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Patriarch—priest, absolute head of Quinalt sect Jormys—Quinaltine priest, serves Efanor Benwyn—Bryalt sect, assigned as Ninévrisë's priest Baren—Quinaltine doctrinist Neiswyn—doctrinist among the Quinaltines Udryn—Quinaltine doctrinist
Anwyll—captain of the guard, assigned to Amefel under Uwen Kerdin Qwyll's-son—Kerdin, second-in-command under Idrys, captain of Guelen Guard, died at Lewen field Essan—captain of Guelen Guard in Guelessar

Andas—soldier, eleven years in Dragon Guard, Andas' son, Tristen's banner-bearer, was killed at Lewen field Brogi—soldier Brys—soldier, in Anwyll's company Cossell—soldier in Anwyll's company Hawith—soldier, killed at Emwy, one of Cefwyn's men Jeony—soldier, killed at Emwy Lefhwyn—soldier, rode with Cefwyn at Emwy Nydas—soldier, rode with Cefwyn at Emwy Pelanny—soldier, Guelen scout, presumed dead or taken by Aséyneddin at Lewen field Peygan—armorer for Cefwyn at Henas'amef, old friend of Uwen's, married to Margolis Pryas—king Cefwyn's messenger

Minor officials / Household

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Margolis—wife of Peygan the armorer. One of Ninévrisë's ladies Mesinis—slightly deaf clerk Tamurin—Cefwyn's accountant

Rosyn—Cefwyn's tailor in both Henas'amef and Guelemara
Titles, et cetera

Amynys—river, old boundary of Guelemara

An's-ford—town, on road between Guelemara and Henas'amef Anwyfar—Teranthine retreat near Arreyburn

Blue Hall—place, in Guelemara, in palace

Clusyn, Clusyn monastery—Quinaltine religious house in Guelessar Cressitbrook—town near Guelemara Crown Wall—Guelenfort's official limit Dary—Guelen village at first ring road outside Guelemara Drysham—Guelen village Dury—Guelen village Guelen—of Guelessar Guelenfolk—people of Guelessar Guelenish—of Guelessar Guelenmen—people of Guelessar Guelesfort—citadel in Guelemara

Guelemara—capital of Guelessar; banner: red with gold Castle His Highness—Efanor Holy Father, His Holiness—title, highest Patriarch in Quinalt sect Lyn—soldier, messenger sent from Tristen to Idrys with Ryssand's treasonous letter Marhanen—surname, Cefwyn's house: Gold Dragon, surname of Cefwyn, Selwyn, Efanor, Ináreddrin Master crow, raven—nickname, refers to Idrys Red Chronicle—Marhanen history book

"The Merry Lass from Eldermay"—country song played at Cefwyn's harvesttide festival Wys-on-Wyetlan—Guelen village

southern province; banner: Wheel

Umanon—lord of Imor Lenúalim, Quinaltine
Places, Titles, et cetera
Hedyrin—river south of Imor Imorim—of Imor


northern province


southern province; banner: White Horse
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Cevulirn—lord of Ivanor, southern baron, Teranthine Geisleyn—Cevulirn's man, captain of light horse, from Toj Embrel, Ivanim Erion Netha—friend of Cevulirn, Lord of Tas Arin in Ivanor, wounded at Lewen field
Places, Titles, et cetera
Crysin—horse breed of Ivanim

Embrel, Toj—Toj Embrel, Cevulirn's summer palace Ivanim—ofIvanor


Ivorim—of Ivor

Tas Arin—town

Toj Embrel—Toj Embrel, Cevulirn's summer palace

southern province; banner: Heron

Pelumer—duke of Lanfarnesse Feleyn, Feleyn's—a Lanfarnesseman
Places, Titles, et cetera

Lanfarnesseman—people of Lanfarnesse


central province; banner: Red Rose on green background

Sulriggan—lord of Llymarin, cousin to the Quinaltine Patriarch.

Edwyn—nephew of Sulriggan, attends Efanor
Places, Titles, et

Llymarish—of Llymarin


southern province; banner: gold Sheaf with bend and
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Sarmysar—duke of Marisal; personal banner: lily

southern province; banner: blue field and blazing Sun

northern province; banner: blue field, bend or, and
white below with Quinalt sigil

The Nobles

Prichwarrin—duke of Murandys

Cleisynde—Lord Prichwarrin of Murandys' niece Luriel—Cefwyn's most recent lover, niece of Duke Prichwarrin of Murandys Odrinian—younger sister of Luriel, Duke Prichwarrin of Murandys' niece

Other Persons

Romynd—Quinalt patriarch of Murandys

Places, Titles, et cetera

Aslaney—capital of Murandys


northern province; banner: pale azure with White

Places, Titles, et cetera

Nelefreimen—men of Nelefreissan

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southern province; banner: Black Wolf

Sovrag—lord of Olmern (rivermen), in Olmernhome Brigoth—Lieutenant of Sovrag of Olmern Denyn—Cefwyn's door guard, Olmern youth, Kei's-son

Places, Titles, et cetera

Capayneth—Olmern village, traded with Mauryl Olmernhome—Sovrag's capital

Olmernman—person of Sovrag's province


eastern province


Mordam—duke of Osanan


north-central province

Places, Titles, et cetera

Wys-in-Palys-under-Grostan—a village


northern province


Maudyn—lord of Panys, commander of Cefwyn's forces on the riverside

Rusyn, Lord Maudyn's second son

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Other Persons

Uta Uta's-son—squire of Magan village

Places, Titles, et cetera



northern province; banner: blood red with Fist and Sword

Corsywndam—lord of Ryssand

Brugan—Corsywndam of Ryssand's son and heir Artisane—Corsywndam of Ryssand's daughter, one of Ninévrisë's ladies-in-waiting

Places, Titles, et cetera

Ryssandish—of Ryssand; also, an ethnic group distinct from the Guelens, but closely tied to them


eastern province


northeastern province


northeastern province


The Regency

Uleman Syrillas—Regent of Elwynor, father of Ninévrisë Ninévrisë Syrillas—daughter of Uleman
Lesser Nobles
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Aeself—lieutenant of loyal force

Angin—companion of Aeself, q.v.

Tarwyn Aswydd—ancient warrior

Elfharyn—Elwynim lord, loyal to Ninévrisë, holding throne and regency for her

Haurydd—Ninévrisë's man, earl of High Saissond Palisan—one of Ninévrisë's men Tasien—earl of Cassissan, Uleman's man, captain of his army, related to Ninévrisë through her mother Ysdan—Ninévrisë's man, earl of Ormadzaran Aséyneddin—rebel earl of Elwynor, enemy of Ninévrisë, died at Lewenfield; banner: Griffin Caswyddian—rebel Elwynim lord, earl of Lower Saissond, enemy of Ninévrisë, killed by Shadows at Althalen Tasmôrden—Elwynim rebel lord, enemy of Ninévrisë Uillasan—companion of Aeself
Places, Titles, et cetera
Ansym—bridge, at border of Elwynor

Ashiym—place in Elwynor, seven towers, old Sihhë connections, one tower destroyed Banner of Elwynor—black-and-white Checker with gold Tower, quartered with blue Casissan—Tasien's earldom criess—village near Ilefihian Elwynim—of the kingdom of Elwynor Her Grace—title for Ninévrisë

High Saissond—Elwynim province, Haurydd's home Ilefínian—capital of Elwynor

Lower Saisonnd—lord Caswyddian's province Melseriedd—old name for kingdom of Elwynor, prior to Regency Nithen—district and hamlet near Ilefínian Ormadzaran—Ysdan's earldom

Saendel—bandits who served Aséyneddin at Lewen field Syrillas—surname, Uleman Syrillas, regent of Elwynor, Ninévrisë Syrillas Syrim—bridge at border of Elwynor



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Hasufin Heltain—wizard, possibly a prince of Galasien, enemy of Mauryl

Mauryl Gestaurien—wizard, Galasieni
Places, Titles, et cetera
Galasieni—a lost race

Kingsbane—nickname of Mauryl

Kingmaker—nickname of Mauryl

Nineteen Gods—the unnamed hidden gods worshiped by wizards Silver Tower—at Ynefel, Mauryl's symbol, then Tristen's: black banner with Silver Tower and Star Ynefel—Mauryl's tower: Silver Tower


Arachim—northern tribe

Chomaggari—southern barbarians

Casmyndan, Casmyndanim—far southern tribe on the coast Lyra—a hill tribe

Lyrdish—belonging to Lyra



Barrakketh—one of five Sihhë-lords Elfwyn—last Sihhë king, a halfling

Harosyn—Sihhë king

Sadyurnan—Sihhë king (ancient) in Hen Amas

Sarynan—Sihhë king

Ashyel—Sihhë halfling, son of Barrakketh

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Tashanen—Sihhë halfling, engineer and strategist, wrote
The Art of
Aswyn—Sihhë halfing, youngest brother of Elfwyn, thought stillborn, body inhabited by Hasufin

Places, Titles, et cetera

Arachis—old name, Sihhë connections

Aryceillan—old name, (possibly old tribe with Sihhë connections) Deathmaker—nickname for Barrakketh

Hafsandyr—mountains in north, original home of Sihhë Kingbreaker—nickname for Barrakketh

Sihhë, Sihhë's—lost race, five Sihhë came down from north to rule in Ylesuin and Elwynor


Bryalt—religious sect of Ylesuin, mostly Amefin Bryaltine—of the Bryalts of Ylesuin

Bryssandin—horse breed, used in breeding Crysin horses Bathurys—old name for Padys Spring

Far Sassury—proverb: "the back of beyond"

Five Gods—the unnamed gods worshiped by the people of Ylesuin Ileneluin, Ilenelluin—mountain Jorysal—a place, an old name in histories Lenúalim—a river, major border between Elwynor and Ylesuin Manystys Aldun—philosopher, wrote tome on oceans Marchlanders—refers to the southern lords and their armies, excluding Amefel

Merhas—truth, carved on one side of Tristen's sword Quinalt—a strict religious cult Quinaltine—of the Quinalt Shadow Hills—area north of Ryssand Shaping—a creature or person called into being and shaped into flesh by a wizard Spestinan—horse breed Stellyrhas—illusion, carved on one side of Tristen's sword fortress of dragons.html

Teranthine—moderate religious cult Wys—any of a series of villages Wys-on-Cressit—a village in Ylesuin

Document Outline

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