Fortune's Way (5 page)

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Authors: Jenna Byrnes

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Fortune's Way
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She laughed and wiped a trail of tears from her face at the same time. “I should get out of these pants, too. You’re making me wet with all that sweet talk.”

“Mmm, I can’t wait to see how wet!” He tugged off her boots, socks, jeans and panties. The neat triangle of hair between her legs beckoned him, but he needed to look at something else, first. There were more scars on her left thigh. The rest of her appeared blissfully untouched.

He rubbed a hand lightly over the thigh. “Mostly on the extremities, then?”

She nodded.

“Is that skin sensitive? I mean, it looks like it should be.”

Miranda nodded again. “It is. Thank you for asking.”

Dean clasped her waist. “Just making sure. I’ll save my bite marks for your tummy and these—” He unclasped her bra and her full breasts sprang free. “God, Miranda! Have I mentioned how gorgeous you are?”

She laughed. “Not that I recall. You might have to say it a few more times.”

He cupped both breasts and buried his face between them. “I’ll say it all night long. These are fucking amazing. You are just flat-out stunning. Get on the bed, on your back. I’ve got some promises to keep.”

She snapped the band of his briefs. “Only if you lose these.”

“As you wish.” He yanked them off and tossed them across the room. His cock bobbed in gratitude.

“Oh, Dean. You’re beautiful too. And huge! Fucking huge!”

He grinned. “He’s happy. And if you think he’s happy now, just wait. He’s going to get a
whole lot

She scrambled onto the bed and lay back.

Dean eyed her with amazement. He massaged her toes before working his way up, kissing every inch of visible skin, finally settling between her legs. He parted her dark thatch of hair and widened the spread of her legs.

Miranda whimpered.

He grinned. She was fixing to do better than that.
Much better
. One lick had her tender nub quivering. He drew the bud between his lips and sucked, then returned to licking. Long, languorous strokes, which he interspersed with light, fast flicks.

She bucked beneath him, hips going wild.

“Mmm,” he growled into her pussy. “You taste so good, Miranda. I want to feel you come. Shatter for me, baby. Let me see how beautiful you look when you explode.”

Her gasps and pants increased as she turned her head from side to side.

Dean saw something out the corner of his eye and glanced over to see Kyle watching from the doorway. His face was flushed, and there was already a large bulge in his jeans.
He’s as turned on as we are!
Smiling, intensely satisfied, Dean slowed his pace and kissed the inside of her thigh.

“Don’t stop!” she cried out. “I’m so close.”

“Your surprise is here, pretty lady.” Dean squeezed her legs. “Open your eyes for a second.”

He watched her comply and saw her startled expression when she spotted Kyle.

His gaze was on her, but he’d reached in his jeans and was fondling himself. “Got room for one more?”

She glanced at Dean, who raised his brows, amused. “It’d be pretty fucking hot.” His gut churned for the few moments it took her to decide. He
he knew what she’d do, and he’d instructed Kyle to show up just before she climaxed, so she’d be in an aroused state of need.
Dirty pool,
he realized, but he desperately wanted her to accept Kyle joining them. He held his breath.

Her gaze went back and forth between the two men.

Kyle pulled his shaft free and continued to stroke it up and down. “Hotter than a firecracker,” he agreed, voice breathy.

Miranda inhaled then blew out the breath. She looked at Dean. “You, keep going.” To Kyle she said, “You, get that thing over here. No time to undress. I’m coming soon, and I want you in my mouth.”

Dean’s heart soared. He grinned at Kyle as he scrambled to do as she ordered.

“Bossy little thing, isn’t she?” he muttered jovially, then gasped as she drew his cock between her lips.

“You have no idea.” Dean winked at his lover then dove face first between her legs. She was going to get the pussy-licking of her life for what she’d just agreed to. That, and so much more.

Chapter Four




Kyle knelt on the bed next to her and groaned as she grasped his cock. He’d never been particularly turned on by a woman, but then he’d never been in the room when one was having sex, either. Two people getting it on was hot, no matter what gender they were. He couldn’t help but be aroused.

She massaged his shaft a few times before drawing the crown into her mouth. He sighed as she sucked and licked, increasing her tempo as Dean sped up his. She wouldn’t last long, it was obvious by her panting and moaning.

When she shattered, Kyle pulled out so she could breathe and fully enjoy the orgasm. He could tell she had. Her face was a mask of bliss, and for a moment, he was envious.

“Lie down next to her,” Dean instructed, smiling at him as he patted the bed.

His face glistened from her cream. Kyle couldn’t resist and leaned in to kiss Dean before obliging.

His lover groaned and clasped the back of Kyle’s head, holding him close as they kissed deeply and passionately.

Kyle sucked the musky, pleasant juice from Dean’s tongue for a few moments longer, before pulling away and dropping to the bed.

“That was fucking hot,” Miranda murmured, smiling at them.

“No shit.” Dean crawled between Kyle’s legs. “I’m going to take care of my fella here, then I plan to fuck you senseless, Miz McCabe. So get ready.”

She shuddered and stared at the ceiling. “I’ll be right here, ready and waiting.”

Dean licked Kyle’s shaft and motioned to her. “Kiss her. Give her a taste of that sweet honey.”

Kyle glanced at the woman lying next to him.

She gazed at him.

It was awkward in some ways, but not really.
She sucked my dick
, he thought. Kissing her was nothing after that. He cupped her face with one hand and they came together for a sweet kiss.

Dean licked and sucked the length of his shaft, driving Kyle to a near frenzy. He caressed Miranda, rubbing everywhere he could reach as they kissed.

She returned the embrace with vigor. Their tongues battled for dominance as hands rubbed and clutched. All the while, Dean’s head bobbed up and down, deep-throating his throbbing cock.

Before he realized it was happening, Miranda rolled on top and straddled him. He alternated kissing her lips and her luscious large breasts, which now jiggled in his face. Kyle glanced down to see Dean fingering Miranda as she rode his stomach.

The tangle of bodies was more erotic than anything he’d ever witnessed, let alone been a part of. “I’m coming,” he groaned, heat churning in his balls.

“Aw, God, me too!” she shouted as Dean finger-fucked her.

His world went black and stars shattered behind his eyes. Waves of pleasure washed over him as his warm cum shot down Dean’s throat. Pulse after pulse, until his balls were empty, and Kyle was barely coherent.

The look on Miranda’s face indicated she was in the same state.

Dean kept up his ministrations until both of them begged for him to stop. He chuckled and released his grasp.

She leaned down and kissed Kyle lightly, then rolled off him and on to her back.

His partner wasted no time. He crawled over her to reach a condom, then knelt between her legs and he rolled it on. “Open up, sweetness. I am all revved up and I desperately need someplace to go.”

She drew her knees to her chest and he plunged into her pussy.

He heard the squishing noises, and shifted positions to get a better view of their joining. He traced a finger over the bud of her clit, and left his hand there to feel the pounding of Dean’s cock into Miranda’s slick channel.

Miranda groaned when he touched her button. He leaned over them and got his mouth down where the action was. A lick to her warm flesh and another to Dean’s shaft as it drew in and out.

Dean gasped, then grabbed a fistful of Kyle’s hair and pushed his head lower. “More, baby. Get your face in there.”

He did as directed, flicking her clit with his tongue as Dean’s shaft rubbed his face. Miranda climaxed once then came again, her cries getting louder and raspier each time. “Fuck yeah,” Kyle muttered, licking both of them at once. “Bring it on. Your cum tastes so good.”

“Whose?” Dean panted through gritted teeth.

“Both!” Kyle reached back and squeezed his ass.

“Fuck! Coming!” Dean let go, groaning as his orgasm overtook him.

Miranda squealed and released a final time. Kyle could smell her musky scent. He licked what he could off Dean’s sheathed shaft, and decided the next time they were together, he was going to eat her himself. One taste of pussy had him clamoring for more and he wasn’t ashamed to admit it.

The three of them collapsed onto the bed, on their backs, Miranda in the middle. When they’d all caught their breath, Dean leaned up and smiled. “Did you like your surprise?”

She swatted his shoulder. “Big, dumb jerk! You’re lucky I’d been fantasizing about the two of you taking me at once. Because that was some stunt you pulled.”

“It was,” Kyle agreed. “I was risking life and one important limb if you would have gotten angry.”

Dean put his chin on her shoulder. “You fantasized about us? Really? Interesting.”

“Did you figure out we were gay?” Kyle asked.

“No, but I should have, thinking back on the looks you shared with one another. It all makes sense now.”

“I’m not gay, I’m bi,” Dean explained.

Kyle rolled his eyes. “I’m gay.”

Dean clasped Miranda’s full breasts, one in each hand. “Are you sure about that, sweetie?” He swished them around, offering one to Kyle.

Laughing, Kyle accepted and flicked the firm pink nipple with his tongue. “Okay, rethinking the ‘gay’ terminology. Because these sure do something for me.”

Miranda put one hand to the back of each of their heads and encouraged them to suck her tits. “They do something for me too. Hope you guys weren’t finished. I feel a second wave coming on.”

“Dibs on the pussy,” Kyle murmured, his mouth full of ripe, luscious flesh.


* * * *


Miranda waddled to the shower the next morning, sore in places she hadn’t known existed. They’d not only gone a second round, but after a midnight snack and some more wine, they’d had a third go at it. She’d never been with more than one man at a time, but now that she’d experienced a threesome, she couldn’t wait to try it again. She’d practically begged them to fuck her together at the same time, but when she’d admitted she was an anal virgin, Dean put his foot down. He promised her they’d work up to that. She could barely contain her excitement.

He’d walked her back to her room somewhere around three a.m., and Kyle returned to his trailer. Miranda thought it was silly that a grown man couldn’t entertain whomever he wanted in his own home. Dean was adamant. She didn’t press the issue, but planned to soon. She knew Kyle would back her up. He couldn’t have liked leaving the warm bed any better than she did.

She’d slept later than usual, and Dean was gone when she entered the kitchen for breakfast.

“What can I fix you?” Rebecca asked, though it sounded more like a command.

“Nothing, thanks. I’ll just have some coffee and a piece of fruit.” The apples and oranges in the big bowl on the counter appeared fresh and ripe.

“Nonsense. Eggs? Bacon?” The woman was adamant.

“Really, no thank you. I’m not used to eating a big breakfast.”

“Most important meal of the day.” The cook turned her nose up.

Miranda ended up with granola and a sliced banana. She smiled as she ate. With Dean as a buffer, she’d eaten what she wanted the past few days. Standing up to people had never been a problem for her. For some reason, she was hesitant to speak her mind here and possibly offend anyone at the ranch.

She was anxious to find Dean and discuss her latest idea with him. She knew he and Kyle were against opening up the ranch to guests. She’d come up with another possibility. While she still needed to check her facts, she thought it might be a valid option for them.

As she strolled to the stables, she spoke to a few grooms, but didn’t spot Dean or Kyle. The main stable was empty, so she paused to pat the noses of Domino and Isis.

“Good morning.”

The voice behind caused her to jump. Warm breath on her neck created another reaction entirely. She started to comment when she turned and spotted Kyle, Jake by his side.

“Hello.” Her voice sounded breathy to her own ears. She was glad she hadn’t come back with a sexy reply and embarrassed them both.

“Help you with something?” Amusement danced in his eyes.

If Jake hadn’t been there, she’d have told him in great detail exactly what he could do to help her. Neither of them would be likely get much work done following that conversation. Instead, she shook her head. “I was looking for Dean. I have some numbers to go over with him.”

“He went into town,” Kyle informed her. “He’ll be back later this afternoon. I can ask him to look you up.”

“Please do.” She brushed her breast against his arm as she walked out. “Thank you. Have a nice day, Jake.”

“You too, Miz McCabe,” the older man called.

Her face burned from the brief but intimate contact. Miranda knew she needed to pull herself together. She had a few more days to work at the ranch. She’d never get anything accomplished if she couldn’t put the hot sex with Kyle and Dean out of her mind.

What’s going to happen when I leave the ranch?
She hesitated to think about it. She’d just discovered these two amazing men. The idea of leaving them hurt worse than she could have imagined.

Grateful for some time alone, she returned to the house and took her laptop into Dean’s office. She’d told Kyle she needed to go over some numbers with Dean. Actually, she had to crunch them first. She set about doing that before he arrived home.

It was the middle of the afternoon when she finally came up for air. Satisfied she had her facts in order, she was more excited than ever about the new option and couldn’t wait to discuss it with Dean.

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