Forgotten Time (Ravenhurst Series, #1) A New Adult Time Travel Romance

BOOK: Forgotten Time (Ravenhurst Series, #1) A New Adult Time Travel Romance
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he early morning sun spilled slowly through the windows, chasing shadows from the room. He sat silently in the corner where the light did not reach, watching her every move. Each step she took in the bright morning light gave him another glimpse of her naked body through the prim, little gown she was wearing. Her dark hair tumbled down her back, barely touching the top of her heart-shaped derriere. She stopped in the middle of the room, slowly turning, giving him another peek of her full, round breasts as the palest shade of pink, cresting the tips came into view. He had no idea she was such a delectable treat. Pity he did not know from the start, or he may not have been so opposed to the marriage in the first place.



Teri Gibson aka
Editing Fairy

For working your magic on my book

You really made it sparkle!

Thank You!



The stately grandfather cloc
groaned out its sixth chime to mark the hour. Katherine stood and smoothed the wrinkles from her pencil skirt, shoving her feet back into her sweet, new Betsey Johnson peep-toe pumps, waiting patiently. It would only be a few seconds more.

The floor began to vibrate.

They were moving fast today. The glass doors flew open as gusts of cool air blew her long, dark hair away from her face. “Have a good weekend!” she waved, calling after them, the Evening Stampede.

A few, blurred air-waves were thrown back as they flew past.

She lowered her arm and sat back down.

It was amazing how fast her co-workers could move when it was closing time. Now they were all huddled in a group, waiting for the elevators to come up to the twelfth floor. Biddle & Bailey, the high-end auction house she worked for, owned the building. The reception area was in the center of the twelfth floor. Bronze statuary and Chinese ceramics were some of the items showcased in lit alcoves throughout the room. A large, still-life painting hung on the cream colored, textured walls above an Eames-era sofa.

Two separate sets of glass doors flanked either side of her desk and led to different departments. A lone glass door near the elevators; was completely off limits. It led to a set of private offices for the owners.

The elevators dinged. Everyone squeezed on except Dane and Candy; they were too busy flirting with each other. They were both married, but not to each other.

Katherine could not leave until everyone else left, so she busied herself with inane tasks, attempting to look occupied.

Of course, it was a lie. She was really trying to see if they were hooking up tonight. Her best guess was yes.

The elevator was coming up fast…

Suddenly a blob of black blocked her view. She knew who it was. She also knew what he ate for lunch today… sushi.

She shoved her chair back before his burst of fish breath reached her. The elevator door dinged shut. They were gone.

She let out a breathy sigh. Oh well. Now she guessed she would never know if they were doing the deed or not.

“Hey Ned, what’s up?”
 she asked. He was one of the appraisers and the infamous blob who blocked her view.

He lifted his finger in the air, asking for a moment of her time. He was chewing something.

She hoped it was a mint.

Katherine grabbed her Michael Kors logo bag and stuffed it with her Midnight Rendezvous nail polish from her Friday manicure, iPod, and BlackBerry. She closed her W magazine and shoved it into her Warhol Marilyn tote as she glanced at the clock. It was already six-twenty; traffic was going to be a bitch. She noticed Ned had finally stopped chewing and was now digging in his pockets. “Ned, do you need my help with something?” she asked, trying to hurry him along so she could leave.

He shook his head back and forth.

out a deflated sigh, Katherine pulled her chair over, and sat back down. Who knew how long this was going to take? She grabbed a magazine and leafed through it.

“Ah, here we are,” he said as he pulled a white envelope out of his pocket and leaned forward.

“So Katherine, what is on your agenda for this weekend?”

Katherine carelessly tossed the magazine back on the desk. She leaned back and pulled her loose hair into a messy bun.
 “Oh, the usual: hanging at home, seeing what’s going to be
On Demand
.” She hoped something good was on. Her mind wandered; maybe they would play a triple feature of
. Right, then she should really pick up some tasty take out and something yummy for dessert. Maybe some chips to counter the sweets. Damn, were her sweats clean? Well, she guessed she could do the wash. Then it wouldn’t seem like she was such a lazy ass.

Ned cleared his throat loudly.

Katherine smiled awkwardly, embarrassed to have completely spaced. “Sorry, my mind,” she said stupidly, rolling her eyes, and twirling her finger in the air.

“Oh posh, there is no need to apologize,” he stated simply, dismissively waving his hand at her. “The reason for my question is that it seems I have been fortunate enough to procure tickets to Biddle & Bailey’s Historic Society’s Preservation Ball.” He paused a moment. “It’s to be held at Ravenhurst estate,” he said, his voice rising higher, flapping the coveted invitation in the air.

” she echoed in disbelief.

Ned nodded his head up and down.

Katherine’s fingers suddenly itched for the invitation. She had half a mind to jump from her seat and wrestle him to the ground to get her hands on it.

Ravenhurst was one of those places everyone talked about, especially in the appraisal business. It was a magnificent creation, erected as far back as King Arthur’s realm, and steeped in as many legends.


“Shush,” he said, curling his lip up and wagging his finger in disproval.

Katherine visibly tensed. She felt like a reprimanded child.

“I say, are you all right, Katherine?” Ned asked, concerned.

“Yeah, I’m fine, Ned.” She lied; she hated when people did that.

“As I was saying, I do realize this is extremely short notice, but you did make a point earlier that you do not seem to have any pressing engagements for this evening, correct?” Ned questioned, raising his brows slightly.

Wait… he was asking her to go… Katherine’s irritation with Ned faded quickly away; she could certainly forgive him this once for shushing her.

She weighed her options quickly. She could either stay at home, lusting after some fictional characters from a movie, stuffing her face all the while … or she could go to a ball?

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