara Azod

Editor: Stephanie Parent

Cover Art: Marteeka Karland




The Princess




Mia eyed the muscular male bodies on display before her. As the only daughter of the Galactic Emperor, she had her pick of the pleasure stock in the known universe. Men from all across the quadrant came to offer themselves for her pleasure, not knowing or caring what it entailed. All of them hoped to please her enough that she'd take one for a mate. Unfortunately, Mia had no desire to give herself to one man only. She enjoyed the gratification found at the hands of two or three men. She often chose from the pleasure workers, but just as often, went looking for her own men. Men who had no idea who she was.


Tonight was going to be one of those nights. She was edgy, horny. It was the beginning of her mating cycle, and the need for sex was overwhelming. Any male who was a part of her species knew that—accepted it as part of their genetic makeup to ensure the continuation of their race. Mia saw it as an inconvenience at best. Oh, she liked sex fine enough—loved it with the right partner, actually—but she hated not being in control. She was in control of every aspect of her life, and her sex life was no exception no matter how bad her need may get. She took partners of her choice to please her. Nothing else.


Turning on her heel, she knew she wouldn't get what she was looking for here. All of these men were cattle. While she liked to be in control, she liked her men with a little fight to them. These had none. Curling her upper lip in a display of disgust, Mia stomped off, paying little heed to where she was actually going.


“These won’t do,” she threw over her shoulder at her handmaidens. “Do better.”


Gritting her teeth, she set out stars only knew where. She should’ve at least watched where she was going, but she was furious. Those nittering women knew better than to select such a sorry bunch of...


“Ah, the little princess, and without her guard.”


She couldn’t yell, couldn’t alert anyone as she was accosted from behind. A strong hand encircled her throat with steady pressure. Not enough to hurt, but had she even attempted a scream, all sound would’ve been cut off in an instant.


“Unhand me," she hissed in her most imperial voice—well, whisper. “I'll have your head for touching me like this.”


“And I, Princess, will have you. Just like this.”


As much as she wanted to argue, to fight, another stronger hand cupping her breast over her gown stopped the complaint from escaping. It wasn't the grope of an untrained oaf. The hand closed around her nipple without touching the nub, gently massaging all around it. Her breast tightened, her nipple puckering in anticipation of a caress that didn't come. Mia gasped, attempting to pull away.


“I don’t think so,” a gruff voice laughed into her ear. The body pressed against her back was so much larger than her own, and she was tall. The impressive erection against her lower back stirred her already burgeoning desires.


What was this? How could some stranger inspire such feelings in a royal? She was no commoner to be impressed over brute force. And yet, as the masterful hand closed in on her nipple, finally adding pressure to the place all her nerve endings seemed to have felt, Mia let out a low groan, allowing her body to melt just a little against the solid frame behind her.


“Mmmm, sensitive, aren’t we?” Stars, how she wanted to deny it, but she couldn’t. Before she could think of anything witty, he backed her away from the corridor and into the hangar.


Throwing a cloth sack over her head, he tossed her over his shoulder and took off at a dead run. Mia sucked in a breath to scream, but a hard swat to her ass stopped her. She let her breath out in a whoosh, too startled to actually make a sound. His warning growl made her think better of trying again.


Somewhere in the back off her mind, she knew she had precious little time to get away. If he got her into his ship and into space, there was no going back. Whoever this man was, he was playing for keeps. No one would kidnap the princess with the intention of letting her go. With a burst of desperation, Mia struggled wildly. Unfortunately, it was too little too late. He tossed her down with a thud, and she heard a door close with a bang. Fury and terror consuming her, Mia shrieked as she pulled off the sack and got the first look at her captor.


The breath left her body in a rush, and she felt the color drain from her face. Standing before her in the rock-hard flesh was King Baran, leader of a planet so barbaric, no one in the civilized galaxy went near it. Their king rarely left their homeworld. Most thought he believed outsiders were beneath him, but her father said he stayed so no tribal king made a try for the throne in his absence. His was a race of warriors, the fiercest in the galaxy. Many sought them out as mercenaries, but they only gave their allegiance where this man directed.


"You're mine, Princess," he smirked. "Before we get to Midgard, you'll understand exactly what that means."


Mia knew there was nowhere to run, no place to hide. All of her father’s fighting forces combined could not take on a dozen of the warriors from Midgard. That didn't mean she was giving in easily.


“No, I will never be yours!”


Baran keyed the comm on the wall. "That's it," he said. "We go." Immediately, Mia felt the surge of power from the ship as it powered up to leave. Then, he simply scooped her up again and carried her off down the hall. Mia struggled wildly, thrashing about and hitting him with her fists. Baran simply shifted her to lie over his shoulder again and continued down the corridor to what appeared to be his quarters, where he tossed her to the bed in a heap. Why in the world had she thought she wanted a man with fight in him? That was when she realized her cunt was on fire and an aching need swelled deep in her belly.


“Take off the gown if you want to keep it, Princess.” The deep growl caused her clit to jump, but he couldn’t know that. She shook her head, sticking her chin out a little. No way was she giving in to this barbarian. “I can smell your desire. Perhaps it would excite you if I removed it for you by force?”


To disrobe her without her consent was an act punishable by a slow, painful death, but Baran didn’t seem to care in the least. His large hands gripped her gown at the bodice, ripping it down the middle as if it were made of the finest fairy wings. Mia gasped, her juices flowing more than ever. The savage king not only tore her gown off her body, but he used the rags that were left to bind her to his bed, legs spread wide, her arms high above her head.


“I will never give in to you.” The declaration was meaningless, especially as her hips canted upward as she spoke—a gesture that was not lost on Baran, given the dark laugh that followed her words.


Instead of disrobing to join her, he allowed his fingers to trail down her body, surprisingly gentle for one so feared. Her skin danced under his touch. As much as she tried to control her breathing, she just couldn’t. Her entire being was more alive than it had ever been.


“I am going to make you beg for me,” he murmured almost as if he were talking to himself. “In the end, you will never think of another, never crave another. You will be completely mine, Mia. My queen, my woman.”


Her mouth opened to declare “Never!” in a loud, decisive way. That was how she imagined it, anyway. But his hot mouth descended on her breast, his teeth tugging just right against her nipple while his tongue flicked at it at the same time, all while he suckled her, sending spokes of white-hot desire shooting straight to her cunt. She couldn’t even reach down to offer herself any relief! Her cunt ached, thighs opening to welcome a touch, any touch, but her flesh was met only by the cool air.


“You bastard,” Mia gasped. His masculine chuckle sounded in response.


"That's no way to speak to your king." There was no rancor in his words; in fact, he smiled at her as if he knew how much she needed this. Needed him.


Mia closed her mouth, biting the inside of her lip to keep from sobbing in frustration. He continued to caress her, his big rough hands seeming to memorize every curve and hollow of her body. It was oddly...intimate. This wasn't what she'd expected of the barbarian king. Barbarians conquered. They didn't seduce. Did they?


He kissed his way up her body to her face, lingering at the hollow between her shoulder and neck, sucking lightly. He nibbled up her neck, paying attention to the skin just below her ear. Mia bunched her fists around the ties that held her hands as he moved to release her from her bindings. She fought not to touch him; if she touched him, she knew he'd move in for the kill.


For a breath of time, he paused, his face inches from hers. All she had to do was lean into him and his lips would press against hers...


Then he was gone. Standing, looking at her as if he were about to eat her alive. There was lust shining brightly in the amber depths of his eyes. Lust for her. Mia knew lust when she saw it. But this...this was something more. He looked at her with possessiveness and need, longing such as she'd never seen before. It wasn't that of a man looking at a woman, but that of one mate looking at another. That scared her more than his brutal kidnapping of her right under her father's nose.


In one swift motion, he whipped off his shirt, undoing his breeches with long, deft fingers. His body was magnificent. Dark golden skin roped with veins and chiseled with thick muscles. A warrior's body. Honed in battle. Scars crisscrossed his chest as if he'd been wounded many times, but they only added to his masculine beauty rather than detracted from it. He bent to drop his pants to the floor and when he rose, his cock greeted her. Thick, hard, and proud, it was as beautiful as the rest of him.


“Do you still want to be free, little Princess?”

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