Friends & Lovers Trilogy (23 page)

Read Friends & Lovers Trilogy Online

Authors: Bethany Lopez

Tags: #new adult contemporary, #friends lovers trilogy texas

BOOK: Friends & Lovers Trilogy
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Roni shot back right away and said that she
was having dinner with her brother at the bar.

Are you back? You should
totally come join us.”

Okay, I’ll be right

Nicole brushed her teeth; freshened up her
makeup, and put on one of the tops that Roni had made her buy last
time they’d gone shopping.

It was a floral print that looked sweet off,
but the cut was low enough to show off her ample cleavage and
became much sexier when it was on.

She was hoping Kent would not be satisfied
with a peck on the forehead when he saw her tonight.

She hurried over to the bar, then paused
suddenly nervous before opening the big wooden door.

Nicole breathed in deeply, then went inside
and looked around as her eyes adjusted to the dark room.

She walked around the hostess stand, looking
around the booths as she searched for Roni and Kent.

She saw him standing at the bar talking to
Pete. He looked so good, perfectly groomed, well dressed, and sexy
as sin.

She started to walk over to him, when she
noticed a perky little red head saunter up to Kent and say
something, causing him to turn to her.

It was obvious that the girl was flirting
with him. She had her chest pushed out, head cocked, and she was
twirling a lock of that striking hair around her finger, as she
looked up at Kent with big eyes and a sexy smile on her face. When
Nicole saw the girls tongue dart out and lick her lips, the feeling
went out of her body and her head felt like it was going to explode
with jealousy.

Kent just looked down at the little siren
and gave her a polite smile as he shook his head, then turned back
to give his full attention to Pete, leaving the girl standing

When the girl frowned, then turned and
stomped off, Nicole couldn’t stop the smile that broke out over her

A sigh of relief escaped her, and the
feeling slowly began to return to her body.

She hurried happily over to Kent and tapped
him on the shoulder.

Look sweetheart, I’m
sorry, but I’m just not…” Kent stopped talking when he realized it
was Nicole standing next to him.

Nicole knew she wasn’t being subtle, but
couldn’t stop herself from going into his arms. She was so happy to
see him.

Kent’s arms came tightly around her and he
pulled her in for a hug. She breathed in the scent of him and
closed her eyes as she let the pleasure course through her.

Hey, Nic,” Kent said into
her ear. “Did you just get back?”

She pulled back and nodded up at him. His
eyes were drawn immediately to her cleavage. Since she was still
pulled up against him, she could feel the reaction his body had to
the sight of her exposed breasts, and she couldn’t help the thrill
that started at her toes and raced upwards.

Kent cleared his throat and backed up a
step. “It’s good to see you. Did you have fun?”

Nicole couldn’t stop but smile at his
attempt to get space. “Yes, it was great. Bree and Colin are just
wonderful.” She answered as she closed the gap between them and put
her arms around his neck.

I missed you,” She said
softly as she stood on her tip toes and pressed her lips to

Kent slowly smiled at her and admitted, “I
missed you too.”

Nicole beamed at that and said, “Good.”

Kent chuckled at her, then looked up at the
sound of his sister calling his name.

Roni was waving at them from her booth, so
they walked over to join her.

Sheesh, I was beginning to
wonder if you guys were going to stand over there and make out all
night, or if you were going to join me for dinner.” Roni gestured
at the food that was waiting at the table, but she smiled to soften
her words, as she jumped out of the booth and grabbed Nicole in a

Welcome back. Was it
great? Are they happy? Do they have a great place?” Roni shot the
questions out, causing Nicole to laugh as she sat down next to Kent
in the booth.

Nicole put her hand on Kent’s leg and
squeezed before leaving it there to rest. She was acutely aware of
the heat generating from them as she answered Roni.

Yes, it was great. They
are totally happy, and their apartment is awesome. They have a gym
and a pool and it’s just a walk away from all of the restaurants
and bars downtown. You will definitely have to come next

Definitely,” Roni agreed.
“Here have half of mine; you know I’ll never be able to eat it

Okay, thanks,” Nicole said
as Roni began splitting her BLT and fries.

So, did anything fun
happen while I was gone?” Nicole asked as she picked up her

Roni grinned and winked at her brother.
“Kent had poker night.”

Oh,” Nicole began as she
noticed the dirty look that Kent shot Roni. “Did something happen

Kent looked at her and shook his head,
before shooting another dirty look at Roni, who just giggled.

No, it was no big deal,
just poker night.”

Nicole decided to let it go for now.

Kent took a bite of his burger, and when
Nicole reached a finger up to brush a bit of mustard from the
corner of his mouth, he turned his intense gaze on her.

She smiled saucily up at him and touched her
finger to her lips, letting her tongue dart out to lick the mustard
off of her finger.

He cleared his throat, his eyes never
leaving her mouth, and she felt heat run through her, making her
wonder who she was trying to drive crazy him, or herself?

Hello???” Roni said
loudly. “Sister slash roommate is still right here in the booth
with you, trying to eat her dinner. I’d hate to see you two after a
week apart.”

Nicole flushed with embarrassment, but Kent
just grinned at Roni.

Don’t be jealous, Roni.”
He teased. “Rich will be home before you know it.”

Roni rolled her eyes and said, “Please. Rich
is the last guy I’d be interested in.”

Nicole smiled as the twins bantered back and
forth. She finished her food and placed her hand on her stomach to
try and calm the nerves there.

She took a deep breath and smiled up at Kent
through her eyelashes. “You have any plans for the rest of the

He looked over at her, a wary expression on
his face. “No, why?”

She picked her hand up and ran it through
her hair, watching him as he tracked her progress. “Well, I haven’t
seen your place yet,” She began. “I was hoping to get an

You mean just the two of
us?” Kent asked, glancing at Roni, who just shook her head at

Of course just the two of
you, you Dolt,” Roni said in exasperation. “I’m not tagging along
to watch the two of you paw at each other.”

Nicole couldn’t help but laugh at Kent’s
reaction to Roni’s words. It was almost as if he was afraid to be
alone with her.

She couldn’t help but tease him,

Kent looked down at his plate, then back
into Nicole’s eyes. “I can handle it if you can.”

Nicole smiled at him, but she couldn’t help
but hope that he was right. That they would both be able to handle
what she had planned for them that night.

Chapter Fourteen


They dropped Roni
off and took the short trip just outside of town
to Kent’s house.

It was a nice house, well-maintained, with a
well-manicured lawn. Nicole took in the large tree in the front
yard, the wrap-around porch, and the wooden Adirondack chairs
poised around the porch.

She loved his house immediately.

It had a comfortable, cozy look, and looked
like a wonderful place to just be.

Kent seemed nervous as they walked up to the
front door, which was uncharacteristic of him. She wasn’t sure if
he was nervous to show her his house, or nervous to be alone with
her, but Nicole couldn’t help but feel a little pleased at his
nerves. She hoped it meant that he didn’t think of her as just any

Kent unlocked the door, then stepped back to
allow her to enter.

Nicole was surprised when she walked in,
although she probably shouldn’t have been. Kent took care of
himself and was always put together well; she should have realized
that he would want his living space to be the same way.

She loved the fact that it was neat and
clean, even though he’d had no idea she was coming over. She loved
the muted tones and the leather furniture. It was definitely a male
space, but still had a feeling of comfort.

She couldn’t stop the sound of pleasure that
escaped her when she walked into the kitchen. She ran her hand
along the granite countertop and appreciated the glass front

It’s really beautiful,
Kent.” Nicole looked at him, then pleasure apparent on her

He smiled down at her. His hand came up and
softly caressed her face. “Would you like a glass of wine?”

Sure,” She said, then
turned to check out the rest of his house. “You have great

He walked up to her and handed her a glass
of red wine, then gestured to the couch.

Would you like to sit

Nicole nodded and sank into the comfortable
leather couch. She took a sip of wine, then set it on the coaster
on the end table.

Kent sat next to her, careful to keep a bit
of distance between them.

Nicole scooted closer and reached over to
place her hand on his thigh.

Kent flinched slightly at her touch.

What’s going on?” Nicole
couldn’t keep the question to herself any longer. The mixed signals
were driving her crazy.

Kent looked at her, a small frown on his
face. “What do you mean?”

You haven’t kissed me
since I told you that I was a virgin. You’ve barely touched me at
all. Have you changed your mind about wanting to see

Kent placed one hand over hers and used the
other to tilt her head up towards him, so he could look directly in
her eyes.

No, I haven’t changed my
mind, Nic. I really like you.”

Then what is it? Why won’t
you kiss me?”

This is going to sound
crazy,” Kent began, running his hand through his hair as he tried
to gather his words. “I’m afraid to touch you.”

What?” Nicole asked
bewildered. “Why?”

I haven’t had to worry
about controlling myself since I was fifteen, Nic. I want to touch
you, and kiss you, God knows I do, but I’m afraid I’ll push you
further than you want me to.”

Nicole turned her whole body towards him and
placed a hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at her.

I trust you,

I don’t know if I can
trust myself.” He responded truthfully. “I want you, Nic. More than
I’ve ever wanted anyone.”

Hot flames licked through her body at his

I want you too, Kent,”
Nicole said honestly. “We can still satisfy each other, even though
we can’t have sex.”

His eyes darkened as they traveled over her
face, then lower, then back up again. He shook his head,
contradicting the expression on his face. “I can’t… I can’t touch
you. I’m afraid I’ll lose control.”

Nicole felt empowered like never before. She
stood up and put her hand out, willing him to take it. To put some
faith in both of them and go with her.

Kent looked at her hand, then back at her
face, pondering his decision before finally reaching out and
allowing her to guide him off of the couch and towards his

She led him to the bed and motioned for him
to sit.

You don’t have to touch
me,” Nicole said huskily, her adrenaline fueling her with the
confidence that she needed. “I’ll take care of

She pushed at him slightly, so he would sit
further back on the bed. When he was settled up against the
headboard, not saying anything, but following her with his stormy
eyes, she put her hands at the hem of her shirt and lifted it
slowly over her head.

She heard his intake of breath at the site
of her pale pink bra, barely containing her breasts underneath.

Her confidence began to build with each
passing second, so she placed her hands on the button of her jeans,
watching Kent’s reaction as she slowly allowed them to slide down
her legs.

She crawled up onto the bed next to him,
careful not to touch him… Not yet. He warily watched her approach,
and started to say something when she put a finger to his lips and
said, “Shhh. Stop worrying.”

Then she placed her lips to his and allowed
herself to do everything she had been dreaming about since she
first laid eyes on him.

She started softly, her lips barely brushing
his, reveling in the pressure that was slowly building within her.
She peppered kisses along his lips and the corners of his mouth,
before outlining his lips with her tongue.

His mouth opened as his breath caught, and
she took the opportunity to kiss him fully. Her eyes opened to see
his watching her, and a wicked smile played on her lips as she
nipped at him slightly and took his full bottom lip into her mouth
and sucked.

Kent groaned slightly, but made no move to
touch her or try to gain control of the situation.

Nicole moved her mouth from his lips to his
jaw and rained kisses along his jawline, then down his throat.

The soft humming sound that Kent was making
in the back of his throat triggered something in her, and the
teasing turned to hunger.

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