Fractured Innocence (#2 IFICS) (16 page)

BOOK: Fractured Innocence (#2 IFICS)
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Four days passed since she’d awakened in the empty room. The old man snuck her food in when he could. Mainly soup and bread.  The soup was a luxury. What she most appreciated was the conversations. It had been so long since anyone had talked to her like she was a person with feelings. He told her about his children and his wife who’d passed away years ago. Aaliyah told him about her life in South Africa. For some reason, she couldn’t bring herself to talk about Detroit.  

He really was her guardian angel, even if he didn’t believe it himself. She knew he was putting himself at great risk. 

Aaliyah was certain God had sent him to help her. She wept at the thought. How could she have doubted her faith?
I’m so sorry.  I’ll never doubt you again.

Since awakening, she’d spent as many hours in prayer as she did plotting her revenge. 

“How do I look?” Aaliyah asked, pushing herself up to sitting. She swallowed the antibiotics he handed her. The ship’s doctor had not been to see her since she had awoken, but he had left her with antibiotics to fight off the possibility of an infection due to her collapsed lung. For that, she was grateful. 

If she had been unconscious for a couple of days and awake for four days, the bruising must be improving. It still hurt to breathe; she felt as if someone was crushing her chest. As painful as it was, she had forced herself to take deep breaths. She remembered seeing on television that a collapsed lung could sometimes heal itself with rest. And there wasn’t much that could be done for cracked ribs. The old man had bound her chest with a cut up sheet. It was the best they could do. 

“You look like someone beat the shit out of you,” the old man said truthfully. 

“Damn. I need to get better. Has the bruising gone down at all?” She wished for the luxury of a mirror, but that was not going to happen. She was lucky to have a pail to go to the bathroom in. She reached up and touched her face. It didn’t feel quite as swollen. “Are you sure it’s not better?”

With gentle fingers, he turned her head from side to side, studying her. “The bruising has gone down. It’s mostly yellow now instead of purple. But your eyes…”

Alarmed, Aaliyah reached up touching around her eyes. “What about my eyes?” She knew they were the feature that had drawn the madman to her. If they had been ruined, he would probably not want her any longer. And then her plan would not work. “Tell me. What is wrong with my eyes?”

“They have turned cold. You have aged greatly over the short time you have been aboard this ship. I saw you when you first arrived. Everyone noticed you. A rare exotic beauty like yourself, it’s hard not to notice. You looked fragile and meek. Now, you look determined. I’m sure it will not escape the boss.”

“Has he asked about me? Does he know you check on me?”

“Yes, I’m afraid he is anxious to see you. You’re the only woman left on the ship.” 

“That’s good, very good,” Aaliyah said, almost to herself. 

The old man’s eyes widened in alarm. “What do you mean good? Has that nut job managed to taint your mind? I was hoping you were stronger than the rest.”

Oh, he’s very much tainted my mind
, she thought with disgust. “I’m just glad there are no other girls on here that he can hurt.” 

A look of relief crossed his face, accepting that answer. It was partially the truth. 

“I worry about you. I worry that you are going to get yourself killed. You cannot outsmart a man like Vance Dasvoik.”

“His name is Vance?” She let the name bounce around her head. It didn’t seem to fit. She preferred

“I shouldn’t have told you that,” the old man said, while rubbing his face. 

“Don’t worry. I will not repeat it.” Aaliyah tilted her head. “I just realized I don’t even know your name.”  

“Henry, my name is Henry.” He wobbled to his feet and headed towards the doorway. 


He turned. 

“Thank you.” 

“No need to thank me. I wish I could do more.” He slipped out the door. 

Aaliyah hung her legs over the bed and used the wall to steady herself as she rose to her feet. Pain radiated throughout her body, but it seemed to have dampened slightly. With a hesitant step, she could feel her strength was returning. She didn’t know how long she had till they reached port. 

She did know she had to see the man who did this to her before then. Had to make him want to keep her as his own. As much as the thought repulsed her, she knew it was necessary. The only way… No one was going to save her. She had to save herself. 

Slowly, she crossed the small room back and forth several times until her breathing was strained and her legs wobbled. 

Cursing under her breath, she sank back onto the cot. She’d only made it two more passes than yesterday. It wasn’t enough. She could feel the time slipping away. 

Tomorrow, she would ask to see
her owner
. The words sickened her. Mentally, she prepared herself to take over the role she must play. Dasvoik wanted a willing servant, and that’s what he would get. She was no longer worried about her soul. She was tainted. But she might be able to save her brother. She had to think about Darrius’s impish smile and contagious laugh. For him, she would do anything. Even sell her soul to the devil. 



Aaliyah heard the footsteps before the door opened. She knew it wasn’t Henry, since she’d become accustomed to the shuffle of his shoes in the hallway. No, this was sure, determined footsteps echoing down the hall. Sounds were amplified on the ship; she could also hear the slight jingle of keys. 

She pushed herself up in the bed and waited for the door to open. The key turned and the door pushed open. Consciously, she had to keep from smiling to herself. The moment she had been waiting for had finally come. It occurred to her how different she felt now that she had a different mindset. Before she had been terrified. Worried about her honor. Now she saw sex as a weapon. He wanted her? Who was she to disappoint him?

Submissively, she cast her eyes to the blanket and refused to look up to see who was standing in the doorway. Henry’s words held their weight in gold. She knew she could not let anyone see the changes in her. 

A firm grip yanked her off the bed, pulling her to the middle of the small room. She kept her eyes cast at the floor. She steeled herself for what she knew would come next. By the shadow cast on the floor, she knew it was one of the monster’s large thugs. True to form, she felt a large hand roughly roam her body. Walking around her in a circle, he pinched her breast and slapped her behind. His hands lingered making her grind her teeth. She could endure it. She had to.
For Darrius. 

She couldn’t understand what he said, but from his tone of his voice, she could tell he was pleased.

Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her arms behind her back, pushing her forward. The fear crept back in.
She was not helpless. She was in control. As long as she was in control, she would make it. She was just playing a part. Like an actress in a movie. She could do this. 

Adrenaline poured through her bloodstream. 

Bowing her head, she shuffled forward. Her eyes darted around trying to take in everything. She needed to figure out where she was located on the ship. It was imperative she knew exactly how far away she was from his room. Internally, she counted her steps. Forty-seven in a straight line, a left turn, sixty-four steps and up a flight of stairs. 

The brute gave her a shove and she stumbled forward, losing count. She felt tears spring to her eyes and blinked them back. What was the count? Had it been seventeen or twenty-seven? She couldn’t even recall the first two step counts. She started to crumble on the inside. How was she going to save her brother if she couldn’t even remember something as simple as steps?

They came to an abrupt stop, and the thug banged on the bedroom door. 

“I hope you brought me a gift,” the monster said through the door. Or at least that’s what she imagined he said. 

The door swung open, and Aaliyah’s pulse quickened. Just seeing his face made her want to fall to the ground and curl up in the fetal position. 

The door closed with a bang. She was alone with the madman. 

“Let me look at you.” His tone was impatient. 

Where had the resolve gone? It wilted at the sound of his voice, the way it always did when he was near. Oh, God, why was she so weak?

She looked up, keeping her gaze over his shoulder. Staring at the gray, peeled paint on the wall. He didn’t seem to notice the lack of eye contact. He was too busy staring at her naked body. His hands caressed her skin. She could tell by the way his shoulders were heaving up and down that he was already aroused. 

“I see you’ve healed quite nicely.” He walked around the back of her and pressed his body to hers. His fingers trailing over the permanent welts. She could feel his erection on her lower back. 

He spun her around. His shirt brushed her nipples, which were still sore from being pinched by that other bastard. Her breath came in terrified little gasps. Control. She needed to control her breathing. 

“I’m very angry at you my little flower.” 

She stiffened. He was angry with her? In what universe did that make sense?

“You made me hurt you. Which in turn hurt me. I have needs that could not be met. Do you know what that means?”

She shook her head no and finally met his golden eyes. She didn’t have to worry that her eyes would betray her. The fear she felt was real and seeped deep into her bones. She knew that’s what would be reflected and not what Henry had seen earlier. Where had that girl gone? Desperately, she tried to pull back the determined part of her to the surface, but she was nowhere to be found. 

She chided herself. She needed to pull herself together. If she couldn’t even make it through one night with him, how was she going to help her brother? It’s not like this was something new. He’d had her too many times to count. An actress. She reminded herself. That’s what she was. It was not her he would be touching. It was someone else. Someone stronger and braver than she could ever be.

“It means you will be staying with me so that I can have access to you whenever I please. No matter what time of day or night. Do you understand?” He peeled off his shirt and tossed it to the ground.

Oh, yes, she understood.
No more Henry
. How was she going to survive without her guardian angel?

“Answer me.” His voice rose several notches. 

“Yes.” Her voice cracked. 

“Yes, what?” he demanded. 

“Yes, I understand.” 

Her soul withered a little more. She felt like a whore. Who was she kidding? She was a whore. Maybe if she closed her eyes and pretended he was Noah. The thought caused a pain to shoot straight through her heart. How could she ever associate this horror with Noah? He was light and this man was dark. They could not be further apart. 

“Are we going to do this the easy way, or the hard way?” 

“Easy. Please,” she whispered.

“If only I weren’t still so angry at you. I really want you to make me happy. Why can’t you do that?” 

The blow knocked her back causing her to lose her balance and she tripped, falling to the floor with a painful thud. Her shoulder softened the blow to her head. 

In a dizzy daze, she realized he was now on top of her. Her body was splayed across the floor and she couldn’t move with the weight of him. The cement floor was cold and rough, scrapping her body. She could hear herself whimpering, terrified. 

She realized at that moment, there was no pretending with this man. He got off on the domination. She had been a childish fool to think otherwise. 

It was hard to tell how much time had passed. After a while, her mind had gone blank and seemed to float outside of herself. It was not her body played over and over like a broken record in her mind.
It was not her body. 



“Ah, my sweet, sweet girl. Do you think today you can please me?”

Vigorously, she nodded her head. She could do it. If she made him happy, the pain would stop. If she pleased him, maybe she would be happy, too. She’d been trying so hard over the last couple of days. Once in a while, he offered her a shred of hope. He would stroke her face. Even smile at her. But then, she would make him angry again. Today, she wouldn’t fail him. 

Aaliyah licked her lips. Her eyes darted around the room, hoping for a sign as to what she could do to please him. Her hands hung loosely to her sides. Just like he liked. Oh, shit. Why couldn’t she get the simple things right. He wanted her eyes on him at all times. 

Her eyes met his and he tsk’d. “Flower, you can’t do anything right can you?” A wicked grin crossed his face. In one swift motion, he pulled the belt from his pants. She stepped backwards and realized her mistake. She must stand perfectly still. Her leg came forward and she planted her feet. Of course, he had noticed. He always noticed. 

“I’m sorry. I’ll do better,” she cried out, trembling visibly.

“Yes, you will do better.” He kicked her feet apart, and like she’d been taught, she reached forward placing her palms on the wall. Her body jerked when the belt hit her skin. 

She wanted to be good. She wanted to please him. Why did she keep failing? 


A loud pounding woke her. Her eyes fluttered, but wouldn’t open. What was that sound? It took a moment for her to realize the pounding was in her head.
Aaliyah reached for the sides of her head, but was stopped short. A heavy metal cuff surrounded her wrists. The metallic rattle of the chains broke her spirit. 

She was chained to the bed. How many days? She’d lost count. Lost count of all the vile things he had done to her. What did it matter? She was a failure. 

BOOK: Fractured Innocence (#2 IFICS)
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