Frog and Friends (4 page)

Read Frog and Friends Online

Authors: Eve Bunting

BOOK: Frog and Friends
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“Goodbye,” Frog said. “Nice to meet you.” Then, happy once more, he swam round and round his pond.

After that he took a nap.

Dear Parents,

All children learn to read at their own pace and in their own way. Some children dive in successfully while others seem to struggle. Regardless of your child's stage of development, this book can be shared together. Although Frog and Friends is designed to be a beginning chapter book for newly independent readers, any child can enjoy the stories inside.

Independent Readers:
These children can pick up this book and read, comprehend, and get pleasure from it independently. Allow your child to read the book alone. After you have also read the book, discuss the stories together. Discover which parts your child liked best, and share what you enjoyed. Compare the stories to another book or to a real-life occurrence.

Newly Independent Readers:
These children are very excited to be reading their “first chapter book!” If your child is at this stage, begin by introducing the characters and concepts in the stories. Following your introduction, listen to your child read the book aloud, and offer assistance when needed. Allow your child to look at the pictures to enhance each story and aid in comprehension. Although this book is considered to be a beginning chapter book, it is really a collection of stories. If your child does not have the endurance to read the entire book, just one of the three stories can be read in a sitting.

Nonreaders and Emergent Readers:
These children are not yet ready to tackle the length and depth of this book alone. Instead, read the stories to your child. As you read, ask your child to predict what will happen next. Discuss the plot, characters, and pictures, and talk about what your child likes about each story. Enjoy reading together!

Visit for beginning reader strategies and tips to help your child learn to read.

Joy L. Towner
Professor of Education
Judson University, Elgin, IL

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