Forever Wishes (Montana Brides Book 4) (21 page)

BOOK: Forever Wishes (Montana Brides Book 4)
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His confidence took an even bigger pounding on the front porch of the expectant parents’ house. Over the din of excited chatter he heard someone discussing the merits of specialist versus midwife obstetric care. Oh man. This was
comfort zone stretching stuff.

Erin had a wide grin on her face when Sam appeared. Reaching forward, she gave him a hug. “Congratulations, daddy.”

Jake looked over Sam’s shoulder. The baby festivities were in full swing behind him. What was appropriate for one male to say to another at a time like this? Commiserations? Make the most of the sports channel before it’s replaced with Playhouse Disney? He pulled his spine straight. He could do this.
to do this, because the same thing would be happening to him in the next twelve months if Erin had her wicked way with him.

Sucking in a lungful of air, he opted for the tried but true, “Well done.” That covered just about every contingency under the sun.

Sam laughed. “Don’t look so worried. It’s not that bad. I never thought I’d get married, let alone have kids. Now look at me.”

Jake stared at the smile on Sam’s face. He looked happier than he’d been in a long time. Before Jake could change his mind he followed Erin inside. He spotted Nicky surrounded by nana looking types with big bosoms and grey hair. She didn’t look any different. Weren’t women supposed to glow when they were pregnant?

He’d been working overseas when Lucy was carrying Ethan so he had no idea what a pregnant female looked like. Only the sleep deprived, grumpy, stressed version that reared its head a few months after the baby was born. Or so he’d heard workmates bemoaning in the confidential male-only club of the men’s bathroom. A definite lack of sex almost always followed any discussion concerning newborn babies. Why did people do that to themselves?

Nicky came across to see them and gave Erin a hug. “It’s good to see you.” She looked across at Jake. In a flat voice she said, “Jake,” and nodded in his direction. “You’re back?”

He gave her an equally measuring stare. Obviously he was back. Nicky was protecting her best friend and for that he could forgive just about any bad manners. He put his arm around Erin’s waist. “I am. And I’m not going anywhere.”

That seemed to please Nicky enough to melt some of the frost on her face. Her expression relaxed, and she even managed a small smile. It must be the pregnancy hormones making her go soft. His gaze darted around the room, scanning happy faces for anyone else he might know.

Erin grinned at Nicky. “How are you feeling?”

“Tired and worried. I just hope I don’t get morning sickness as bad as my cousin did.”

A look passed between Nicky and Erin that put a frown on his face.

“You’ll be okay.” Erin held Nicky’s hand. “Nothing’s going to happen. Just wait and see, in another seven months you’ll have a beautiful baby to cuddle.”

Nicky rubbed her stomach, a slow smile replacing the worry on her face. “As long as our baby’s healthy, that’s all that matters. Sam made me breakfast in bed this morning, so I’m making the most of all his pampering.” Nicky glanced suspiciously at Jake. “It took you a long time to get here. Did you get held up in traffic?”

Erin felt heat scorch her face. “Umm…something like that.” A whole lot of other things besides traffic had kept them at Jake’s place. Little things like wandering hands, sizzling sex, and a baby contract.

The goofy grin on Jake’s face made her blush spread to the rest of her body. The man was a lawyer, for cripes sake. Discretion was his middle name. He should have been able to pull off a slight exaggeration of the truth better than anyone in the room. But no, his face read like an open book. Jake Williams had just had hot and steamy sex and he’d enjoyed every minute of it.

Nicky’s gaze zoomed in on Jake’s grin. She sent a worried frown in Erin’s direction. “Well you’re here now, and that’s all that matters.” She looked up as Sam waved at her from the kitchen. “Grab a drink while I check on the oven. The whole wedding party’s arrived. Emily’s over by the kitchen talking bathrooms with Aunty Julie and Sam’s brothers have disappeared into the garage with their dad. We’ve put all the drinks and food on the dining table. There’s meat on the barbecue outside. Help yourself to whatever you want.”

Nicky disappeared through the living room door. Jake glanced down at Erin with an amused look on his face. “Emily’s talking bathrooms?”

She laughed. “Yep. We’re all a bit potty.”

He rolled his eyes and Erin laughed. “I couldn’t help that one, it was way too easy. Nicky’s Aunty Julie works at an amazing store in Great Falls that sells everything under the sun for bathrooms. Emily’s renovating her bathroom, so they’re a match made in heaven.”

“Are all your friends in the renovation business?”

Jake’s arm held her tightly to his side. It was hard thinking straight with all her senses honed in on the feel of his fingers gently rubbing the side of her body. “I guess it comes with the cost of buying a house.” She grinned at Jake. “Unless you’re a highly paid lawyer then ‘renovators dream’ are the words that set our hearts pounding and the bank manager smiling. What’s even better is if someone has a relative or a friend who’s an electrician or a plumber. We adopt them and barter huge quantities of home baking for a few lessons and trade secrets.”

He laughed. “Did I ever tell you I worked as an electrician’s apprentice during my college days as a poor law student?”

Her mouth dropped open, “An electrician? You’re kidding?”

“Nope. I can still re-wire a house as good as new. You just need a registered electrician to sign off the work.” With a twinkle in his eye, he added, “Does this mean I’m formally adopted into the Erin Reynolds extended family group?”

“You’re already there. But you have to promise that I get first dibs on your services.” She laughed. “Emily will have your weekends booked solid at her place if you’re not careful. All it takes is a bit of muscle and a whole lot of practical experience and you’ll have half the people in this room eating out of the palm of your hand.”

“If I’d known my wiring experience would mean this much I would have mentioned it sooner.” With a dimple-loaded grin, he added, “I’m open to negotiating really good rates, too.”

With the tip of her finger, she traced the crease in his cheek. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

It was Jake’s turn to blush.

Erin jumped as the cork of a champagne bottle exploded against the ceiling. A round of whistles and laughter soon followed. “Come on. I’ll introduce you to Nicky’s sister and get us a drink.”

Erin had to hand it to Jake. The man knew how to make an impression. Emily was a five-foot-three redhead who’d been her friend since high school. It hadn’t mattered that Nicky and Emily were step-sisters. Together they’d planned what they were going to do with their lives. Then picked up the pieces when fate had other ideas.

What Emily lacked in height she more than made up for in enthusiasm. As soon as she heard that Jake knew the difference between a junction box and a screw clamp she kept him glued to her side.

When Erin arrived back with their drinks, Emily was keeping everyone amused with her renovation disaster stories.

“So, Jake. Are you looking forward to the wedding?”

He looked confused at Emily’s quick change of topic.

“Sam and Nicky’s wedding. You are going aren’t you?”

Erin handed Jake a can of cola. “You’re on the list, but the invitations haven’t been mailed yet.” With a smile on her face, she asked, “Jake Williams, would you do me the honor of accompanying me to Nicky and Sam’s wedding?”

He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles. “It would give me the greatest pleasure to escort you, Erin Reynolds.”

“This one’s a keeper,” Emily sighed. “Don’t let him out of your sight.”

Ignoring the glare Erin aimed squarely at her, Emily battered her big baby blues in his direction. “You don’t have a five-foot-six single brother by any chance do you?”

He laughed, linking his fingers through Erin’s. “I have a brother, but he’s very much taken.”

Emily pouted. “Oh, well. I guess I’ll have to face the world alone, then.”

By half past ten, Erin was having trouble focusing on what everyone was saying. Her eyeballs felt like they’d been super-glued open, and if she ate another fancy sandwich she’d turn into one. She pulled Jake through to the kitchen. “I’m going to head home now. I’m really tired.”

His eyes roamed over her face. “Will you be okay to drive?”

She nodded. “I’m fine. It’s nothing a good sleep won’t cure.”

He opened his mouth to say something, then changed his mind. He stared at her for a couple more seconds. “I don’t know whether to ask you this or not, but do you want to come home with me?”

His blue eyes were steady on hers. It would have been all too easy to follow him home and spend another night curled around his body. But she wanted some time alone. “I need to go back to my place and have a think about everything that’s happened.”

“I didn’t really expect you to say anything else.” He took a step closer, wrapping his arms around her in a big hug. “I care about you. Remember that when you’re thinking about our contract.”

The heat from his body seeped into her chest, warming her heart from the inside out. She knew she wouldn’t be thinking of anything else except their baby making deal.

It was almost everything she’d ever wanted.


Lucy’s invitation to dinner had seemed like a good idea at the time. But Erin’s nerves were twisted so tight that she felt as though she was going to snap in two.

After her hasty exit from Camp Discovery, Lucy probably thought her brother was dating a nutcase. As she got out of Jake’s truck, Erin picked up the bouquet of flowers she’d brought with her. “Are you sure Lucy’s not allergic to pollen?”

“I’m positive.” Jake opened the trunk, taking out a box loaded with enough cheesecake and ice cream to sink a battleship. Hooking his free arm around her waist, they walked toward his sister’s house. “Don’t worry. You’ll enjoy yourself.”

She frowned. He might think he knew his sister, but family could be protective of their own. And she really wasn’t sure what Lucy would think of her.

Ethan met them at the front door, a grin plastered across his face.

Jake gave her a quick warning about doggy slobber as Mad Max came hurtling out the front door, saliva spraying in big goopy drops everywhere. She managed to dodge the worst of the slobber as Jake hustled them inside, leaving a confused Mad Max on the doorstep.

Ethan led them toward the kitchen, talking nonstop about what he’d been doing before they’d arrived.

Erin loved the beautiful home Lucy had created. Soft pastel sofas were piled high with bright cushions. Checkered fabrics sat comfortably with florals, and bookshelves lined every available wall.

They found Lucy in the kitchen, turning roast vegetables in the hot oven. A rack of beef sat cooling on the counter and homemade gravy simmered on the stove. “Great timing, guys. Hi, Erin. We’re about ten minutes away from dinner.”

Erin watched Jake try to distract Lucy with a kiss on the cheek, while his hand reached out to grab a stray chunk of roast meat. “Thanks, sis.”

Lucy tapped his wrist and smiled. “Hands off. You’ll spoil your dinner.”

He laughed as Ethan yelled across the room, “Mom’s got eyes in the back of her head.”

“So I’ve noticed squirt. How about you and I set the table for her?”

“But Uncle Jake, I want to show you what Mad Max found in the garden.”

Jake passed Ethan the placemats before he pulled the cutlery drawer open. “This will only take two minutes. You put those out and I’ll do the rest.”

Ethan groaned, but started laying the mats on the table anyway. In no time at all, the table was ready, complete with the flowers Erin had brought.

Lucy waved a spoon in the air. “Off you go you two. Erin can help me in here. Dinner will be ready in five minutes and remember…”

“I know, I know. Wash your hands.” Ethan grinned at Jake, making a grab for his Uncle’s hand. “Come on, it’s out here.”

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