Freehold (30 page)

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Authors: William C. Dietz

Tags: #Science Fiction/Fantasy

BOOK: Freehold
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With considerable misgivings, Stell had waited for the Navy shuttle to touch down. And when it had rolled to a stop, and Jones had emerged, Stell didn't know whether to heave a sigh of relief, or shake in his boots. From their brief encounter on Fabrica, he knew that the Commander was no fool. If he wanted to, Jones could take their story apart in a few hours. So the question was, “What did the naval officer want to do?” More than a day had passed, and Stell still wasn't sure. Jones had asked a lot of pointed questions, yet he'd failed to follow up on many of them, and hadn't really pressed his investigation beyond gentle conversation. So they had decided on a low-key approach. Jones seemed most comfortable with Stell, probably because of their common military background, so Bram had begged off when invited to dinner, hoping that in the relaxed setting of Olivia's villa, the whole matter could be laid to rest.

As though reading Stell's mind, Jones said, “I hope you'll forgive me if I abuse your hospitality by talking business for a moment.”

“Don't be silly, Commander,” Olivia answered. “We don't stand on formality out here. Can I get you some more coffee?”

Jones shook his head. “No thank you, Olivia. But if you'd both indulge me, I'd like to wrap up a few things.”

“By all means, John,” Stell replied. “What's on your mind?”

Jones smiled, his perfect white teeth complementing his brown skin. “It's no secret that I came here to look things over. As you either knew, or suspected, Intersystems has accused Freehold, and specifically the brigade, of attacking its Sector Headquarters disguised as pirates, and making off with a good deal of money and other valuables. If that's true, it would constitute a crime of enormous proportions, and would force the Imperial Navy to occupy Freehold, to try and punish its leaders, and probably to give it back to Intersystems Incorporated.”

such accusations were true,” Stell replied politely. “And it would require some proof.”

Jones nodded in agreement. “Exactly. And proof seems difficult to come by. Unfortunately, both the Intersystems Military Commander, who I understand was once a member of your brigade, and Executive Kance-Jones were killed during the raid on Sector Headquarters. Perhaps they could've shed some light on this situation.” He shrugged. “Well, let's see if I've got this right. After I left Fabrica, you completed your transaction with Nars, unloaded your thermium, and were paid in cash. At that point a group of heavily armed pirates got the drop on you, took the money, and left you to die of oxygen deprivation, You, however, managed to get off Fabrica, catch the escaping pirates, and recover your money. You took their DE, now in orbit around Freehold, and sent them packing in a lifeboat. At this point you sent one of your officers, Captain Mosley I think it was, along with Comptroller Mueller to Intersystems Corporate Headquarters on Terra where they will make Freehold's annual payment. Is that correct?”

“That's about the size of it,” Stell agreed with a forced smile. Inside, he was numb. Jones obviously didn't believe a word of it. They were about to lose everything that they had fought for.

The naval officer's face was absolutely serious as he looked from one to the other. “You were very lucky to get your money back. In my report, I'm going to suggest that the attack on you, and the attack on Intersystems, may be part of a larger pattern. Who knows? Maybe they'll let us slap a few pirates around ... I'd enjoy that. Anyway, I guess I have a hard time believing that the same people I saw selling thermium on Fabrica would rush off and attack Intersystems Headquarters. So don't worry, you're not about to play host to Admiral Keaton's fleet.”

Stell heaved a sigh of relief. “I'm glad to hear that, Commander ... and thank you.”

Jones stood and placed his napkin on the table. “Don't thank me, General. I'm just doing my duty. And speaking of duty, I hear it calling. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed dinner.”

As they walking Jones to the front door, where a brigade air car waited to take him back to First Hole, Olivia said, “I hope you'll come back and stay for a while sometime, Commander ... we've got lots of room.”

“I'd like that,” Jones replied as they reached the air car. “But maybe I'd better wait until after the honeymoon. I hear you two plan to get married.”

Stell and Olivia looked at each other, before turning back to smile at him. “As soon as possible,” Stell said.

“Well, then,” Jones said, pulling a small packet from a pocket, and reaching out to hand it to Stell. “I didn't have a chance to buy a wedding present, but perhaps you'll accept this in its stead, along with my wishes for a long and happy marriage.” With a cheerful wave and a smile, he stepped into the air car. The driver skimmed a polite distance away before pulling the nose up, hitting the throttles, and roaring off toward the horizon.

“What is it?” Olivia asked curiously.

Stell carefully unwrapped several layers of paper. Inside he found a photograph. Because the hidden surveillance camera which had taken it was equipped with a very good lens, the picture was crystal clear. There was no mistaking either his face, or the Intersystems logo behind him that decorated the wall of the admin complex. Stell looked at Olivia and she at him. Together, they looked up at the distant speck of the disappearing air car and waved. Turning, they entered the villa hand in hand. It felt good to be home.

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Copyright © 1987 by William C. Dietz

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