Forever We Fall: Broken #4 (The Broken Series) (32 page)

BOOK: Forever We Fall: Broken #4 (The Broken Series)
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I turned on my heel and stormed through the bar. I spotted Karen at the bar and made a beeline for her.

"Are you okay?" I could feel Karen's eye boring into the side of my face. The concern in her voice made the lump in my throat thicken.

"No," I choked out. "Are you?"

"No," she growled. "I hate men."

"I hate my husband's ex-girlfriends who won't go the hell away," I grumbled. Hoisting myself onto the barstool next to her, I proceeded to grab her drink and toss it back.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Of course he had to follow me.

Kyle grabbed the glass and brought it up to his nose. "Are you insane?"

"It was sprite," I hissed before covering my face with my hands. "But you should practice what you preach," I added before twisting away from him. "You stink of whiskey."

"Are you really going to freak out over something I did when I was fucking sixteen?" Kyle demanded.

Say no, Lee, say no…
"Yes," I hissed, ignoring my common sense. I was so tired of the drama.

Fucked her raw…ugh

"Are you really gonna ignore me?" Kyle demanded, crowding me with his body.

I turned my back, answering his question with my body language.

He grabbed my hips and swung me around on my stool to face him. "You're overreacting, Lee," he growled as he pushed himself between my legs. The smell of alcohol on his breath was overpowering. "She was a huge mistake years before we met."

He caught my hand and tugged on it roughly. "Feel that?" he hissed as he pressed my hand over the bulge in his jeans. "That's because of you. That's fucking for you."

My heart was racing so fast; a mixture of lust and fury. I wanted him, I couldn't deny it, but I'd be damned if I rolled over and let him make an idiot out of me. Hearing Kyle talk about being with Cindy made me want to vomit.

"I'm trying to enjoy my night," I growled, snatching my hand away. I shoved my hands against his chest to put some space between our bodies, but, of course, it was like trying to shove a tree trunk. The man was made of steel.

"You're really mad at me?" he asked, curling his hand around the back of my neck. "Lee, I was sixteen years old. There isn't a teenage boy on the planet who would turn up a shot with a nineteen year old."

"Wow, Kyle. You really don't do yourself any favors, do you?" Karen said sharply as she turned on her seat to glare at Kyle.

"Wow, Karen," Kyle said in a sarcastic tone of voice. "You really don't know when to keep your nose out of other people's business." He turned to face me. "Come outside with me. Let me set the fucking story straight."

"If you were my boyfriend I'd have you neutered," Karen hissed.

"Don't stir the shit pot, Karen," Kyle snarled. "Unless you wanna lick the spoon."

"Were you discussing your sexual history with your ex-girlfriend right in front of me?" I asked deadpan. "Did you or did you not tell us that she fucked you raw?"

Kyle held a hand up. "Okay, but you're taking my fucking words out of context. You're doing that shitty thing women do when they want to stay mad."

"Oh go…sing for it, Kyle," I hissed.

"Sing for it?" He shook his head. "What the fuck does that mean?"

"Interpret it whatever way you want," I spat.

"You wanna hear me fucking sing?" Kyle snarled, shaking his head. "You got it."

Turning around, Kyle strode off through the crowd. When he reached the stage where the band was playing my heart stopped in my chest.

Oh my god…

He climbed onto the stage, and I watched in horror as Kyle starting talking to one of the band members. I narrowed my eyes in a warning and was met with a smirk.

That bastard.

Who the hell did he think he was, a freaking Chippendale? 

"Hey everyone," Kyle slurred into the microphone, as he swayed slightly from side to side for a moment before finding his balance.

Some strongly worded compliments were tossed out from the crowd of – what I could only describe as – aggressive middle-aged cougars who were yodeling like horned-up teenagers at the sight of my husband. Kyle grinned down at them and their screams ricocheted through the building.

"So, my wife's kinda pissed with me right now."

Boos galore came from the now large crowd of women surrounding the stage and a few death threats followed.

"I deserve it," Kyle added with a chuckle. "She told me I had to sing for it…" He picked up a guitar and strummed it with a skill I never knew he possessed. "So that's what I'm gonna do, but I'm…" Kyle's voice broke off as he raked a hand through his hair and smiled almost bashfully over to where we were standing at the bar.

He raised his brow and smirked. "I'm gonna need my brother to help me with this one."

I gaped in a mixture of shock, confusion and fierce pride as Mike stepped forward.

The dirty-mouthed group of women who had been screaming at Kyle, clawed and rubbed against Mike as he pushed his way up to the stage.

Kyle and Mike spoke briefly – and animatedly – to one another for a couple of minutes until Kyle pulled a quarter from his pocket and tossed the coin in the air.

Shaking his head, Mike picked up a banjo and stepped up to the microphone stand. "As you can see, I lost the coin toss, girls," Mike chuckled with fondness in his tone. "So here's my brother's song choice; '
A Rainy Night in Soho'
from The Pogues."

"Oh great," Cindy's voice groaned in my ear and I turned to face her. "As if he's not hot enough already," she pouted. "Put a guitar around that man's neck and he's like a walking orgasm."

I rolled my eyes and bit down hard on the inside of mouth to keep my tongue in check.


"Have you any morals, Cindy?" Karen demanded in a disgusted tone. "Like
at all?"

"What? I'm only stating a fact." Cindy raised her hands in defense. "Kyle Carter is
," she specified in an unapologetic tone. "Give him a guitar and he's doubly hot. Add that sexy raspy voice of his and be prepared to change your undies."

She shrugged noncommittally before looking me directly in the eyes. "Just saying…"

"For my wife," I heard Kyle declare in a gruff tone, drawing my attention back to him. "Because I'm a fucking asshole and she somehow loves me anyway."

Sighing heavily, he placed the guitar strap on his shoulder, stepped up to the other microphone, and nodded once in confirmation. "Every single word, Princess."

His endearment caused every female in the bar to scream and every muscle in my body to clench in anticipation.

And then he began to strum a soft, haunting melody that Mike quickly fell into step with.

"I've been loving you a long time…"
Kyle's voice hit me like a hammer to the heart.

His eyes found mine and the deep, sexy timbre of his voice sent tingles down my spine and jolts of pleasure straight to my groin.

His eyes never once left my face as he changed chords effortlessly, the gravelly undeniably sexy rasp of his voice silencing every soul in the bar.

My heart hammered against my ribs as Kyle's voice rose effortlessly with each high-note.

I fell into the words that drifted out of his mouth and curled around my heart like a blanket of warmth.
Belting out the tune on his guitar, his voice reverberated in my mind.

His eyes bore into mine as he inclined his head in my direction, willing me to hear his meaning.
He closed his eyes, immersed in the words he sang, his private perception of the lyrics.

Then he blinked and he was back with me, singing to me, only to me, and the bar and every other person in here disappeared… "
You're the measure of my dreams…."

The song ended, Kyle shrugged self-consciously, thanked the crowd, and I stood like a dummy gaping up at him in adoration, with tears streaming down my face.

"Wow," Karen breathed.

"Told you," Cindy said smugly as she fanned herself with a beer coaster. "H.O.T."

"Karen," Derek husked as he came and stood in front of her, his eyes locked on her face. "We need to talk," he told her, reaching out to stroke her cheek with his thumb. "Come outside with me."

"All right," she said, her tone shaky, as she hopped down from the barstool and placed her hand in his.

"You got the car keys, ice?" Derek asked softly, his eyes never leaving Karen's face.

"Sure," I mumbled as I tugged the lone key from my cleavage and placed it in Derek's outstretched hand.

Kyle and I could get a cab home.

Derek and Karen needed some alone time…




Chapter Twenty-Seven




"Are you not going to talk to me?" I demanded the second we stepped inside the front door. Kyle had climbed off the stage, called a taxi and taken us straight home. He hadn’t spoken to me once and I was losing my patience with his childish behavior. The only good thing about this night was the fact that Derek had somehow coaxed Karen into Kyle's car with him – and my mother was asleep in the spare room, therefore wouldn’t hear our
lovers tiff

"I'm the one who's mad at you," I informed him. "You were the one who gave me a vivid recap on your sexual history."

"Keep talking," he sneered as he stormed into the kitchen. "I saw the way you were dancing with that creep," he hissed. "He wants you."

"Kyle," I growled. "You can't seriously be jealous of Danny freaking Valentine."

"Have you seen yourself?" He demanded. "The way he…I'm not blind and I'm far from stupid, Lee. I see the way he looks at you. I'm so fucking angry, I feel like I'm choking." Kyle shook his head and clasped the back of my neck, dragging me closer. He was breathing hard, his face flushed. "So yeah, I'm fucking jealous."

"Have you seen
?" I demanded in a shocked tone as I stepped back from his grasp and gestured for Kyle to look at himself. "Why in god's name would you think I'd even contemplate looking at another man when I have you?"

He didn't look at himself.

His eyes never left my body.

They were wild, feverish, and possessive.

"Because you're too fucking good for me, that's why," he snarled. "And I have a hard fucking time reining in my temper." A stab of desire swelled low in my stomach. "And even though I fucked our night up, all I wanna do is strip you fucking bare and own you."

"Then do it," I husked before making a running dive for him. "Own me."

Kyle caught me easily.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, I welded my mouth to his, kissing him deeply. Tasting every inch of his mouth, devouring this beautiful, sexy piece of male specimen. Mine, I thought as my body shivered in delight.

"Fuck," he groaned, sliding his hands down to squeeze my ass hard.

My hands ripped at his shirt, desperate to feel his skin against mine.

Skin on skin.

Kyle on me…

Freeing the buttons, I pushed his shirt away to gain access to his chest. Tearing my mouth from his, I locked my lips around his nipple, tugging on the tight bud with my teeth.

A deep guttural sound rose from his chest and then we were moving.

My back hit the cold door of the refrigerator first, followed by Kyle's body slamming roughly against me.

His fingers made short work of my dress. Using one hand, he shoved the front of my dress down to pool at my waist, and used his other hand to hoist it up over my over my thighs. His hips kept me in place as he ripped the sides of my underwear, his lips never leaving mine.

I was naked, bare and completely at the mercy of this powerful, unrestrained man.

Something had snapped inside Kyle.

He was out of control, and I loved every second of it.

"Say it again," Kyle snarled as he slipped one of his hands between our bodies and freed his erection from his pants. His lips attacked my neck almost savagely.

Oh god, I could barely breathe, let alone think straight, when I felt the head of his hard, pulsing cock rub over my slit. One of his hands held his erection –denying me– and the other was digging roughly into my hip.

I wriggled against him, pushing myself onto his hardness. I was slick with desire and when I pushed against him, he slid right in.

"Own me," I gasped, surrendering myself to his onslaught, to him. "I'm yours."

He groaned and I threw my head back in ecstasy, losing my mind in the process.

My mind switched off. I was powered only by my body now – fuelled by the carnal urge to ride him, take him deep. He filled me to the point of pain, his body dominating mine, as he lunged into me, each thrust unyielding, each kiss conquering.

"Feel me," he bit out, quickening his pace, deepening his thrusts. Capturing my jaw with his rough hand, he forced my face to his. His eyes were hard, his jaw straining. "Feel me inside you, Lee."

"I feel you," I cried out, meeting him thrust for thrust. He was marking me, I knew he was. I felt like he was going to rip my body in half and I would die screaming in pleasure.

He was taking what was his and he wanted me to know it.

"Take all of me," he ground out. "Now."

Suddenly the pressure of his erection inside me intensified. His body drove into mine.

Grabbing my waist, he dragged my hips downwards onto each tortured plunge. His rhythm was animalistic and feral. I'd made love with Kyle.

I knew this was different.

This was fucking.

His chest was heaving and coated in a glistening sheen of sweat. His eyes were unfocussed and hungry, roaming over every inch of my body. He was deeper than he had ever been. This was more, so much more…

The pressure…the build of my orgasm quickened. I clenched myself around him, tried to close my legs, the sensations flowing through me almost unbearable. I knew in that moment that Kyle had held off with me, he had never given me his all…until now.

"Give me all you've got," I rasped as I ran my tongue up his neck, tasting the salty dew permeating from his passion. "And I'll take it."

"You fucking better," he snarled, grabbing both of my wrists with one of his hands and pinning them above my head. As wild as Kyle's behavior was, as uncontrollable as he was becoming, I hadn't an ounce of fear inside of my body. This wasn't about me fearing Kyle; this was about Kyle claiming me.

His movements were so erotic, every stroke of his cock was premeditated, designed to rub me in all the right spots...

"I'm gonna come," I cried out, the throbbing of my clit taking over, vibrating through me, melting my thighs like jelly. His body pushed while mine sucked. His hips ground between my legs once more and every inch of my body tensed before falling apart in his arms. Tingling, sparks of pleasure shot through my core, causing my body to spasm around his.

Kyle went off with me and the heat of his orgasm flooding into my body, mixing with mine, lengthened the niggling throbbing in my clit. Our bodies jerked until every last divine pulse of our joint orgasm departed and I sagged in his arms.

"Where did you learn to do that?" I gasped.

"Uh…" Kyle chuckled against my neck. "Is that some sort of trick question, princess? Because I'm not sure I feel comfortable answering…"

," I squealed, blushing. "I meant the guitar. Where did you learn to play the guitar?"

"I took some lessons when I was fourteen," he mumbled, kissing my shoulder.

"You're amazing," I sighed. "The way your fingers moved…wow."

"So, I'm forgiven for being an asshole?" he asked quietly, his arms tightening around me.

"Yeah," I said with a smile. "You are so freaking forgiven."





BOOK: Forever We Fall: Broken #4 (The Broken Series)
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