Freedom is Slavery (23 page)

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Authors: Louis Friend

BOOK: Freedom is Slavery
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Meanwhile, my cock was standing straight up, as attentive to everything as I seemed to be. Without warning, I felt a strange sensation on my balls. This coupled with my excitement almost had me cumming right there. After a few seconds, I determined that Ms. Kelly was using a feather on me, stroking my balls with it, running it up my cock and back down again. I couldn’t suppress a moan of pleasure. Oddly, my moan almost seemed to drown out Stephanie’s.

A feather could never cause as much of a sensation as a fist in the ass...could it?

Stephanie’s groans grew louder and louder and I wondered if she would be allowed to orgasm. I could hear Mistress talking to Stephanie the entire time.

Meanwhile, the feather had been moved up to my overly sensitive nipples. Each small stroke drove me mad with desire, making me want to strain against my bonds and break free. I was in a frenzy and almost asked aloud for someone to touch my cock.

I knew that Stephanie’s head lay only a few inches away, between my spread legs, and felt waves of gratitude flow over me when I heard Mistress say, "You’re being too loud, Stephanie. Gag yourself on Louis’s little cock."

As soon as Stephanie’s warm, wet mouth sheathed my cock, I felt the feather removed from my nipples, replaced by Ms. Kelly’s pinching fingernails. I moaned aloud some more. My own mouth was still filled with Stephanie’s "clit"I sucked on it for all it was worth as Stephanie sucked my cock.

"You can’t cum without permission, and you better not let Stephanie cum either or you will both get punished," Ms. Kelly reminded me.

I nodded and continued to suck on the clitty in my mouth.

"I love the look of a cock going in and out of a slut’s mouth, don’t you?" Ms. Kelly asked. I wasn’t sure if she was talking about Stephanie, me, or the pair of us. Mistress laughed in agreement as Stephanie and I 69’d and she continued to fist Stephanie’s ass.

"Oh, Mistress, please, please, please may I cum?" squealed Stephanie around my cock.

After what seemed like an interminable silence, Mistress simply said, "Yes." Before I knew it, my mouth was flooded with Stephanie’s cum. I swallowed and swallowed, drinking it down. Stephanie continued to suck on me the entire time she came, not stopping even after she was spent. It was only the lack of thrusting that told Mistress that she was done.

"Good girl, Stephanie. Now quit sucking," she said, slowly, carefully removing her gloved hand from Stephanie’s bottom. She led Stephanie to the bed and had her lie down on her back to catch her breath.

Mistress came back around and looked down at me.

"You have cum on your lips, you filthy slut. How did you like that mouthful of juice?"

I couldn’t lie to her. "I loved it, Mistress." She and Ms. Kelly laughed.

"Want to see something funny?" Ms. Kelly asked. "Watch this." Ms. Kelly held a dildo in front of my mouth. I gasped and opened my mouth wide, my tongue flailing about helplessly. "Look at how bad he needs it. Do you need more in your mouth, slut?"

"Oh yes, Mistress. Please!" I begged.

"Please what?" she demanded.

"Please let me have Your cock in my mouth, Mistress. Please let me suck You!"

I couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of me, but I knew they were true. For months Mistress had kept on me, telling me that I needed to think about cocks and how to please them. When she allowed me to masturbate, she instructed me that I was only to think about sucking cock while I did it. And, of course, I had to write down these fantasies in detail for her enjoyment in my journal. She kept a copy of my writings in her desk as blackmail, along with pictures of me sucking her strap-on.

This "insurance" was altogether unnecessary, though, as I had completely given myself over to her power.

"That’s a good little slut," Mistress cooed. "Let her have it."

Ms. Kelly slipped the cock into my mouth and let me suck on it. Shortly she removed it from my mouth only to have it replaced by another. Mistress straddled my face and fed me her strap-on cock. I looked up into her eyes as she tilted her head back, fucking my mouth with abandon.

Meanwhile, Ms. Kelly took my legs up and put them over her shoulders as she slicked my asshole with lube before sliding her own strap-on into my ass. As roughly as Mistress fucked my mouth, Ms. Kelly fucked my ass twice as hard.

After a little while, Mistress looked down at me and said, "You’re taking our cocks very well, Louis. I think you deserve a bit of a reward." She turned around, lowered her ass onto my face and allowed me to lick her tight rosebud.

I felt Ms. Kelly’s thrusts become harder and faster and I imagined how wonderful it would be if she were fucking me with a real cock and were cumming deep in my ass. It was about that time that I felt something on my cock—it could only be the unmistakable sensation of Stephanie’s sweet mouth taking my hard shaft into her warm, wet mouth.

Mistress, once sated by my tongue, stood up and fetched a few towels to place under my head. She then straddled my head once again, this time without her strap-on present. "Keep your eyes locked on mine. You nod when you feel that you’re about to cum, Louis."

It wasn’t long before I nodded to her. Before I knew it, my face and mouth were being flooded with the warm salty nectar of Mistress’s urine as I flooded Stephanie’s mouth with my spunk and Ms. Kelly finished fucking my ass.

The Spring Formal

When I showed up at Mr. and Mrs. Del Vecchio’s house the night of the Spring Formal, they seemed rather surprised to see me. I had been away at college for the last eight months but fully expected that the Del Vecchios would have known that I’d be by to pick up Vickie, their daughter, for the big dance. She and I had dated all throughout high school and I had promised her long ago that I’d take her to this dance when she was a senior, despite me graduating a year ahead of her.

Mrs. Del Vecchio disappeared upstairs for a bit while Mr. Del Vecchio regaled me with stories of cleaning his gutters. When Vickie came downstairs, she looked like something out of a storybook. She wore a long, yellow dress. Her hair was up with ringlets playing at the side of her beautiful face. She wore opera gloves with a corsage on her wrist. This gave me pause as I looked at the corsage I was holding in my hands for her.

Something seemed different about Vickie. When I left her in the fall, she still seemed like an innocent. This new Vickie had a harder edge about her. I could tell by the steely look in her eyes and the set of her jaw.

She noticed the corsage and rolled her eyes ever-so-slightly before saying, "Looks like my ride is here. I was wondering if you’d show up. Otherwise, I’d be driving myself to the dance."

Mrs. and Mr. Del Vecchio exchanged some awkward pleasantries with me before Vickie grabbed her wrap and started to leave. The Del Vecchios started for their camera but Vickie told them that she wasn’t in the mood for pictures.

"Though, I will take your camera," she said, liberating it from her mother.

Vickie stood by the door of my car, waiting for me to open the door for her, apparently. I did so, though she gave me a reproachful glare as if I hadn’t done it fast enough.

She remained rather quiet despite my attempts at conversation and she outright refused to give me a hello kiss. It took a while before she was ready to talk.

"I wondered if you’d have the guts to show up," she said. "I don’t know if you’re crazy or stupid or both."

I had no idea what she was talking about. It was as if she had a conversation with me sometime in the past that I couldn’t recall. She seemed like she was in such a bad mood, though, I didn’t want to set her off. I assumed that she had to be PMS-ing and knew that I was in for a long night.

Coming back to my old high school definitely felt strange. I was so beyond this place. Yet, there I was with my old high school sweetheart and all of the other kids who were one year younger than me. But, there was someone else there that stood out like a sore thumb.

Standing up as we came in, he stood a little over six-feet tall and had the face of a man, not a boy. Something in the way he held himself betrayed that he was uncomfortable wearing a suit. He was smiling broadly when we walked in and I looked behind me to see if he was looking at someone back there. Rather, he held open his arms and Vickie ran to him, greeting him with a big hug and an open mouthed kiss that took me aback.

I was stopped, dead in my tracks. I felt a hand on my elbow. It was Deanna, Vickie’s best friend and co-worker. I had always shared a mutual dislike with her. She lead me over to Vickie and her, uh, friend. I was hoping for Deanna to introduce this man as her own boyfriend.

"Lou," Deanna said, her voice dripping with disdain, "this is Anthony."

The big man offered me his hand and shook it firmly. He pulled me close to him during the handshake and said quietly, "I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m glad you showed up."

Anthony took a seat with Vickie to one side and Deanna to the other. The three of them were thick as thieves. I sat across from them at our little table and wondered what the hell was going on.

Anthony reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a flask which he used to freshen the girls’ drinks, along with his own. He tipped it toward me, to offer me whatever it was, but I declined. I had never seen Vickie or Deanna ever drink before; they had both been ardent members of S.A.D. (Students Against Drinking) when last I saw them. Now they were guzzling their spiked soft drinks and going back to Anthony for more.

Vickie was a little tipsy when she and Anthony left for the dance floor. It was so loud in the hall that I couldn’t hear anything that they said and now I strained to hear Deanna as she yelled across the table to me.

I only managed to hear snatches of what she said. I tried hard to catch everything but only came away with, "both of us," "more than enough," "a month after you left," "finally satisfied," and what sounded like, "truckload." She leaned back after her tirade with a self-satisfied grin on her face. She looked like a lioness who had been batting around her food and now was enjoying the damage she had inflicted.

I felt absolutely helpless as I sat and watched Vickie and Anthony out on the dance floor. She was grinding against him and he was grinding right back in a lurid display. Even though she was dancing with another man, my feelings of lust overcame my sense of jealousy. Vickie had never been overly sexual with me. She was raised Catholic and was always hesitant to go further than "first base" with me. I wheedled and whined enough to get a few handjobs from her and even rubbed my finger along her vagina (only on the outside) once. The thing she loved to do, now that I thought about it, was grind up against me. She would give herself fabric burn from her jeans as she rubbed herself to orgasm against my leg in my parents’ basement.

I watched now as she ground her pelvis against Anthony and knew that she had gone much farther with him. There wasn’t a doubt. And, from what Deanna had said, it sounded like Anthony had gone as far with her as well. Deanna had once had a crush on me but I wasn’t able to reciprocate since I couldn’t stand her. Ever since then she had played the vicious flirt with me, always being inappropriate around anyone I was going out with. She had gotten her claws into Vickie shortly before I left for college and it looked like this new relationship with Anthony was her doing.

I don’t know why I didn’t just storm out of there. This was humiliating beyond measure. Yet, I was riveted. I don’t know if it was some kind of masochistic drive that kept me there but I needed to see what would happen and felt, somewhere, that this was all justified. I had left Vickie, and Deana seemed to swoop in while I was away and turned her into...this.

When Anthony and Vickie returned to the table, they were both visibly winded and aroused. The lump in Anthony’s trousers was almost as big as the lump in my throat that I tried hard to swallow.

"Let’s go," Anthony said and the four of us left the hall. Vickie led us straight to my car.

"You drive," Anthony told me. He and Vickie got into the back seat while Deanna sat next to me. Deanna started giving me directions. In my rearview mirror I watched as Anthony and Vickie started making out. Her hand went to the front of his trousers immediately and she began rubbing him through the material of his pants the way she used to do to me only months before.

What happened next had never happened between us. Vickie fished Anthony’s cock out of his pants, her hands still in her elbow-length gloves, before she hunched over to take it into her mouth.

Deanna looked from that scene to my face before telling me that I should keep my eyes on the road at least half of the time. "Plus, there’ll be plenty of time to watch Vickie sucking on Anthony later."

Without quite knowing where I was going (but somehow listening to where Deanna told me to turn), the four of us ended up at the luxurious Hilton Hotel near the convention center a few cities over. Anthony already had a room reserved, though I was the one who ended up putting it on my credit card as we checked in. While I waited for the clerk to process my paperwork, Deanna, Vickie, and Anthony stood nearby; his beefy arms around the pair of them as they whispered and laughed together. Vickie’s hair, still piled high on her head, had begun to come unraveled a bit, thanks to Anthony holding her mouth down over his cock in my backseat. The threesome stayed as thick as thieves as we took the interminable elevator ride up to our suite.

As soon as we entered, Anthony produced his flask again and filled two of the glasses atop the mini-bar for Deanna and Vickie.

He dry swallowed a blue pill while the two gulped their drinks like the unsophisticated teens they were before Anthony told them, "All right girls, it’s show time."

Without further provocation, they both fell to their knees, their formal dresses billowing out around them. Deanna and Vickie began kissing passionately in a flurry of hair, hands, and tongues. Soon their dresses were off of them and they were pressing their bare breasts together. Anthony was obviously enjoying the show as he reached into his pants and unleashed his aroused member. He began stroking himself with one hand, his flask in the other, as Vickie and Deanna topped onto their sides in a heap of sybaritic passion. I couldn’t help but get turned on, too, as I saw Deanna putting her hand under Vickie’s skirt and hearing my "date" squeal with delight.

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