Fourth Hope (7 page)

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Authors: Clare Atling

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Fourth Hope
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That sounds like a perfect idea,’ said Logan. ‘See you tomorrow, Colt.’ With that, Colt found himself standing in Seth’s kitchen by himself and had to chuckle. How different his life had become since meeting this pack. He wasn’t sure he wanted to leave.

He left the house and returned back to Hope
’s home. He needed to make some calls and make plans about meeting up with his father again. There were only a few he trusted from his old pack, but he hoped they were still around. Luck was on his side as he spoke to his oldest friend of the pack, Tyler. He told Colt that Marcus had not been back to the house in over a month and that the pack was still together, although most of them left when Colt was taken and the Penn Lake pack came to rescue him. It was not quite the truth, but Colt let him carry on.

The last Tyler heard was
that Marcus had a small following and was planning revenge on the Penn Lake family. Thanking Tyler, Colt hung up and went into Hope’s room to start packing. He wanted to get out of here as soon as she got home from the bakery. He needed to feel her soft body pressed against his, his hands itching for the feel of her skin. He wanted to see her run in her wolf form again, like they did before he screwed everything up. Her wolf was beautiful, just like his mother, and he couldn’t wait to see it again.


Chapter Eleven


The drive to the spa seemed to take forever. All Hope could think about was getting out of the small confines of the truck and stripping Colt naked for an hour or two. She didn’t care if her brothers were there or not; she hadn’t seen him for most of the day and she wanted him more than anything. He squeezed her hand as if he could hear her thoughts loud and clear; the electricity was zapping between them and she was sure, if he didn’t get her there soon, she would have to ask him to pull over and she would fuck him on the side of the road.

Hope, whatever it is you’re thinking, please stop,’ he said. ‘Your scent is driving my wolf nuts and I need to concentrate here, baby.’ Colt squeezed her hand again before turning his attention back to the wheel.

I can’t help it, Colt. I’m just thinking about stripping you naked as soon as we get to our room.’

Damn it, Princess.’ He adjusted the swell in his trousers. ‘Let me get their first. Just a few more miles, not long.’

Hope h
uffed and folded her arms over her chest. She could wait, but only just. Instead, she fiddled with the radio channels until she found something she could hum along to. Colt always teased her about her singing, but she didn’t care; she just enjoyed it. As they approached the turning, she couldn’t help but be amazed at the huge building at the end of the driveway. It looked beautiful, but deserted – except for her brothers’ SUVs parked out front.

It’s beautiful, Colt. You and my brothers have really done a perfect job.’ She saw him smile. ‘But right now, I just want to get you into my room.’ As soon as he stopped the car, she swung out and made her way towards Callie, Maggie and Sarah.

How does it feel, being back at the beginning?’ Hope asked both Sarah and Callie with a smile. This was where Seth had first met Sarah and Callie and when he knew Sarah was his mate. It had been their safe place whilst the threat of Marcus first loomed over them.

Feels strange being back here again after everything that’s happened,’ replied Sarah. ‘But it feels kind of right, you know?’ She hugged Callie and all four girls watched their men pull the bags out of the car. Maggie couldn’t take her eyes off Brandon as he leant into the boot. Hope wondered how much of the spa any of them were going to use. Brandon turned and smiled at Maggie, who blushed, knowing she had been caught purving over her mate.

Well, ladies,’ said Seth. ‘This weekend we have to ourselves. As we finished ahead of schedule, the owners have allowed us to use the facilities before the grand opening next weekend. Let me show you to our rooms.’ They all followed Seth through the big glass doors and into the lavish foyer.

Oh Seth, it’s perfect!’ Sarah looked around at all the changes that had taken place since the last time she’d been there.

Yeah, yeah,’ replied Logan nonchalantly. ‘It’s great. Can we now go to our rooms and get you into that small yellow bikini I saw you pack?’ Logan’s eyes had turned amber as he looked at Callie. Hope was glad she wasn’t the only one who couldn’t wait to have their mate all to themselves.

There w
ere a few staff members working, getting ready for the big opening, and the owner came down to say hello but soon disappeared when her mobile rang. Once they were allocated their rooms they climbed to the first floor using the stairs, as Seth wanted them to see all the special features that Brandon had designed, but the rest of the group just wanted to get to the rooms. They said their goodnights and arranged to meet at breakfast. Thank god! Hope wouldn’t last another minute if she had to listen to her brother go on about angles and whatever. Even if she
proud of what he had achieved, it still didn’t mean she had to listen.

Hope pushed the key card into the door
, but couldn’t concentrate with Colt pressed up against her back, kissing her neck. She could feel the hard ridge of his cock against her backside.

Let me do it, Princess, or I’ll end up taking you out here in the hallway.’ He pressed the card in and pushed the door open, pushing her through and slamming the door behind him. Hope was just about to walk towards the bed when Colt grabbed her shoulders and spun her around. His lips smashed down onto hers and all thoughts of the room were lost as Colt’s taste and scent enveloped her.

I’m going to make love to you fast and hard against this door,’ he breathed, ‘because I can’t stand to move another step without having you.’ All Hope could do was nod, because no way could she speak. She started to strip off her jeans and top, but stilled at the sight of her mate undressing himself. ‘Like what you see, Princess?’ Once naked, his hand circled his hard erection and pumped it in his hand a few times.

Wow. I’m a really lucky girl.’ Hope smiled up at him as he walked closer. ‘And about to get a lot luckier.’

Colt was on her again
, his hands ripping at the buttons on her jeans. She helped him by pushing them down with her feet and stepped out of them, all without her lips leaving Colt’s. He moved her back against the wall and lifted her by cupping his hands under her butt. Hope heard a ripping sound and knew her panties had been lost in the need to get inside her. She didn’t care, she could buy more. He ended the kiss, but his hands didn’t let up their firm grip of her backside.

Are you ready for me, Princess?’

Always…’ As soon as his lips met hers again, he was pressing himself into her wet sheath. Hope couldn’t breathe as he started to move inside her, harder and harder with each stroke. She wrapped her legs around his body tighter as if she wanted him closer and squeezed her internal muscles against him.

Jesus, Hope, I’m not going to last. Touch yourself – make yourself come, Princess.’ Hope didn’t need telling twice as she squeezed a hand between them to massage her clit. She could feel where they joined together as she spread her fingers out, touching herself whilst Colt trembled around her. He pumped faster and faster until she shuddered and splintered into a thousand pieces. Her deep moans filled the room as he slammed into her once more, before jerking against her as he came hard. They stood connected for what felt like forever, just breathing hard against each other.

That first time was just to take the edge off,’ he said eventually. ‘Next time, I’m going to take my time with this sweet body.’ He pulled her away from the wall and started carrying her towards the bed.

Is that your way of apologising for being so quick?’ she smiled and bit his bottom lip as she kissed him. He pulled himself free of her, causing Hope to moan at the loss of contact.

Not on your life. You make me so hard I’m surprised I last at all.’ Colt threw her on the bed and laughed as she squealed, bouncing several times before he came over her. ‘I love you, Hope. But we need to talk this weekend. Okay?’ He cupped her cheek and looked deep into her soul. She knew she would do anything for this man. ‘Don’t look so serious. Just a chat about what happens next. In fact, I...’ There was a knock at the door, interrupting him. ‘You expecting anyone?’ Hope shook her head and sat up. The second knock was louder and more inpatient.

Hang on a minute.’ Colt walked over to his jeans and slipped them on. He threw Hope’s clothes on the end of the bed and watched her get her top and jeans back on. She left off the underwear, saving her some time. The knocking grew louder but stopped just before Colt opened the door. Hope couldn’t quite see who it was, but knew the moment Colt was slammed back into the room that things had gone from great to shit in seconds. There stood Marcus with two more wolves she didn’t know. She was off the bed and running towards Colt before he stood in front of her.

Run! Don’t come back. Please.’ He cupped her face and kissed her quickly before he turned to face his father.

Well, well,’ spoke Marcus. ‘There was me making the big rescue mission to save my son from the Penn Lake pricks, when all along you’re fucking one of them. The princess, no less.’ Hope shuddered as Marcus called her that. Only Colt was allowed to call her Princess. He leered at her. ‘Don’t blame you, though. I don’t think I could have stopped myself with her sniffing around.’

Fuck you. What do you want?’ Colt was pushing her back further into the room. She could hold her own and no way was she running and leaving Colt to fight this prick.

What I’ve always wanted. The blood of the Penn Lake pack on my hands, with you by my side. Have you forgotten how you used to be? The pain you would inflict on others and how you would enjoy the play. It wasn’t that long ago you were begging me to bring you a new plaything to fuck.’ Marcus sneered at Hope. She knew he was baiting her, but she couldn’t help the jealousy that surfaced.

I’m going to kill you,’ said Colt. ‘Slowly.’ He was shaking with rage and Hope was guessing he was moments away from changing into his wolf.

You’re going to give up everything for this whore?’ replied Marcus in disbelief. ‘Everything we worked towards? I can smell that bitch of a daughter somewhere near. I will kill her mate, then take her back with me. I will create a new pack, one you will help me rule.’ Hope knew he was sick, but this man in front of her was like no one she’d ever known. Her anger boiled.

You’re fucking delusional,’ she shouted. ‘My brothers will rip your throat out…’ Colt held her back before she could get close to him.

Not before I rip his out,’ Marcus sneered.

Hope, you run,’ said Colt. ‘Away. As fast you can. No matter what you hear, you
come back for me. I will find you. You understand?’ Colt’s voice was a deathly calm as he spoke without even turning to look at her. His eyes never left his father’s. Hope didn’t like what he was telling her.

Colt, I can’t.’ Like she would ever leave him. She loved him and, if he died, then she would die. They had to win this together.

No, Princess. I’m going to finish this, one way or another. But I need to know you’re waiting for me somewhere safe, okay?’ Colt reached back and squeezed her hand. Her resolve gave way and she knew he was right, but that didn’t mean she was going to leave him here and run like the princess he thought she was. Her brothers had taught her to fight and, if she needed to, she would.

Okay.’ She squeezed his hand back.

This is all very fucking touching, but time is ticking,’ said Marcus sarcastically. ‘Colt, what’s it to be? I would really hate killing you, but I still have that slut of a daughter for the pack to use as a breeding bitch…’ That was all Marcus got out before Colt leapt into the air and charged his father. Hope had never seen anyone change so quickly into a wolf but, guessing it was down to his age, he had done it a few more times than her.

This was
the moment she needed to warn her brothers. Colt pushed his father into the small bathroom and she ran for the door that was guarded by two smaller wolves. She braced herself for impact as she ran straight for them; but, before she crashed into them, another wolf leapt through the open doorway and ripped one of their throats out. She instantly recognised Logan in his wolf form.

Logan..!’ He snarled and looked up at her. ‘Please help Colt. I’ll go get Seth.’

swept past her into the bathroom, whilst Hope dodged past the remaining wolf and kept running. She could hear the noise of the fight between the three wolves and prayed her brother and Colt were okay. She ran as fast as she could, jumping several stairs at a time whilst listening for the wolf tight on her heels. As soon as she came into the reception area she saw Seth, Brandon and Callie, all in their wolf forms, standing guard over Maggie and Sarah.

Hope, get down now!’ ordered Seth. She didn’t need to be told twice and threw herself to the floor, whilst the wolf chasing her jumped and slammed straight into Seth. The smaller wolf didn’t stand a chance against her alpha brother and the snapping of his neck echoed around the empty lobby.

Hope, are you all right? Where are Colt and Logan?’ Sarah was beside her in seconds. She heard Callie whimper for her mate.

Fuck. It all happened so quickly. Marcus just showed up at our door. Logan killed one of the wolves and I begged him to help Colt. I hope they’re okay.’ Suddenly, the past ten minutes started to sink in and Hope looked at Seth, waiting for the next part of the plan. God, she hoped they had a plan. No, fuck that, they needed to help Colt and her brother. ‘Seth, Colt and Logan are up there with him.’ Within seconds, her two brothers were running up the stairs still in their wolf form.

He killed the receptionist,’ explained Sarah. ‘That’s what alerted Seth and me. We heard the screams when the owner found her behind the desk. Logan went to warn you and the rest you know. I guess we still have a traitor in our ranks. He knew we was here alone and what rooms to find us in.’ Sarah explained events whilst Callie changed back to her human form. Maggie still hadn’t made her first change after mating with Brandon, so Hope knew she had to protect her.

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