Forever We Fall: Broken #4 (The Broken Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Forever We Fall: Broken #4 (The Broken Series)
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Lee looked up at me with wide lustful eyes as she curled her arms around my neck. "Then take me," she whispered before she cupped my cheeks, pulled my face down to hers and captured my mouth with her soft swollen lips.

I groaned as her tongue swept over my lips and I opened up to take what she was giving me. "There's no me without you," she murmured against my lips and the vibration of her words on my mouth sent shocks straight to my groin. "You're my best friend."

Jesus, her words sent a tingling warmth through me and I dropped my lips to her neck as my hands wandered under her lacy blouse, needing to feel her.

"You're mine," I mumbled as my fingers slipped into the waistband of her jeans, my other hand fumbling around for the door handle "My best friend." I knew we shouldn't be doing this. Not in broad daylight, on the side of a mountain, in the bitter cold, in the month of February, but none of those were good enough reasons to make me stop.

Her fingers tangled in my hair and I watched in appreciation as she pushed me back and slid her jeans and panties down her hips to pool on the ground before stepping out of them and opening the back door of the car. Her hands shook as she unbuttoned her coat and blouse before leaving them fall from her shoulders to the ground. Her eyes locked on mine as she reached behind her and unclasped her bra. It fell away from her body and I was gone.

Sunk. Destroyed. Drowned.

Lowering herself onto the back seat of my car, she spread her legs, raised her brow, and smiled shyly.

I didn't need to be told twice.

Stripping in record time, I covered her body with mine, my heart thundering in my chest. She reached out slowly and placed the palm of her hand against my chest. "Your heart is racing," she said in an almost dreamy tone of voice as she stared into my eyes. "It can hear mine."

I didn't move.

I didn't dare speak and fuck this moment up.

I didn't have the slightest clue what had gotten into Lee, but right about now I was fucking thrilled. Taking my hand with her free one, she placed it over her breast. "Can you feel my heart racing?"

I nodded my head and used every ounce of self-restraint in my body not to squeeze. "You're so dangerous for me," she whispered as she wrapped her legs around my hips. "You make me feel like I can do anything I've ever dreamed of doing. You offer me the world, when all I want is this." She touched the skin over my heart again.

"Nothing else is going to happen to me," she whispered and it sounded more she was asking me than telling me. She looked so vulnerable as she looked up at me like I was her savoir... "Because you won't let it, will you?"

I shook my head like a fucking dummy.

Nothing was coming to my mind.

Nothing that wouldn't make me sound like the biggest pussy on this planet.

"I love you, Kyle Carter," she said honestly and I couldn't take anymore.

Lowering my head, I kissed her deeply, putting into my kiss all the emotion I was feeling. She moaned against my lips and after that I went a little insane. Grabbing her thighs I thrust inside her in one swift movement. I wasn't gentle and she didn't complain. I groaned loudly as she tilted her hips upwards, allowing me to sink fully inside of her.

Resting my weight on one arm, I used the other to grab her thigh and wrap it around my waist as I plunged into her, grating my hips so her clit got some friction. With every thrust of my dick, she squeezed me harder, sucked me in tighter. The pressure building inside of me was so fucking sweet it was almost painful. I needed to come, but she was coming first.

"Come on, princess," I whispered as I rocked into her. Her back was arching, her eyes were clenched shut as she jerked underneath me. She was close. So fucking close. "Come for me."

"Keep me safe, Kyle," she whispered as she grabbed my hips and pulled me closer.

"Always, princess," I vowed. Leaning down, I pressed my lips to hers and circled my hips. She shattered around me and I went with her, coming hard and hot.



Chapter Five




"I can't believe I'm doing this for you," Kyle growled as we stood side by side in the elevator as it ascended to the third floor of the building to where Dr. Carla Mae's office was located. "I can't stand this kind of thing, dude," he added in a petulant tone. This would be my fourth session, and last week she had asked if I could bring my closest member of family to my next session – hence the reluctant, lanky, arrogant bastard standing next to me.

Therapy was helping and Dr. Mae was a freaking goddess. I was finally starting to get a handle on my mood swings and things seemed to be balancing out, which was a huge relief because the past twelve months had come like a wrecking ball, destroying everything in my life until I cracked.

Flipped the hell out.

I knew most guys would rather chew their right arm off than admit something so emasculating as needing therapy, but there it was... I had needed help and accepted that without it –and the lanky, arrogant bastard standing next to me – I'd probably be pushing up daisies in the local cemetery.

I also knew that Kyle was doing me a huge favor by being here today. He'd rescheduled a meeting with his attorney, skipped a phone conference at work, and braved the cougar downstairs in reception to be here with me, although conceding some of his sacred control by allowing Lee out of his sight had no doubt cost him the most.

The trial was drawing closer and possessive, controlling Kyle was back with a vengeance, and weeping, submissive Lee was in full force. Fuckers needed therapy more than I did…

The doors opened and I shrugged nonchalantly as we both stepped out. "Well, we have been going through a rough patch, sweet cheeks."

Kyle snorted and bumped my shoulder with his, knocking me sideways. "Remind me of why we're friends again?"

I grinned and shoved him back playfully, but it didn't make much difference. He was built like a damn tank and didn't budge an inch. "We're friends because there's not another idiot on this planet who could put up with your stupid ass for five years and come out unscathed." That worked both ways. I'd no doubt Kyle was the only person who could have dealt with my issues. Anyone else would have washed their hands of me months ago. I wouldn't forget that. Ever.

"Touché, douchebag," Kyle grumbled as he sank onto one of the cool, black leather chairs in the waiting room. "And for your information, I'm more scarred from this…" He pointed to himself and then me with his index finger. "…co-dependency thing we've got going on than you are." He smirked. "You and Cam ruined my sophomore year. I didn't sleep for months." He eyed me nervously for a moment and then, when he was satisfied I wasn't going to have a meltdown over the mention of Camryn's name, he added, "You traumatized me."

I shook my head and took the chair beside him, mentally clamping down on the pressure wound in my chest. It was still there, a slow aching burn. A hollow gap that wasn't re-filling. It ached, it fucking simmered, but I could cope. I could handle the throbbing pain. Forcing a smile, I tossed out, "You are, by far, the biggest fucking handful of human I have ever encountered."

Kyle gaped in feigned disgust. "Handful of human?" Shaking his head, he edged away from me. "Keep your hands to yourself, you pervert." Smirking he added, "My handful of human is spoken for."

I laughed freely at Kyle's comment and it felt damn good to be able to do it. It had been a long time since I'd truly felt like smiling let alone having the banter.

Moving back in with
the Carters
had done me the world of good. They were so amusing with their constant drama that it helped distract me from the gaping hole Cam had left in me. The only time that pain really took control of me anymore was at night, because as good as Lee and Kyle were to me, I knew that they were a family in their own right. When the dark came our worlds separated. They went one way and I went the other.

Last weekend was a prime example. It hurt somewhere I didn't like thinking about when I'd watched the two of them crashed out on the couch. I had to leave the room – couldn't cope with their innocent intimacy. It hurt too much because it just made me realize how alone I was, how I'd never have that again. I knew neither of them thought of me as an outsider, but one of these days I was going to have to fly the nest. That was a goal I was working towards in therapy. Standing on my own two feet again.

"So, I've been thinking about going home for a few days," I blurted out and Kyle's brow shot up in surprise.

"That's a good fucking plan, Der," he said approvingly. "Your mom really misses you." He smirked and added, "She's calls my office, you know?"

Now it my turn to raise my eyebrows. "For real?"

"Yeah, about twice a week since the shooting."

"I feel bad about the way I've left them hanging, Kyle," I confessed. I'd been a horrible dick to my mom. I hadn't answered any of her calls for months – never even sent a text at Christmas – so I couldn't blame her for contacting Kyle. "I miss them…"

"Derek?" Dr. Mae's soft, soothing drawl vibrated in my ears, stirring me from my thoughts, and I stood up and smirked, taking in the sight of the curvaceous, hot-as-hell redhead who was smiling at me. "I'm ready for you."

"Yeah, I can see why you're enjoying therapy," Kyle grumbled as he glanced briefly at the fine doctor. "You like the old ones, don't you,

"She's thirty-five at the most, Kyle, and you have to admit she's gorgeous," I argued, gesturing my hand at the smoking-hot doctor with her back to us. "Just 'cause you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't check out the menu."

"I have a real aversion to redheads since Rachel, dude," he shot back with a smirk as he followed Dr. Mae into her office. Sinking down on one of the four armchairs circled around a varnish-stained coffee table in Dr. Mae's orderly office, Kyle twisted his head in my direction, wiggled his eyebrows and muttered, "Besides, I don't need to look at the menu. I know exactly what I'm eating when I get home."

I shook my head in amusement as I sat on the chair next to his. "I gather you took my advice, then? Unleashing the beast?" The image of Kyle's terrified face when he'd ranted on about urges and episodes last weekend entered my mind and I smirked to myself. He would be twenty-four next month and the douche still didn't have a clue. It was Hope who I felt most sorry for…No, scratch that. It was
who I felt most sorry for. I was the douchebag who ended up listening to his crazy notions and theories…

"Let's just say I can't wait for dinner tonight," he snickered, clearly enjoying my discomfort. "Sweet Southern p…"

"Good god, man," I blanched. "You make me sick." Shaking my head, I pressed a hand to my stomach and forced myself to swallow my own vomit. "I'll never look her in the eye again…"

"You'll never look who in the eye again, Derek?" Dr. Mae asked, her blue eyes dancing with humor. "Or is this a private conversation?"

Kyle opened his mouth to answer her – no doubt with the truth – and I kicked him in the foot in warning. Forcing a smile for the doctor's sake, I muttered, "It's a private discussion."

"Very well." Shaking her head, Dr. Mae tucked her hair behind her ears and turning to face Kyle she outstretched her hand and smiled broadly. "You must be Kyle Carter." When Kyle nodded and accepted her hand for a quick handshake she added, "Thank you for coming. I've heard a lot about you."

"I'm sure you have," Kyle replied coolly, immediately taking a defensive stance from her comments, as he tapped his fingers on the wooden armrests of his chair.

I rolled my eyes and sagged in my seat. He was so goddamn defensive. I would never understand the way his mind worked – why he studied every new face he met with untrusting, calculating eyes.

Unperturbed by Kyle's abruptness, Dr. Mae turned to face me and we fell easily into a discussion about my aims, goals, and coping strategies for when I was feeling overwhelmed. Kyle's fidgeting got worse with every minute that passed, and I wasn't one bit surprised when he stood up and wandered around the office aimlessly.

Subtly shaking her head, Dr. Mae ignored Kyle's pacing, focusing on the conversation in hand and I had to give it to her; the woman had some fierce concentration to not get distracted by the six and half feet giant poking around her office.

She seemed to realize in twenty minutes what it had taken me years to learn; Kyle couldn't help it. It was a condition that he either didn't want to admit he had, or didn't realize he had. Kyle didn't do it on purpose and the guy genuinely couldn't sit still longer than a few minutes at a time. I immediately felt like a dick for teasing him about it last night. It wasn't a joke. It was a problem and I'd overstepped the line.

Cam and I had always guessed it was ADHD that kept Kyle up at night pacing the floors, but then again, neither she nor I were doctors, and who the hell were we to judge? Neither of us had spent our childhoods being dragged through the mud and tossed from pillar to post like he had. Stability wasn't something Kyle found until he was twenty-two-years-old and the effects of his unstable youth were exhibited in his attitude and mannerism…

"What would you like to get out of this session, Kyle?" Dr. Flack asked. "You don't appear to be very comfortable in here or willing to contribute to our discussion, so I can't help but wonder why you came?"

"I'm here for Derek. That's my only reason for being here," Kyle answered immediately, proving that even though he'd been rambling around the room for the past hour, he'd been listening attentively. Placing a book back on a shelf, Kyle turned around and leaned against the window sill. "And no offence, doc, there's only two people who I'd willingly walk into a place like this for."

Dr. Mae raised her thinly shaped brows in surprise. "A place like this?"

"I don't trust anyone whose professional title ends with
." he explained with an arrogant smirk. "Psychologist, Psychiatrist,
…" Shrugging with indifference, he added, "You can make your own assumptions based on that, doc."

"And why's that, Kyle?" she probed, angling her body in Kyle's direction. "Why do you feel like that?"

"Anyone who has to be paid two-hundred dollars an hour to listen to my problems and care isn't someone I care to divulge personal information with," he shot back with ease. Raking a hand through his hair, he pushed himself away from the window and paced the floor. "I prefer to put my faith in someone who does all of those things for good old fashioned love."

"You sound like you're talking from experience," Dr. Mae observed with keen interest in her tone.

He flashed a dimpled smile. "You sound like you care."

"Maybe I do," she replied, unabashedly. "You're quite fascinating to the
in me."

Kyle held her gaze for a moment before chuckling and resting on the arm of my chair. "I'll level with you, doc," he said. "I've had more than my fair share of therapy over the years. I know who I am, where I came from, and what I want. Nothing you say will help my present, heal my past, or change the course of my future. You got it?"

"Are you always so cynical?" she asked.

"Are you always so nosey?" he shot back.

"Touché," Dr. Mae murmured with wry amusement. "However, I have been known to be a shrewd judge of human behavior."

Kyle rolled his eyes. "And you've come to a verdict on my behavior?" Not giving her a chance to respond, Kyle launched into a rant. "Let me take a whack at it for you…" Pacing resumed, he spoke animatedly. "Kyle shows systems of spasmodic behavior. His cantankerous, extremely volatile, hot-tempered behavior leads me to believe he's suffering
from a repressive malady of some sort – perhaps an anxiety disorder, or maybe a hyperactivity condition." Kyle grinned, obviously savoring Dr. Mae's sudden discomfort. "Nail it, did I?" he asked mockingly.

With the doctor momentarily stunned into silence, Kyle turned to look at me. "You ready, man? I need to go pick up Lee's prescription before the pharmacy closes."

"Ah, yes," Dr. Mae chuckled, recovering from Kyle's offensive attack like a trooper. "Derek mentioned you're engaged. Congratulations. Lee, isn't it? When's the big day?"

Kyle's eyes narrowed. "That's right," he said cagily, eyeing the doctor with suspicion. "And we haven't set a date yet."

"Your choice or hers?" she asked sweetly.

"Hers," Kyle shot back with ease, but I could see the anxiety burning in his eyes. "Why?"

Dr. Mae shook her head in obvious amusement. "Oh, no reason," she mused. "I wish your fiancée luck. She'll need it with you."

Kyle sank down on the chair beside me and I could barely contain my laughter. Dr. Mae had reeled Kyle in with the only bait he would take. "What makes you say that?" he choked out.

"You're the one who seems to know so much about human behavior," Dr. Mae said with a smile. "You tell me."

"You win," Kyle sighed. "I'll talk. You'll fix. Got it?"



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