Freak of Nature (The Lost Witch Trilogy #1) (6 page)

BOOK: Freak of Nature (The Lost Witch Trilogy #1)
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Sarah shrugged and grabbed her seat belt.
“I guess I better start thinking about that. Maybe you’re right. It’s time to think about my future and life after high school.”

They drove quickly through town and arrived at the book store minutes later.
Gretchen opened the door to them, looking worried. Sarah glanced around the book store and noticed only two elderly men in the back of the store reading guidebooks.

“Come sit down and drink some hot chocolate.
You both look drained.”

Zane raised his eyebrow at her behind his mom’s back, making her blush.
Sarah ignored Zane and took the mug of steaming chocolate Gretchen pushed into her hands, sitting down tiredly. She had just told Zane everything and didn’t think she could do it again. She looked at Zane pleadingly and he nodded his head in understanding. He told his mom word for word everything she had told him. But when he got to the part where he grabbed Drake’s hand, she perked up.

you say to him Zane?” Sarah asked, leaning her head on her hand.

Zane shrugged and looked uncomfortable.
“I might have mentioned to him that he was weak and pathetic and that if he came near you again he’d be walking with a limp the rest of his life.”

Sarah remembered the horrified look she’d seen on Drake’s face as Zane had threatened him.

Gretchen pursed her lips and began to say something but then changed her mind as her two customers walked up to the register.
She walked off quickly, leaving Zane and Sarah alone.

“Thanks for coming to my rescue Zane.
I might not have had the chance to mention it to you, but your moving here has been about the best thing that’s happened in a very long time,” she said, not looking at him.

Zane pushed her hot chocolate away and scooted closer to her, bringing her in for a hug.
“We’re even then. Your walking into English class yesterday is still burned into my mind as one of the best moments of my life. And rescuing you is just a perk. It gives me something to look forward to every day.”

Sarah laughed softly and reached up to play with the hair over his ear and then yanked on it playfully.
“You know, I’m not exactly a damsel in distress. I had the situation completely under control before you showed up. But it’s still nice to know you’re looking out for me. I’ve never had that before. I have to admit, you’re growing on me.”

Zane’s eyes turned soft and he leaned in to kiss her softly on her cheek.
“Good, you’re falling right into my trap then.”

The door rattled and the bell rang as the men walked out with their purchases.
Zane looked around curiously as a different man walked in. Zane stiffened and pulled away from her, turning his body to block her from view. Sarah peeked around his arm and noticed the man was tall, with black hair that swept his collar. He was dressed in a business suit and looked wealthy and strangely familiar. His handsome face was smooth and he could have been anywhere from thirty to fifty. He had an older feel to him that contrasted with his young face though.

“Would you happen to have any books on ancient rituals?” he asked Gretchen.

Gretchen shook her head firmly.
“Sorry, we’re more into the basics. Fiction and guide books and cook books with the occasional book on bird watching and dinosaurs. You might want to try Jasper’s in the city. I know the owner and he carries a diverse selection. I can give you his name if you have a moment,” she said sounding helpful, but looking grim.

The man shook his head.
“No need. I know just the man you’re talking about. Thanks for the information. Good day to you,” he said and walked out the door.

Gretchen rubbed her arms quickly and then moved to re-join them at the counter.

“Mom, who was that? His aura was slimier than that guy Drake’s this afternoon. He was practically shouting death,” Zane said sounding sincerely worried.

Gretchen nodded her head in agreement.
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything so dark before. I hope he doesn’t come back.”

Sarah looked back and forth between the mother and son.
“I don’t get this whole aura thing. Why can you see auras and I can’t? I just saw a rich guy who needed a haircut.”

Gretchen looked at her curiously.
“Well, it is strange. You might not have a feel for auras but you do have a highly developed sense of danger. If someone means you harm, your senses are already five steps ahead of you. And I have a feeling that that power slap you give everybody is just you subconsciously protecting yourself. I still don’t know why it doesn’t work on Zane, but I’ll figure it out. In the meantime, I don’t think I’d worry about it. We’ve got more pressing matters to deal with right now. Like your living situation. I don’t feel good sending you back home. But I can’t invite you to move in with us either, much as Zane would love it,” she said shaking her head at her son reprovingly.

Zane blushed and got busy drinking his hot chocolate.
“The greater good mom. Let’s keep that in mind.”

Sarah held up her hand.
“It’s okay. I’m not here to dump my problems on you. I’ve been living with my aunt since I was five. I can handle it and when I can’t, then I go to the woods. I have some time before it gets too cold. I’ll be okay. I’m here because you hired me to do a job not beg for a place to live.”

Gretchen smiled at her and put her hands on her hips.
“Well, too bad because I know the perfect situation. There’s a small apartment above the store. Zane and I live with my mom so we can keep an eye on her at night. Her daytime nurse leaves at 6:30, so we need to be there in case she wanders off. But I’d be happy to let you live in the little room upstairs. It’s got a small kitchenette and a tiny bathroom. It has hot water and it’s safe. What do you say?”

Sarah’s face lit up and she smiled at Gretchen.
“I’d have to say thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. This could make my last year of school bearable.”

Gretchen reached over the counter and patted her hand.
“My pleasure. I’m going to keep my eye on you. You’re something special Sarah and I think one of the reasons Zane and I were meant to move here was because of you.”

Zane nodded his head in agreement.
“Remember your dream mom? The one about the lost girl? It has to be Sarah.”

Gretchen paused and stared at Zane for a moment caught in her thoughts and then turned and studied Sarah closely.
She reached out and touched the back of Sarah’s hand lightly, closing her eyes for a moment. She opened them slowly looking pensive and serious. “I don’t know Zane. It’s not clear yet.”

Sarah was curious about the dream but didn’t know if she was ready for any more problems.
If Gretchen was having dreams about her, it couldn’t be anything good.

Gretchen patted her hand comfortingly.
“Let’s not worry about that just yet. Right now let’s teach you how to stock shelves if you’re up to it.”

Sarah nodded her head, eager to earn her keep and spent the rest of the afternoon stocking the new children’s section.

That night after locking up the store and saying good night to Zane and Gretchen she made a quick phone call to her aunt.
She told her that she had decided to move out and that she would come home later in the week to collect her things. She hung up the phone sadly as her aunt started screeching at her hysterically.

She turned the power off on her cell phone and walked into the small bedroom. She glanced over the window seat and the cheerful quilt Gretchen had just barely laid on the bed and sighed all the way from the bottom of her feet to her heart.
She closed her eyes and sent her energy out of herself bringing it slowly back a moment later. The room was clean just like the bookstore. No evil lurked here, waiting to stare at her from the corners of the room. She was safe. She smiled as she felt hints of Agnes Adams. Agnes had always had such a comforting, peaceful feel to her and she could still sense that in the room.

After washing her face and brushing her teeth with the toothbrush Gretchen had given her, she turned off the light and got into bed.
She usually stayed awake as long as possible to keep the dark things back, but she knew this night there was no need.

Chapter 8 - Talents

Sarah woke up the next day feeling more refreshed and peaceful than she had in years. She stood up and walked to the window, raising the blinds and staring out at the cool September morning.
For the first time in a long time she realized how beautiful her town was and that she was grateful to be there.

She took a quick shower but then had no choice but to wear the same jeans she had worn yesterday.
She slipped the t-shirt Gretchen had given to her last night over her head and grinned, enjoying the picture of the wizard on the front and the words
, Release the Wizard Within
. It was obviously a well-beloved t-shirt left over from The Lord of the Rings craze.

She glanced at her face critically, wishing for some cover up and lip gloss but knew there was nothing she could do about it.
She ran down the staircase and opened the door to the bookstore. She walked into the well lit room and over to the front counter where Gretchen was already hard at work going over the receipts.

“Hey there.
Wow, a good night’s rest has done wonders for you. And wait just a second,” she said, walking around the counter and coming within two feet of her. She held a cautious hand out, reaching very slowly out to touch her arm. “It’s softer,” she said wonderingly.

Sarah looked at her curiously.

Gretchen smiled and tapped her chin.
“Your power slap. I’ve been thinking about your energy field a lot. I have a theory about it and this might prove me right. You didn’t have to sleep in a house filled with evil last night. Hence, you’re energy isn’t concentrated on the outside, busy protecting you. The evil was ever present so your field was too.
But now? Now you’re approachable. Of course I’d hate to see what happens when someone really tried to harm you. Zane’s description of what happened to that man’s hand was fascinating. But I wonder what would happen if someone tried something worse. You’re the most interesting witch I’ve ever met Sarah,” Gretchen said in wonderment.

Sarah blushed and shoved her hands in her jean pockets.
“I’ve done a lot of research on the internet. If it weren’t for Google and all the research done on paranormal abilities I’d be a basket case. I don’t think of myself as a witch. I really prefer to call it psychokinesis. There’s a wide spectrum of power. In the past, people were labeled as witches for having psychokinesis. They didn’t understand it and thought it was some evil power. Most people just use ten to fifteen percent of their brain. I just happen to use more of it. Just like you and Zane.”

Gretchen grinned at her and turned to go back behind the counter.
“Zane’s right. You’re darling. Okay, we’ll just say you have psychokinesis for now. But I will agree with you about the past. Anything people didn’t understand or felt threatened by was immediately called evil. When in reality the majority of witches were very good people who helped and looked out for others and were protectors and healers. But there is evil in the world and evil loves power. That’s why witches, or in your case,
people who have psychokinesis
, have to be always on guard to protect themselves from those who would use them and eventually destroy them.”

Sarah nodded her head readily. “I think you’re right Gretchen.
I’ve always looked out for the kids at school who are bullied. It’s like I can’t help myself. I have to step in and protect them.”

Gretchen nodded her head in understanding.
“I can feel that about you. You’re a healer and protector. Zane’s more the warrior, which is actually centered in protecting others as well. I’m glad to know that you two will have each other’s backs.”

Sarah blushed and looked away.
It was weird discussing Zane with his mom. Her feelings for him were turning into something she wasn’t even sure how to describe yet.

“Sarah, do you mind if I ask you what powers you do have?
I’m very curious.”

Sarah straightened the gum and the candy bars as she thought about it.
“Well, sometimes I can read minds. Not exactly word for word or anything like that, but I can tell what people are thinking and feeling. Usually when it’s directed at me, or at someone trying to hurt someone I want to protect. I can’t really go up to any random person and tell what they’re thinking. I have to be connected somehow.”

Gretchen looked intrigued, but motioned for her to go on.
Sarah squinched up her nose and thought about everything she could do. “You know about my energy field. You said Zane has it too. He uses his differently though. He can reach out so easily. Yesterday, he was half way across the cafeteria and he physically pulled me towards him. I even stumbled a little it was so powerful. But people are drawn to him. He described it as being a porch light and normal people are moths. I’m not a porch light though. I’m more of a human taser.”

Gretchen laughed.
“Zane, Zane,” she muttered trying to sound reproving, but sounding amused instead. “Well, you have to understand that he grew up with me for a mom. I knew he was a witch just a few months after getting pregnant with him. I was about six months pregnant when I first felt him wrap his energy around me. Most witches, like I told you the other day, don’t show their power until their teen years. Zane has had bursts of power throughout his entire life. He’s one of the most powerful witches I know. But he’s also one of the best. His heart is so strong and good. He’s going to do amazing things in his life. I can feel it. But yes, he knows how to use his energy and he enjoys doing it. But don’t discount yourself Sarah. You’ve been using your energy by instinct or subconsciously. There’s power in that too. We’ll take some time this weekend to help you learn how to fully pull in the energy so there’s no power slap. But there are times, when you’re going to want to slap someone. We’ll teach you that too. What else you got?”

Sarah felt strange actually talking about her powers with someone as if it were normal.
But it felt amazing too. “I can heal people. I can draw pain out of their bodies and I can close wounds. At least that’s all I’ve tried to do. I don’t know if I can do more than that. I think it takes necessity for my power to work.”

Gretchen nodded.
“Of course. What else?”

Sarah looked away, almost nervous about what she was going to say.
“Sometimes when I’m running, I almost float. And when I was hiding out from my aunt in the garage one time, I felt she was coming so I snuck out the window. The drop off under that window is at least 7 feet. I knew I’d break my leg or ankle if I jumped, so I floated down. I could feel the wind drive up under my body, slowing me down. I could feel it pushing on me. And when I run, I can feel it lifting me sometimes.”

Gretchen looked intrigued.
“I’ve heard of that power before but I never believed it was real. That’s amazing Sarah. Honestly amazing. And what about yesterday? Zane mentioned that your energy was getting out of control. So much happened yesterday that I didn’t get the chance to talk to you about it, but describe what happened.”

Sarah bit her lip feeling insecure.
“When I get really upset, like yesterday, my power spirals out of control until I can find an outlet for it. It was kind of scary to be honest. Usually I can go for a run and that helps. But yesterday was different. It was too much for me to control. I cracked the glass in a store window and even frying Drake’s hand didn’t help. Zane and I ran through the forest and then he . . .,” Sarah stopped and looked away in embarrassment.

Gretchen frowned and motioned with her hand.
“Go on, what did Zane do that helped?”

blushed a bright red and looked down at her feet, wishing the subject had never come up. “He kissed me. When he kissed me, all my energy, kind of zoomed up and out of me and surrounded Zane and he kind of just absorbed it. He took what I couldn’t handle and it didn’t even hurt him. He didn’t seem to have a bad reaction to it.”

Gretchen’s eyes widened and her eyebrows raised half way up her forehead.

. . .”

Sarah held up her hand.
“I know, this is weird and I feel very uncomfortable telling you about that kiss. I’m sorry.”

Gretchen shook her head and laughed.
“Hey, I used to be a teenager a long time ago. I’m not judging you. But the fact that he was able to absorb that much of your energy without any harm or side effects is not only strange, it’s miraculous. I have no way to explain it.”

Sarah sighed and held up her hands.
“Please don’t try. Let’s just pretend that we never discussed it.”

Gretchen laughed in real amusement and shook her head.
“That’s a deal. But just know that you can talk to me about anything. Anything to do with your powers. Anything to do with anything. You haven’t had the most normal life so far. I want to help you Sarah. Like you, I’m a protector and I feel like I’m here to guide you. I have a good feeling about you.”

Sarah smiled and felt excited for the first time about her powers.
No longer was it something to feel strange and different about. She wasn’t alone anymore. She was going to learn how to control what she’d been given. Maybe now she’d have a chance at a normal life.

“Listen, you better run or you’re going to be late for school.
Look, there’s Zane now,” she said pointing out the window.

Sarah glanced over her shoulder at Zane’s silver jeep and felt warmth pour down her spine and wrap around her.
She sighed happily and grabbed her backpack.

“Thanks Gretchen.
I’ll see you after school.”

Gretchen held up a hand.
“Don’t forget breakfast,” she said and handed her a bagel filled with eggs and cheese.”

Sarah smiled delightedly.
“Zane is so lucky,” she said and ran out the door.

Gretchen looked after her with a sad smile and went to turn the sign to OPEN.

BOOK: Freak of Nature (The Lost Witch Trilogy #1)
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